"Hee hee, Dr. Hannah, don't forget! I'm a mercenary, and it's my mission to complete the mission!"

In fact, Jessica knew that without Su Yan, it would be impossible for her to obtain the source of wood spirits by herself.

Moreover, most of the gene stock solution was recaptured from Rimbaud's hands, and it was also Su Yan's credit.

After all, without Su Yan, she would not be qualified to meet Rimbaud at all.

Thinking of this, she thought of Su Yan again.

Feeling guilty again.

Su Yan has done enough for her.

However, in order to save the children, she had to do so.

In this way, without the genetic stock solution, Su Yan's wish to return to Blue Star would not be fulfilled.

"I'll go find him after I save the children!" Jessica suddenly had such a thought in her heart. "Five Thirty"

So, the two hurried to get to work.

The vitality of the source of wood spirits is endless, and immediately eradicates the children's wounds quickly.

However, the source of sleepy spirit can only recover from injuries.

But it doesn't cure children's inability to act on their own at the genetic level.

Now, the children are still "the walking dead".

Therefore, in order for the children to regain their normal bodies.

Hannah picked up the genetic stock solution and acted.

As long as she is given a certain amount of time, she will be able to analyze the reasons for changing the genes.

Heal the children completely.

At the same time, Jessica walked out of the cave and began to inspect the surrounding area.

Although there are not many strange beasts in this area.

Moreover, the location of the cave is very hidden.

However, be careful sailing for thousands of years.

Now not only Rimbaud's forces are looking for her outside.

The Nordic organization has also been looking for her.

Had to be careful.

However, at this moment, Jessica spotted an unexpected figure in the jungle.

"Uncle, why are you here!"

That figure was none other than Wen Peng.

Seeing Jessica appear, Wen Peng shook his head helplessly.

"Miss Jessica, I finally found you."

"You are really capable. You can actually steal something from Rimbaud!"

In fact, Wen Peng didn't know much about Rimbaud's power.

However, anyone can see that Rimbaud is powerful.

Moreover, what Rimbaud cherishes most is his collection.

Being able to steal something from Rimbaud is not something that can be done casually.

Although Jessica's level is not high, Wen Peng has to admire her 'stealing' technique from the bottom of her heart.

Learned that Jessica stole the gene stock solution.

In a rage, Rimbaud chased him out alone.

That terrifying movement speed, this cannot capture at all.

Moreover, Su Yan followed suit.

Wenpeng couldn't keep up with the speed of the two of them.

In desperation, I had to look for it alone.

By mistake, he was actually found by him.

At this time, although Wen Peng was annoyed by Jessica's repeated deceptions.

But he can actually understand that Jessica is not a bad person in essence.

Perhaps, she also has some difficulties.

After getting in touch with each other during this period, Peng and Su Yan no longer have any hostility toward Jessica.

However, he also wanted to hear Jessica's explanation.

What is she doing it for.

Jessica also felt very sorry for the two of them in her heart, so she stopped hiding and told everything.

In his bones, Wen Peng is naturally an upright person.

Especially when it comes to harming fellow human beings, I hate it the most!

When he heard that the Nordic organization had sacrificed hundreds of young children in order to gain power.

Immediately, he couldn't help but get angry.

Directly and angrily punched the big tree beside him.

"The beast!! How dare you do this!!"

At the same time, Wen Peng also understood Jessica immediately.

He felt that if it was him, he would sacrifice everything in order to save the children.

At this time, Wen Peng couldn't help but respect Jessica and Hannah from the bottom of his heart.

The two of them are of low strength.

Also dare to fight against powerful forces.

Besides, it is really not easy to do this step.

Jessica asked about Su Yan's whereabouts.

However, at this time, the text does not know where it is at all.

When Su Yan left, he didn't even take the animal skin bag full of level four heteronuclei.

Now, it is also carried on the shoulders by Wen Peng.

"One day, we will definitely meet again..." Jessica murmured.

learned of the tragic experiences of the children.

The passionate Wen Peng also joined Jessica and Hannah.

He didn't know how to treat children.

However, what he is best at is doing some 'rough work'.

Therefore, in the past few days, he has been in charge of patrolling, hunting and killing strange animals, and solving the important tasks of food.

In this way, the treatment of the children proceeded in an orderly manner.

However, Jessica Wenpeng and others did not realize it.

Danger is coming.

"Jessica! Get out!"

A roar like thunder resounded through the sky.

In the cave, violent vibrations could be felt immediately.

Jessica and Hannah are staying together,

There was involuntary panic on his face.

"Oops! It's Rimbaud, he's found us!"

The two immediately realized that Rimbaud hadn't found the entrance to the cave.

However, it could be felt that Rimbaud was constantly attacking the top of the cave.

The attack of the tenth-order peak!

Enough to level a mountain.

The inside of the cave was suddenly crumbling.


"It can't go on like this anymore! I'll go and see!" Jessica's face became serious.

"Jessica!" Hannah grabbed her arm aside.

At this time, the two exchanged a look.

They all understood that Rimbaud came for Jessica.

Jessica steals Rimbaud's stuff.

Rimbaud's wrath must be endured.

In order to keep the children, Jessica may not be able to escape anymore.


In front of the mighty Rimbaud, even if he tried to escape, he couldn't escape at all.

In this way, only.

Sacrifice Jessica.

Jessica's eyes were full of determination, without the slightest hesitation.

Hannah naturally understood the pros and cons.

Tears glistened in her eyes.

"Jessica...be careful.".

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