"Provoking Meizu? No, I think you misunderstood. I have no intention of provoking Meizu."

Under the gaze of everyone, Ling Yun said calmly.

Hearing this, Qiu Qianshan breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Ling Yun had understood what he meant and decided to take a step back and shake hands with him to make peace.

Everyone in the Yu clan was a little disappointed.

It seems that Ling Yun doesn't want to offend Meizu.

But when they thought about it again, they couldn't help but laugh at themselves secretly.

Ling Yun is not a member of the Yu Clan, so what qualifications does the Yu Clan have to let Ling Yun offend the Mei Clan for them.

No matter what you say, Meizu is one of the most powerful forces among the demon clan. It is normal for Ling Yun not to want to offend Meizu.

Ling Yun was willing to come forward to seek justice for Murong Chui, and even killed a Mei clan genius. This was already commendable, and the Yu clan should be grateful.

Just when people were thinking this, they heard Ling Yun's voice: "A mere Meizu is worthy of being provoked by me?"


All the demon cultivators of Meizu were furious.

Qiu Qianshan's expression also changed drastically.

Deep down in his heart, he really wanted to step down from the same level as Ling Yun.

But now, Ling Yun made it clear that he didn't want to give him face.

Even if he felt guilty, he would never give in.

In that case, he, the Meizu elder, will no longer have dignity in the future, and he will definitely become the laughing stock of all the monsters in the world.

"Your strength is extraordinary, but don't you think that your words are too much?"

Qiu Qianshan immediately snorted and said: "I, the Meizu, have more than twenty masters like me, and there are even Poxu masters.

Even if you are really strong, how can you still fight against the entire Mei clan on your own? "

"So much nonsense."

Ling Yun didn't bother to waste any more words, "The Yu Clan Sword Spirit, this matter started with your Yu Clan, so you can resolve it yourself."

He really didn't bother to compete with these so-called Meizu masters, it was really a loss of status.

Upon hearing this, Qiu Qianshan's pupils shrank.

In addition to him, the other demon cultivators present also realized something, and they all showed surprise and uncertainty.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a ray of light flying out from Feiyu Hall.

In just a moment, this light appeared in front of the demon cultivators. It was a strange white feather-like sword.

"Lord Sword Spirit."

The demon cultivators of the Yu Clan were overjoyed, and some members of the Yu Clan even cried with joy.

Even Murong Chui's mind was shocked and he looked at this scene in disbelief.

Before, he went to Feiyu Palace to look for Ling Yun and told him about the arrival of the Meizu. Ling Yun only told him that he didn't need to worry about it and didn't say much more in detail.

Therefore, Murong Chui also didn't know before that Ling Yun had actually repaired the Yu clan sword spirit.

Now that the Yu Clan Sword Spirit appears, and the aura it exudes, although it has not yet reached its heyday, it is clearly out of danger and appears to be very stable.

Murong Chui also felt strongly excited about this.


The Yu Clan Sword Spirit didn't say anything, but showed its attitude with practical actions.

The pressure of breaking the void level burst out from it, slamming down on the Meizu demon cultivators.

The demon cultivators of the Meizu tribe felt like they were carrying a mountain, they were so crushed that they couldn't breathe.

Bang bang bang...

In the end, all the Meizu demon cultivators could no longer hold on, and their knees were all pressed to the ground.

"The Feather Clan Sword Spirit!"

The eyes of many Meizu demon cultivators were red and full of rage.

But they dare not express it.

Meizu is very strong and has enough power to take revenge on Yuzu and help them wash away their shame today.

But right now, their lives are in the hands of the Yu Clan Sword Spirit. If they really want to anger the Yu Clan Sword Spirit, if the latter kills them, it will be too late for them to regret it.

Therefore, they can only choose to be patient.

At the same time, many Meizu demon cultivators looked at Tong Guan angrily.

It was Tong Guan who told them that the Yu Clan's sword spirits were on the verge of death and were in absolute weakness, so they dared to oppress the Yu Clan so unscrupulously.

But now, looking at the posture of the Yu clan sword spirit, wherever there is any sign of weakness, it is clear that it is almost recovered.

If they had known this, how could they dare to come to the Yu Clan and act so recklessly.

The reason why Meizu didn't dare to go too far towards the Yu Clan in the past was because they were worried about the Yu Clan's sword spirits.

And then, the Yu clan sword spirits continued to oppress the Mei clan demon cultivators.

These demon cultivators from Meizu are not stupid either.

They soon realized that the key to the matter lay with Ling Yun.

"Your Excellency Ling Yun, today is our fault. We should not have offended you. Gongsun Yang is more than worthy of his death. Please forgive us. We will retreat now and we will never dare to disturb you again."

Qiu Qianshan endured the humiliation and apologized to Ling Yun.

Because he was pressed by the Yu clan sword spirit, he could only lie half on the ground, looking like he was kneeling to Ling Yun.

This made him feel even more furious and impotent.

"I run up to others to act wild and show off, and then find out I kicked the iron plate, so I want to apologize verbally. Is there such a good thing in this world?"

Ling Yun said with a half-smile.

Qiu Qianshan immediately understood what Ling Yun meant.

The other party is clearly taking the opportunity to blackmail them, and the price he needs to pay must not be small.

Unfortunately, he had no choice.

After all, there was a terrifying sword hanging above their heads in the sky.

Qiu Qianshan immediately gritted his teeth and took out a box: "Your Excellency Ling Yun, in this box is an ancient ginseng of Poxu level. I am willing to dedicate it to you to show my sincerity of apology."

“It’s good stuff, but it’s not enough.”

Ling Yun looked cold, "Keep your Void Ring and get out."

Qiu Qianshan's eyes widened. He didn't expect that Ling Yun would be so greedy and actually wanted his entire Void Ring.

As an elder of the Meizu, he naturally has a lot of good things in his Void Ring.

"My patience is not very good. Leave the void ring within three breaths and then get out, otherwise you don't have to leave."

Ling Yun said.


Qiu Qianshan felt a chill in his heart and did not dare to hesitate at all.

He made a prompt decision, placed the void ring on the ground, and then left with the Meizu demon cultivators.

When they arrived outside Feiyu City, the expressions of all the Meizu demon cultivators changed.

They had suppressed their emotions before, but now they no longer had any worries, and a violent aura emerged from each of them.

"Damn it, that damn Ling Yun dared to kill Senior Brother Gongsun. I will cut him into pieces."

The Meizu woman in red had a twisted face.

"Today's shame is not only a shame for this elder and you, but also a shame for me, Meizu. We will definitely avenge this."

Qiu Qianshan said in a cold voice: "Moreover, it's not just Ling Yun who deserves to die, the Yu clan is also the accomplice of the tiger, and we can't let him go either."

"Elder Qiu, what should we do?"

The Meizu woman in red said.

"I can't make the decision on this matter."

Qiu Qianshan said: "No one could have imagined that the Yu clan sword spirit would actually recover. This matter must be reported immediately and let my clan leader and others make a decision."

the other side.

Inside Feiyu City.

Looking at the departing figures of the demon cultivators from the Mei Clan, the demon cultivators from the Yu Clan lost their minds for a while, feeling quite unreal.

Today they all have a feeling of impending disaster.

Who would have thought that things would turn around like this.

First, Ling Yun showed great strength that far exceeded their expectations, and then the Yu clan sword spirit appeared.

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