Awakening the Eternal Heaven-Swallowing Art

Chapter 1473 Death from Poisoning

However, as soon as the golden eagle took to the air, Bai Mo's body became stiff again.

She turned her head and looked at Ling Yun in disbelief: "Did you poison me?"

Silver Bones can resist physical attacks, but not poison.

Ling Yun clearly mixed poison into Ling Gang.

When Ling Yun's spiritual power pierced the center of her eyebrows, the poison hidden in Ling Yun's spiritual power penetrated into her blood.

And this poison is extremely terrifying.

In the blink of an eye, the poison has taken effect.

After hearing Bai Mo's words, the others realized that the blood flowing from Bai Mo's eyebrows turned black in the blink of an eye.

This undoubtedly proves Bai Mo's conversation that she was really poisoned.

Not to mention the warriors on Bai Mo's side, even the warriors on Chaoyan's side looked at Ling Yun with strange eyes.

People found that they no longer knew how to evaluate Ling Yun.

Judging from the battle between Ling Yun and Bai Mo just now, Ling Yun clearly has an absolute advantage.

As a result, under this situation, Ling Yun actually wanted to poison Bai Mo.

This is simply too much caution.

Ling Yun looked calm, thinking this was normal.

The goshawk pounces on the rabbit, but it still needs all its strength.

Not to mention that the gap between Bai Mo and him was not as exaggerated as that between Rabbit and Goshawk.

It seems that sometimes, his methods are not so harsh.

But this is because the people he targeted in this case were not regarded as his real enemies.

Foam is different.

Her plot against Luo Qianqian just now has truly angered Ling Yun, and Ling Yun regards him as his real enemy.

Ling Yun would always go all out against the real enemy and would not show any contempt.

Facts also prove it.

His move was correct.

If he hadn't poisoned Bai Mo just now, then Bai Mo would have escaped.

Of course, Ling Yun would not explain anything to Bai Mo.

He looked at Bai Mo indifferently and said, "Facts have proved that I can still kill you."


Foaming and spitting blood on his back.

Immediately afterwards, her body fell from the golden eagle.

After Meng Kong, Bai Mo also died.

The black-armored warriors who followed Bai Mo were even more frightened, and they ran away faster than the other.

Ling Yun also did not pursue him.

Soon, only Ling Yun, Luo Qianqian and Chaoyan were left in the forest.

All the scenes seemed to have returned to the time when Bai Mo and others did not appear.

If it weren't for the corpses everywhere on the ground, just looking at this situation, everyone present would simply doubt that they had not encountered anything.

But everyone understands that the situation is different.

Everyone on Chaoyan's side looked at Ling Yun with a change in their eyes.

At first, they were at most afraid of Ling Yun.

But now, it seems to have turned into awe.

The strength and methods shown by Ling Yun before made them scared to the core.

Six hundred black-armored warriors, with two Zhuzhao masters as leaders.


Such a terrifying team was defeated by Ling Yun alone, and it was a tragic defeat.

Both Zhuzhao-level commanders died, and nearly two hundred black-armored warriors died.

At this moment, they didn't know that none of the black-armored warriors who escaped would survive.

In addition to fear, they were also full of admiration and gratitude for Ling Yun.

After all, if it weren't for Ling Yun, they would really be doomed today.

The most embarrassing ones are those who betrayed Chao Yan and took refuge in Bai Mo.

They took refuge in Bai Mo originally to survive.

Unexpectedly, the person they took refuge in was killed by Ling Yun from Chaoyan's side.

Looking at it this way, their behavior is simply stupid.

Bear the stigma of betrayal and take refuge in the weak.

If word of what happened today spreads out, they will definitely become a laughing stock.

"Let's go."

Chao Yan said with a cold expression.

She could understand these people's move to seek refuge in Bai Mo.

But understanding is understanding, and if she is asked to accept these people again, she will definitely not be able to do it.

If these people were allowed to stay with her, she would inevitably feel resentful just thinking about their betrayal.

The faces of the betrayers were extremely complicated.

But they dared not say anything more.

Chaoyan didn't kill them and made sure they left, which was already an extraordinarily merciful act.

"Thank you, Miss Chao."

"If we have the opportunity in the future, we will definitely repay Miss Chao."

All the betrayers said one after another.

"You should not be grateful to me, but to Mr. Ling."

Chao Yan said: "If it were not for Mr. Ling today, you would have no choice but to surrender to Bai Mo, but do you think that after you surrender to Bai Mo, you will still have freedom?

In that case, although they will still be alive in the future, they will only live in the world as slaves and servants. "

"Kindness without saying thanks."

"Young Master Ling's kindness will be unforgettable for us."

The betrayers had no choice but to say to Ling Yun.

Ling Yun didn't even bother to pay attention to these people.

He ignored these people, looked at Chao Yan and said, "Miss Chao, you can continue to lead the way now."

Seeing his calm expression, Chaoyan couldn't help but have another illusion.

It seems that everything that happened before was really just an illusion.

These distracting thoughts were quickly dismissed by Chao Yan.


She took a deep breath and responded respectfully to Ling Yun.

Until this moment, she didn't know that besides Xiang Chengwang, there was also such a terrifying existence hidden among their group of warriors.

In terms of strength, Ling Yun may not be as good as Xiang Chengwang.

But in terms of means, Ling Yun is only stronger than Xiang Chengwang.

At least until now, Xiang Chengwang has not discovered Ling Yun's fear.

On the way.

"Miss Chao, don't you find it strange that Bai Mo and the others can easily find you and Yang Sheng?"

Ling Yun suddenly said.

Chao Yan was slightly stunned.

She had also thought about this question.

However, no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't figure out what was going on.

She had suspected that Xiang Chengwang had left some marks on her.

For this reason, she used various means to investigate, but did not find any clues.

When she came to her senses, Chao Yan said solemnly and sincerely: "Mr. Ling, I really want to know why this is."

"Miss Chao, you should have fought with the vengeful spirit, right?"

Ling Yun did not answer but asked instead.

Chao Yan was very confused. She didn't know why Ling Yun suddenly mentioned this kind of thing, but she still nodded and said: "Yes."

"Miss Chao, the problem lies here."

This time, without Ling Yun's answer, Luo Qianqian spoke up.

Seeing Chao Yan was even more confused, Luo Qianqian solemnly said Ling Yun's judgment: "Xiang Chengwang is very likely to be a demon spirit!"


Chao Yan's body was shocked.

The others around him were also shocked.

Luo Qianqian's words had a huge impact on them.

They thought of countless possibilities for Xiang Chengwang's weirdness, but they never thought of the demon spirit.

Although there are many disasters of resentful spirits in this world, demon spirits are still extremely rare.

For normal people, demon spirits are legendary things, which are extremely far away from them.

So, they would never think that one day the legendary things would appear around them.

"You don't really have any so-called spiritual power or spiritual mark on you."

Luo Qianqian said: "But because Xiang Chengwang is a demon spirit, demon spirits are born to be the master of resentful spirits and can sense all the breath of resentful spirits.

You have fought with resentful spirits, and it is inevitable that you will be stained with the breath of resentful spirits. Then it is too easy for Xiang Chengwang to know your whereabouts."

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