Awakening the Eternal Heaven-Swallowing Art

Chapter 1576 The situation is reversed


Geng Qinghu thought the same.

After Ling Yun avoided his attack, his killing intent became more fierce, and his face looked extremely ferocious.

His attacks became more and more violent.

This attack method has no skills at all.

Geng Qinghu clearly wanted to use his absolute strength advantage to beat Ling Yun to death.

However, he attacked Ling Yun with more than ten consecutive punches, but none of them hit Ling Yun.

This time, even the most ignorant people could see that Ling Yun was not lucky to avoid Geng Qinghu's attack.

Geng Qinghu also realized this.

After more than ten consecutive punches missed, his violent emotions gradually cooled down.

As soon as the violent emotions cooled down, his rationality quickly returned.

He realized that his state was not right.

This way he could not kill Ling Yun.

It's a pity that he reacted too slowly.

As the saying goes: "One punch is strong, the second is weak, and the third is exhausted."

Geng Qinghu's more than ten consecutive punches did not work, and it was not the third time that he was exhausted.

In a short period of time, he was completely exhausted, and his true energy was extremely weak.

And Ling Yun was waiting for this moment.


The Guiyi assassination technique was launched again!

The Star Dragon Sword attacked like lightning.


Geng Qinghu didn't even have time to dodge, and a bloody hole was directly opened in his abdomen.


This time, Geng Qinghu was directly hit hard.


Geng Qinghu was sweating coldly.

He, the number one seat of the Divine Fist Sect, had been stunned by Ling Yun.

He retreated quickly without thinking.

Next, the scene on the ring became very strange.

Geng Qinghu, who was extremely irritable and strong before, became extremely cautious.

The direction of the Divine Fist Sect seat.

The other masters of the Divine Fist Sect looked at each other in surprise.

This situation simply overturned their cognition.

In this eighth district, they claimed to be the absolute overlord.

And Geng Qinghu, the number one seat, was the well-deserved leader among the overlords.

Before meeting Ling Yun, Geng Qinghu had won nine consecutive games without a single defeat.

In advance, people predicted that Geng Qinghu would pass the points selection with a perfect record.

But now that he met Ling Yun, everyone in the Shenquan Sect found that Geng Qinghu's situation was extremely dangerous.

If this battle is not handled well, Geng Qinghu may really lose.

On the ring.

Geng Qinghu became cautious.

Ling Yun changed his previous strategy, and his fighting style became more open and aggressive, actively attacking Geng Qinghu.

Beiming Sword Technique!

He did not use the Guiyi Assassination Technique again.

The consumption of the Guiyi Assassination Technique is too great.

Although a large amount of life energy is stored in the ancestral bone, it cannot be consumed infinitely.

In this ring, he cannot kill easily.

If the opponent admits defeat, he can no longer kill.

This is destined to make it difficult for his ancestral bone energy to be replenished in this Tianwu Conference, and it will only be consumed continuously.

He must use it with caution.

Fortunately, Geng Qinghu has been severely injured by him, and his combat effectiveness has been greatly weakened.

Ling Yun used Bei Ming Sword Technique. Although his power was greatly reduced, he could still pose a threat to Geng Qinghu.

However, the battle was easier than Ling Yun thought.

Geng Qinghu had obviously developed a psychological shadow from Ling Yun's attack.

He didn't know that Ling Yun's power was not as strong as before, and subconsciously thought that Ling Yun's attack was still so terrifying.

And he was seriously injured and could definitely not withstand that kind of attack.

This led to Geng Qinghu constantly dodging in the face of Ling Yun's attack.

The battle between the two was completely reversed at this moment.

This situation caused an uproar in the audience of the eighth district.

"What did I see, Geng Qinghu was scared?"

"Geng Qinghu, aren't you known as the 'tiger' of the Divine Fist Sect? Fight Ling Yun head-on."

"You are a tiger, but you keep hiding. I think you are not a tiger, but a cowardly cat."

"Being forced to this point by a Youying warrior, Geng Qinghu, if I were you, I would just find a piece of tofu and die."

The audience was full of curses.

Every Tianwu meeting is the most popular time for major casinos.

There are naturally people who bet on the competition between Ling Yun and Geng Qinghu.

Originally, those who bet on this competition were just betting for fun.

For this competition, the odds offered by the casino are 1 to 100.

Even so, almost no one bets on Ling Yun to win.

Obviously, in people's eyes, this battle is completely suspenseful, and betting on Ling Yun to win is a sure thing.

And betting on Geng Qinghu to win, in fact, can't make much money.

People bet on Geng Qinghu just to make some pocket money.

As for the dealer, he also believes that Ling Yun will lose, which is why he offers such a high odds.

Of course, it's not that no one bets on Ling Yun.

There are some gamblers who are lucky, but they only bet on a few yuan stones.

The total bets of these people are less than 10,000 yuan stones.

On the other hand, the bets on Geng Qinghu to win add up to 5 billion yuan stones.

In addition, there is also a super large order and a medium order, which bet on Ling Yun to win.

The super large order actually bet 1 billion shi on Ling Yun.

And the middle order bet 20,000 shi.

It can be said that the dealer would not open a betting for this competition.

The reason for opening it was for this super large order.

Many people, like Geng Qinghu, also saw this super large order.

Obviously, this super large order was entrusted by Ling Yun himself to Chao Yan to bet.

But no one knows this point so far.

Before the battle began.

Those who bet on Geng Qinghu to win didn't take it seriously.

They all thought that the person who bet on Ling Yun to win was a fool and was giving them money for nothing.

But now, these people are panicking.

Looking at this situation, Geng Qinghu is likely to lose.

Once Geng Qinghu loses, they will all lose everything.

These voices did not have much impact on Geng Qinghu.

He still maintained his own rhythm and cautiously guarded against Ling Yun's attack.

From this point of view, his willpower is undoubtedly very strong.

Ling Yun frowned.

He kept attacking Geng Qinghu, and the latter kept dodging.

It didn't take long for Ling Yun to understand Geng Qinghu's idea.

Undoubtedly, Geng Qinghu relied on his high cultivation level and wanted to use this method to consume his true energy.

At the same time, the opponent could continue to familiarize himself with his methods in the process.

Ling Yun's mind moved slightly, and he decided to play the game against him.

He pretended not to notice Geng Qinghu's plan and maintained the previous attack frequency.

In this process, the methods he used were boxing and swordsmanship.

This gave people the feeling that he was only proficient in fists and swords.

Moreover, after three minutes, Ling Yun's attack speed began to slow down, and his true energy also weakened.

Geng Qinghu's eyes lit up.

He had been dodging before, which was to consume Ling Yun's true energy and familiarize himself with Ling Yun's methods.

Now, seeing Ling Yun's true energy weakening and his attack speed increasing, he felt that his strategy was successful.

This was clearly a sign that Ling Yun's true energy was difficult to sustain.

But Geng Qinghu still did not act rashly, and he decided to continue observing for a while.

"This Geng Qinghu, when he is angry, he is so angry, but when he is cautious, he is even more cautious than a mouse."

Ling Yun cursed inwardly.

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