Inside the Black and White Tower.

As lively as usual.

However, as Ling Yun stepped in, the tower suddenly became silent.

All the noisy sounds disappeared instantly.

Everyone held their breath and stared at Ling Yun.

Ling Yun didn't care about the eyes around him.

This time, he went directly to the second floor of the Black and White Tower.

As he expected, as his cultivation level improved, his resistance to the strange fire also increased significantly.

On the first floor, the pressure brought to him by the strange fire could no longer make him walk with difficulty.

Soon, Ling Yun stepped into the second floor again.


Just like last time, as soon as he stepped into the second floor, the pressure caused by the strange fire on him suddenly increased.

If he was still a third-level martial artist, he would definitely not be able to resist.

But now, he is a sixth-level martial artist.

Under the terrifying impact of the strange fire, his body staggered.

Then, he steadied his feet and was not blown away like last time.

Ling Yun took a few deep breaths to calm his breath, and then looked at the second floor.

Unlike the first floor, the second floor is quite quiet.

There is only one hall on the first floor, and everyone is practicing in the hall.

On the second floor, the center is the hall for people to discuss practice, and there are independent secret rooms around it.

There are only a dozen people in the hall, unlike the hundreds of people on the first floor.

Even if the people in the secret room are included, there will be no more than thirty.

But undoubtedly, everyone on the second floor is an elite.

Except for Ling Yun himself, everyone else is a martial king.

Everyone on the second floor is a master on the Dongwu list.

On weekdays, when they walk outside, each of them is a genius who is looked up to by others.

However, at this time, their eyes looking at Ling Yun are full of solemnity and fear.

In terms of cultivation, they surpass Ling Yun.

But in terms of strength, Ling Yun, who is known as the "young martial master", can obviously suppress all of them.

Ling Yun is also not interested in the thoughts of these geniuses.

He glanced at them and walked directly to a secret room.

This black and white tower caused great pressure on him, but it was worthy of being a cultivation accelerator. He could also get great benefits here.

Ling Yun suffered greater pressure, and the benefits he got were also greater than others.

"Eternal Heaven Devouring Art!"

After closing the secret room, Ling Yun immediately activated the "Eternal Heaven Devouring Art" and tried his best to absorb the energy released by the strange fire while he could still hold on.

Hula la...

In an instant, the energy in the black and white tower rushed towards him like a flood.

Ling Yun swallowed it frantically without hesitation.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, his spiritual power increased at an astonishing speed.

Half an hour later.

In Ling Yun's sea of ​​consciousness, the spiritual power rolled violently.


The spiritual power soared to 114,000 Dao.

At this point, Ling Yun's cultivation level advanced again and became a seventh-level martial artist.


A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth at this time.

"What a pity."

Ling Yun was quite unwilling, but helpless.

He was resisting the damage caused by the strange fire.

Even if his sea of ​​consciousness was strong, his resistance was limited.

If he continued, he might really hurt the foundation of his sea of ​​consciousness.

He could only wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, give up practicing, and decisively get up and leave.

Back at the He family, Ling Yun circulated his spiritual power to repair the damage caused by the strange fire in his body.

Late at night.

Ling Yun's heart moved and he walked out of the He family.

In a restaurant opposite the He family, he met Murong Yuyan.

Just now, he sensed the other party through the Huangquan Talisman and came out.

Obviously, Murong Yuyan also knew the specialness of the Huangquan Talisman and deliberately waited for him here.

"Tomorrow morning, the Murong family plans to discuss Wanyu's marriage with the Situ family without telling you."

Murong Yuyan said directly.

"Hide it from me?"

Ling Yun raised his eyebrows.

He knew that the Murong family would use Su Wanyu to arrange a marriage.

Before, the Murong family valued the Zhenhai Palace and the Ling family, but now it has just changed to the Situ family.

"The Murong family didn't take you seriously before, but they are not stupid. Once the news of your killing Ling Hai came out, how could they dare to despise you? They deliberately hid it from you because they were worried that you would cause trouble."

Murong Yuyan said.

Ling Yun's eyes showed coldness.

This Murong family is really useless. A dignified giant family always wants to use women's marriage to gain benefits.

Moreover, if the Murong family only uses the Murong family's back, then he has nothing to say.

But the Murong family has repeatedly put their attention on Su Wanyu, which he can't tolerate.

"Isn't Situ Jing dead? Why is the Murong family still marrying the Situ family?"

Ling Yun said coldly.

"The Situ family doesn't know Situ Jing."

Murong Yuyan sneered: "Okay, I just came to tell you this news. If it's too long, the Murong family will definitely suspect it later."

After that, she left in a hurry.

Ling Yun looked at the night with a cold look in his eyes.

The Murong family's move this time was really secretive.

If it weren't for Murong Yuyan, he would definitely be kept in the dark.

Wait until tomorrow, when the Murong family finishes the matter, it will be really disgusting.

Although he doesn't care about any marriage, even if it is really a marriage, he can snatch Su Wanyu back, but it doesn't mean that he can tolerate the behavior of the Murong family.

And the Situ family, knowing that Su Wanyu is his person, dare to come to propose marriage, it's simply courting death.

That night, Ling Yun galloped on his horse.

Before dawn, he rushed to Cixi City.

Cixi Murong Mansion.

Reception hall.

A slender, handsome boy, about seventeen years old, was smiling at Su Wanyu.

"Hello Wan Yu, my name is Situ Ming."

The young man walked up to Su Wanyu and said, "This marriage between you and me is a win-win situation for the Murong family and the Situ family. I am also very satisfied with you. From now on, you will be my fiancée."

In the hall, everyone from the Murong family and the Situ family looked at this scene with smiles on their faces.

Su Wanyu's face turned cold.

This time the Murong family asked her to come back, she didn't think much about it and practiced as usual.

Unexpectedly, when she got up early in the morning, the Murong family told her to come to meet an important guest, but what happened was like this.

A surge of anger suddenly surged from Su Wanyu's heart.

Just when Su Wanyu was about to scold Situ Ming, a voice suddenly came from the door: "It's not your fault that you want women, but please don't have sex outside. A brothel is more suitable for you."

Everyone in the hall was shocked.

After reacting, the others were shocked and angry, while Su Wanyu looked surprised.

At the entrance of the hall, a young man in green stepped forward, it was Ling Yun.

"Who are you?"

Situ Ming stared at Ling Yun with sharp eyes.

Although Ling Yun is now famous, he just came from the imperial capital and really doesn't know Ling Yun.

Ling Yun smiled: "I am Wan Yu's junior brother, and I am also her man."

He is also her man!

Ling Yun said this very calmly, but if it fell into the ears of other people present, it would be like thunder on the ground.

A blush flashed across Su Wanyu's cold face, but surprisingly he didn't object.

Normally, she might have been angry.

But having just experienced the disgusting things that happened to people like Situ Ming and the Murong family, Ling Yun's words actually gave her a sense of dependence.

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