
In the forest.

The feathers of the black eagle suddenly stood up.

Almost at the same time, a sharp sound of breaking wind sounded.

Ling Yun appeared beside the black eagle.

Star Dragon Sword!


He drew his sword and slashed at the belly of the black eagle.

The black eagle reacted quickly and stretched out his right claw to block the Star Dragon Sword.

The next moment, the Star Dragon Sword collided violently with the right claw of the black eagle.

With a "clang".

Fire splashed.

The right claw of the black eagle was as hard as an immortal weapon.

But even so, its right claw was still injured by Ling Yun, and a blood mark appeared.

The black eagle screamed in anger and pain.

Just when Ling Yun wanted to take advantage of the victory to attack, the black-robed man on the back of the black eagle moved.

The black-robed man held a scimitar and cut directly to Ling Yun's throat with one move, which was extremely cruel.

Ling Yun could only give up attacking the black eagle, retract the Star Dragon Sword, and block the scimitar of the black-robed man.

Ding Dang!

This collision was more violent than the one between Ling Yun and Black Hawk.

A wave of air swept through.

Ling Yun was knocked back.

The black-robed man was actually an Immortal 9th-grade master.

After knocking Ling Yun away, the black-robed man took advantage of the situation and attacked Ling Yun at a faster speed.

Black Hawk was also angered by Ling Yun just now, and now he also followed the black-robed man and attacked Ling Yun together.

Its strength was equally strong, roughly equivalent to that of an Immortal 7th-grade warrior.

For a moment, Ling Yun was facing a pincer attack from two masters.

The more this happened, the calmer Ling Yun became.

Void Realm!

He decisively activated the magical power Void Realm.

The speed of the black-robed man and Black Hawk suddenly slowed down in his eyes.

He immediately judged that Black Hawk was faster.

Although the black-robed man attacked first, there was no doubt that Black Hawk's attack would arrive sooner.

In the blink of an eye, Ling Yun had made a strategic deployment.

Embrace Dan Jin!

Sure enough.

The next moment, the black eagle flew in front of Ling Yun.

Ling Yun, who had been prepared, was not panicked at all.

He used the Baodan Jin and grabbed the black eagle's claws with the Jinyu hand at the same time.

Baodan Jin and Jinyu hand are both indispensable.

Without Jinyu hand, his hand would be cut off by the black eagle's claws.

Without Baodan Jin, he could not withstand the impact of the black eagle.

Now the two are combined, allowing Ling Yun to successfully grab Ling Yun's claws.

Then, Ling Yun used the force to fight the force.

He retreated with the impact of the black eagle.

When the black eagle's power was almost resolved, he suddenly rebounded with force.

This rebound made the black eagle fly up.

At the same time.

The attack of the black-robed man came.

However, it was not Ling Yun who greeted him, but the body of the black eagle.


The black-robed man was knocked back by the black eagle.

The black eagle even knocked down more than a dozen trees heavily, and finally fell to the ground with a bang.

Both the black-robed man and the black eagle were extremely surprised.

Obviously, they didn't expect that Ling Yun would resolve their attacks in this way.

But they couldn't give up easily, and instead launched a more violent attack.

This time, they cooperated more tacitly.

Black Eagle had experience and would not be restrained by Ling Yun again.

It was responsible for restraining Ling Yun in the air, no longer attacking Ling Yun with its body, and continuously releasing black light from a distance.

The black-robed man fought Ling Yun in close combat.

Ding ding ding...

In an instant, the black-robed man collided with Ling Yun dozens of times.

Both of them moved as fast as lightning.

Ling Yun could also feel the ferocity of the black-robed man.

Fast and fierce.

This was the fighting style of the black-robed man.

Undoubtedly, this black-robed man must be a killer.



Without any warning.

The scimitar in the black-robed man's hand was split into two.

He was hiding very deeply.

He had fought with Ling Yun for dozens of rounds before, but he had not revealed this, so Ling Yun thought that his scimitar was just a conventional weapon.

Then, he suddenly burst out with this killing move, catching Ling Yun off guard.

If it were someone else, he would probably be killed by this move.

And even Ling Yun, although he reacted in time, was a little hasty.

Ling Yun used the Star Dragon Sword to block the main scimitar, and used the Golden Jade Hand with his left hand to slap the secondary scimitar that split from the scimitar.

The main scimitar was blocked by the Star Dragon Sword.

But the impact of the secondary scimitar made Ling Yun's arm numb.

Then, Ling Yun was shaken away and knocked down a big tree behind him.

Ling Yun hurriedly took out a pill and swallowed it, quickly adjusting his internal breath.

He sensed his left arm, but it was still numb, and there was no real bone fracture.

This was undoubtedly the credit of the Golden Jade Hand.

The black-robed man's face became extremely ugly.

Ling Yun was more difficult than he thought.

He had been planning this killing move for a long time. He thought that even if he couldn't kill Ling Yun, he could at least injure him severely.

Unexpectedly, Ling Yun was so strong, experienced in combat, and quick to react. He didn't look young at all, and was even more cautious and alert than many old monsters.

"Ling Yun, you are indeed a talent. In the entire Dark Star, outstanding talents like you are extremely rare."

The black-robed man couldn't help but speak, "To be honest, I am a little bit appreciative of talent now. With your potential, as long as you don't die young, you may be able to become the champion in the future."

Ling Yun was unmoved and said coldly: "Your assassins from Ye Ge are loyal to the Lu family."

In his heart, a strong killing intent surged.

During this period, Ye Ge's assassins came to assassinate him again and again.

It can be said that his patience with Ye Ge has been completely exhausted.

"Outsiders think that Ye Ge belongs to the Lu family. In fact, Ye Ge has been independent for many years. The Lu family is now just one of the owners of Ye Ge."

The black-robed man said: "You know you don't believe it, but I can make you believe that if you join Ye Ge, I can withstand the pressure of the Lu family and save your life..."

If it were other people, hearing the black-robed man's words, perhaps their minds would be shaken.

Ling Yun's will was always strong, without any fluctuations.

At this moment.

He did not hesitate, holding the Star Dragon Sword, and slashed fiercely at the side.


Almost at the same time, a broken arrow appeared.

Ling Yun's sword just cut the broken arrow away.

It can be imagined.

If Ling Yun really believed the black-robed man just now and relaxed his vigilance, then this arrow would surely shoot him through.

Ling Yun's eyes became colder: "You talk so much nonsense just to wait for other killers to arrive?"

"You are really not vigilant like a young man."

The black-robed man sighed regretfully.

Ling Yun did not respond, but rushed to the side at the fastest speed.


The next moment, another broken Gang arrow flew past the place where Ling Yun stood before.

There is no doubt that this is Ye Ge's broken Gang crossbowman coming again.

Faced with this situation, Ling Yun should avoid it.

However, Ling Yun did not retreat, but his eyes showed a hint of malice.

So what if it is a broken Gang crossbow.

He can't resist the broken Gang crossbow.

But as long as he reacts quickly enough, the broken Gang arrow will not hit him.

What's more.

If he retreats now, it will only be easier for him to be completely locked by the broken Gang crossbow and lose the opportunity to counterattack the black-robed man.

On the contrary, if he fights the black-robed man in close combat, the figures of both sides will intersect.

In that case, it will be more difficult for the broken Gang crossbow to lock him.

Because in that case, the black-robed man's body will interfere with the sight of the broken Gang crossbowman to a certain extent.

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