Awakening the Eternal Heaven-Swallowing Art

Chapter 1780 Ice and Hell Fire



The outskirts of Yujing.

There is a void above Su Wanyu.

The sky suddenly became oppressive.

Then, a huge finger dropped from the sky and stabbed Su Wanyu hard.

The power of this finger is extremely terrifying.

Just by the impact of its aftermath, the ground beneath Su Wanyu's feet cracked and sank downwards.

Su Wanyu's eyes were cold and showed no fear.

next moment.

Two flames burned out of her white eyes.

This flame is extremely strange.

It is forest white.

At first, it was just a small flame.

In the blink of an eye, it was all over Su Wanyu's eyes.


Then, endless white flames shot out from Su Wanyu's eyes.

The extremes of things in the heaven, earth and universe must be reversed.

Su Wanyu's bloodline is the bloodline of the Netherworld Yan Clan.

And the power of the Netherworld Yan Clan represents the ultimate coldness.

This led to the fact that the form it showed was not ice, but fire.


It looks like a flame, but in fact it is not a flame, but a special kind of ice.

At this moment, the breath it released was also extremely cold.

This breath feels like it comes from the eternal abyss of the dead.


The extremely cold white flames swept towards the sky.

During this process, the temperature of this space also dropped at a terrifying speed.

In the blink of an eye, heavy snow fell in an area dozens of miles away, and rivers froze into ice.

at the same time.


The white flames quickly hit Emperor Yu Hua's giant fingers.

This giant finger was still more than ten meters away from Su Wanyu.

But it couldn't land again.

This giant finger has been completely frozen.


After a while.

Numerous cracks appeared on the giant finger.

Eventually, it turned into countless ice fragments and disintegrated.

Su Wanyu actually blocked Emperor Yu Hua's attack.

"Ice Flame!"

At the same moment, Emperor Yu Hua's pupils shrank and he exclaimed.

"You are actually not an ordinary Netherworld bloodline, but a Netherworld Yan clan bloodline."

His eyes were shocked at first, then excited.

There was a heat in the excitement.

This kind of heat is clearly an extreme form of greed.

"Haha, is this a great way to help me?"

Emperor Yu Hua suddenly laughed.

He is Tianwu.

Therefore, he is extremely aware of the rarity of the Netherworld Yan Clan's bloodline.

The most important thing is that this bloodline has a huge effect on him.

Even if it were other god-level bloodlines, he would not be so excited when he saw it.

The bloodline of the Netherworld Yan Clan is different.

This bloodline symbolizes destruction.

And he is Tianwu, which in a way also symbolizes death and destruction.

But he knew very well that even if he was Tian Wu, the destructive power he controlled was not as pure as that of the Netherworld Yan Clan.

If he can obtain the bloodline of the Netherworld Yan Clan, his destructive power will evolve.


This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If he were a fully awakened Netherworld clan member, he would definitely run away if he encountered them now.

However, Su Wanyu had only just awakened, and was equivalent to a larvae of the Netherworld Yan Clan.

Even the Netherworld Yan Clan was not that powerful when they were young.


In an instant, Emperor Yu Hua disappeared from the palace.

Space fluctuations.

Almost the next moment, Emperor Yu Hua appeared in front of Su Wanyu.

There was no movement on Su Wanyu's face.

The ice flames became more and more monstrous, rushing directly towards Emperor Yu Hua.

"As expected of the Ice Flame."

Emperor Yu Hua's eyes flashed with fear, and then there was a deeper heat.

The ice and flames are indeed terrifying.

Even if Su Wanyu was just a larvae of the Netherworld Yan Clan, he would not dare to touch this kind of flame directly.

And the more this happened, the more determined he was to win Su Wanyu today.

"The wind of death."

Then, Emperor Yu Hua suddenly opened his mouth.

Exhale in one breath.

After a moment, this breath turned into a death storm, fighting against the incoming ice and flames.

Su Wanyu's body swayed slightly.

Her ice and fire could not get close to Emperor Yu Hua.

This made the desire for destruction in her heart become even more violent.

Suddenly, her hair also started to change color.

His black hair turned into snow white.

Immediately afterwards, traces of ice and flames condensed on her hair.

These ice flames are not one by one, but like thin needles.

Ice needle!

The densely packed ice needles quickly shot towards Emperor Yu Hua.

These ice needles have extremely strong penetrating power, making it impossible to withstand Emperor Yu Hua's death storm.

But Emperor Yu Hua was extremely fast.

There was an extra sword in his hand at some point.


Suddenly, Emperor Yu Hua drew his sword.

The speed of his sword is extremely fast.

No one else could see his sword, only the shadow of it.

Those ice needles could not get close to him and were all shot down by his sword.


Just listen to a "click"!

The sword in Emperor Yu Hua's hand turned into ice at some point and then shattered.

This sword is Li Jian's Dragon Sword, an aspirational treasure.

However, Emperor Yu Hua never expected it.

Such an aspirational treasure could be broken into pieces by the Ice Needle.

And it took less than half a minute.

It was this accident that caught Emperor Yu Hua off guard.

Although he made timely remedies and dodged quickly.

But his arm was still brushed by an ice needle.

Just by brushing, he felt a sharp pain in his arm.

Emperor Yu Hua made a prompt decision and cut off the piece of meat directly.

At the same time.

His body had already flashed to a height of one thousand meters, making all of Su Wanyu's other ice needles miss.

"Very good."

A deep chill appeared on Emperor Yu Hua's face.

He didn't dare to entangle with Su Wanyu any more.

The power of the Netherworld Hell Clan was too terrible.

The next moment.

Without warning, Emperor Yu Hua grabbed Su Wanyu.

He was afraid of the ice fire and didn't dare to get close to Su Wanyu. He could only grab Su Wanyu from a distance of one thousand meters with the power of space.

One of the laws he mastered was the law of space.

This was also the reason why he could teleport continuously.

Su Wanyu's eyes were cold.

The ice fire flowed out of her body.

The surrounding space was frozen at a very fast rate.

Even the power of space could not stop the destruction of the ice and fire.

However, the space had already jumped before the surrounding space was frozen.

Then, Su Wanyu was captured by Emperor Yu Hua and taken to the palace.

In the center of the palace was a huge altar.

Su Wanyu wanted to leave the altar.

But Emperor Yu Hua was faster than her.

After all, it was Emperor Yu Hua who came first.

"Central formation, open!"

Emperor Yu Hua's cold voice sounded.

What he opened was the sacrificial formation!

He was going to start sacrificing the Tianyun Ancient Realm at this moment.

The sacrificial formation was composed of the central formation and countless sub-formations.

Originally, he planned to be more cautious and let the sub-formations spread throughout the Tianyun Ancient Realm before starting the sacrifice.

Now the appearance of Su Wanyu made him change his plan.

To this day, the sacrificial formation he arranged was only distributed in most of the Tianyun Ancient Realm, and there was still a small area that had not been arranged.

In that case, the death energy he could obtain during the sacrifice would certainly be much less.

But compared to suppressing Su Wanyu, the loss of this energy was nothing.

As long as he could obtain Su Wanyu's Netherworld Yan Clan bloodline, the benefits he could obtain would far outweigh the energy lost.

It could even be said that the importance of obtaining the Netherworld Yan Clan bloodline, in his mind, was almost on par with the entire sacrifice plan.

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