The red-haired young man smiled sinisterly, activated the talisman, and sent a message to someone unknown.

About five minutes later.

A group of people suddenly entered the small building.

These people come from a small force in the inner city.

They were not on Xiaolou's invitation list.

But Fang Yue, through his connections with the Fang family, got an extra invitation and gave it to these people.

The men were carrying a woman on a stretcher.

As soon as they entered the small building, they went straight to Ling Yun.

Ling Yun's eyes turned cold.

"Boy Ling, it seems that the Fang boy over there doesn't intend to let you go."

Pure Fox Supreme smiled and looked very interested.

"Boy named Ling, I finally found you!"

At this time, among the crowd that came straight towards Ling Yun, the middle-aged man at the head stared at Ling Yun and shouted.

His voice was deliberately raised, immediately attracting the attention of everyone around him.

"I don't seem to recognize you."

Ling Yun said coldly.

"What are you pretending to be? Do you think pretending not to know me can cover up your crime?"

The middle-aged man's eyes flashed with treachery, and then he said with great hatred: "Three days ago, Zhuo Jing felt unwell, so I looked for an alchemist in order to treat her illness.

Then, you took the initiative to come to the door and showed off some alchemy skills, saying that you could cure Jing Jing's disease.

I saw that your alchemy skills were good, so I believed you. I didn't expect that this would be one of the biggest mistakes I made in my life.

After Zhuo Jing took the elixir you refined, his condition not only did not improve, but became more serious.

Just this morning, Zhuo Jing suddenly lost consciousness. Suddenly he was still alive, but he was already alive.

I asked other alchemists to come and see me. They said that Zhuo Jing's condition was not serious in the first place, but it was because of the indiscriminate treatment by quack doctors that he lost his life.

You quack doctor, you are trying to kill me! "

As he spoke, his face became ferocious and twisted, as if he really hated Ling Yun.

"Is it Sect Leader Xu?"

"Sect Master Xu is the Sect Master of Qingguang Sect. Although Qingguang Sect is only a small sect, Sect Master Xu has always been known for his kindness."

"Oh my God, I am relatively familiar with Sect Master Xu's wife. She is a very gentle lady. I never expected that she would be killed by a quack doctor."

People around were talking a lot.

Fang Yue and others who were watching the show from a distance had a look of amusement on their faces.

This scene was undoubtedly arranged by Fang Yue.

He learned from Situ Yangyang that Ling Yun was not only a warrior, but also an alchemist.

Therefore, he arranged such a conspiracy.

An alchemist is not only incompetent in alchemy, but also irresponsible and kills people.

He believed that as long as Ling Yun had such a reputation, especially in the alchemy holy land of Xiaolou, his life would be ruined.

Such an alchemist will definitely be despised by everyone, and will have a hard time living in the contempt of the world from now on.

"Is there such a thing?"

Not far away, an alchemist walked over.

This alchemist's surname is "Xiao", he is a ninth-grade Yuan Master of the First Yuan Dynasty, and is somewhat famous.

He walked to Mrs. Xu's stretcher and carefully observed Mrs. Xu's condition.

Sect Master Xu looked at him with hope: "This alchemist, can my wife still be saved?"

Master Xiao Yuan sighed, then shook his head and said: "Sect Master Xu, please express your condolences. The previous alchemy masters were right.

Your lady originally only suffered from wind evil disease, which was not serious. As long as you take good care of it, it will not be difficult to cure.

But she took useless and toxic pills, which not only failed to cure her disease, but also made her condition worse.

Now your lady has missed the treatment time, and even if the gods come down to earth, it will be difficult to save her. "

Sect Master Xu staggered and almost fell down.

His face also became paler, and he seemed to have been severely hit.

This situation made many people around him feel indignant.

"No, Mr. Ling has always been cautious in his actions. He is definitely not a quack. I think there must be some misunderstanding."

Situ Yangyang looked anxious and said quickly.

Thousands of big shots from Tushan City gathered here.

In front of so many important people, if Ling Yun is really called a quack, his life will be ruined.


Sect Master Xu seemed to have come to his senses.

Hearing Situ Yangyang's words, he smiled miserably, and then stared at Ling Yun fiercely: "Zhuo Jing and I were childhood sweethearts. In my heart, her life is more important than my own.

Could it be that I would risk Zhuo Jing’s life to make such a joke? "

"It's just too much."

Master Xiao Yuan's face was full of anger, and he stared at Ling Yun sternly, "I have always only liked to refine elixirs, and I don't like to get involved in worldly affairs, but I really can't stand this matter today.

Young man, it’s okay if you’re not good at alchemy, just practice hard.

But you are obviously not good at alchemy, but you still go to treat people's illnesses, and even kill people. This is not because you are not good at alchemy, but because you have a bad character. "

"What a scumbag."

"This kind of person is a disgrace to alchemists like us."

Many alchemists agreed.

"Junior sister, I have told you before that you know people but not their hearts."

Fang Yue came over, looked at Situ Yangyang and said, "You defend this boy named Ling in every possible way, but you may have thought that his true character is so corrupt?"

"I don't believe it, Mr. Ling is not this kind of person."

Situ Yangyang's pretty face was pale, "Maybe he just made a mistake and it was definitely not intentional."

"Junior sister, you really won't give up until you reach the Styx River, but I believe that the character of this person named Ling will only be more despicable than you think."

Fang Yue said meaningfully.

As soon as the voice fell, a woman in red suddenly walked over from the crowd.

When the people around saw the woman in red, they couldn't help but show surprise on their faces.

Because the woman in red had a big belly.

She was actually a pregnant woman.

"Wait, isn't this Miss Hongyu from Chunxianglou?"

"Miss Hongyu is one of the top girls in Chunxianglou, famous for her coquettishness, but how come she is pregnant?"

"Some time ago, Miss Hongyu suddenly disappeared. I was wondering what happened. I didn't expect that she was pregnant."

Many men actually showed regret.

Hongyu is a famous prostitute in Tushan City.

It can be said that: "A pair of jade arms are pillowed by thousands of people, and a little red lips are tasted by thousands of people."

But no matter how famous a prostitute is, once she is pregnant, her charm is bound to be greatly reduced.

And the next words of the woman in red are even more surprising.

Hongyu walked quickly to Lingyun and said excitedly: "Husband, it's really you, wuwu, I've been looking for you so hard."

"This girl, I think you recognized the wrong person."

Situ Yangyang's face changed and said immediately.

"I can't recognize the wrong person."

Hongyu said: "My husband and I have been partying every night for some time, how could I recognize him wrongly.

Husband, I know that you despise me because I am pregnant and I don't want to listen to you to abort the baby.

But this child is our flesh and blood, a living life, how can we kill him.

Husband, please don't abandon me and the child. Without you, the child and I really can't survive!"

She was about to cry, looking pitiful.

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