Awakening the Eternal Heaven-Swallowing Art

Chapter 2073: The crowd is excited

"What a wonderful Linlang Medicine Pavilion."

"Return it, I won't buy this elixir."

"I didn't expect that there would be so many fakes in Linlang Medicine Pavilion. It seems that Your Excellency Ling Yun was right. This is a medicine pavilion that specializes in fakes. It's a terrible medicine pavilion."

"I have been buying medicinal materials from Linlang Medicine Pavilion for more than ten years. Shopkeeper Tong, Linlang Medicine Pavilion must compensate me."

In Linlang Medicine Pavilion, the attitudes of all customers have changed.

Before, they had great trust and support for Linlang Medicine Pavilion.

And now, they all started to criticize Linlang Medicine Pavilion verbally and writingly.

It’s over!

Shopkeeper Tong was in despair.

"Now, should you commit suicide by caesarean section?"

Ling Yun looked at Shopkeeper Tong coldly.

Shopkeeper Tong's expression suddenly turned ferocious: "It seems that my judgment is correct. You came prepared. Which enemy of my Linlang Medicine Pavilion sent you here?"

"Still stubborn here."

Ling Yun shook his head.

"Shopkeeper Tong, take him down immediately!"

Yang Shao shouted suddenly.

The only way to solve the current predicament now is to kill Ling Yun.

As long as Ling Yun is killed, they will have a way to compensate other guests present afterwards.

There are hundreds of guests here today.

Although this influence is not small, if Linlang Medicine Pavilion controls it in time, there is still room for recovery.

The premise is that Ling Yun must be killed and this matter be put to an end.

Shopkeeper Tong's eyes flashed with cold light.

He made a prompt decision and attacked Ling Yun directly.

In his opinion, since the young man in black is so good at alchemy, his strength must not be much higher.

And he is an eighth-level Hexu strongman.

Although he is not a top powerhouse, he is definitely more than enough to deal with this young man in black.

The expressions of everyone else around him changed drastically.

Obviously, none of them expected that Linlang Medicine Pavilion would dare to do this.

To forcefully kill Ling Yun in front of so many of them is simply lawless.

But because they didn't expect it, they were caught off guard and had no time to stop Shopkeeper Tong.

The next moment, Shopkeeper Tong's palm came to Ling Yun.

His palm hit Ling Yun's head directly, obviously intending to kill Ling Yun with one blow.

Shopkeeper Tong still had a look of pleasure on his face.

Previously, Ling Yun was so arrogant that Linlang Medicine Pavilion lost face.

Therefore, at this moment, he was extremely looking forward to seeing fear on Ling Yun's face.

But he didn't.

Ling Yun's expression was extremely calm.

Not only Ling Yun, but Situ Yangyang next to Ling Yun looked at him as if he were looking at a clown.

Of course Situ Yangyang would not worry about Ling Yun.

When he was in Tushan City, Ling Yun even killed the masters of the cave.

Shopkeeper Tong, a mere Hexu warrior, actually tried to attack and kill Ling Yun. This was undoubtedly asking for his own death.


Ling Yun calmly stretched out his hand and easily grabbed Shopkeeper Tong's wrist.


Shopkeeper Tong's expression was dull.

Ling Yun exerted force fiercely.



Shopkeeper Tong screamed.

His right wrist had been pinched off by Ling Yun.

Then, Ling Yun threw it away like a dead dog, throwing shopkeeper Tong on the ground.

Shopkeeper Tong was lying on the ground with a look of doubt on his face.

Ling Yun seemed not to be worried enough, so he said calmly: "How dare you attack me with such rubbish strength?"

Everyone around was stunned.

Ling Yun's words sounded extremely pretentious.

But no one thought he was faking it.

Because it's true.

Shopkeeper Tong looked like a child in front of Ling Yun, without the slightest strength to resist.

This shows how big the gap in strength between the two sides is.

This shocked people even more.

The young man in front of me is not only Tianyuan Alchemist, but also at least a top Hexu master?

How could such a monster exist in this world?

At the same time, despite being shocked, people can't help but feel raging anger in their hearts.

They admitted that Linlang Medicine Pavilion’s background was extraordinary.

Under normal circumstances, they would never want to offend Linlang Medicine Pavilion.

But Linlang Medicine Pavilion's behavior just now was too unscrupulous.

No matter how you say it, Ling Yun can be considered a guest of Linlang Medicine Pavilion.

As a result, people from Linlang Medicine Pavilion actually wanted to kill Ling Yun in the hall of Linlang Medicine Pavilion in full view of everyone.

This makes them feel like they are hurting others.

They are also guests of Linlang Medicine Pavilion.

So today, Linlang Medicine Pavilion was so domineering that he dared to kill Ling Yun in public.

Wouldn’t Linlang Medicine Pavilion dare to kill them in the future?

In this case, who would dare to step into Linlang Medicine Pavilion.

"What a Linlang Medicine Pavilion. I, Meng Xuan, have finally seen how domineering you are today."

Mr. Meng was furious.

Then, he directly sent a spiritual talisman.

"Haha, no wonder Linlang Medicine Pavilion specializes in fake products but still has such a good reputation."

Situ Yangyang sneered, "I think maybe those who discovered the true identity of Linlang Medicine Pavilion in the past were either silenced or were threatened and dared not tell the truth, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the others suddenly came back to their senses.

They immediately felt that what Situ Yangyang said made sense.

Today, they saw with their own eyes how many fakes there were in Linlang Medicine Pavilion.

Ling Yun pointed out more than ten fakes with just a casual finger.

But Linlang Medicine Pavilion's reputation has always been very good.

People used to think that this seemed extremely contradictory.

Now after hearing what Situ Yangyang said, they immediately felt that this seemed to be a very reasonable explanation.

On the one hand, Linlang Medicine Pavilion's counterfeiting technology is very sophisticated.

If they hadn't met Lingyun, they would not have been able to discover these fakes.

Linlang Medicine Pavilion's fakes are different from ordinary fakes.

The fakes here are really effective, but they just cut corners and pass off old products as new ones.

In this way, even if they feel that the efficacy is not right, they will only think that it is their own problem, and will not suspect the pills.

On the other hand.

Linlang Medicine Pavilion is so domineering.

In front of so many of them, they dared to kill Lingyun.

Then in secret, Linlang Medicine Pavilion has done many cruel and vicious things.

I'm afraid that those who discovered the true face of Linlang Medicine Pavilion in the past were really killed.

"I said that the Shengling Pill I bought last time didn't seem to have any effect and didn't improve my cultivation much."

Someone said.

Lingyun laughed secretly.

He can be sure that the Shengling Pill of Linlang Medicine Pavilion is fine.

The person who said this thought that it was ineffective, most likely because of his own qualifications.

But people are like this, it is difficult for them to admit their own shortcomings, and they are used to making excuses for themselves.

Especially when they find a ready-made excuse, they will even more easily push the missed opportunity onto others.

But Ling Yun obviously couldn't expose the other party.

Because the other party's words would undoubtedly further damage the reputation of Linlang Medicine Pavilion.

"I have had this experience too. My father was injured before, and I bought him the healing pill Chunyu Pill, but my father still died."

Another person said; "At that time, I didn't dare to doubt Linlang Medicine Pavilion, I just thought it was my father's bad luck. Now it seems that the truth should be that there is something wrong with the Chunyu Pill of Linlang Medicine Pavilion."

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