Tan Qingye was already suspicious of Zhao Rui.

But he didn't say it directly.

After all, Zhao Rui did have some friendship with him, and he didn't want to think of him in such a bad way.

"Brother Zhao, why do you need to make the matter so serious?"

Tan Qingye said: "This matter is not about trust or distrust. Our mercenary team does have other things to do this time, so it is not appropriate to spend too much time here.

If Brother Zhao wants to trade, then we will trade outside the town. If there is no trade, I will leave now. "

Seeing that Tan Qingye was really determined, Zhao Rui's eyes darkened.

But this time, he didn't say anything about no deal.

The drama can't be overdone. The Black Dragon Mercenary Team is really going to leave, and he can't bear this responsibility.

"That's all, Captain Tan, for the sake of our friendship, I will give you this face this time."

Zhao Rui pretended to be helpless.

Hearing this, Tan Qingye's expression relaxed.

The faces of the other members of the Black Dragon Mercenary Team also showed joy again.

Then, Tan Qingye waved his hand.

Bai Xiyue opened a beast cart and uncovered a piece of black cloth inside.

As soon as the black cloth was lifted off, an almost completely sealed black copper cage the size of an ordinary cow's head was revealed.

Black copper is an extremely hard metal.

Black Iron is nothing compared to it.

Even though this black copper has not yet been blessed with formations, its defense power has reached the peak level of Hexu.

Not only that, this black copper cage only has some small holes the size of pinholes for breathing.

Just looking at this posture, you can tell that what is locked in this black copper cage is probably not trivial.

Bai Xiyue walked to Tan Qingye and opened a small opening in the black copper cage towards Zhao Rui, so that Zhao Rui could see what was inside.

Ling Yun was not far from Tan Qingye, and now he could clearly see the contents of the black copper cage.

Inside is a small golden eagle.

At first glance, this appears to be a golden sword eagle.

Its feathers look soft under normal circumstances, but once they explode, they become like sharp swords.

As for the Golden Sword Eagle, it is an extremely rare monster.

Although the golden sword eagle in front of you is only the seventh level of Hexu, its value is not inferior to that of the cave-level monster.

The potential of the Golden Sword Eagle is extremely huge, and once cultivated, it will become a huge and powerful help.

But the Golden Sword Eagle, even though it was very precious, would not allow Niubei Town to plot against the Black Dragon Mercenary Team regardless of its years of reputation.

This seems like a hard thing to understand.

However, Ling Yun solved this doubt in an instant.

His sight touched the eyes of the golden sword eagle.

The pupils of this golden sword eagle are purple-gold.

Ling Yun knew very well that the pupils of the Golden Sword Eagle should be golden under normal circumstances.

In his previous life, he had a golden sword eagle garden, where he raised thousands of golden sword eagles like chickens.

So he knew the Golden Sword Eagle quite well.

The golden sword eagle with purple-gold pupils is the only mutated golden sword eagle in a thousand.

There are thousands of golden sword eagles in his golden sword eagle garden, but there are only two mutated golden sword eagles with purple-gold pupils.

The mutated golden sword eagle is the well-deserved king of golden sword eagles.

In an instant, Ling Yun felt a chill in his heart.

No wonder Niubei Town Council plotted against the Black Dragon Mercenary Team.

This matter was more serious than he thought.

Even if the top forces in the ancient world of the early Yuan Dynasty knew about the Golden Sword and Eagle King, they would definitely fight for it like crazy.

People in Niubei Town must know that the Golden Sword Eagle captured by the Black Dragon Mercenary Team is the Golden Sword Eagle King.

And since the people in Niubei Town knew, they would never let the Black Dragon Mercenary Team members leave alive.

To get this kind of treasure, the less people know about it, the better.

"Now, get in the beast cart and run!"

Ling Yun made a decision immediately.

The situation was more serious than he thought, so he would naturally have to change his strategy.

The beast's cart has good defense. Hiding in the beast's cart can more or less withstand some attacks.

Everyone in the Black Dragon Mercenary Team was stunned.

They didn't understand that Zhao Rui had agreed to trade outside the town.

Everything was fine, why did Ling Yun suddenly want them to run away again.

Only Tan Qingye had an awe-inspiring head.

He also didn't know why Ling Yun said this.

But he is cautious and has a keen sense of danger.

As long as there is one ten thousandth chance of danger, he will not put himself in danger.

This is why the Black Dragon Mercenary Team is just a small mercenary team, but it can always survive in the wilderness with extremely low mortality rate.

It has been five years since he established the Black Dragon Mercenary Team.

In the past five years, only one person in the Black Dragon Mercenary Team has died.

This kind of mortality rate is absolutely shockingly low in the mercenary world.

"Everyone get on the beast cart."

After hesitating for a breath, Tan Qingye waved decisively.

Everyone in the Black Dragon Mercenary Team didn't have much trust in Ling Yun, but they undoubtedly had absolute trust in Tan Qingye.

They also knew that if it hadn't been for Tan Qingye, they would never have had only one death in five years.

In an instant, everyone in the Black Dragon Mercenary Team rushed into the beast cart, then turned around and ran away in the beast cart.

"Damn it!"

Zhao Rui's expression changed drastically, and he cursed in anger.

At the same time, everyone in the Black Dragon Mercenary Team was even more shocked and angry than Zhao Rui.

Because they discovered that as soon as they ran away, dozens of figures rushed out from the surrounding buildings.

These people were obviously lurking around deliberately, and they didn't notice anything unusual before.

Moreover, judging from the lurking position of these people, it is clear that a pocket array has been deployed at the entrance of Niubei Town.

It is conceivable that once they step into Niubei Town, this pocket will immediately shrink and close.

Then they will all be trapped.

For a moment, the Black Dragon Mercenary Team was grateful to Ling Yun.

They were puzzled by Ling Yun's behavior before, and thought the latter was inexplicable.

Now they know that they are too slow.

If it weren't for Ling Yun, they would be in trouble soon.

Ling Yun saved the lives of their entire team.

Despite the complicated emotions in their hearts, the Black Dragon Mercenary Team did not move slowly.

Moreover, because they were few in number, they cooperated very well.

After getting on the beast cart, they drove the beast cart with all their strength.

At the same time, the masters of Niubei Town in the back were chasing the Black Dragon Mercenary Team frantically.

The Black Dragon Mercenary Team's actions obviously caught them off guard.

They were still waiting for the Black Dragon Mercenary Team to enter the pocket, so that they could catch the Black Dragon Mercenary Team in one fell swoop.

The Black Dragon Mercenary Team would suddenly escape.

This moment of negligence allowed the Black Dragon Mercenary Team to escape from the pocket, causing them to have to chase after them.

At this time, Tan Qingye demonstrated his excellent command ability.

Under his command, the Black Dragon Mercenary Team cooperated tacitly, with some responsible for counterattack and others for defense.

The Black Dragon Mercenary Team intercepted the attacks from the rear.

"Go to the northeast. When we came here before, I observed the surroundings. There is a dense forest in the northeast."

Ling Yun said.

Without Ling Yun's explanation, Tan Qingye and others understood what Ling Yun meant.

There are many more people in Niubei Town than them.

Fighting in an open area is obviously disadvantageous to them.

Only by entering the dense forest can they take advantage of the terrain to deal with the pursuers from Niubei Town.

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