Two minutes later, Wang Xuan left and returned, handing the two files to Ling Yun.

Ling Yun opened one of the files and looked at Ma Wang again: "According to the records in the file, Tang Qu went to Liuyun Pavilion two years ago. The madam of Liuyun Pavilion arranged two Hu Ji for Tang Qu, hoping that Hu Ji would serve Tang Qu. Qu.

As a result, Tang Qu bluntly said that he hated the Orchids the most in his life, and expelled the two Orchids.

A person who hates Orchid so much would accept Orchid as a gift from others? "

Ma Wang's expression changed.

The expressions of other people present also became subtle.

How is this going?

Ling Yun's words undoubtedly had great lethality to Ma Wang.

However, let alone Ma Wang, even they would not pay attention to this dossier.

There are hundreds of millions of files in the intelligence database.

Files like Tang Qu's visit to Liuyunge two years ago can only be said to be insignificant, and no one would pay attention to them.

Even if I see this dossier, I won't take it to heart.

But no one expected that Ling Yun could find such a dossier without knowing what happened.

For a moment, everyone present looked at Ma Wang, wondering how Ma Wang would respond.

Ma Wang is no ordinary person either.

He quickly regained his composure: "This doesn't mean anything. Maybe Tang Qu deliberately pretended not to like Hu Ji just because he was in a brothel.

In this world, many people have two faces. Their appearance on the surface cannot explain their private nature.

In my opinion, the file you found, Master Ling, just shows that Tang Qu is a sanctimonious person. "


Ling Yun spoke calmly and opened the second volume, "This volume records that twenty years ago, Tang Ming, the head of the Tang family of the aristocratic family in Huaixi City, doted on his concubines and destroyed his wife. For the sake of a Hu Ji concubine, he forced his wife Tan Baoxiang to suffer, and the latter Finally, he couldn't bear it and committed suicide by swallowing poison."

Ma Wang's heart skipped a beat, and he had an uneasy feeling.

Then, he heard Ling Yun say: "This Huaixi Tang family is Tang Qu's family, Tang Ming is Tang Qu's father, and Tan Baoxiang is Tang Qu's mother.

Tang Qu's mother was killed by Hu Ji's concubine, which is why Tang Qu hated Hu Ji so much.

Do you think a person whose mother was killed by Hu Ji will be lustful towards Hu Ji? "

Ma Wang was sweating like a waterfall and could no longer speak.

Everyone else present also looked at each other with surprise and uncertainty in their eyes.

Today's situation is completely different from what they expected.


Ma Wang could no longer put on airs in front of Ling Yun.

In the Black Clothes Building, the wrong case was investigated and it involved high-ranking Xingyue City officials like Tang Qu. This was an absolutely serious crime.

If Ling Yun wanted to pursue the case, he wouldn't even be able to protect Qing Yi's identity.

Ma Wang knelt down directly and said: "My lord, this case was caused by my subordinate's negligence. I will definitely re-investigate this case when I return, so that the truth will be revealed."

Now even a fool can see that there is something wrong with Tang Qu's case.

Ling Yun ignored him and asked him to kneel aside.

Then, Ling Yun looked at the messenger in green in the middle hall: "Zhao Huan, were you responsible for the murder of the Jiang family slave Yang's master?"

"It's a humble job."

Zhao Huan's heart trembled.

With Ma Wang's lessons learned, he became very cautious and even addressed Ling Yun as politely as possible.

"The case file you submitted records that the Jiang family slave Yang's attempt to murder the Jiang family's legitimate daughter Jiang Qingqing failed because someone broke in?"

Ling Yun said.

Zhao Huan thought about it, but he didn't think there was a problem with this case. He immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Sir, I think there is no problem with this case. If there is a problem, please tell me."

"Wang Xuan, go to the information warehouse again and get the files from the 37th cell on the second floor of the 10th row and the 12th cell on the 3rd floor of the 25th row."

Ling Yun said.

Not long after, Wang Xuan fetched two volumes of files.

Ling Yun opened the first volume: "Seventeen years ago, Qi Yunshuang, the eldest wife of the Jiang family, gave birth to a daughter named 'Jiang Qingqing'. In the same year, the Jiang family's slave Yang also gave birth to a daughter.

Then the whereabouts of Yang's daughter were unknown, and Jiang Qingqing became the noble daughter of the Jiang family.

Because of her abundant milk supply, Yang became Jiang Qingqing's wet nurse and took good care of Jiang Qingqing for seventeen years.

Such a person, do you think she would murder Jiang Qingqing? "

“Knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing hearts.”

Zhao Huan said: "Besides, the Yang family planned to murder Jiang Qingqing because the second wife of the Jiang family bought her with a lot of money. Under the temptation of huge interests, the Yang family could not help but become greedy and commit murder."

Ling Yun opened the second volume: "Thirty years ago, the Qi family moved from Lujiao City to Xingyue City and were attacked by bandits on the way.

Qi Yunshuang was hit in the abdomen by a gangster, and her palace belly was almost broken. Geng Haoran, the Tianyuan alchemist of Xingyue City, treated her. Although Qi Yunshuang's injuries were cured, Qi Yunshuang's palace belly could not be restored to its original state.

Qi Yunshuang was unable to get pregnant from then on.

But Qi Yunshuang and the Jiang family had an engagement at that time. In order to prevent the Jiang family from breaking off the engagement, they bribed Geng Haoran so that Geng Haoran would not reveal his condition to the public.

However, the Qi family could hide this from the Jiang family, but they could not hide it from the Heiyi House. The Heiyi House had recorded this matter in the file thirty years ago. "

Upon hearing this, the expressions of everyone present changed.

No one who can join the Black Clothes Building is a fool.

Everyone present knew what Ling Yun's words meant.

Zhao Huan's face turned pale.

"Qi Yunshuang was unable to get pregnant, but she announced that she had given birth to Jiang Qingqing. In the same year, Yang also gave birth to a daughter, whose whereabouts are unknown."

Wang Xuan said: "Not only was Mrs. Yang not sad, she became Jiang Qingqing's wet nurse and took good care of Jiang Qingqing.

The truth is self-evident, Yang is Jiang Qingqing's biological mother.

How could a mother murder her own daughter? "

There was no color on Zhao Huan's face anymore.

At this point, he still didn't know that he had really investigated the wrong case.

"But, since Yang is Jiang Qingqing's biological mother, why didn't she tell the truth when I interrogated her."

Zhao Huan said: "As long as she reveals the truth, how can I identify her as the murderer?"

Wang Xuan looked at him: "Hmph, if Yang tells the truth, Jiang Qingqing will no longer be the legitimate daughter of the Jiang family.

Yang's move was purely out of love for her daughter.

She would rather die than ruin her daughter's future. "

Zhao Huan was struck by lightning.

After regaining consciousness, he also knelt down to Ling Yun: "Sir, I know my mistake, and I am willing to re-investigate this case and make up for it."

Next, Ling Yun followed suit.

Everyone present is an envoy in Tsing Yi, and I don’t know how many cases they have to investigate every year.

If it were anyone else, there might not be anything they can do against them in a short period of time.

After all, there are too many files in the intelligence library.

When other envoys handle cases, it often takes several months to check the files of a single case.

Not to mention that there are hundreds of millions of files in this intelligence database, involving countless cases.

But Ling Yun has already taken hundreds of millions of files into his mind.

The cases handled by the black-clad messengers were all clear in his mind.

Everyone in the Tsing Yi envoys present was asked by Ling Yun to find out the wrong case they had handled.

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