Tai Lu Zong was very efficient.

Next, they focused on collecting Essence Stones.

Finally, half a day later, they sold the collected Essence Stones again and collected a million Tianji Points.

With these million Tianji Points, Tai Lu Zong exchanged a God-level technique from the Tianji Trading Network.

After exchanging for the God-level technique, everyone in Tai Lu Zong was extremely excited.

Before, they were actually worried that the God-level technique displayed on the Tianji Trading Network was just a false content.

In that case, Tai Lu Zong would undoubtedly suffer heavy losses.

Now that they really got the God-level technique, they were completely relieved.

At the same time, they also had absolute trust in the Tianji Trading Network.

Xingyue City.

Ling Yun was also delighted.

"Sword Essence Stone, Flame Essence Stone, Killing Essence Stone and Thunder Essence Stone have all been collected, and most of the Destruction Essence Stone and Rage Essence Stone have been collected."

Those Law Essence Stones in the Tianji Trading Network were swept away by Ling Yun.

After reaching the twelfth level of the cave heaven, his main concern was to advance to the Dharma phase.

He had no shortage of his own state of mind and the spiritual crystals needed for advancement.

The only thing he lacked was the law essence stone.

This was also the biggest difficulty for warriors when they were promoted to the Dharma phase.

After all, in a place like the Yuanchu Ancient Realm, law essence stones were still very rare!

And this was even more of a problem for Ling Yun.

Because his demand for law essence stones far exceeded that of others.

On the one hand, his law was at the extreme level.

The higher the level of the law, the more law essence stones were needed to condense the Dharma phase.

On the other hand, most other warriors mastered one law, and those who mastered two laws were geniuses.

Ling Yun mastered the six laws of the sword law, the fire law, the killing law, the destruction law, the violent law, and the time law.

As a result, the number of essence stones he needed was hundreds of times that of other warriors when they were promoted.

Under normal circumstances, it would take him decades or even hundreds of years just to collect enough essence stones.

But it was different with the Tianji Trading Network.

This is also an important reason why he established the Tianji Trading Network.

With the help of the Tianji Trading Network, he can let all the hidden forces collect essence stones for him.

Facts have proved that this is very correct.

Tailu Sect alone contributed 35 essence stones to him.

Other hidden sects also contributed a lot.

Now he has collected most of the essence stones.

At this efficiency, there is no need to worry about the destruction essence stones and violent essence stones.

The only thing to worry about is the time essence stone.

Time essence stone is rarer than time and space crystal.

But this is not a way.

It is definitely impossible to collect time essence stones in the Yuanchu Ancient Realm!

Fortunately, he has another identity, the Lord of Reincarnation!

There is the goddess Valkyrie in the Yunwu Gathering.

He can let the Valkyrie go to the God's Domain to collect time essence stones for him.

Of course, time essence stones are extremely precious.

In the past, Ling Yun definitely did not have so many resources to exchange.

Now it is different.

He made a fortune through the Tianji Trading Network.

He can use these resources to exchange for time essence stones.

"There are still three days before the next cloud and fog gathering."

Ling Yun calmed down and waited patiently for three days.

Three days passed in a flash.

In these three days, the Tianji Spirit Realm developed rapidly.

The number of Tianji Order Masters has soared from more than one thousand three days ago to more than two hundred thousand now.

The trading system and task system are becoming more and more mature.

Many warriors have traded resources and treasures in the trading system.

At the same time, people have begun to issue tasks.

Ling Yun also wants to issue tasks.

But he is not in a hurry.

He will wait until more people continue to issue tasks before taking action.

This is to avoid any possibility of revealing his identity.

He wants to make the identity of the Spirit of Tianji become the supreme, emotionless, and absolutely fair existence in the eyes of everyone in the Tianji Spirit Realm.

In this way, those people will trust the Spirit of Tianji more.

Therefore, he must not let others associate him with the Spirit of Tianji.

And with more people, the speed of resource collection is also faster.

The Destruction Essence Stone and the Rage Essence Stone have also been collected.

Now only the Time Essence Stone remains.

When the Time Essence Stone is collected, it will be the time for Ling Yun to be promoted to the Dharma Image!

In addition to purchasing Essence Stones, Ling Yun also secretly purchased some "Source Gold".

The discovery of Source Gold was an unexpected surprise.

This thing came from Tailu Sect.

Before this, Ling Yun had never thought that Tailu Sect would have such a thing.

Source Gold is extremely valuable and is an important material for refining top-level artifacts.

But this material is already difficult to find in the God Realm. Unexpectedly, Tailu Sect actually got a lot of it.

And it is obvious that Tailu Sect does not know the value of Source Gold and only regards it as an ordinary refining material.

Ling Yun did not defraud Tailu Sect too much and spent 80,000 Tianji Points to buy all the Source Gold of Tailu Sect.

This is undoubtedly a big profit for Ling Yun.

After all, Tianji Points are just some data to him, and he can have as many as he wants.

Ling Yun is of course happy.

And Tailu Sect is also surprised.

They didn't expect that this metal, which they didn't know what it was used for, could actually exchange for 80,000 Tianji points.

In short, both sides were very satisfied and happy.

Soon, it was time for the Yunwu party to start.

For a period of time before, Ling Yun actually also used the identity of Su Jie to attend the party.

However, he has always kept a low profile and has not shown much presence. He just shows up to prevent other members from forgetting him.

But today, the low-key "Su Jie" spoke up.

"Su Jie" is Ling Yun.

He looked at Valkyrie: "General, I want to send you a commission."

In the Cloud Gathering, in addition to exchanging information and resources, members can also issue commissions to each other.

The other members looked at Ling Yun in surprise.

Su Jie has always been extremely low-key, and he is one of the most insignificant members in the Yunwu Gathering.

Unexpectedly, Su Jie would issue a commission to the general today.

You know, the general is a god.

The cost of issuing a commission to her is extremely high.

"Oh? What commission does Mr. Zed want to issue to me?"

Valkyrie said with great interest.

She thinks differently than others.

In the eyes of others, among the members of the Yunwu Gathering, Su Jie has the least sense of existence.

However, she felt that Su Jie was the most mysterious, the only existence that she could not see through.

"I want to entrust you, General, to help me acquire the Time Stone in God's Domain."

Ling Yun said.

"Time Stone?"

The Valkyrie was surprised for a while, "The Time Stone is the rarest of many stones, and it is also very expensive."

She didn't say it clearly, but smart people understood what she meant.

If you want to get the Time Stone, you need to have strong capital.

But Ling Yun looked deeper, and he knew that this was actually a test by the Valkyrie.

There are not many time stones in the divine realm, and they are even rarer in other worlds.

Therefore, usually only people in the Divine Realm know the specific value of the Time Stone.

Valkyrie can use this to determine his general origin.

"I can exchange the Origin Gold for the Time Stone."

Ling Yun said.

Valkyrie was surprised: "You actually have Source Gold?"

But she remembered that she had seen a scene, that is, two top weapon refiners in the God's Domain were fighting over a small piece of Origin Gold.

Unexpectedly, this "Su Jie" actually has such a rare treasure.

Ling Yun did not answer the question and said directly: "I want to purchase twenty pieces of time stones in the scale of one hundred grams."

The Valkyrie looked moved, and then looked at Ling Yun solemnly: "How do you plan to acquire it?"

"One gram of Origin Gold is exchanged for one gram of Essence Stone."

Ling Yun said: "After the matter is completed, I can give you a hundred grams of source gold as a reward."

"make a deal!"

At this time, even the Valkyrie was a little excited, "Su Jie, I underestimated you before. I didn't expect you to have such strong financial resources."

Through Ling Yun's words, she thought she had a deeper understanding of "Su Jie".

The other party not only has so much source gold, but also knows the trading ratio between source gold and fine stones, which shows that even though the other party is in the God's Domain, he also knows the God's Domain very well.

In her opinion, "Su Jie" has become a god-level being at least on the same level as her.

Everyone else also looked at "Su Jie" with admiration.

Being able to have Valkyrie praise her as having "strong financial resources" shows how wealthy "Su Jie" is.

They felt that they and others had misjudged the "Su Jie" in the past.

The other party's low profile in the past was not due to inferiority as they imagined, but probably because they disdained to participate in their previous transactions.

Now, when the opponent takes action, even the god Valkyrie is moved.

After the cloud gathering ended, Ling Yun practiced while patiently waiting for the Valkyrie's reply.

The next day.

Shen Zhen, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, came to see Ling Yun.

"Sir, we have found an underground secret place."

Shen Zhen said excitedly.

Ling Yun had previously given her 100 billion yuan crystals to let her and her mother Murong Jingyan improve their strength.

But they did not use these resources for themselves, but secretly developed their power, thinking that they could help Ling Yun in the future.

Unexpectedly, they accidentally discovered an underground secret realm.

"tell me the story."

Ling Yun was very interested.

"The underground secret realm is located in Yuping Mountain on the border of Tailu Territory."

Shen Zhen said: "This secret realm has a large space and rich aura inside, and there is nothing dangerous inside.

I think this place is very suitable to be used as the base of the sect's power. "

"It's interesting, take me to see it."

Ling Yun said.

He now indeed lacks a foundation in the ancient world of the early Yuan Dynasty.

If what Shen Zhen said is true, then the place she mentioned is indeed very suitable.

One day later.

Ling Yun and Shen Zhen came to Yuping Mountain.

Although Yuping Mountain is not prosperous, it is not a place rarely visited by people.

This is considered a small tourist attraction.

The hot springs on the mountain have the effect of repairing injuries and warming the body, and are loved by many warriors.

"Sir, this Yuping Mountain is generally ownerless. There is only Yuquan Villa on the top of the mountain."

Shen Zhen sent a message: "As for Yuquan Villa, it is obvious that they don't know about the existence of that secret realm.

As long as we buy Yuquan Villa and ask for a land deed from Yuping Town at the foot of Yuping Mountain, it will be easy to take over Yuping Mountain. "

"Then Yuping Town will give us the land deed so easily?"

Ling Yun said.

"Yuping Town is just an ordinary town, and the mayor is just a second-grade Dongtian warrior."

Shen Zhen said: "This area, because it is located on the edge of the border between Tailu Sect and Taicang Sect, is actually a three-nothing zone.

As long as you, sir, think this place is good, I can settle Yuping Town without you having to come forward. "

While the two were communicating secretly, a voice came from behind them: "Are you Shen Zhen?"

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