Qin Shulan did not stay here longer.

Danqing Pavilion opened today and she was really busy.

What's more, in her opinion, Ling Yun, like her, is also the master of Danqing Pavilion.

With Ling Yun as the master here, and everyone in Lei Ming Martial Arts School being Ling Yun's sect, she definitely doesn't need to worry about these people.

After Qin Shulan left, a follower behind Xu Chaodong curled his lips and said: "It seems that Danqing Pavilion's vision is not very good. Is someone like Ling Yun worthy of attention?"

"Hmph, so what if he embraces Danqing Pavilion. Danqing Pavilion used to have many enemies, so it may not be able to really open it!"

Xu Chaodong snorted coldly, feeling extremely unhappy.

Qin Shulan didn't even look at him before, but instead greeted Ling Yun, a clerk.

Taking care of them was also for Ling Yun's sake.

For a moment, he felt that Qin Shulan was beautiful but had ordinary eyesight.

He was even more disgusted with Ling Yun.

As if to confirm Xu Chaodong's words, a large commotion suddenly came from outside.

The crowd moved out of the way.

Then, a group of vicious people walked into Danqing Pavilion.

This group of people is clearly from the Black Hawk Gang.

The opening ceremony of Danqing Pavilion was suddenly destroyed by the Black Hawk Gang.

The people from the Black Hawk Gang were carrying a stretcher at the moment.

A blue-faced man was lying on the stretcher.

"Gang Leader Chen, what are you doing?"

Qin Shulan came over in a hurry.

"Shop Manager Qin, we trust your Danqing Pavilion and that's why we buy elixirs from your Danqing Pavilion."

Chen Shenghao sneered: "But half an hour ago, one of my brothers from the Black Eagle Gang bought elixirs from your Danqing Pavilion. Not long after he took them back and ate them, he was severely poisoned and became what he is now.

Should you, Danqing Pavilion, give me an explanation? "

The crowd around them didn't dare to say anything, and even if they spoke, they only dared to whisper.

After all, the Black Hawk Gang's reputation in the south of the city is not very good, and no one dares to offend such forces rashly.

Some ordinary guests even made an uproar, affected by the Black Hawk Gang's words.

If there is really something wrong with the pills in Danqing Pavilion, then who would dare to buy medicine in Danqing Pavilion.

Qin Shulan's expression changed: "The elixirs in my Danqing Pavilion are all put on the shelves after passing strict review. It is impossible for this kind of problem to occur."

"It sounds nice, but the fact is that my brother has been poisoned by taking the elixir from your Danqing Pavilion."

Chen Shenghao said.

"How do I know if he was poisoned by the elixir from my Danqing Pavilion? You can't just say what you say, right?"

Qin Shulan said in a deep voice.

"Haha, this is the Blood Yuan Dan that my brother bought in your Danqing Pavilion half an hour ago."

Chen Shenghao took out a bottle of elixir, "This elixir bottle has the mark of your Danqing Pavilion on it!"

Immediately, other alchemists came over and said after taking a look: "This bottle of elixir is indeed poisonous."

The noise all around suddenly became louder.

Xu Chaodong shook his head and said: "Let me just say that Danqing Pavilion may not be able to be opened."

"Are you sure that you guys from the Black Hawk Gang took the poison in the elixir from Danqing Pavilion?"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

Ling Yun walked to Qin Shulan's side.

Chen Shenghao said coldly: "Of course, if your Painting Pavilion doesn't give us an explanation today, then I think there is no need for your Painting Pavilion to continue opening."

Ling Yun walked up to the Black Eagle Gang disciple without saying a word.

This Black Eagle Gang disciple was indeed poisoned.

Obviously, Chen Shenghao deliberately leaked poison into the elixir and fed it to his gang.

This kind of thing is extremely difficult to explain.

As long as Chen Shenghao insists that this Black Eagle Gang disciple has eaten the poison in Danqing Pavilion's elixir, it will be difficult for Danqing Pavilion to prove his innocence.

Even if it can be proven, Danqing Pavilion's reputation will be ruined if Chen Shenghao interferes with it like this.

Chen Shenghao's move was undoubtedly extremely cunning.

But in Ling Yun's eyes, this method is undoubtedly still too immature.

Ling Yun reached out and touched the poisoned Black Eagle Gang disciple.

The "Eternal Heaven Swallowing Art" was quietly activated, directly swallowing all the poison from the Black Eagle Gang disciple.

Then, Ling Yun looked at Chen Shenghao sarcastically: "Explain? I don't think we should give an explanation to your Black Hawk Gang, but your Black Hawk Gang should give an explanation to Danqing Pavilion and even everyone present."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Chen Shenghao frowned.

Others around him also looked at each other in confusion, not understanding what Ling Yun meant by what he said.

Even if Chen Shenghao really slanders Danqing Pavilion, that is still a matter between Danqing Pavilion and the Black Hawk Gang. What does it have to do with the rest of them?

"Even if you, the Black Hawk Gang, want to slander my Danqing Pavilion, you should do it in a clever way. At least you have to give this disciple of the Black Hawk Gang some real poison."

Ling Yun said: "But you didn't even inject poison. You just carried a normal person to slander Danqing Pavilion. You are not only slandering Danqing Pavilion, but also insulting the IQ of everyone present."

"Not poisoned? Impossible. I gave him...ahem, he was obviously poisoned." Chen Shenghao shouted.

"Yes, I saw it before and he was indeed hit...Huh? Not poisoned?"

The alchemist who came out to identify the Blood Essence Pill also had a look of surprise on his face.

"It's not poisoned."

"Here, to bring up a normal person to slander Danqing Pavilion and insist that he was poisoned. This is indeed an insult to our IQ."

The other alchemists around also spoke one after another.

Many alchemists had angry looks on their faces, feeling that the Black Hawk Gang was really insulting them.

Is it possible that, in the eyes of the Black Hawk Gang, they alchemists are so bad that they can't even tell whether someone has been poisoned?

Chen Shenghao's expression changed drastically.

If an alchemist said this, it might be a misjudgment.

But at this moment, all the alchemists are saying this, so this cannot be a misjudgment.

At this moment, the Black Eagle Gang disciple who had been unconscious due to poisoning also opened his eyes.

The toxins in his body had just been swallowed, and his body was still very weak.

This caused him to look very sleepy when he opened his eyes, giving the impression that he had been sleeping before and had just woken up now.

This appearance instantly angered everyone around him.


An old man scolded.

This old man's status in Yangcheng is not low. He is a highly respected high-ranking alchemist.

"It's you, you must have done it."

Chen Shenghao looked at Ling Yun suddenly, "You were the only one who approached this disciple of my Black Eagle Gang just now. Did you detoxify him?"

Ling Yun didn't bother to pay attention to him at all.


The old man from before said: "I have never heard of anyone who can detoxify people with just a touch.

If you can really do this, then you are a god, but a god still has no need to talk nonsense with you, Chen Shenghao? "

He has an extraordinary status and is not afraid of Chen Shenghao at all.

"I've never heard of such a thing."

"If there really is someone who can detoxify people with just a touch, then we would all be willing to respect him as a god."

The other alchemists also became sarcastic.

Being targeted by so many alchemists, Chen Shenghao suddenly broke into a cold sweat and did not dare to be tough anymore.

"It seems that there is indeed a misunderstanding about today's matter. Let's go."

Chen Shenghao was extremely decisive.

Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately retreated.

"Want to leave?"

Ling Yun said coldly: "You Black Eagle, you are making such a big show of slandering our Danqing Pavilion and trying to ruin the opening ceremony of Danqing Pavilion.

Now that the plan has failed, you just want to leave. Is there such a beautiful thing in the world? "

Chen Shenghao said disdainfully: "Haha, does your Danqing Pavilion still plan to keep me? Does your Danqing Pavilion have the strength?"

The biggest reason why he dared to come today was that even if the plan failed, it would not matter to him.

After all, the Qin family has long been destroyed.

The masters of the Qin family in the past have also left.

He has no fear at all towards the Qin family and Danqing Pavilion.

"I, Danqing Pavilion, will naturally not force guests to stay."

Ling Yun said: "But you must explain the matter clearly, and then apologize and make compensation to me, Danqing Pavilion, so that you can leave."

"It's a joke. I told you it was just a misunderstanding. Why are you talking about apology and compensation?"

Chen Shenghao looked contemptuous.

"If that's the case, then you really can't leave."

This time, it was not Ling Yun who spoke, but a mysterious middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man looks very ordinary.

But as soon as he appeared, Chen Shenghao and the other masters present felt awe-struck.

Because the sense of oppression brought by this middle-aged man to them was too strong.

Could it be...

Many people already have a guess in mind.

It's just that this guess is too incredible.

Before anyone could think about it, the middle-aged man had already taken action against Chen Shenghao.

He just pressed his palm against Chen Shenghao.

In an instant, the air around Chen Shenghao froze rapidly.

"No, break it for me!"

Chen Shenghao's expression suddenly changed, and he frantically used his magic power to fight.

But his strength is obviously not on the same level as that of middle-aged men.

In just a moment, Chen Shenghao's power collapsed.

Then, most of Chen Shenghao's body turned into an ice sculpture.

"Great Supreme!"

Everyone around was shocked.

This mysterious middle-aged man is actually the Great Supreme.

Only a strong person like this could easily subdue Chen Shenghao.

But this is undoubtedly beyond people's expectations.

Doesn’t it mean that Danqing Pavilion and the Qin family have declined?

Will a declining force be protected by the Great Supreme?

The hearts of many people who were originally interested in Danqing Pavilion suddenly shrank back.

Although most of Chen Shenghao's body is frozen, the muscles on his face can still move.

So, people can see his expression.

His expression was clearly horrified.

The mysterious middle-aged man is undoubtedly the disguised King Jing.

Next, King Jing continued to take action!

He first threw Chen Shenghao, who had turned into an ice sculpture, into the street outside.

Then he did the same to other Black Hawk Gang disciples.

In an instant, the street outside was filled with Black Eagle Gang disciples.

But these Black Eagle Gang disciples didn't dare to let go of anything, so they quickly carried Chen Shenghao and fled in despair.

Xu Chaodong's face looked very ugly.

Earlier he was still mocking the Danqing Pavilion, saying that the Danqing Pavilion could not be opened.

As a result, Danqing Pavilion actually had a Supreme Being sitting in charge.

In this way, even if Danqing Pavilion is not as good as Leiming Martial Arts School, it cannot be easily shaken by ordinary forces.

And Ling Yun's ability to become the core backbone of Danqing Pavilion is undoubtedly a real blessing.

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