Awakening the Eternal Heaven-Swallowing Art

Chapter 2472 Meeting Fu Xiaose again

"Miss Fu, why are you here?"

When Ling Yun arrived at Meixiang Pavilion, he saw an acquaintance.

The charming woman in front of her was clearly the oiran Fu Xiaose of Yanguo Meixiang Pavilion.

"Sister is the owner of our Meixiang Pavilion, so there's nothing strange about her being here."

A girl behind Fu Xiaose hummed.

"Miss Fu, you deceived me so badly."

Ling Yun said.

Having said that, he was actually not very surprised.

When he was in Yan Kingdom, he felt that Fu Xiaose's identity was unusual.

A normal brothel woman, even an oiran, cannot make her own decisions.

Fu Xiaose can not only truly show off his skills without selling himself, but he can also choose his own customers.

Moreover, Fu Xiaose has always been calm and composed when facing the Supreme.

When he was in Yan Kingdom, many people speculated that Fu Xiaose was appreciated by some big shot.

Now it seems that this big shot is actually Fu Xiaose himself.

"Each other."

Fu Xiaose smiled and said: "Who would have thought that such a handsome young man would fight his way out of the Yan Kingdom like a bloody war god."

Afterwards, the two just teased each other.

As for cooperation, there is actually nothing to talk about.

Ling Yun came to Meixiang Pavilion to worship, which was designated by Zhang Tiexin.

Even if Fu Xiaose is dissatisfied with Ling Yun, he cannot arbitrarily refute Zhang Tiexin's face.

Now Ling Yun also has no other choice except Meixiang Pavilion.

The two parties roughly agreed on the content of future cooperation and the remuneration that Ling Yun would receive.

Every month, Mei Xiangge will give Ling Yun 50 million source coins.

This amount of money is undoubtedly far behind the income from Danqing Pavilion, but it is not a small amount.

Overall, Ling Yun was very satisfied.

After all, he doesn't need to be stationed in Meixiang Pavilion permanently, he just needs to take care of it when Meixiang Pavilion encounters trouble.

After signing the contract, Ling Yun chose to leave.

After Ling Yun left, the girl behind Fu Xiaose said: "Sister, this Ling Yun may have extraordinary potential, but he is too young, and his cultivation level is only at the level of overcoming tribulation.

How could such a person protect me, Meixiang Pavilion? Lei Ming Martial Arts School sent such a person here to show his insincerity.

I think we might as well choose Zhulin Martial Arts Academy. Although Zhulin Martial Arts Academy is far inferior to Lei Ming Martial Arts Academy, the person sent by Zhulin Martial Arts Academy this time is the vice president Gao Xiaobing.

Gao Xiaobing is the Supreme, much stronger than Ling Yun. "

She greatly admired and relied on Fu Xiaose.

In the eyes of others, Meixiang Pavilion is a brothel.

But this is just a shelter for a group of homeless women.

In this chaotic world, it is not easy for a group of women with little martial arts ability to live a stable life.

And almost all the sisters in Meixiang Pavilion were rescued by Fu Xiaose.

It can be said that Fu Xiaose is the backbone of all the sisters in Meixiang Pavilion.

It was her thin shoulders that supported the huge Meixiang Pavilion.

Including her.

She was Fu Xiaose's sister in name, but in fact she was taken in by Fu Xiaose.

In the past, her family was destroyed, and she was the only one who escaped.

Fortunately, she met Fu Xiaose and brought her back to Meixiang Pavilion, so she was able to survive.

And because she is different from the other sisters.

She was very talented in martial arts, so Fu Xiaose didn't let her pick up the guests. Instead, he treated her like a younger sister and let her concentrate on her practice.

This also made her extremely concerned about the future of Meixiang Pavilion.

"Qiuyue, don't talk nonsense."

Fu Xiaose shook his head and said: "If Zhang Tiexin was really that kind of person, he wouldn't have such a high prestige. He naturally has his reasons for letting Ling Yun come.

In terms of strength, Ling Yun is lacking, but this person also has his advantages.

Back in the Yan Kingdom, this person would rather flee than surrender to the royal family of the Yan Kingdom, which proves that this kind of person cannot be conquered by profit. We don't have to worry about him being bribed by other forces in the future.

In addition, some time ago, Huang Zhenfan of Lei Ming Martial Arts School was deposed, and everyone else stood aside and watched. Only Ling Yun came forward to take him in. It can be seen that Ling Yun is a person who attaches great importance to friendship.

On the other hand, Gao Xiaobing was strong, but his character was quite bad. Letting him come would probably lead the wolf into the house.

In this way, the stronger he is, the more harmful he will be to us. "

After hearing this, Fu Qiuyue, although she was still dissatisfied with Ling Yun, did not say anything more in the end.

same moment.

Not far from the diagonal side of Meixiang Pavilion, there is a top floor of a restaurant.

There was a man who looked about thirty years old and had a feminine face standing there looking down.

From his line of sight, he could just see Meixiang Pavilion.

He could also clearly see the scene of Fu Xiaose sending Ling Yun away.

In the man's eyes, a cold light suddenly shot out.

After a while, a woman came in and said respectfully: "Master."

This feminine man is none other than Gao Xiaobing, the vice president of the Zhulin Martial Arts Academy.

And the woman he was interested in was actually wearing clothes from Meixiang Pavilion.


Gao Xiaobing said coldly.

"Sir, it's been confirmed that our employer rejected you because you chose someone from the Lei Ming Martial Arts School."

The woman said: "The man just now is named 'Ling Yun'. I don't know much about his situation, but with your energy, it must not be difficult to find out his information."

"Ling Yun? I have heard this person's name recently."

Next to Gao Xiaobing, a woman with a hot figure smiled and said: "This person lives in Qin Shulan's house and is not familiar with Qin Shulan. I didn't expect that Fu Xiaose would like him again.

Gee, I'm a little curious about him now. He looks so ordinary, so why does he attract the favor of so many beauties?

Is it possible that he is very capable in that area? "

When talking about the back part, the woman with a hot figure couldn't help but lick her lips with her tongue.

Hearing her words, Gao Xiaobing's face became even more ugly.

"You go back to Meixiang Pavilion first and help me keep an eye on your boss and Ling Yun. Once there is any news related to Ling Yun, remember to tell me as soon as possible."

Gao Xiaobing said to the woman from Meixiang Pavilion: "Also, you did well this time, and this is your reward."

As he spoke, he threw a small storage bag to the Meixiang Pavilion woman.

The Meixiangge woman took the storage bag, and her eyes quickly lit up.

There are one hundred thousand source coins in this storage bag.

This is undoubtedly a huge sum of money for a woman with mediocre martial arts talent like her.

You know, usually she can only get one thousand source coins for one customer.

This huge amount of money can be used to offset her taking on a hundred customers.

"Yes, Master."

The woman's smile became more and more flattering.

After she left, Gao Xiaobing looked at the woman with a hot figure: "Black Widow, listening to what you just said, does it seem that you know something about Ling Yun?"

"Haha, indeed."

The fiery woman said, "As you know, I have always disliked Qin Shulan. Things related to her will naturally attract some attention, so I noticed Ling Yun."

"Tell me everything about Ling Yun."

Gao Xiaobing said.

"This Ling Yun came from the Yan Kingdom before and seemed to be wanted by the Yan Kingdom. Later he met Qin Shulan and joined the Lei Ming Martial Arts School through Qin Shulan's relationship."

The fiery woman said: "But his cultivation level is really not high, he is only in the tribulation realm, but Fu Xiaose would rather choose him as a worshiper than you. Don't you think it's interesting?"

Gao Xiaobing's expression became increasingly ugly: "Is Fu Xiaose suffering from brain damage?"

"I think Fu Xiaose's choice is understandable."

The fiery woman smiled and said: "First of all, this Ling Yun's cultivation level is not high, but he is good-looking, especially his cold temperament, which makes me salivate.

In addition, as far as I know, Ling Yun is a compassionate and righteous person.

Some time ago in Lei Ming Martial Arts School, a disciple was criticized for his martial arts. Others were afraid to avoid him, but Ling Yun took him in.

Women are different from you men in that they tend to be more emotional. People like Ling Yun who are good-looking and affectionate are the most popular among women. "

"Isn't this Ta Ma just a pretty boy with a bad brain?"

Gao Xiaobing was angry.

But he quickly regained his composure: "Haha, I thought it was some master who ruined my business, but after a long time he was just such a clown, so that's fine."

"Indeed, if you really have to deal with this kind of person, it will be much less difficult than those experts."

The woman with a hot figure also smiled.

"Black Widow, I'll leave that kid to you and I won't show up."

Gao Xiaobing said.

The nickname for the woman with a hot figure is "Black Widow".

As the saying goes, people can only be called by the wrong name, but there is no such thing as the wrong nickname.

Even though she looks like a delicate beauty, she is actually extremely cruel and unscrupulous.

She runs an underground force in Yang City, which is similar in nature to the Black Hawk Gang, and even darker than the Black Hawk Gang. She specializes in handling shady things for people.

Moreover, she also practiced the evil magic of harvesting yang and replenishing yin.

I don't know how many men died after being drained of their vitality by him.

"Gee, I may not promise you anything else. I'm really interested in this matter."

Black Widow said: "Speaking of which, I also want to taste what is different about the taste of a man who is favored by both Qin Shulan and Fu Xiaose."

Gao Xiaobing couldn't help but smile, as if he had seen the scene of Ling Yun being sucked out of Yuanyang and dying.

He had no sympathy for this.

Ling Yun deserves the fate he deserves for daring to do anything bad to him.

As for the Lei Ming Martial Arts School behind Ling Yun, he didn't really care.

It's not that he despises Lei Ming Martial Arts School.

But he didn't think that Lei Ming Martial Arts School would pay much attention to a disciple like Ling Yun.

Zhang Tiexin has dozens of disciples.

Ling Yun was just a disciple of the Tribulation Realm. Gao Xiaobing thought that he was Zhang Tiexin, and he would not even bother to look at Ling Yun on weekdays.

Such a disciple would not care much even if Zhang Tiexin died.

The former Huang Zhenfan is a good example.

Huang Zhenfan was deposed, and Zhang Tiexin was not seen standing up for Huang Zhenfan in the end.

Ling Yun didn't know that he was already being targeted.

After coming out of Meixiang Pavilion, he returned to Lei Ming Martial Arts School and continued his training.

Before I knew it, half a month had passed.

During this half month, Ling Yun lived a stable and repetitive life every day.

Training, hunting and alchemy.

The harvest is also considerable.

In just half a month, he earned an income of 300 million source coins through hunting and Danqing Pavilion.

On average, 20 million source coins can be obtained every day.

This day seemed to be another ordinary day.


Ling Yun is practicing at Lei Ming Martial Arts School.

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