Awakening the Eternal Heaven-Swallowing Art

Chapter 2493 Lack of consideration


Beigong Zhenghe is not as naive and confused as Beigong Jiawan.

Beigong Weiyang's cultivation was abolished three years ago. Would the family really wait until today to deprive Beigong Weiyang of her power?

In fact, the family has been trying for the past three years.

During this period, the family took over part of the industry several times, but the results were not as effective as in the hands of Beigong Weiyang.

As a last resort, the family could only continue to let Bei Gong Weiyang control these industries.

Now that the family has changed its mind, it took three years to slowly become familiar with the family's businesses.

In addition, the family crisis is getting more and more serious, and there is an urgent need for Bei Gong Weiyang to get married, so he did this.

Therefore, he knew very well that Beigong Weiyang's business ability was by no means as insignificant as Beigong Jiawan said.

"You can be confident, but you can't be arrogant."

Beigong Zhenghe said with a straight face: "Beigong Weiyang's business ability is absolutely first-class, you can't doubt this.

Therefore, even if you want to take over the industry, be humble, see more of Beigong Weiyang's strengths, and learn from her experience instead of being blinded by jealousy.

Otherwise, I don’t think the family’s property can be handed over to you. "

Beigong Jiawan was startled and said quickly: "Father, I know I was wrong."

"That's good."

Beigong Zhenghe said: "You don't have to worry about the industry. I will go to her in person later and ask her to go to Ming Gong tomorrow. By the way, I will also ask her to cooperate with you in the future."

"Thank you father."

After being threatened by Beigong Zhenghe, Beigong Jiawan did not dare to act like a monster again.

Soon, Beigong Zhenghe came to Beigong Weiyang's yard.

Beigong Weiyang is still in the room.

"Weiyang, please open the door. Uncle has something to tell you."

Beigong Zhenghe said.

Beigong Weiyang didn't mean to get into trouble with him.

She has always been a down-to-earth and generous person, and she never bothers to be petty.


The door opened, and Beigong Weiyang looked at Beigong Zhenghe and said, "Uncle, you came to my place to explain matters to me?"

Beigong Zhenghe sighed: "Weiyang, I know you are not happy with this, but this is the best choice for you.

What's more, when a family encounters a crisis, someone always needs to make sacrifices! "

"Someone has to make sacrifices, so why does that person have to be me?"

Beigong Weiyang said calmly.

"If it's not you, why should Jiawan go?"

Beigong Zhenghe said: "Jiawan is already the Supreme Supreme, and there is a high chance that he will be promoted to the Grand Supreme in the future.

And your cultivation is hopeless for life. In this case, let you get married and exchange for a strong ally for the family. This is the best choice for you and the family. "

A trace of sadness flashed in Bei Gong Weiyang's eyes, and she suddenly returned to indifference: "Uncle, have I not contributed enough to the family these years?"


Beigong Zhenghe's eyes flickered, and he didn't dare to look at Beigong Weiyang.

When this topic was brought up, he really felt a little guilty.

In terms of contribution to the family over the years, I am afraid that even he, the patriarch, cannot compare to Beigong Weiyang.

But soon he turned serious again: "Weiyang, my uncle can understand your emotions, but in the face of family interests, you cannot be willful.

Tomorrow, you go to Ming Mansion, have a good talk with Ming Gong, and calm down his anger. "

Hearing this, Beigong Weiyang looked sarcastic.

"Uncle, the family is in critical danger right now, but do you think you can really save the family by simply accepting the consequences and placing your hopes on others?"

Bei Gong Weiyang said disdainfully: "When grandpa took over the family, the family's situation was also not good, but grandpa strongly led the family and made everyone in the family work together, and finally turned the tide and made the family prosperous again.

But what about now?

Facing the family crisis, uncle, you never thought about how to strengthen yourself. Instead, you always thought about using external forces to stabilize the family's position.

As everyone knows, the more this happens, the more other forces look down on my Beigong family. "

These words remained in her heart for a long time.

It's just that in the past, her life and soul were severely damaged and she lost her potential. Even if she was dissatisfied, she didn't dare to say anything.

But it's different now.

She has enough confidence to vent her emotions.


Bei Gong Zhenghe's eyes widened and he pointed at Bei Gong Weiyang with trembling fingers, too angry to speak.

How could he not be angry when Bei Gong Weiyang contradicted him like this?

However, what Bei Gong Weiyang said really hit his weak point, leaving him unable to refute!

"Bastard, who told you to talk to your uncle like this?"

At this moment, Bei Gong Weiyang's father Bei Gong Zhongshi came over and said, "Quickly, apologize to your uncle."

"Why should I apologize? Isn't what I said the truth?"

Beigong Weiyang sarcastically said.

"You are getting more and more outrageous."

Beigong Zhongshi looked angry.

Then, he suddenly raised his palm and was about to slap Beigong Weiyang in the face.

But his hand stopped midway.

A jade hand grabbed his wrist.

It was Beigong Weiyang who took action.

Beigong Zhongshi and Beigong Zhenghe were suddenly stunned.

"Father, and uncle, you seem to have forgotten that I was the heir to the clan head appointed by grandpa."

Beigong Weiyang said calmly: "It's just that now, with the longer time since grandpa's death, you seem to have forgotten his words."


Beigong Zhongshi's eyes widened.

Even though his slap was not very forceful, his hand was not something that Bei Gong Weiyang could grasp.

But now, Beigong Weiyang not only grabbed his hand.

He tried to break free, but found that he could not shake Bei Gong Weiyang's hand at all.

To know.

Although his cultivation talent is not very good, he is still top-notch and supreme.

Beigong Zhongshi and Beigong Zhenghe are not stupid.

Both of them realized something instantly.

For a moment, they couldn't care less about getting angry, and their faces showed excitement and anxiety.

Beigong Weiyang was too lazy to beat around the bush with them.

She was completely disappointed in her family.

In this way, she acted more decisively and freely.

Immediately she said calmly: "You guessed it right, not only has the injury to my soul been healed, but I have also been reborn in Nirvana and promoted to the realm of the Great Supreme!"

While speaking, she let go of Bei Gong Zhongshi's hand.

"This this……"

Beigong Zhongshi was so excited that he could not speak.

Beigong Zhenghe was equally surprised: "Weiyang, when did this happen?"

"It's been a while."

Bei Gong Weiyang did not reveal the truth to them.

She told the Beigong family's core executives about the restoration of their cultivation in order to make it easier to control the Beigong family.

But this does not mean that she can completely trust the core senior management of the Beigong family.

If she told the specific time, it would be easy for the Beigong family's core executives to deduce something.

From Ling Junjie's words, she knew that the other party was the kind of person who liked to keep a low profile.

In this case, she didn't want anyone to notice Ling Junjie and avoid causing trouble for Ling Junjie.

Hearing this, Beigong Zhenghe suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Beigong Weiyang's cultivation has actually recovered a long time ago, and she is already the Great Supreme?

This is a great thing.

But look at what he did during this period, he actually thought of sacrificing Beigong Weiyang so that Beigong Weiyang could get married.

This is downright confusing.

Beigong Weiyang is now the Great Supreme, so his cultivation level is not inferior to him.

Not to mention, Beigong Weiyang is so young.

This potential far exceeds his.

It can be said that Beigong Weiyang is more important to the family than he is.

And he and the rest of the family actually thought of sending Bei Gong Weiyang away.

If this spreads out, it will become a laughing stock in the world.

"Weiyang, if uncle knew that you were the Great Supreme, how could he let you get married?"

Beigong Zhenghe's face turned red.

"You girl, this is a great thing, why didn't you tell us."

Beigong Zhongshi said with joy and reproach.

"A tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind."

Beigong Weiyang said calmly: "Do you think other big forces would be willing to see a pillar of my Beigong family appear again?"

Without any modesty, she directly described herself as the backbone of the family.

This also means that Beigong Zheng and the clan leader are not qualified.

Beigong Zhenghe was not angry.

After learning that Bei Gong Weiyang became the Great Supreme, his and Bei Gong Zhongshi's attitudes completely changed.

A great Supreme with unlimited potential, this is too important to the Beigong family.

They are people who put family interests first.

Now Beigong Weiyang's existence is of great benefit to the Beigong family.

In this case, it would be no problem for them to treat Beigong Weiyang as their ancestor.

"Of course they don't want to. If they know that you are the Great Supreme, they will definitely regard you as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh."

Beigong Zhenghe said solemnly.

"I originally wanted to keep a low profile, but unfortunately your actions are getting more and more excessive. I can only tell the truth if you force me to do so!"

Beigong Weiyang's voice was slightly cold.

Beigong Zhenghe and Beigong Zhongshi were immediately embarrassed.

If Beigong Weiyang is a useless person, then they think there is nothing wrong with their behavior.

However, Bei Gong Weiyang is not a useless person, but also a supreme being, so their behavior is indeed too much.

"Weiyang, I didn't expect that at such a young age, you are richer than me. I, an uncle, am really ashamed in front of you."

Beigong Zhenghe said.

"At this point, it's meaningless to say this."

Beigong Weiyang said: "Uncle and father will know about today's matter, but remember to let this matter continue to expand.

Even if there is a last resort, the knowledge of this matter can only be limited to a few core family members. Otherwise, if one more person knows, my danger will increase by one point. "

Hearing this, Beigong Zhenghe and Beigong Zhongshi also looked solemn.

"Weiyang, what you said makes sense."

Beigong Zhenghe said.

"My father is not as good as you."

Beigong Zhongshi said guiltily: "When my father appointed your granddaughter to be the heir of the family, I still couldn't understand it. But now it seems that my father is more foresighted.

The fact that you can break and stand again, and be promoted to the Great Supreme, shows how powerful your will is.

After being promoted to the Great Supreme, you did not show off in the slightest, but were able to continue to keep a low profile and forbearance. This shows the depth of your city. "

"Indeed, your father and I are not as good as you."

Beigong Masakazu also said: "If our Beigong family wants to revive in the future, you can only lead it."

"Of course I'm not as good as Weiyang, but eldest brother, you are the patriarch and you are in your prime..."

Beigong Zhongshi said quickly.

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