
Guo Ming fell to the ground and stared at Ling Yun.

"You...who are you?"

He vomited blood and asked with extreme unwillingness.

Now he is almost dead.

If he couldn't figure out who killed him before he died, it would be really difficult for him to die in peace.

Ling Yun looked at him indifferently: "You sent people to stare at me for several days, but you still can't recognize me? In fact, your guess is right, the Eight-Nine Heart Yuan Dan is indeed related to me.

Not only that, I was the one who took the eighty-nine Xinyuan Dan from Li Xuan while he was seriously injured by you. "

"It''s you..."

Guo Ming's eyes suddenly widened.

The fact that the person in front of him was Ling Yun was enough to shock him.

Unexpectedly, the Guo family wanted to hunt the blue dragon in the Tianyin Mountains and search for Li Xuan, but found nothing.

All of this turned out to be Ling Yun's secret work.

The combination of these two things shocked him beyond measure.

"I am still too kind. In order to let you go on the journey with peace of mind, I satisfied your curiosity before you died."

After saying this, Ling Yun killed Guo Ming with a sword.

And the reason why he is so leisurely is because other people no longer need to worry about him.

People like Guo Li were all caught up and killed one by one by Bei Gong Weiyang.

Ling Yun's previous conversation with Guo Ming was not deliberately hidden.

Everyone else heard it clearly.

Mainly from Ling Yun's point of view, Beigong Weiyang has probably figured out his true identity, so there is no need to hide it.

Of course, he could still do it if he continued to be confused and blinded.

But he didn't want to do it.

In the beginning, he hid his identity and sold prey as Ling Junjie, mainly for safety.

Now on the one hand, he trusts Beigong Weiyang.

On the other hand, his strength is no longer what it was when he first came to Yangcheng.

Even if people knew that he could hunt down the Great Demon Lord, it would be nothing.

"Brother Ling, you..."

Beigong Weiyang landed in front of Ling Yun, with a look of shock on her face.

The conversation between Ling Yun and Guo Ming just now revealed too much information.

Ling Junjie appears and disappears, and it is impossible for Guo Ming to stare at Ling Junjie for several days.

And she has been watching the Guo family do something during this time.

So she knew very well that Guo Ming had been staring at three people in the past few days, and they were all disciples of Lei Ming Martial Arts School.

These three people are Yang Dai, Hua Nongying and Ling Yun.

Hua Nongying’s gender is wrong, which can be ruled out first.

As for Yang Dai and Lingyun.

There is no need to guess too much, the latter's surname has undoubtedly revealed the truth.

Ling Yun smiled and simply took off his hat.

At this time, Beigong Weiyang suddenly smiled with relief: "Brother Ling, I didn't expect it was really you."

"Didn't you guess it already?"

Ling Yun said.

"No, actually I didn't guess it before."

Beigong Weiyang said slyly: "Although when I first saw Ling Yun, I felt that his temperament was very similar to that of Brother Ling.

But Ling Yun, a disciple of Lei Ming Martial Arts School, was too young after all, and his strength revealed in the intelligence was average.

So, at that time, I just thought that he was closely related to Brother Ling, for example, he might be your younger brother or disciple. "

Ling Yun was stunned: "Then I was wearing a bamboo hat just now, how could you confirm it was me at a glance?"

"Brother Ling and Ling Yun have similar temperaments, so the person who comes can only be one of them."

Beigong Weiyang said: "But Ling Yun doesn't have the strength to chase him here, so it can only be you, Brother Ling.

But I didn’t expect that Brother Ling, you and Ling Yun are actually the same person. "

Ling Yun felt helpless for a while.

Unexpectedly, he thought too much and really thought Beigong Weiyang had seen through him.

But he didn't pay too much attention.

If he knew it, he would know it. Anyway, he had no intention of hiding it from Beigong Weiyang for a long time.

"Brother Ling, according to my inquiries, you seem to be very young. Now that I know your true identity, shouldn't you call me sister?"

Beigong Weiyang suddenly said.

"Don't even think about it."

Ling Yun shook his head, "In my heart, you are my sister."

Hearing this, Beigong Weiyang was stunned.

In terms of age, she is older than Ling Yun.

But in fact, in her heart, she is also very dependent on Ling Yun.

The other person gave her an extremely mature and steady feeling, which even her father and uncle couldn't compare to.

"do you have any opinion?"

Ling Yun raised his eyebrows.

"How can I have any objection? Brother Ling, although you are young, your methods and methods are better than many old foxes."

Beigong Weiyang said: "I just think that this matter is really dreamy. Brother Ling, how can you be so young?"

She had always thought that Brother Ling was that kind of old monster.

But what she said also came from the bottom of her heart.

Her life was saved by Ling Yun.

If it weren't for Ling Yun, she might have married a disgusting man like Ming Gong.

It's a nightmare to think about.

Seeing Mr. Ming's true face today, she was undoubtedly more grateful to Ling Yun.

Therefore, she could even entrust her life to Ling Yun, so how could she care about a title issue with Ling Yun.

Moreover, she also felt that Ling Yun was younger than her, but his mental age seemed to be much older than hers.

When she stayed with Ling Yun, she often felt like she was a little girl.

"Okay, let's finish handling the scene first."

Ling Yun smiled.

Then, he walked up to Fang Han.

Fang Han is dying, but his vitality is strong and he is still tenaciously alive.

"You, you are the kid from Lei Ming Martial Arts School?"

Fang Han stared at Ling Yun, as if it was difficult even now to accept this reality.

"Fang Han, I remember that slap from Lei Ming Martial Arts School very clearly."

Ling Yun smiled coldly.

He won't be swayed by anger, but that doesn't mean he won't be angry.

Although Fang Han's slap did not hit him, it was stopped by Zhang Tiexin.

At that time, Fang Han undoubtedly really wanted to humiliate him.

"It's really you!"

Fang Han's pupils shrank, as if he had discovered the most terrifying thing in the world.

Before, they said Beigong Weiyang was scary.

However, now he knows that the truly terrifying person is not Beigong Weiyang, but Ling Yun.

This Ling Yun is younger than Beigong Weiyang, and his cultivation level is also lower than Beigong Weiyang.

But the opponent's city is deeper and more powerful.

This is simply a monster that emerged from the abyss of hell.

Ling Yun had no intention of talking nonsense with Fang Han.


He stepped on Fang Han's neck, and Fang Han's neck was broken.

At the same time, he also crushed Fang Han's soul.

Fang Han, the person with the highest housing prices, was completely destroyed physically and mentally.

Then Ling Yun was not polite and collected all the Void Rings from Fang Han, Guo Ming and others.

"Girl, these guys must be worth a lot of money, how about we split it half and half?"

Ling Yun said.

Bei Gong Weiyang shook her head: "Brother Ling, I believe you need training resources more than me, otherwise you wouldn't go hunting in the Tianyin Mountains every day.

Compared to you, I have the backing of the Beigong family, and my demand for resources is not as great as yours.

What's more, if it weren't for you today, I wouldn't even be able to save my own life, let alone kill them.

Therefore, you can keep these cultivation resources yourself. "

Ling Yun looked at her, then smiled and said: "Okay, then I will accept them all."

His answer to Beigong Weiyang was obviously different from his original answer to Yang Dai and Hua Nongying.

He got wealth from Yang Dai and Hua Nongying, but in the end no matter what, he had to share it equally with Yang Dai and Hua Nongying.

He didn't pay so much attention to Beigong Weiyang.

The root of this is that although his relationship with Yang Dai and Hua Nongying is close, they are by definition friends.

As for Beigong Weiyang, he really treats her as a girl.

Therefore, he and Bei Gong Weiyang naturally do not need to be polite, nor do they need to pay too much attention to interests.


If one day, his relationship with Bei Gong Weiyang was reduced to a matter of interests.

At that time, Beigong Weiyang would naturally no longer be his sister.

But Ling Yun believes that the person he is in this life is no longer the person he was in the previous life.

The chances of this happening are slim to none.

Seeing that Ling Yun decisively controlled all the Void Rings, Bei Gong Weiyang's smile became even thicker and she looked extremely happy.

She knew that Brother Ling's behavior meant that Brother Ling had not seen her outside.

"Sister, what are you going to do with the Guo family and the Fang family next?"

Ling Yun said.

"The Beigong family's previous strategy of instigating Guo Fang's family obviously no longer works."

Beigong Weiyang said seriously: "We didn't know at all at that time that these two families had secretly formed an alliance.

So now, we can only change our strategy, reveal Guo Fang's alliance, and then find ways to form alliances with other clans to fight against the Guo Fang family. "

The alliance between the Guo family and the Fang family is definitely not weaker than the alliance between the two clans.

This is no longer something that the Beigong family can resist.

She believed that other clans would also feel the crisis.

"Your strategy is generally correct, but there are still areas that need to be improved."

Ling Yun smiled and said: "I think this provocation strategy can continue. It would be better to have a two-pronged approach."

"Continue to provoke?"

Beigong Weiyang was stunned.

"In this world, not to mention allies, even close relatives may fall out with each other."

Ling Yun said: "So what if the Guo family and the Fang family form an alliance, are they really monolithic?

For example, what happened today, other insiders have been silenced, and only the two of us really know the truth.

So what exactly happened is not up to you. "

Beigong Weiyang's eyes gradually brightened.

But then she was confused: "But today, people from both the Fang family and the Guo family are dead, how can we provoke them?"

"They are all dead, but as long as we destroy the bodies and eliminate traces, the two families will not be able to see the bodies of the other party's members." Ling Yun said: "Then you secretly tell the other party's family that Fang Han was framed by the Guo family, and Guo Ming and others are actually hiding.

At the same time, he secretly told the Guo family that Guo Ming and others were killed by Fang Han, and that Fang Han was not dead either. He was hiding in the darkness because of a guilty conscience.

In that case, do you think the Fang family and the Guo family will still trust each other without reservation?

If they really want to win each other's trust, there is only one way for the Fang family to show Fang Han's body to the Guo family, and the Guo family to show the other party Guo Ming's body.

That's exactly what they can't do. "

"Brother Ling, you are so wise."

Beigong Weiyang looked at Ling Yun with admiration.

"Also, I think the Beigong family can find someone to form an alliance with, but they shouldn't look for other clans."

Ling Yun said: "The other sects are powerful and far more powerful than the Beigong family. If the Beigong family seeks an alliance with them, I think the chance of the Beigong family making the decision is not high, right?"

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