Awakening the Eternal Heaven-Swallowing Art

Chapter 2526: Distribution of Victory Results

Ling Yun did not hold back in this punch.

The power comparable to that of a high-level Great Supreme burst out instantly.

Fudeli's cultivation was not weak, he was a mid-level Great Supreme.

But in front of Ling Yun's power, his strength was undoubtedly far from enough.


In an instant, Fudeli's Yuan Gang was blown up.

Then his body was also pierced by Ling Yun's punch.


Fudeli suddenly vomited blood and fell backwards.

Ling Yun walked in front of him.

At this moment, Fudeli was not dead.

After all, he was a Great Supreme with tenacious vitality.

"Who are you?"

He stared at Ling Yun, "How could Leiming Martial Arts School have a master like you? Even Zhang Tiexin doesn't have this strength."

It's a pity that no one answered his question.

Ling Yun stepped on him directly and broke his neck, and his Yuan Soul was also crushed.

Then, Ling Yun took Fudeli's Void Ring without any hesitation.

With expectation, Ling Yun flew towards the Black Prison while using his spiritual sense to explore Fudeli's Void Ring.

In the past half a month, he sold the Soul Restoration Pill in the Wujia Market, which can be said to be a huge profit.

Although Fudeli's efficiency and quality in refining the Soul Restoration Pill are not as good as his, it takes him much longer.

In the past few decades, the Soul Restoration Pill in the black market has been monopolized by Fudeli.

In addition, Fudeli previously controlled two markets.

Therefore, Ling Yun had great expectations for Fudeli's wealth.

And Fudeli did not disappoint him.

Ling Yun's heart skipped a beat after just a rough scan with his spiritual sense.

Then there was ecstasy.

27 billion source coins!

There are actually 27 billion source coins in Fudeli's Void Ring.

This is the largest fortune Ling Yun has ever obtained!

He was not wrong, Fudeli is really a rich man.

In addition to these source coins, there are many precious medicinal materials in Fudeli's Void Ring.

The value of these medicinal materials is probably tens of billions of source coins.

Ling Yun did not hesitate and injected all these source coins into the Primordial Light.

The attribute points were immediately increased to 490,800.

Such a huge number of attribute points made Ling Yun want to improve his skills immediately.

Unfortunately, his cultivation was stuck and could not be improved.

This made Ling Yun more eager to solve the problem here and go to Yan Country as quickly as possible.

He immediately came to the Black Prison and joined the three major forces in the siege of the Black Prison.

The strength of the Black Prison was originally inferior to the three major forces.

Now that Ling Yun, a high-end combat force, has joined, the progress of the battle has been accelerated.

The Black Prison side collapsed instantly.

First, the warden Guo An, who was originally facing the pincer attack of Beigong Zhenghe and Wu Qingshan, could only barely hold on.

Ling Yun first targeted him.

Guo An and Beigong Zhenghe are both high-level great supremes.

Wu Qingshan is close to a high-level great supreme.

As soon as Ling Yun joined, he severely injured Guo An with one sword.


Guo An looked at Ling Yun in horror.

How come another high-level Great Supreme appeared on one side of the three major forces?

But the people of the three major forces would not give him a chance to breathe.

Once he was seriously injured, the others beat him hard, and all kinds of fatal attacks greeted him.


In the end, Guo An fell straight to the ground.

This black market giant, the warden of the Black Prison, died.

As soon as Guo An died, the fighting will of the other people in the Black Prison collapsed.

In less than an hour, the other people in the Black Prison died or surrendered.

The battle was declared over.

The people of the three major forces were all very excited.

This was an unprecedented grand occasion and victory.

For thousands of years, Yangcheng has not seen such a huge battle, let alone such a huge achievement.

They actually destroyed the Black Prison and destroyed a force that was extremely close to the clan.

In this battle, they killed seven Great Supremes and hundreds of other Supremes.

They created history.

This battle will definitely be recorded in future history books.

They will all become figures in history books.

How can they not be excited and thrilled to leave their names in history?

Not to mention, the victory of this battle is accompanied by huge benefits.

Black Prison has been entrenched in the black market for a thousand years and has been the overlord of the black market for more than three hundred years.

With such a long time, you can imagine that Black Prison must have accumulated huge wealth.

"What's your name, friend?"

Beigong Zhenghe looked at Ling Yun.

"Uncle, this is my eldest brother, Ling Haojie."

Beigong Weiyang took the initiative to speak for Ling Yun.

"It turns out to be Brother Haojie."

Beigong Zhenghe looked cautious, with a hint of fear.

Obviously, he regarded Ling Haojie as a master of the same generation as him.

Fortunately, this master has a good relationship with Beigong Weiyang and is obviously Beigong Weiyang's backer.

This is a good thing for the Beigong family.

Moreover, Ling Haojie is crucial to the success of their action this time.

The three major forces participating in this war do not trust each other!

But everyone trusts Ling Haojie.

It is precisely because of Ling Haojie's bond that the three major forces can cooperate and have this amazing battle.

Prince Jing did not hesitate and flew to stand behind Ling Yun.

Zhang Tiexin's mind moved slightly and he also came to Ling Yun's side.

This battle is just like the previous battle in Huajiafang City.

The three great supremes all represent Huajiafang City.

Among the three major forces, Huajiafang City has the weakest foundation.

But with the three supremes, the situation is undoubtedly different.


At this time, Wu Qingshan also flew forward and bowed respectfully to Ling Yun.

This situation made the eyes of the senior members of the Beigong family become more solemn.

The weight of "Ling Haojie" rose sharply in their hearts!

"By the way, where is Fudeli?"

Wu Hongtai said angrily: "We must not let him run away."

He hated Fudeli to the extreme.

He would never forget the scene of Fudeli forcing his father Wu Qingshan to kneel down.

Others were also shocked.

Fudeli is not a simple person.

If Fudeli runs away, it will undoubtedly be a big trouble.

"I have killed him."

Ling Yun said lightly.

Others heard the words and their hearts were stirred again.

Although Fudeli's strength is not as good as Guo An, he is also a middle-level supreme.

Such a person was killed by "Ling Haojie"?

Previously, Ling Haojie showed his divine power as soon as he appeared, and people did not realize that the other party had killed a middle-level supreme.

This is enough to prove that for Ling Haojie, it is not difficult to kill a middle-level supreme being.

Their evaluation of Ling Haojie's strength has undoubtedly become higher.

The pride in Beigong Weiyang's eyes became more and more intense.

She knew the true identity of "Ling Haojie".

Brother Ling is so young, but he actually has such strength. He is really a genius.

Beigong Zhenghe was originally more and more afraid of Ling Haojie.

Suddenly, he noticed the look in Beigong Weiyang's eyes when he looked at Ling Haojie.

I don't know what he thought of, the fear in his eyes suddenly dissipated, and a smile appeared on his face.

He is an old fox.

Just looking at Beigong Weiyang's eyes, he didn't believe that there would be no secrets between Ling Haojie and Beigong Weiyang.

If Ling Haojie is an outsider, the stronger the other party is, the more he will be afraid.

But if Ling Haojie is also a member of the Beigong family, the stronger the other party is, it will undoubtedly be a good thing for the Beigong family.

And he also believes in Beigong Weiyang's charm.

You know, in this Yangcheng, there are few men who don't covet Beigong Weiyang.

He doesn't think Ling Haojie can resist Beigong Weiyang's charm.

If Ling Haojie was an ordinary person, he would definitely break up the couple, thinking that the other party is not worthy of Beigong Weiyang.

But Ling Haojie is obviously not.

Even he is afraid of the other party's strength, and he is obviously supported by Wujiafangshi and Huajiafangshi.

Such a person is better than Guo Ao.

He wanted to promote Beigong Weiyang to marry Guo Ao, so he naturally would not oppose Ling Haojie and Beigong Weiyang's marriage.

What's more, Beigong Weiyang hates Guo Ao, and marrying Guo Ao may not be a good thing.

Now Beigong Weiyang and Ling Haojie are obviously in love.

Such a combination of two people is undoubtedly a match made in heaven.

People did not doubt Ling Haojie's bragging.

Several great supremes have powerful spiritual consciousness.

They just glanced and found Fudeli's body.

The battle is over, and the next step is to distribute the benefits.

Beigong family is the strongest, has made the most contributions, and naturally has the most benefits.

This battle.

Beigong family dispatched four great supremes and ninety supremes.

Wujiafangshi dispatched three great supremes and fifty-nine supremes.

Huajiafangshi dispatched three great supremes and twenty-one supremes.

The latter twenty-one supremes, seven of whom were newly joined after the reputation of Huajiafangshi rose.

These seven supremes were actually very nervous before.

But after this battle, their wills suddenly became firm, and they made up their minds to hold on to the thighs of Huajiafangshi in the future.

Three great supremes appeared at the opening ceremony of Huajiafangshi before.

At that time, it could be said to be a coincidence, or Hua Nongying had consumed the favors of the Hua family in the past.

Now, three great supremes appeared again in Huajiafangshi.

Among them, there is also a suspected high-level great supreme.

This is definitely not a coincidence.

Obviously, Huajiafangshi really has three great supremes.

What's even more amazing is that Huajiafangshi actually formed an alliance with Beigongjia and Wujiafangshi.

This is undoubtedly a big leg.

Huajiafangshi has the weakest overall strength, but because it plays a bridging role, the distribution of benefits is not small.

The final profit ratio is 50% for Beigongjia, 25% for Wujiafangshi and Huajiafangshi respectively.

For Huajiafangshi, this is undoubtedly a huge surprise.

They didn't expect that Huajiafangshi, with such a weak strength, could still get the same distribution of benefits as Wujia.

The Wu family has no complaints about this.

After all, it was Mr. Ling who saved Wu Hongtai.

Moreover, this action was also initiated by Mr. Ling.

The benefits of Huajiafangshi are not so much distributed to Huajia as to be distributed to Mr. Ling.

Ling Yun, on the contrary, doesn't care much about this distribution of benefits.

What he cares more about is controlling the black market through this action.

This is a greater benefit.

Through Fudeli's wealth, we know how huge wealth is hidden in this black market.

After the distribution of the profits of the Black Prison, this fact was further confirmed.

The total wealth of the Black Prison was calculated to be 90 billion source coins.

This is absolutely terrifying.

Even if the Hua Family Market only got 25% of it, it would still be 22.5 billion source coins.

Among them, Ling Yun took the lion's share, and he got 10 billion source coins alone.

The remaining 12.5 billion was divided among the others.

The Beigong family gained even more this time.

One family got 45 billion source coins.

The Beigong family, which had been in a state of emptiness, suddenly became well-off after this operation.

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