"Hahaha, bitch!"

The fifth prince laughed at first, and then his expression suddenly turned cold and stern, "Just now, my father has given an order to execute Prince Jing and put you into the cold palace at the same time.

From now on, you are no longer a concubine. In the future, your status will not be comparable to even the humblest maid in the palace. "

Concubine Hu felt a chill in her heart.

Although she had known that Emperor Yan would attack Prince Jing and her, she did not expect that this day would come so quickly.

If it takes longer, when Ling Yun is ready, she believes that Ling Yun really has a certain chance of being able to deal with Emperor Yan.

After all, Ling Yun is a person who can do things that others cannot.

But the time is really too hasty.

"Bitch, when you were so arrogant in front of me, did you ever think about a day like this?"

The fifth prince said happily: "Don't worry, after you are thrown into the cold palace, you will definitely not be ignored, because I will take good care of you."

Speaking of this, a lustful light flashed in his eyes. He walked up to Concubine Hu and lowered his voice: "Bitch, although your behavior disgusts me, your body is really useful to men. Great temptation.

I really want to taste what it feels like to have your father doting on you so much. "

Hearing this, Concubine Hu looked angry.

The fifth prince didn't care at all, and licked his lips and continued: "If you are willing to serve me and make sure you are happy to serve me, then I may be able to consider making your life in the cold palace more comfortable in the future.

Otherwise, I can make your life worse than death! "

"No matter what I say, I am still your father's concubine in name. Are you afraid of angering your father by saying such things?"

Concubine Hu said coldly.

"Haha, if it were before, I would still have some scruples, but now you are just an abandoned concubine in the cold palace, do you think my father will still care about you?"

The fifth prince was extremely disdainful, "My patience is not very good. Now you give me an answer immediately."


Concubine Hu was not afraid at all, "It makes me sick to look at people like you."

The face of the fifth prince was instantly distorted, as if he had been angered.

"Okay, okay, you are very stubborn."

The fifth prince said: "I hope you won't regret it when you get to the Cold Palace. Someone come and capture her for me. I will also kill all the maids and eunuchs in the Changqiu Palace."

There was a sudden panic in Changqiu Palace.

The fifth prince became more and more happy.

But he soon discovered that Concubine Hu opposite her was not only not afraid, but had surprise on her face, and then looked at him with pity in her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the fifth prince seemed to sense something and turned around suddenly to look behind him.

Immediately he saw a young man in black appearing at the door.

"who are you?"

The fifth prince was furious and very dissatisfied with the other guards around him, "Are you all dead? Kill him!"

A man appeared in Changqiu Palace out of nowhere and made Concubine Hu smile.

This made the fifth prince extremely unhappy.

Since he was going to go on a killing spree today, he naturally didn't mind killing the young man in black.

Even though there were guards running towards the young man in black.

However, before these guards could get close to the young man in black, the latter suddenly disappeared.

When everyone reacted, they found that the young man in black had appeared next to the fifth prince.

"Kill him, or keep him alive to vent his anger?"

The young man in black looked at Concubine Hu and said.

He is naturally Ling Yun.


Concubine Hu said in disgust: "If this kind of person lives for one more second, I feel that the air in Changqiu Palace will be greatly polluted."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Yun stretched out his hand and grabbed the fifth prince's neck.

The fifth prince's hair stood on end.

He's not stupid.

Judging from the terrifying speed of the boy in black, he didn't know that the other boy must be a master.

Of course, more importantly, his life is now in the hands of the other party.

"Your Excellency, I am the prince of the Yan Kingdom, and this is the Yan Kingdom's palace."

The fifth prince immediately said: "If you hurt me here, do you think you can still walk out of the palace? Let me go quickly, and then be more sincere, so that I can consider not arguing with you..."

Halfway through, someone suddenly came in hurriedly from outside.

When he saw the person coming, the fifth prince's pupils shrank: "Prince Jing, why are you here?"

He sensed something hugely wrong.

Obviously, the father has sentenced Prince Jing to death, so now Prince Jing should be taken to the execution ground.

Prince Jing held a person in his hand and snorted coldly: "You can call me Prince Jing? You should call me uncle. Forget it, you don't have the right to call me that now."

Emperor Yan's behavior this time completely chilled his heart, and indirectly made him have no sympathy for Emperor Yan's descendants.

You must know that although he was controlled by Ling Yun, he hid something from Emperor Yan on this matter.

But he has never done anything harmful to Emperor Yan, but is extremely loyal to Emperor Yan.

But in the end, Emperor Yan wanted to kill him.

Emperor Yan is so unkind, so naturally we cannot blame him for being disloyal.

"Prince Jing, I am flattering you by calling you Prince Jing. You have been sentenced to death by my father. Don't call me prince now. You won't even be able to save your life."

The fifth prince said.

"Your father?"

Prince Jing was silent for a moment, and then said indifferently: "He is already dead, how can he still be qualified to judge me?"

"How dare you curse my father, Prince Jing, do you really want to rebel?"

The fifth prince scolded angrily.

He simply did not believe that Emperor Yan would die.

Emperor Yan is a demigod, and it is impossible for anyone to kill Emperor Yan.

Prince Jing did not answer him, and threw the person he was holding on the ground.

Only then did the Fifth Prince see the man's appearance clearly, and he was shocked and said, "Eunuch Cao, how could it be you!"

At the beginning, he noticed that Prince Jing was holding a disheveled figure in his hand.

But he did not expect that this person would be Cao Chunbao, who was ordered to judge Prince Jing!

Cao Chunbao's face was ashen, and after seeing the Fifth Prince, he laughed bitterly and said, "Your Highness, Your Majesty... Your Majesty is really dead."

The Fifth Prince was struck by lightning: "No, it's impossible!"

"This is what I saw with my own eyes, how could it be false."

Cao Chunbao said sadly.

On the way Prince Jing brought him here, he happened to pass by the Imperial Study.

So, he saw the body of Emperor Yan.

The Fifth Prince finally showed a look of fear on his face.

His greatest reliance was Emperor Yan.

If Emperor Yan died, then his life...


Ling Yun had no mercy at all, and with a force in his palm, he twisted the Fifth Prince's neck.

"My Lord."

Prince Jing looked at Ling Yun with extremely hot and worshipful eyes.

If he had submitted to Ling Yun before, it was because he was controlled by Ling Yun with the Huangquan Talisman.

But now, even without the Huangquan Talisman, he would not betray Ling Yun.

He has been with Ling Yun for the past year and witnessed Ling Yun's rise with his own eyes.

So he knows very well what kind of monster this young man is.

A year ago, Ling Yun was obviously not his opponent and was chased by him and fled to Daxia.

But a year later, Ling Yun actually killed Emperor Yan.

There is no doubt that Ling Yun's talent is definitely a talent for becoming a god!

Compared to the real gods, demigods like Emperor Yan are nothing.

Just look at the gap between Daxia and Yan Country.

For Daxia, a country like Yan Country is a small Danwan country.

And if Ling Yun can become a god in the future, he can completely create a force like Daxia.

"Take care of the chores, and then we'll talk."

Ling Yun said.


Prince Jing nodded.

He is a very wise man.

Although Ling Yun did not say it clearly, he already knew what the other party meant.

After that, he decisively swept through the palace, killed all the loyalists of Emperor Yan, and took control of all the others.

Emperor Yan was dead, this was a great opportunity for a palace coup.

How could he miss such a good opportunity.

Moreover, Prince Jing's actions did not cause much resistance.

After all, Prince Jing was the cousin of Emperor Yan and a member of the royal family.

If Prince Jing took action, then this fight would be considered an internal fight within the royal family,

and this kind of thing is not uncommon in history.

On the contrary, if others tried to control the palace, it would be regarded as subverting the world and would really arouse fierce resistance.

At least now, the ancient masters in the palace calmed down after seeing Prince Jing take action.

Even their originally panicked hearts have returned to stability.

Before this, they were ready to kill Ling Yun at all costs, even if they were torn to pieces.

But Prince Jing's move made them give up the idea.

Before, they thought that Ling Yun was an assassin who wanted to overthrow the Yan Kingdom.

After seeing Prince Jing, they regarded this action as an internal struggle within the royal family.

Ling Yun's assassination of Emperor Yan was also regarded by them as a means of Prince Jing.

Although Prince Jing's strength is far inferior to Emperor Yan, the latter is a semi-saint, while the former is only a great supreme.

But the fact is that Prince Jing won this fight.

This proves that even though Prince Jing's own strength is not as good as Emperor Yan, his means and control are also better than Emperor Yan.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit.

Prince Jing's ability to kill Emperor Yan is enough to prove that he is better than Emperor Yan.

In this case, they naturally have no objection to Prince Jing taking over the Yan Kingdom.

Prince Jing spent half a day to stabilize the situation in the palace.

Then he came to Changqiu Palace.

"My Lord."

Although he has already controlled the palace and may even soon take charge of Yan, Prince Jing is still respectful to Ling Yun.

Concubine Hu was still a little confused: "Ling Yun, did you really kill Emperor Yan?"

"It was just luck."

Ling Yun said: "I poisoned him in advance, and it was unexpected, and I also joined forces with another demigod, so I could kill him.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to kill him under normal circumstances."

Concubine Hu and Prince Jing were both shocked.

No matter what Ling Yun said, the fact is that Ling Yun killed Emperor Yan, killed a demigod.

"What are your plans next?"

Ling Yun said: "Emperor Yan is dead, and this Yan Kingdom is equivalent to a treasure house without an owner."

"It is not a pity that Emperor Yan died, but the millions of people in Yan Kingdom are innocent."

Prince Jing said: "If no one takes over at this time, then Yan Kingdom will definitely fall into civil strife.

So, I want to take over Yan Kingdom and ascend the throne as emperor."

Ling Yun nodded.

Yan Kingdom is a thousand-year-old empire after all, with huge resources and many masters.

If it is abandoned, it would be a pity.

It is undoubtedly the best result for Prince Jing to take over.

In fact, Ling Yun had this idea when he decided to kill Emperor Yan.

"In addition."

Prince Jing hesitated for a while, and finally said: "I am willing to use the entire royal treasury as a betrothal gift to invite the master to serve as the supreme worshiper of Yan State.

There are also things in the treasury. As long as there are treasures that the master likes, the master can take them at will!"

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