After laughing.

Zhang Tiexin's smile faded and he said seriously: "Ling Yun, when are you going to Hongzhou?"

"I want to go back to Yangcheng first."

Ling Yun said.

Zhang Tiexin seemed to have guessed something: "Who do you plan to take into Hongzhou with you?"

"Beigong Weiyang."

Ling Yun said: "She has a certain ability to protect herself and is more capable of doing business. She will be of great help to me when she arrives in Hongzhou."

"fair enough."

Zhang Tiexin said: "Beigong Weiyang is indeed good, even much better than me.

The trauma that her life soul suffered was more serious than mine, and she was still so young.

As a result, at such a young age, she was able to withstand this kind of pressure and managed the Beigong family's business to prosper.

If the Beigong family had not declined and their martial arts strength was not good enough, the Beigong family's industry might have dominated Yangcheng! "

Two days later.

Ling Yun and Zhang Tiexin returned to Yangcheng.

When Ling Yun told Beigong Weiyang about Hongzhou's quota, the latter was extremely surprised.

"Hongzhou is the center of the entire Hongyuan ancient world and a beacon of martial arts in the minds of countless warriors."

Beigong Weiyang said: "It is precisely for this reason that Hongzhou has extremely strict control over foreign warriors.

Our Daxia Empire is quite powerful, so we can allocate 100 official quotas every year.

These one hundred official quotas are almost monopolized by the royal family and the top ten top families, and the quotas available to other forces are pitifully few.

Even the Beigong family, one of the top families in Yangcheng, has never been allocated a place in Hongzhou because it cannot be ranked among the top ten families in the empire.

Unexpectedly, Brother Ling, you can actually get an official quota in Hongzhou, and you have two of them! "

"These two places were given to me by the museum owner."

Ling Yun roughly told Beigong Weiyang what had happened these days.

"I see."

Beigong Weiyang was relieved, "Prince Ding has made great contributions to His Majesty, so it is not surprising that he was given two places."

Speaking of this, she stared at Ling Yun with shining eyes: "Brother Ling, the Hongzhou quota is extremely precious. Some powerful people offer hundreds of billions of source coins for it. Even so, it is priceless and has no market. I believe that if someone is really willing to sell it, it can be sold. Offer a higher price.

Do you really want to give me this spot? "

"What nonsense am I talking about here? Of course it's for you."

Ling Yun smiled and scolded: "I'll give you three days to arrange family matters, select capable subordinates, and then follow me to Hongzhou."

Each official quota can carry three subordinate quotas.

With a subordinate position, the status in Hongzhou is equivalent to that of a servant, unable to control one's own destiny.

But even if it is a servant, it depends on where the servant is.

If other forces learn that it is Hongzhou's servant spot, they will also compete for it.

"Brother Ling, how do you plan to arrange your three subordinate places?"

Beigong Weiyang asked.

"I plan to reserve two of the subordinate places for Huang Zhenfan and Yu Shengnan."

Ling Yun said: "I haven't thought about the last subordinate position. If you need it, I will give it to you."

Beigong Weiyang said: "I only need to bring Xi Yan with me. I really can't trust the rest of the family.

So, we have the equivalent of three more places.

Brother Ling, you seem to be in great need of source coins, so my suggestion is that we put these three subordinate quotas up for auction. "

Ling Yun's mind moved slightly: "Will there be competition for this subordinate position?"

"of course."

Beigong Weiyang said: "To the warriors from all major forces, the soil of Hongzhou is fragrant, not to mention the subordinate quota.

Besides, apart from not being able to have their own identity fish talisman, there is not much difference in the other aspects of the subordinate quota.

For many warriors, as long as they can enter Hongzhou, it is a kind of success. "

"Okay, then I will leave it to you to operate these three subordinate places."

Ling Yun said.

Beigong Weiyang smiled and said: "I plan to sell these three subordinate quotas on the black market. This will further enhance the reputation of Yangcheng Black Market."

Ling Yun's eyes brightened slightly.

Bei Gong Weiyang is indeed Bei Gong Weiyang, and her business methods and thinking are really good.

Hongzhou's subordinate quota cannot be purchased at regular auction houses in Yangcheng, but it can be purchased on the black market.

Invisibly, this can undoubtedly add a halo to the black market.

Two days later.

Beigong Weiyang came to Ling Yun again.

"Brother Ling, look at how many source coins there are in here."

She smiled and handed a void ring to Ling Yun.

Seeing her expression, Ling Yun was also quite curious as to how much the three Hongzhou subordinate places could be sold for.

Then Ling Yun discovered that he had underestimated the value of this subordinate quota.

There are actually hundreds of billions of source coins in this Void Ring!

"On average, each of the three Hongzhou subordinate quotas sold more than 30 billion source coins?"

Ling Yun said in surprise.


Beigong Weiyang smiled and said: "This is still not much time, I only have time to inform the major forces in Yang City.

If we had more time, selling another 30 to 40 billion would not be a problem. "


Ling Yun was in a very happy mood.

Originally, his wealth was already empty, but now these hundreds of billions of source coins have undoubtedly made a huge supplement to him.

He injected these source coins into the Absolute Beginning Light Curtain.

Suddenly, the attribute points in Taichu Light Screen changed to: 1,226,000.

"The last promotion consumed 665,600 attribute points, so the next one will require 1,331,200 attribute points."

Ling Yun thought to himself.

Now, it is obviously still short of more than 100,000 attribute points, which is more than 10 billion source coins.

This is obviously not a small amount.

However, Ling Yun was not in a hurry at this moment.

"Then let's leave for Hongzhou tomorrow."

Ling Yun said.


Beigong Weiyang naturally had no objection.

She has arranged everything that should be arranged in the past two days.

Knowing that she was going to Hongzhou, the Beigong family was extremely excited.

You must know that all warriors who come out of Hongzhou will eventually become top powerhouses.

If Beigong Weiyang can return from Hongzhou in the future, then it is very likely that the Beigong family will have a strong man who will become famous all over the world.

It was the next day in a blink of an eye.

Qin Mansion.

Beigong Weiyang brought four people to Ling Yun.

Of these four people, one was Xiyan, and the other three were unknown to Ling Yun.

There is no doubt that these three people are the ones who purchased the subordinate quotas.

"I'm Lin Yexu of the Lin family. I've met Mr. Ling."

"Cheng Minghua of the Cheng family has met Mr. Ling."

"He Ying of the He family has met Mr. Ling."

The three of them saluted Ling Yun one after another.

The Lin family and the Cheng family were two of the four great families in Yangcheng.

Although the He family is not a powerful family, it is still ranked sixth in strength in Yangcheng in the past and now ranks fifth.

Previously, the strength of the He family was second only to the Guo family.

Now that the Guo family has been destroyed, the He family has risen to fifth place.

Ling Yun once again felt Beigong Weiyang's methods.

This was obviously assigned deliberately by Bei Gong Weiyang.

In this way, the Beigong family can pass three quotas and become friends with all the top forces in Yangcheng except the Fang family.

The Fang family, on the other hand, was indirectly isolated.

Behind Ling Yun, Huang Zhenfan and Yu Shengnan couldn't help but breathe.

The names of Lin Yexu, Cheng Minghua and He Ying are all heard like thunder.

The three of them are all the top talents in Yang City.

"Let's go."

Ling Yun nodded slightly and then said.

The ancient world of Hongyuan consists of hundreds of continents and countless islands.

The continent to which the Daxia Empire belongs is called "Yuzhou".

The largest landmass among them is Hongzhou!

If you want to go to Hongzhou, you must travel through the vast sea of ​​stars.

Ling Yun and his party first went to Kyoto, and then passed through the teleportation array in Kyoto and arrived at the star port on the border of Yuzhou.

There are countless caravans in the star port.

They chose a large caravan and boarded the caravan's Xinghai Ark.

Daxia Kyoto.


"Have you heard any news?"

The great elder of the palace said in a sinister tone.

"We have found out that they must have gone to Star Port not long after they left Kyoto."

Second elder Zhang Jirong said.

"You've taken away my place in the palace, and you still want to go to Hongzhou like this?"

The Great Elder said fiercely: "Notify the people at Kongding Temple immediately and let them prepare to take action. As long as they bring Ling Yun's head, I will immediately offer 100 billion source coins."

This time, in order to take revenge on Ling Yun, he really spent a lot of money.

Kongding Temple is not a temple where people eat fast and chant Buddha's name, but one of the most terrifying killer organizations in the ancient world of Hongyuan.

There is no doubt about his assassination prowess, but the same asking price is also extremely scary.

This time to intercept and kill Ling Yun, Kongding Temple offered hundreds of billions of source coins.

Although the price was astonishingly expensive, the senior officials of Dingwang Palace really hated Ling Yun.

Therefore, they would rather pay hundreds of billions of source coins to take revenge on Ling Yun.

Outside the starport.

A Xinghai Ark has sailed towards the vast sea of ​​​​stars.

The ticket to Xinghai Ark is extremely expensive. A ticket to Hongzhou costs tens of millions of source coins.

Ordinary warriors simply cannot afford it.

However, Ling Yun and his party are obviously not short of money.

What they purchased were VIP cabin tickets, each priced at 50 million Yuan coins.

Ling Yun is now strapped for money.

His Source Coins are all infused with the Light of Absolute Beginning.

But that's not a problem either.

He didn't have to pay for the boat ticket himself, Lin Yexu and the other two took the initiative to help him pay for it.

In the VIP cabin, one person can have a cabin to himself.

For ordinary tickets, you can only stay in the lobby, and the environment is very noisy.

It’s been a long time since I traveled freely in the sea of ​​stars.

Even though he was just riding on the Xinghai Ark, Ling Yun still felt a little nostalgic.

So, instead of staying in the cabin, he went to the top of the ark.

The view here is wide and you can enjoy the scenery of the sea of ​​​​stars at will.

Not everyone can come to this top floor.

Only VIPs have rights.

Besides, it's actually not comfortable here.

Although there are formations covering the top of the head and all around, there are still starry storms seeping in from time to time.

This is a huge test for warriors who lack strength.

So this top floor is very empty.

Ling Yun naturally didn't care about the starry sky storm, but liked this open environment very much.

But he soon discovered that there were other people on the top floor.

A white-haired middle-aged man was sitting there, playing chess with himself.

He plays Othello.

Ling Yun became interested and walked to the opposite side of the chessboard.

The white-haired middle-aged man looked at Ling Yun and said with a smile: "Little brother, how is your chess skill?"

"It's okay."

Ling Yun smiled.

"How about we play a few games?"

The white-haired middle-aged man said enthusiastically.


Ling Yun sat down.

Then, the two started playing chess.

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