
His power instantly increased to 8.5 billion dragons, comparable to the top divine servants.

Cultivation broke through to the supreme level and was promoted to the great supreme level.

After that, Ling Yun's life became peaceful again.

However, on the third day after he returned to Danxia Sect, a major event happened in Tongling City that had not happened in a thousand years.

Zizhu Chamber of Commerce Headquarters.

This is the most heavily guarded place of Zizhu Chamber of Commerce.

From time to time, patrol teams from the Zizhu Chamber of Commerce can be seen on the streets.

But at this moment, there is no one within twenty miles around Zizhu Chamber of Commerce.

If you get closer, you can hear the deafening sound of iron hooves and the sound of killing.

There was blood everywhere on the street.

The smell of blood is extremely strong.

"Hahaha, kill me brothers. After destroying the Zizhu Chamber of Commerce, everyone can take the wealth and women."

Someone laughed.

On the contrary, inside the Zizhu Chamber of Commerce, there were screams and wails everywhere.

Looking at the door of the Zizhu Chamber of Commerce, it has been completely breached.

The door was broken into pieces and scattered on the ground.

Groups of Black Flag Gang warriors swarmed in like a tide.

In the past three months, the Black Flag Gang and the Zizhu Chamber of Commerce have been at war.

At first, the Zizhu Chamber of Commerce was unbreakable.

But wherever the Black Flag Gang went, they either plundered wealth or conquered warriors.

Gradually, the strength of the Zizhu Chamber of Commerce was continuously weakened, while the strength of the Black Flag Gang became stronger and stronger.

One goes down and the other goes up.

Until today, the Zizhu Chamber of Commerce was finally unable to withstand the attack of the Black Flag Gang, and the Black Flag Gang completely breached the headquarters.

This is why, a few days ago, He Lie, the deputy leader of the Black Flag Gang, dared to pursue Du Jiaolong unscrupulously.

Because the Black Flag Gang has long ignored the Zizhu Chamber of Commerce.

The core inner hall of Zizhu Chamber of Commerce.

"Xiang Ping, get out of the secret tunnel quickly!"

Du Guang'an, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, said to Du Xiangping: "My father has already transferred the core wealth of the Chamber of Commerce to treasure troves in other cities. You can open those treasure troves with my token.

With this wealth, you will not have to worry about cultivation resources for a long time. If you are unwilling to do so, you can rise quickly with this wealth.

In short, you have to leave no matter what. Only by keeping your life can you avenge the Chamber of Commerce in the future! "

In the past, Du Guangan was high-spirited and majestic.

But at this moment, his hair was all gray and his face was gloomy.

"Father, how could I leave you and live alone."

Du Xiangping said painfully: "Just run away with me. In terms of ability, you are much stronger than me."

"I can't escape. If they can't see me, the Black Flag Gang won't stop digging three feet into the ground. That way we won't be able to escape."

Du Guangan said: "Only if I stay and hold back the Black Flag Gang can I give you a chance.

What's more, I, Du Guangan, am the president of the Zizhu Chamber of Commerce and have been famous all my life. How can I be scared by the Black Flag Gang and run away? Then wouldn't I, Du Guangan, be laughed to death by everyone in the world? "

Seeing that Du Xiangping seemed to want to say something else, his face darkened: "You bastard, how long have you been here here, mother-in-law? If you do this again, I, Du Guang'an, will disown you as my son and get out of here."

"Father, that...that child is gone!"

With tears in his eyes, Du Xiangping kowtowed three times to Du Guangan on the ground, then gritted his teeth and turned around to leave with a few secret masters of the Chamber of Commerce.

"And remember, if you have a chance, you must find your sister."

Du Guangan's voice came from far behind.

"Dad, I will remember it."

Du Xiangping said.


Not long after Du Xiangping left, the door of the core inner hall was also smashed open.

Corpses were thrown in from outside.

Then, densely packed Black Flag Gang warriors poured in from the outside, surrounding the inner hall in the blink of an eye.

After a while.

Black Flag helped the warriors clear a path.

A burly figure strode in.

"Du Guang'an, that's good. I didn't expect you to be like a man. You didn't run away. That's why I can let you die in a dignified manner later."

The burly figure said loudly.

This burly man turned out to be Gu Zhongyue, the leader of the Black Flag Gang.

"Gu Zhongyue."

Du Guangan stared at the burly man with hatred in his eyes, "Today, between you and me, we don't know who will die first."

"Gang leader, be careful about this profiteer. He is extremely cunning and may have some weird tricks."

Yang Guangdao, another deputy gang leader of the Black Flag Gang.

"The path I, Gu Zhongyue, have taken is to have an invincible mind and not be afraid of anything."

Gu Zhongyue was not afraid, "So what if he is cunning, with absolute strength, all cunning methods can only be wiped out.

You guys continue to raid the Zizhu Chamber of Commerce, I will deal with this person! "

Seeing how domineering he was, everyone in the Black Flag Gang became energetic.

After that, everyone else left, and only Gu Zhongyue and Du Guangan were left in the inner hall.

"Du Guang'an, take action and let me, the gang leader, see what you can do."

Gu Zhongyue laughed heartily.

Boom boom boom!

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying sounds of fighting resounded in the inner hall.

The fighting lasted for more than a quarter of an hour before stopping.

"Gu Zhongyue, you will not end well."

Du Guangan's sad and angry voice came from the inner hall.

"I don't know what my fate will be, but your era of Du Guangan is completely over."

Gu Zhongyue laughed wildly without caring.

The conversation between the two undoubtedly told the people outside about the outcome of the battle.


Then, the door to the inner sanctum opened.

Everyone outside immediately saw that the inner hall was in ruins, with all tables, chairs and decorations shattered.

The walls and roof are also full of holes and cracks.

In ancient times, Zhongyue stood like a mountain.

At his feet was Du Guangan's body.

Du Guangan, the president of the Zizhu Chamber of Commerce, a powerful man who had been famous in Tongling City for thousands of years, was actually killed by Gu Zhongyue.

"The gang leader is invincible!"

Suddenly, everyone in the Black Flag Gang cheered excitedly.


Gu Zhongyue laughed.

Then he looked at Yang Guang: "Second brother, how are you cleaning up the Zizhu Chamber of Commerce?"

"Gang leader, the combat effectiveness of the Zizhu Chamber of Commerce has been completely destroyed by us."

Yang Guang said: "But their wealth is not comparable. Most of their belongings seem to have disappeared."

Gu Zhongyue's eyes darkened: "Where is Du Guang'an's son Du Xiangping?"

Yang Guang was stunned for a moment, then he understood: "He was not found. Leader, are you saying that the core wealth of the Zizhu Chamber of Commerce has been taken away by Du Xiangping?"

"Hmph, you are right, this Du Guangan is indeed treacherous."

Gu Zhongyue said: "He is dragging me here to give Du Xiangping a chance to escape.

You immediately bring people with you and capture Du Xiangping for me at all costs. "


Yang Guang said solemnly.

After Yang Guang left, Gu Zhongyue smiled: "The Zizhu Chamber of Commerce has been destroyed, and there is no force in Tongling City that can stop me.

Next, I will unify Tongling City, and then use Tongling City as the center to sweep the entire Guang'an Province! "

Nowadays, the Mongolian Empire is in chaos, and heroes from all walks of life have risen up.

Anyone who is ambitious wants to get a piece of the pie in this troubled world, and Gu Zhongyue is no exception.

Of course, he didn't have big intentions. He never thought about passing through the entire Mongolia. He just wanted to capture Guang'an Province and then separate one side.


Then he thought of his third brother He Lie and his son Gu Jianshan.

He is on the verge of success.

But his brother He Lie and his son Gu Jianshan could not enjoy this glory with him.

And the culprit of all this is one person!

"Wang Er? Ling Junjie?"

His eyes were angry and cold.

After He Lie died, when he rushed to the scene, there was no one alive.

But he checked and found that when He Lie died, there was only one master nearby who had such strength.

This person is Ling Haojie.

Ling Junjie is a master who has risen recently.

This person specializes in hunting down high-level officials of the Wu Sheng Sect.

According to his investigation, before He Lie's death, Ling Junjie had just killed several masters of Wusheng Cult.

The place where Ling Junjie fought was not far from the place where He Lie died.

There is absolutely no such coincidence in this world.

At the same time, he also thought that the person who killed Gu Jianshan was a disciple of the Zizhu Chamber of Commerce named "Wang Er".

But not long ago, Wang Er had been caught by him. He was a waste and it was impossible to kill Gu Jianshan.

The real murderer must be someone else.

Near Tongling City, the only unknown mysterious master is Ling Junjie.

Therefore, the most likely possibility is that the "Wang Er" who killed Gu Jianshan was actually Ling Junjie in disguise.

"Ling Junjie, you despicable mouse, you'd better pray that you don't get caught by me, otherwise I will make your life worse than death!"

Gu Zhongyue said bitterly.

Now he is in Tongling City, and in the entire Guang'an Province, it can be said that there are no enemies who can threaten him.

Only Ling Junjie made him hate him so much.

At this time, Ling Yun was still in Danxia Sect.

After his cultivation level had just improved, he felt extremely peaceful.

It hadn't been quiet for long before he realized that the atmosphere in the Danxia Sect suddenly became strange.

Everyone looked shocked and solemn, as if something big had happened.

Ling Yun didn't wonder for long.

Soon he heard what others were saying and knew what was going on.

This is really a big deal.

Just today, the Black Flag Gang actually launched a general attack on the Zizhu Chamber of Commerce.

The Zizhu Chamber of Commerce, which had stood for thousands of years in Tongling City, was defeated and completely destroyed by the Black Flag Gang.

Ling Yun knew exactly what this meant.

This means that from now on, no force will be able to control the Black Flag Gang in the Tongling City territory.

The Black Flag Gang dominates the family.

Ling Yun couldn't help but frown.

He never takes things lightly.

Although he hid it well and concealed his identity every time he made a move, there was no guarantee that nothing would be overlooked.

What's more, there is an old saying that goes, "If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing except yourself."

Everything you do leaves a mark.

There is no guarantee that the Black Flag Gang will discover his true identity one day in the future.

Therefore, the Black Flag Gang becoming stronger is undoubtedly not a good thing for him.

Just when he frowned, Qin Yi sent him news that new meteorite liquid had arrived.

For Ling Yun, nothing is as important as "Meteorite Liquid" now.

He immediately put aside the Black Flag Gang's affairs and rushed to the Ice Palace.

When we arrived at the Ice Palace, the price of "Meteorite Liquid" had not increased.

Mainly, the Wusheng Cult has become much more honest during this period, which has restored a lot of order in Guang'an Province.

Qin Yi Perhaps the cost of "meteorite liquid" will not continue to rise.

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