But Ling Yun was not in a hurry.

Now the old man in black robe can't take him down.

"You guys take action together."

At this time, the old man in black robe said coldly.

The other two demigods immediately joined the battlefield.

Ling Yun's pressure increased instantly.

Even though he is powerful, now with one against three, he can only barely maintain his strength.

This also shows how wise it was for him to kill two people and severely injure one person with the force of thunder before.

Otherwise, if six people from the other side surround him and kill him, he won't be able to withstand it at all.

"Ling Junjie, we underestimated your strength this time. How about we turn our hostility into friendship?"

The old man in black robe said: "This time my words are not to deceive you, but to tell the truth."

"If you told the truth from the beginning, then I might consider it, but now, you have lost your qualifications."

Ling Yun said.

The face of the old man in black robes darkened: "Ling Junjie, don't be too arrogant. Although it is difficult for us to take you down, it is even more impossible for you to defeat us.

If the stalemate continues, we have the numerical advantage, and it will be you who will suffer in the end.

What's more, we can also notify other experts in the teaching to come. When other experts in the teaching come, what will you do to stop them? "

"You can't wait until that time."

Ling Yun smiled disdainfully.

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man in black robe seemed to sense something, and his expression changed drastically: "What did you do to me?"

Ling Yun did not answer, but launched a stronger attack on the black-robed old man.

Not long after entering the peach forest, Ling Yun secretly released the Tianji Silk.

The current situation of the old man in black robe is obviously an attack of Tianjisi.

The old man in black robe quickly resisted, but felt more and more something was not right.

"Did you poison me?"

His face was extremely ugly.


The next moment, he felt weak.

Ling Yun took the opportunity to thrust his sword out, piercing his chest.

Swish, swish, swish...

Then Ling Yun was like an afterimage, moving quickly around the black-robed old man.

In an instant, the old man in black robe had been cut by him dozens of times.

After severely injuring the old man in black robe, Ling Yun decisively stayed away from him to prevent him from retaliate before his death.

In this situation, it would be better to wait for the Tianjisi in the opponent's body to develop further.

At that time, the other party will be automatically destroyed.

There is no need for him to fight with the other party at this time.

The other two demigods looked horrified.

But they were also poisoned.

In addition, their strength was far inferior to that of the old man in black robe, so how could they possibly stop Ling Yun.

Two minutes later, these two demigods were killed by Ling Yun.

In the end, only the old man in black robe was left.

And the aura of the old man in black robe has become extremely weak.

Ling Yun was no longer polite and slashed at the opponent's neck from a distance.

The old man in black robe tried his best to resist, but he could only struggle in vain.


The head of the old man in black robe fell to the ground.

"I actually died like this?"

Before his consciousness fell into darkness, the old man in black robe still felt unbelievable.

This time, it was clearly their Wu Sheng Cult who laid a trap for Ling Junjie.

They didn't even really care about Ling Junjie at that time.

The purpose of killing Ling Junjie was to defeat Jiang Anqing's will.

As a result, they were all killed by Ling Junjie.

"Jiang Anqing."

After collecting all the Void Rings from the Wusheng Sect, Ling Yun looked towards the provincial capital with cold eyes.

No matter why Jiang Anqing betrayed him, it was a fact that the other party betrayed him.

This kind of thing is definitely unforgivable.

It was Jiang Anqing who invited him to assassinate the top leaders of Wu Sheng Sect.

Now the other party has teamed up with Wusheng Cult to plot against him.

This behavior is really bad.

You know, if he hadn't mastered the laws of magnetism, he would have noticed the conspiracy here long ago.

If he really had to plunge headlong into this trap without knowing anything, even if he was powerful now, something would still happen.

provincial capital.

Provincial Palace.

Governor Jiang Anqing looked anxious.

One day has passed since Ling Junjie left.

It stands to reason that at this time, the Wusheng Cult should have successfully ambushed Ling Junjie.

But for some reason, there has been no news from the Wusheng Sect.

Although he knew that Ling Junjie would definitely die this time, this matter was too important to him.

Therefore, as long as the matter is not settled for a second, he will not be able to feel completely at ease.

"What are you worried about?"

Yang Xiao smiled faintly, "This time my Wusheng Cult dispatched a divine envoy and five demigods. Do you think Ling Junjie can come back in this situation?"

Jiang Anqing seemed to be comforted by Yang Xiao's words, and his mood relaxed a lot.

But at this moment, the door of the main hall was suddenly pushed open.

Jiang Anqing said angrily: "You bastard, didn't I tell you that no one can disturb me today?"

Obviously, he thought someone was coming in.

Then he realized something was wrong.

Because the person who entered the room did not respond to him.

Only the sound of footsteps echoed in the hall.

On the other side, Yang Xiao's expression also became cold and cautious.

Jiang Anqing turned her head subconsciously and immediately saw a familiar face.

"Ling...Mr. Ling..."

He felt a chill running directly from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

Ling Yun glanced at Jiang Anqing lightly, and then shifted his gaze to Yang Xiao.

"Your Excellency, you must be Yang Xiao, the deputy leader of Wu Sheng Sect, right?"

After entering the provincial hall, he already knew who was coming to the provincial hall through the discussions among the servants.

These servants seemed to think that he was dead, so they had no scruples when discussing.

Yang Xiao's eyes were cold, with a hint of doubt: "Ling Junjie, you didn't go to Changxia City?"

"you guess."

Ling Yun smiled slightly.

As he spoke, he had taken out the Dinglong Sword and walked towards Yang Xiao unhurriedly.

Yang Xiao's expression turned completely cold at this time.

"Ling Junjie, I don't know how you escaped the ambush, but you don't think that you can despise me because of this, right?"

Yang laughed.

He is the third-ranked master of Wusheng Cult, and he is stronger than the second elder.

Therefore, even if what happened this time was indeed beyond his expectation, he still could not be afraid of Ling Junjie.

Ling Yun didn't answer his words and directly slashed at him with his sword.

Yang Xiaofeng was calm and calm, and he raised his hand to resist.

But as soon as he moved, the ground below suddenly cracked, and rocky hands stretched out from the ground, imprisoning Yang Xiao's body.

Yang Xiao was surprised.

"Open it for me!"

He is truly a servant of God.

With just one shock from Yuan Gang, all the rocky hands that imprisoned him were shattered.

However, in just a moment, Ling Yun's sword energy had already hit his neck.

It was too late for Yang Xiao to use his magic method to resist, so he could only subconsciously use Yuan Gang to resist.

But he obviously underestimated Ling Yun.


His Yuan Gang was easily cut open by Ling Yun's sword energy.



Blood is flying.

Yang Xiao's head flew out.


After his head fell to the ground, Yang Xiao still stared at Ling Yun with an unbelievable look.

"Don't you think that I will completely trust Jiang Anqing and be defenseless?"

Ling Yun said calmly: "If I am not wrong, this is at most the second time you have come to the provincial palace, but I have been here more than ten times.

Where did you get the courage to step in here so brazenly? "

As he said, he and Jiang Anqing were just strangers, how could he really trust Jiang Anqing.

He came to the provincial capital hall more than ten times, but it was not that he did nothing.

Every time he came, he would take the opportunity to secretly set up a formation in the provincial palace.

The formation was completely completed the last time I came here.

The large formation he arranged was called "Dungeon Formation".

As long as his thoughts move, the power of the earth will surge, condensing the hand of the earth to imprison the target.

This formation is not very strong, but is at the semi-god level.

With this formation alone, it was obviously impossible to really imprison a master like Yang Xiao.

But Ling Yun doesn't need to really imprison him, as long as he can imprison the opponent for a short time.

The moment of confinement just now gave him the opportunity to kill Yang Xiao.

Jiang Anqing's mind was roaring next to him.

Ling Junjie actually built a palace in his provincial palace without anyone noticing?

But this governor didn't know anything about it.

This has to be said to be ridiculous.

But what's even more terrifying is that Yang Xiao was actually killed by Ling Junjie.

Even if Yang Xiao is imprisoned by the formation, he is definitely not easy to kill.

No matter how you say it, it is an envoy of God.

Ling Junjie was able to kill Yang Xiao, which showed that the opponent's strength was not inferior to Yang Xiao.

Jiang Anqing felt that his world had become dark.

He betrayed Ling Junjie, and Ling Junjie couldn't let him go.

And if Yang Xiao, the deputy leader of the Wusheng Sect, dies in his place, there is no way the Wusheng Sect will let him go.

He seemed to have completely lost his way out.

Ling Yun did not take action against Jiang Anqing, but sat in front of him.

Despite the despair in his heart, Jiang Anqing still did not give up the struggle: "Mr. Ling, I know that what I have done cannot be forgiven.

But I had no choice but to do this. Wu Sheng Cult arrested my wife and children and threatened me with their lives.

If I don't obey, they will kill my wife and children, and I will be a victim too. "

"So, your wife and children cannot die, so I should be betrayed by you, and should be plotted and killed?"

Ling Yun said indifferently.

"No, that's not what I meant."

Jiang Anqing looked painful, "Mr. Ling, I am willing to forgive you. As long as you ask, no matter what you do, as long as you can forgive me, I will do it."

When things got to this point, he no longer dared to test Ling Junjie in any way.

Yang Xiao's body was nearby.

So he didn't think that Ling Junjie would not kill him because he was the governor.

"That's what you said."

Ling Yun said.

Jiang Anqing is hateful.

But precisely because of this, letting the other party die like this would be too advantageous for the other party.

In contrast, what Ling Yun hated even more was the Wu Sheng Cult.

Jiang Anqing's betrayal of him really made him sick.

However, in other aspects of the other party, overall there is a bottom line.

The Wusheng Cult has no bottom line at all and does everything to the extreme, which is very extreme.

"First, hand over all the meteorite liquid you have to me, and from now on, do your best to purchase the meteorite liquid for me."

Ling Yun said.


Jiang Anqing agreed without any hesitation.

"Second, use your maximum power and strength as governor to uproot the Wu Sheng Cult forces in Guang'an Province!"

Ling Yun stared at Jiang Anqing.

The reason he didn't kill Jiang Anqing was because of Jiang Anqing's value.

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