The Big World Casino has rules.

Unless there is corresponding collateral, the money borrowed can only be equal to the money spent in the gambling house.

This rule is also one of the reasons why Great World has become the number one gambling house in Ninghu City.

That's how people are.

I don't like to follow rules, but I like rules.

It seems that having rules can bring people a sense of security.

Gamblers feel that the Big World Casino respects the rules, so they are more willing to come to the Big World Casino to play.

"Four...forty-five hundred billion."

The guard was sweating profusely and stammered.

"Forty-five hundred billion? You go to the housekeeper to get the money, and then send the person away..."

Hu Xiuzhi said subconsciously.

Halfway through, he suddenly realized something was wrong: "How much did you just say?"

"Forty-five hundred billion source coins!"

The guard's legs were trembling.

This debt is really scary.

"Are you sure? Did you hear it wrong, or did the people at the gambling house say it wrong?"

Hu Xiuzhi still couldn't believe it.

"I have confirmed many times that the people at the gambling house did say it was 450 billion."

The guard said: "They also brought over the IOU signed by the eldest son. It is written in black and white and cannot be faked."


Hu Xiuzhi didn't take any chances anymore and smashed the table at hand into pieces: "How could I, Hu Xiuzhi, have such evil obstacles?" He couldn't help but want to vomit blood.

But it seems that after the last blow, his psychological endurance has become stronger and he can resist it.

"The big world gambling house is too deceptive."

Hu Xiuzhi angrily said, "Come, come with me to the Great World Casino. I want to see how they deceived my son."

He knew his son was useless.

But to owe 4.5 trillion is too outrageous.

Even if this kind of thing was brought to the attention of all the owners behind the Great World Gambling House, he still didn't believe that the gambling house could stand.

Hu Xiuzhi immediately rushed to the Great World Casino angrily.

Along the way, he deliberately made things bigger so that the gambling house would not be able to cheat.

So when Hu Xiuzhi arrived at the gambling house, thousands of people were already following behind her.

Everyone came to watch the fun.

"Clan Chief Hu, are you here?"

The owner of the gambling house said respectfully: "I wonder if Patriarch Hu has brought enough source coins?"


Hu Xiuzhi scolded angrily, "The Great World Gambling House has always been known for its rules, but what you did today was too unruly.

Today, I want everyone to comment and see the true face of your Big World Gambling House. "

The head of the gambling shop said with a serious look on his face: "Clan Chief Hu, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk casually. Why don't we follow the rules in our big world gambling house?"

"Haha, if you didn't follow the rules, how did my son get this 4.5 trillion debt?"

Hu Xiuzhi laughed angrily and said: "There are so many people here, have you ever seen such an outrageous debt?"

"This is indeed outrageous."

"Oh my God, 450 billion?"

The spectators who had just arrived all echoed.

But the gamblers who were already in the casino didn't say anything.

They had witnessed what happened before.

In their opinion, the gambling house may be responsible for this matter, but the most important person responsible is Hu Yifan himself.

Who made Hu Yifan go crazy with gambling?

What's more, many people have a hatred of the rich.

The Hu family is undoubtedly very wealthy in Ninghu City.

Ordinary gamblers will go bankrupt, become depressed, or even commit suicide after losing a few times in a gambling house.

But Hu Yifan has lost countless times in the past many years, and he has always relied on the Hu family's strong family background to get through everything.

This naturally makes other gamblers jealous.

Now that something happened to Hu Yifan and the Hu family, they felt very happy.

"Clan Chief Hu, the money Master Ling owes is a bit scary, but our gambling house has always abided by the rules."

The owner of the gambling house said calmly: "Today, Mr. Ling won 200 billion yuan in my gambling house. I don't think Patriarch Hu will think this money is insignificant, right?"

After hearing this, many people who had been supporting Hu Xiuzhi suddenly stopped talking.

They find themselves ridiculous.

Earning tens of thousands of Yuan coins a month, he ended up fighting for people like Hu Yifan who could earn 200 billion Yuan coins in a day.

For most people present, not to mention 200 billion source coins, as long as they can get 2 million source coins, they will laugh.

Hu Xiuzhi couldn't help but hesitate in her words.

"After that, Young Master Ling's luck got better and better, and he won another 200 billion source coins. At this time, if Young Master Ling just accepts the good news, he will undoubtedly be a big winner."

The boss of the gambling house sighed.

Those who supported Hu Xiuzhi, instead of showing support this time, their eyes became somewhat hostile.

Four hundred billion source coins.

Hu Yifan's life is so good that he can earn 400 billion source coins in one day.

The boss of the gambling house continued: "However, Young Master Ling was not greedy enough, so he actually bet his principal of 500 billion source coins and the earned 400 billion source coins on the next gamble all at once.

Only this time, Master Ling's good use was gone, and all 900 billion source coins were lost. "

"Trap, this must be your gambling house's trap."

Hu Xiuzhi breathed rapidly.

At this moment, he wanted to drag Hu Yifan out and beat him up.

Four hundred billion?

Even if he wanted to make so much money, it would take him more than ten years.

How come Hu Yifan, a rebellious son, doesn't know how to accept things when things are good for him?


The boss of the gambling house sneered, "Master Ling has 900 billion source coins. As long as he is not greedy, even if he bets tens of billions of source coins at one time, he will not lose it all.

He was too greedy and insisted on going all-in. Can he blame our gambling house? "

Hu Xiuzhi once again had no words to retort, and could only say: "Even so, he just lost everything, how can he owe 490 billion?"

"He lost 900 billion. According to the rules of the gambling house, he spent 900 billion and could borrow 900 billion."

The boss of the gambling house said: "So, he borrowed 900 billion from us, and we lent it to him.

He had bad luck and pushed all-in again, and continued to lose everything.

At this time, he has consumed 1.8 trillion, and can borrow 1.8 trillion.

Out of consideration for him, we did not lend him so much money, but only 900 billion.

Mr. Ling went crazy. He kept losing and borrowing.

If we don't stop him, Master Ling will not only owe 450 billion yuan, but also owe 10 trillion yuan.

The fact that he only owes 450 billion is all because of the good intentions of our gambling shop. "

"Fart, you still have good intentions? You are a bunch of devils."

Hu Xiuzhi's eyes were red, "That evildoer has no ability to make money at all. Why do you continue to lend him money when he lost 900 billion?"

The boss of the gambling house looked at Hu Xiuzhi in surprise: "Of course we do it for your sake, who doesn't know that Mr. Hu's father is you.

As your son, he naturally shares your credibility equally. Don't you think that your credibility is not even worth 900 billion source coins? "

At this moment, Hu Xiuzhi wanted to smash the face of the gambling boss.

With his intelligence, how could he not know that Hu Yifan had definitely fallen into a gambling trap.

But it just so happened that the gambling house really acted according to the rules.

It's just that Hu Yifan is too stupid and irrational.

When ordinary people lose 900 billion, they should wake up.

In the end, I don’t know where Hu Yifan got the courage to continue borrowing.

"Don't talk to me about this."

Hu Xiuzhi said: "I will not pursue the 900 billion that your gambling house made away from, but your gambling house, don't even think about asking me to pay back another 4900 billion source coins..."

"Haha, Chief Hu, you are really trying to cheat."

A sneer sounded.

Han Yi walked out.

"Han Yi, it's you!"

Hu Xiuzhi stared at him with red eyes, "The Great World Gambling House is run by your Hidden Dragon Gang. It's impossible for you not to know that my son was deceived by the gambling house in this way.

What grudge do I have against you? Why do you plot against my son and me like this? "

Han Yi said with a straight face: "Clan Chief Hu, although the Great World Gambling House is indeed run by our Hidden Dragon Gang, the operation of the Great World Gambling House has its own independent system.

We, the Hidden Dragon Gang, are not so much running the Great World Gambling House as we are maintaining the order of the gambling house. We do not participate or interfere in the specific operation of the gambling house.

So I seriously disagree with what you said, Patriarch Hu. I also ask Patriarch Hu not to slander our Hidden Dragon Gang just because he wants to default on his debt, let alone the Great World Gambling House. "

"You are quibbling."

Hu Xiuzhi angrily scolded, "Anyway, you have to give me an explanation for today's matter, otherwise I will not be finished with the Hidden Dragon Gang and the Great World Gambling House..."

"Brother Hu, I really want to know how you are going to end up with the World Casino?"

A silver-haired old man suddenly walked out from behind the gambling house.

"Hu Xiuzhi, since the establishment of the Great World Casino, no one has ever been able to default here."

"The accounts of the Great World Gambling House are not that easy to rely on."

Several other people appeared one after another.

Many spectators around him gasped.

Because these people who came out were all the top giants in Ninghu City.

The first silver-haired old man who came out had a greater background. He was Tu Qishan, the head of the Tu family, the largest family in Ninghu City. His elder brother was the governor of Xijiang Province.

Han Yi looked indifferent.

These giants who came out all have shares in the Great World Casino.

In the Great World Gambling House, the Hidden Dragon Gang only holds 40% of the shares.

The other 60% of the shares were distributed to other major forces in order to prevent anyone from causing trouble in the gambling house.

For example, the Tu family holds 20% of the shares.

If the interests of the gambling house are harmed, it will also seriously harm the interests of the Tu family.

That's why Tu Qishan is so active.

Of course, these forces also act according to circumstances.

In normal times, they would definitely be wary of a powerful force like the Hu family.

If it were just tens or hundreds of billions of source coins, they might not participate.

But this time it's different.

The source currency involved this time is 450 billion.

According to the shares, each of them can get hundreds of billions.

The money that the Tu family can get is 900 billion.

With such huge benefits and the fact that the Great World Gambling House did not violate its own rules, how could they possibly endure it.

Therefore, even if the Hu family is not easy to deal with, they all come forward together.

At this moment, the Hu family has become a huge and delicious cake in their eyes.

Now that there is an opportunity to divide this cake, they will never give up easily.

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