Two days later.

It was the day when the Zhengyi Dojo was opened.

Thousands of warriors were waiting outside the Dojo early in the morning.

Ling Yun and the other two also came here.

They didn't need to wait outside the Dojo and stepped into the Dojo directly.

Those who could enter the Zhengyi Dojo were at least the Great Supreme.

Other warriors who were not strong enough could only listen outside the Dojo.

Ling Yun and Jiang Batian did not attract much attention.

With their strength, they were definitely the top ones here.

However, both of them restrained their aura and changed their appearance to a certain extent, so others naturally couldn't recognize them.

Half an hour later.

A middle-aged man with a graceful demeanor came to the Dojo.

The warriors in the Dojo all stood up.

Ling Yun's eyes condensed slightly.

This middle-aged man was undoubtedly Kou Jingxiu!

The divine power released by the other party was, as Ling Yun expected, a top lower-level god.

In addition, the other party looked nothing special on the surface, as if he was a normal god, giving people a sense of sacredness.

However, Ling Yun's perception was unmatched by others.

He caught a gloomy and decayed breath from Kou Jingxiu's magnetic field.

Then Kou Jingxiu sat down on the cushion at the front of the dojo.

Kou Jingxiu then began to preach to everyone.

Before he knew it, half an hour had passed.

"...Top-level divine messengers can ignite divine fire, burn the Yuanhun, and promote the Yuanhun to Yuanshen..."

"The gods are immortal because their Yuanshen rests in the void, and after the Yuanshen rests in the void, it can create the kingdom of God."

Kou Jingxiu's voice echoed in the dojo, "For powerful gods, the kingdom of God can be projected into the human world, and the projected area can be called the 'Divine Domain'.

This Divine Domain is not the same as that Divine Domain, but the 'Divine Domain Domain'.

The Divine Domain of the gods of our Hongyuan Ancient Realm is mostly neutral, and as long as others do not harbor malicious intent, they are not very aggressive.

The Divine Domain of the gods in the Divine Realm is different, and most of them have extremely terrifying destructive power.

They cannot be seen or heard, otherwise it is easy to cause bad news.

For example, some statues of gods in the Divine Realm cannot be seen."

Hearing Kou Jingxiu's words, Jiang Batian subconsciously took out the sculpture Ling Yun gave him.

Almost at the same time, the sky suddenly became dark, and rolling dark clouds came from all sides.

Kou Jingxiu stopped preaching, with a look of doubt on his face.

Then, he seemed to notice something, and suddenly turned his head to look outside the dojo.

Ling Yun looked outside the dojo before Kou Jingxiu.

This dojo was covered by a formation barrier.

And at this moment, a figure appeared in the dojo barrier.

The first moment he saw this figure, Ling Yun's pupils shrank suddenly.

Even he, at this moment, the hair on his body stood up, and goose bumps appeared on his arms.

Outside the barrier, there was an old man wearing a white yellowed ancient robe and a pale and bloodless face.

This old man gave people the feeling of a dead body.

But this was not the reason why Ling Yun was so shocked.

He was so frightened because the appearance of this old man was clearly the same as the statue he gave to Jiang Batian.

Thinking of the statue of this old man that Jiang Batian had just taken out, Ling Yun already knew why this old man appeared.

Looking at this old man again, the surroundings were extremely dark, as if any light approaching him would be swallowed up by him.

There was also a decayed, dark aura that penetrated the barrier and spread towards everyone.

The old man approached the dojo step by step.

Everything he passed by quickly decayed and aged.

In a moment, the white jade slabs on the ground seemed to have experienced thousands of years of wind and rain, and began to turn yellow and black, and moss grew on them.

The trees, flowers and plants withered and died at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ling Yun stood up vigilantly, ready to retreat at will.


Many people around him looked at him immediately.

"What are you doing?"

A deacon of the Zhengyi Sect pointed at Ling Yun and shouted: "Sit down immediately. Now is the time for the deputy leader to preach. Don't disrupt the order here."

His words made Ling Yun realize that not everyone can see this old man.

It can even be said that most people can't see it.

This is also normal.

Many taboos exist, and spiritual power is not strong enough to detect them.

At this time, the old man looked into the dojo.

His eyeballs were gray and numb, giving people a sense of dead silence.


The old man kept approaching the dojo.

Finally, his face was pressed against the dojo barrier.

This allowed Ling Yun to see him more clearly, and he also noticed that his eyes were really emotionless.

"What's wrong with you? Do you want to offend the deputy leader?"

Seeing that Ling Yun hadn't sat down yet, the Zhengyi Sect deacon was angry.


Before Ling Yun could say anything, a female warrior near the edge of the barrier suddenly screamed.

"What happened?"

The others around were shocked.

Then they all looked horrified.

I saw that the cushion under the female warrior was rotten for some reason, and most of it had turned into black rot.

And it was not just the female warrior, the ground near the edge of the barrier began to rot.

Ling Yun's expression was solemn.

This situation undoubtedly showed that the barrier could not completely block the rotten old man.

The power of the rotten old man had penetrated into the barrier.

"Oh no, how can this thing be so strong!"

Another horrified voice also sounded at this time, and Jiang Batian also stood up.

As a god, he could also see the old man outside.

At the same time, it can also be judged why such a thing happened in the barrier.

"What are you doing there?"

The deacon of Zhengyi Sect was furious.

He felt that these people seemed to be crazy.

Kou Jingxiu in the center of the dojo was staring at the rotten old man.

When he heard Jiang Batian's voice, he seemed to realize something and turned his head to look at Jiang Batian.

At this moment, Jiang Batian had put away the statue.

But Kou Jingxiu still had some guesses and said coldly: "Did you lead this thing here?"

"I am also a victim."

Jiang Batian said hurriedly.

As he said that, he turned his head to look at Lingyun, "It's you, you are deliberately hurting me, right?"

Lingyun frowned and his eyes turned cold.

This Jiang Batian had been so enthusiastic before, giving people the feeling of a cheerful personality.

But at this moment, when he really encountered something, the other party suddenly exposed his true nature.

"Commander Jiang, I don't understand what you said."

Lingyun said. "Still pretending to be stupid."

Jiang Batian said: "You gave me that statue, and you still want to quibble."

Ling Yun looked at him indifferently: "You asked me to give you this statue. I also reminded you afterwards that if you want to observe it, you must isolate it from the void.

You didn't take my words seriously, can you blame me?"

Jiang Batian's eyes were full of resentment.

But before he could say anything more.

Bang, bang, bang...

A sound that made people's hearts beat like being beaten sounded.

Even people who couldn't see the old man with rotten corpses could hear this sound.

"What is this sound?"

People were in doubt.

The gods present clearly saw that it was the old man with rotten corpses who was tapping the barrier with his fingers.

The power of the old man with rotten corpses was extremely terrifying.

Every time he tapped, the entire barrier would shake violently.

Kou Jingxiu's expression was extremely ugly and solemn.

Without much hesitation, he quickly activated a special talisman and contacted the Zhengyi Sect.

"Deputy Sect Leader, what's the emergency?"

The voice of the Zhengyi Sect's great elder came from there.

This emergency contact channel is controlled by the Great Elder.

The Great Elder does not need to guess, as long as Kou Jingxiu uses this method to contact Zhengyi Sect, it must be a big deal.

"I am now in the Xujie Daochang and encountered a god from the God Realm!"

Kou Jingxiu said without hesitation.

"How strong is it?"

The voice of the Great Elder of Zhengyi Sect also revealed surprise.

"From my observation, this god can already open the God Realm, and the power of the God Realm is not bad, covering the entire Zhengyi Daochang."

Kou Jingxiu said.

The Grand Elder of Zhengyi Sect was also surprised: "Deputy Sect Leader, this matter is extremely serious. The god you met may not be able to defeat you. I suggest you give up everything else immediately and evacuate as much as you can."

"It's too late to evacuate."

Kou Jingxiu said: "The divine domain of that god has infiltrated the Taoist temple. Can the Sect Leader come to support me?"

"The Sect Leader has gone to another world."

The Grand Elder of Zhengyi Sect said: "Even if we notify him now, it will take at least three days for him to get to the Ruins Realm."

Kou Jingxiu was silent for a while, then said: "Then there is no need to notify the Sect Leader. I will keep in touch with you.

If at any time, I completely stop moving, it means that I may have fallen.

My biggest concerns are the sect and my only disciple.

If I really fall, divide my property into two, 90% to the sect and 10% to my disciple."

As a frequent visitor to the Ruins Realm, he has had many encounters with the gods of the God Realm and knows the dangers of the gods of the God Realm.

The gods he encountered this time were particularly dangerous.

Therefore, he could not take chances and had to prepare for the worst.

This did not mean that he had given up struggling.

But only by giving up chances could he be more calm and give it his all!

The great elder of Zhengyi Sect fell into silence, and after a long time he said, "Okay!"

Bang, bang, bang!

The sound of knocking on the barrier sounded again.

This sound was very strange, as if it had a specific frequency, and it made people feel chilled inexplicably.


Someone screamed.

Other people around turned their heads and saw in horror that the female warrior who had screamed before had died strangely.

This female warrior had blood flowing from all seven orifices, many parts of her body were rotten, and her soul had been extinguished.

This was too terrible.

The people in the dojo were immediately in a panic.

Originally, they thought that as long as they were in the dojo and protected by the barrier, they would be safe.

Who would have thought that even in the dojo, there would still be concerns about their lives.

Then people continued to die.

Everyone in the dojo finally realized that hiding in the dojo was useless and might even be more dangerous.

They were hiding in it, like a turtle in a jar, allowing the mysterious power to continue to harvest their lives.

"No, I want to go out!"

A warrior couldn't stand the oppressive atmosphere and rushed out of the dojo.

"Don't go out!"

Kou Jingxiu's face changed and he shouted anxiously.

Unfortunately, it was too late for him to stop.

The warrior directly pushed open the door of the dojo and rushed out.

However, as soon as he went out, he disappeared.

It was a real disappearance.

Everyone in the dojo felt creepy.

When the warrior pushed the door just now, everyone in the dojo could see the scenery outside clearly.

Outside the dojo, it was not the bustling streets they were familiar with, but a dark place.

It seemed that the outside had been submerged in thick ink, and not a trace of light could be seen.

After the warrior left, not only did he disappear, but his voice also disappeared, and it was unknown whether he was dead or alive.

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