Under the gray mist, the auras of Fan Wujiu and the warriors behind him were significantly elevated!

This bronze coffin can actually improve a person's combat effectiveness, and it can be done so on a large scale!

This is simply a peerless weapon for military combat!


Ling Yun was very satisfied.

Immediately afterwards, 20,000 warriors rushed towards the White Deer Sect.

Ling Yun was no longer polite to them.

He pressed down with his big hand!

In an instant, all the warriors who rushed towards the White Deer Sect were swatted away like mosquitoes.

This scene is extremely shocking.

The warriors from all major forces around looked dumbfounded!

In just two minutes, all 20,000 warriors were defeated.

Fan Wu Jiu also knelt on the ground.

He felt his head buzzing.

how so?

He never dreamed that such a scene would appear!

"Want to die or live?"

Ling Yun looked at Fan Wujiu.

"Want to live!"

Fan Wu Jiu lowered his head.

"You can serve as a handyman in the White Deer Sect for a hundred years, and you can leave after a hundred years!"

Ling Yun said calmly: "As for the others, they will not be allowed to step within ten thousand miles of the White Deer Sect for a hundred years!"


Fan Wujiu said.

All 20,000 troops retreated!

Ling Yun returned to normal shape.

After solving this matter, it's time for him to attack the gods with all his strength!

After that, Ling Yun ignored the wind and rain outside.

He returned to his compound.

In the samsara light curtain, the accumulated samsara points are enough!

Lingyun - Divine Envoy, Dharma: tenth level of Great Sun Dharma Seal, tenth level of Life and Death Killing Sword, tenth level of Tiger and Leopard Thunder Sound, tenth level of Destruction Dharma Seal, tenth level of Greedy Wolf Technique, tenth level of Xingtian Battle Technique, third level of Innate Dao Sutra , Tianlong Yin, Divine Sword Technique, Star Tempering Technique, Hand of All Living Beings, Void Sky Divine Eyes, Shadowless Body Technique, Nine Pearl Corpse Evil Technique...

Reincarnation Points: 21 Ling Yun directly used 7 attribute points to upgrade the Innate Dao Sutra to the tenth level.

His cultivation level is at the top level of a divine envoy!

If you break through further, you will become a god!

However, even if the Innate Dao Sutra is raised to the tenth level.

He is still only close to the gods and has not made a breakthrough.

Ling Yun was not surprised by this.

If it were that easy to become a god, then becoming a god would be too cheap!

After that, Ling Yun invested all the remaining attribute points into Tianlong Yin.

Tianlong Yin has been promoted to the seventh level!


The energy in his body finally broke through the limit!

Tear it apart!

Ling Yun's soul burned!

Ignite the soul and condense the divine fire to advance to the divine realm!

But this flame is very small, cannot be condensed into a force, and is easily extinguished!

Ling Yun decisively joined the sycamore tree, and the flames suddenly became bigger!

If nothing else happens, Ling Yun will really become a god!

But at this moment, Ling Yun's soul was aroused!

After the soul fire was transformed into divine fire, it was all absorbed by Ling Yun's incomplete soul.

The originally extremely weak and incomplete soul seemed to be filled with spring water from the dry earth.


A stream of information flooded into Ling Yun's mind!


Ling Yun looked moved.

"Xuantian Divine Realm!"

There were ups and downs in his heart.

The Creation Pill Emperor actually left behind a backup plan in the Xuantian Divine Realm!

In the previous life, although Emperor Creation Dan trusted Xuannv, he did not make any preparations.

So before going into seclusion, the Creation Pill Emperor left a back-up in the Xuantian Divine Realm!

The Creation Pill Emperor actually has a hidden descendant in the Xuantian Divine Realm!

In an instant, Ling Yun had a new idea.

Becoming a god in other worlds is definitely not as good as becoming a god in the God Realm.

What's more, the Creation Pill Emperor also left some very special things in the God Realm!

If Ling Yun chooses to become a god in the divine world, the foundation of the divine way he has laid will be far greater than it is now.

Ling Yun immediately suppressed his own realm!

He dispersed the soul fire and stopped igniting it.

Opening his eyes, Ling Yun's eyes were bright.

He already has a coordinate in his mind!

According to these coordinates, coupled with the ability of the reincarnation space, he can descend to the God Realm and find the location of his descendants from his previous life!

Without any hesitation.

Ling Yun marked the coordinates in the incomplete soul, and then opened the reincarnation space.


The next moment, his body did not move.

But the consciousness suddenly disappeared!

Equal line god world.

Senluo Kingdom.

In today's Xuantian Divine Realm, the dominant force is Heaven!

The Lord of Heaven is Emperor Xuannv.

Under the heaven, there are many divine kingdoms.

Senluo Divine Kingdom is a very inconspicuous one among many divine kingdoms.

Senluo Divine Kingdom, Imperial City!

In a cemetery.

There is a body lying here.

This corpse is that of a boy!

Judging from his energy, it seems that he died not long ago!

Suddenly, the boy opened his eyes!

"This is?"

The young man murmured.

Then he seemed to notice something and grabbed the void!

In the void, there is a incomplete shadow.

The appearance of this shadow happened to be the same as the boy's appearance!

"Is it a remnant soul?"

The young man didn't hesitate to fuse this remnant soul!

Suddenly he got a lot of memories!

This is the imperial city of Senluo Kingdom.

The Ling family is one of the aristocratic families in the imperial city, a family of hussar generals!

And Ling Yun can be sure that this Ling family is his descendant family!

The bloodline belonging to the Creation Pill Emperor in the Ling family has long been eliminated.

If you don't do this, you won't be able to hide it from Xuannv at all.

The reason why Ling Yun can be sure is precisely because of the back-ups he left behind!

Before the Creation Pill Emperor went into seclusion, he separated a trace of blood and converted it into another opposite blood!

The Creation Pill Emperor's blood is the Creation Blood.

Then this opposite blood is the Abyss Blood!

And Ling Yun can clearly sense this opposite blood.

At this moment, there is the Abyss Blood in his body!

Although it is very thin, it is there!

Soon he learned some information about this body.

Obviously, this body is his descendant disciple, but he has been murdered.

The person who murdered him seems to be the Shenhou Mansion in the Imperial City!

Ling Yun didn't care much about these.

What he cared about was that the information conveyed to him by the incomplete soul was indeed true!

Even if there is only a trace of the Abyss Blood, with his means, this blood can be sublimated to perfection.


Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Several servants of the General of the Cavalry Mansion found him.

Ling Yun closed his eyes, pretended to be unconscious, and let the servants carry him back to the mansion!

After that, Ling Yun ignored the outside world.

He secretly combed the blood of this body!

This time, because it was more difficult to lock the coordinates, he only descended with consciousness!

This led to the fact that he had to rely on this body!

And this body seemed to be tailor-made for him, so that he could merge with it without any rejection.

When he was unconscious, a middle-aged man had been waiting by his side.

Ling Yun knew that this middle-aged man was the father of this body, named "Ling Heng".

Coincidentally, the name of his body was also "Ling Yun"!

This was obviously not a coincidence.

I'm afraid that some of the backhands left by the Emperor of Creation and Dan were at work.

A day passed in a blink of an eye.

"I say, Master Ling Yun, you are not dead yet? So it seems that you are really lucky."


The door was kicked open, and a short and fat figure walked in from outside.

It was Wang Kai, the loyal lackey of Xu Rui, the second son of the Shenhou Mansion.

Although Wang Kai was dressed in gorgeous clothes, he looked very strange because of his peculiar appearance. His narrow triangular eyes, upturned nose and round face made him look extremely funny.

Behind him were several followers who looked just like him. They were arrogant and domineering, and it was obvious that they were bullies.

Beside the bed, Ling Heng looked at the wooden door that was kicked to pieces, frowned, and then shouted in a deep voice:

"How dare you! This is the General's Mansion, how dare you be so presumptuous here!"

When these words came out, Wang Kai was stunned at first, then turned his head left and right to look at his followers, and then said:

"Did I hear it right? What did this guy say? The General's Mansion? Oh, I'm so disrespectful, sorry, I really can't tell what the General's Mansion is. From the outside, I really thought it was a beggar's nest in the city."


For a while, the room was full of laughter.

The General's Mansion was indeed famous in the past!

But with the disappearance of General Ling Guang, this reputation gradually dissipated.

Ling Heng listened to this, clenched his fists, wanting to win back face for his father, but he didn't have the ability.

At this moment, Wang Kai suddenly stopped laughing, and then looked at Ling Heng coldly, and said harshly:

"I tell you, old waste, you and your little waste can only be dogs of my God Marquis Mansion now! Do whatever I tell you to do! This has been destined since the so-called great general of your family died in the Misty Forest!"

"Now, there is not even a useful person in your so-called general's mansion. There are only two wastes left, one big and one small. Why are you still pretending to be a great general's mansion?"

"Who am I and who is the master behind me? You, old waste, don't you know it?"

Calling him "waste" all the time made Ling Heng, who was standing by the bed, feel very sad and angry, but he could do nothing about it.

After all, this matter has almost become a topic of conversation in the imperial city. Everyone regards the two descendants of the great general as useless.

But it is normal. Ling Heng's own Yuanhun was broken. He asked the Dan God to treat it, but was told that it was impossible to repair it, which also declared that he could no longer practice.

In this God Realm, people who cannot practice, no matter how high their status is, will be inferior to other warriors.

Therefore, there are only two kinds of existence in this world, warriors and losers, and there is no other distinction.

Although Ling Yun, who was lying on the bed, could practice, his talent was extremely poor, even to the extent that any training instructor would shake his head and leave when seeing him, which was almost the same as loser.

With this kind of talent, it can be said that the hope of becoming a god is very slim!

In the God Realm, only by becoming a god can you barely have a foothold!

Listening to these words, Ling Yun's eyes flashed with coldness.

But Ling Yun knew that he could not take action at this time. He had just checked the current physical condition. Even if he had all kinds of means, he could not help but sigh.

Bad! Extremely bad!

There is no worst, only worse!

In a place like the God Realm, after more than ten years of hard work, he only ended up at the second level of the semi-god realm.

Even though Wang Kai in front of him was just a servant of the Divine Marquis Mansion, he had the cultivation level of the eighth level of the Demigod Realm, and the "strange-looking" followers behind him also had the lowest cultivation level of the fourth level of the Demigod Realm.

No matter which one, he was not able to contend with his current cultivation level.

Not to mention, if I take action now, I will have to face the combined siege of these people, so I have no chance of winning.

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