
Ling Yun dragged his steps forward slowly, as if they were filled with heavy lead.

As soon as the words came out, the baby-like cry gradually weakened, and the entire dark space fell into silence again, like a pebble dropped into a bottomless ancient well.


Suddenly, the azure fire ball in front of Ling Yun's eyes flickered like eyes, slowly flying towards him. At the same time, the cheerful voice of a baby laughing through tears echoed in his ears.

Ling Yun took a few steps back and frowned, "What the hell?"

At this time, a gourd-shaped baby rushed toward him like lightning, looking like a little monster!

It pounced on Ling Yun's body, crawling along his legs, arms, neck, and head, as if it wanted to explore Ling Yun's entire body.

Ling Yun frowned and said, "Get down here!"

Then he extinguished the fire at his fingertips, and the surroundings fell into darkness again!

Ling Yun used his power to shake the little gourd monster away, but its movements were extremely fast, scurrying back and forth on Ling Yun's body, and its cheerful baby laughter spread in the dark space.

This sound, in this extremely gloomy abyss, undoubtedly seems even weirder!

After a while, Ling Yun's gloomy face suddenly showed a smile, flames jumped out from the fingertips of his left hand, and he held the gourd baby in his right hand.

"Little monster, I finally caught him!"

Under the weak firelight, Ling Yun sneered, revealing his strong white teeth, and his eyes were full of coldness as he stared at the little gourd monster in his hand.

"Wow, wow..."

As if frightened by Ling Yun's expression, the little gourd baby burst out crying instantly, turning into a cry of grief. Tears flowed out and fell uncontrollably on the cold stones on the ground.

The gourd baby howled loudly, with tears streaming down his face, and the sobs of grievance rippled through the gloomy and melancholy abyss.

Ling Yun was speechless for a while!

His perception is very sharp!

At this moment, he felt that this little monster seemed to have no ill intentions towards him!

At that moment, he quickly dropped the gourd baby hanging in the air.


The little baby dropped down and landed directly on the rocks.

The crying suddenly became much louder, and tears fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Ling Yun was about to stretch out his hands, but they were suspended in mid-air. He really didn't know what to do.

"It would be great if Ling Lan was here."

He couldn't help but sigh.

I thought I was encountering a unique evil creature!

Who would have thought that this vicious creature would look like a baby!

The baby gourd still kept crying.


Ling Yun waved his hand, and there was a slight sound of wind. Two lines of fire appeared out of thin air on the two cliffs, and the whole space suddenly became much clearer.

Ling Yun gathered his thoughts and looked at the bulging gourd baby sitting on the stone. It was white all over, with a round body, slender limbs, and a green leaf on top of its head. It was trembling with pain as it cried. The towering body swayed.

And its black eyes were like an independent life form, rotating happily, but their eyes were full of tears, and the wailing gradually turned into choked sobs at this moment.

Ling Yun stepped forward and poked its belly with his finger: "Are you okay?"


The gourd baby stopped crying, hugged Ling Yun's finger tightly with its two tear-stained hands, leaned forward, and bit Ling Yun's fingertip with a moan.


Ling Yun immediately jumped up, took out his fingers and clasped them tightly, glaring at the little baby and said, "How cunning!"


The baby gourd burst into tears and laughed, jumping up and down on the big stone, cheering and dancing.

Ling Yun rolled his eyes and turned to leave.

However, before he took a few steps, a voice came from behind him: "Wait, wait!"

Ling Yun turned to stare at the gourd baby: "Can you speak?"

The little baby nodded honestly!

Ling Yun laughed, this gourd really became a spirit!

The little gourd baby climbed up along Ling Yun's thigh, sat on his neck, held his head with two little hands, with nervous little eyes as if he was afraid that he would run away, and then said: "You can't leave him. Me oh."

Ling Yun was surprised and said: "You want to follow me? Little monster, you'd better go home quickly and find your kin!"

After saying that, Ling Yun raised his hand to pick up the baby, held it in the air, and said in a deep voice as if he was telling me something: "Don't follow me anymore."

The gourd baby muttered and shook his head quickly: "I saved you, and you don't want to repay the favor. It's simply unreasonable!"

Ling Yun was stunned: "You saved me?"

Then he thought about it, he fell into this abyss, and he was still safe and sound. Something was indeed wrong!


The gourd baby snorted coldly, crossed his arms across his chest, and looked away angrily.

After weighing it, Ling Yun finally compromised, lifted it and placed it on his shoulder, saying: "Since you saved me, how do you want me to repay you?"

The gourd baby said without hesitation: "Be my daddy?"

The steps Ling Yun was about to take were suspended in mid-air: "What did you say?"

The calabash baby cleared his throat, stared at Ling Yun solemnly, and said seriously: "Be my father."

Seeing it look so serious, Ling Yun always felt that this was a request it had prepared for a long time ago.

Ling Yun smiled and said, "Let's change it."

The gourd baby shook his head: "No."

"I'm not your father, where are your kin?"

"No kin!"

The gourd baby's voice was very calm, but Ling Yun was slightly silent!

After a while, Ling Yun asked: "Then can you tell me where you are from?"

The gourd baby raised his chin proudly: "If I don't tell you, you will understand later."

Ling Yun asked: "Then what is your name?"

The gourd baby pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "Hmm, I don't know, daddy, how about you give me a name?"

Ling Yun said: "You look like a gourd, how about you call me a gourd?"

Hulu shook his head: "It doesn't sound good."

Ling Yun smiled and said: "Hulu, are you a boy or a girl?"

The little baby shook his head and said, "I don't want to be called Calabash, it doesn't sound good."

Ling Yun barked a few more times, obviously not intending to change his words. The baby snorted angrily, and then stopped talking, okay, let's just gourd.

Seeing it compromise, a smile appeared on Ling Yun's lips.

Gourd began to read in pieces, his two small hands kept playing with Ling Yun's hair, sometimes pulling his hair angrily.

Ling Yun asked: "Hulu, are you a boy or a girl?"

Gourd said: "Girl."

Ling Yun smiled and said, "Oh, girl, girls are pretty good."

Ling Yun carried the gourd on his back, bumping along the way, and the gourd held Ling Yun's head tightly with his two small hands as he muttered to himself, and then fell asleep.

On the gourd's small and straight nose, there are snot bubbles that grow in size and size.

Her saliva wet Ling Yun's hair.

Ling Yun smiled bitterly and shook his head, taking smaller steps and gentler movements, for fear of waking up the gourd who was sleeping holding his head.

Ling Yun was overjoyed and wanted to laugh loudly, but was afraid of waking her up.

In the dark and desolate abyss, Ling Yun carried his sleeping daughter on his back and slowly walked through the space that looked like splashing ink.

After a long time, Ling Yun's brows knitted deeply. He suddenly raised his head and saw a faint and dim firelight coming from the front, accompanied by a faint human voice.

Ling Yun looked happy: "Is it You'er?"

Since he fell into the abyss, he saw that You'er, Xuanche and others all fell into the abyss voluntarily. If there was anyone at the bottom of the abyss, it must be You'er and the others.

Around the bonfire, Shen You'er sat calmly, her melancholy eyes wandering, unable to calm down. Beside her, Bai Tongyu and Yang Yunzhou sat disgraced, looking equally uneasy.

Xuan Che came from not far away, with dead branches wrapped between his arms, his burly body sat down on the rocks, and he casually threw branches into the bonfire.

No one spoke, and an eerie and cold silence spread in the abyss.

Only the sonic booms of crackling branches and snapping branches could be heard from time to time in the campfire.

a long time.

Shen You'er suddenly said: "Do you think he is still alive?"

Yang Yunzhou, Xuan Che, and Bai Tongyu glanced at each other, and then Xuan Che's rough voice came out: "Princess, don't you see that we are all alive and well, so Ling Yun must not be dead."

Yang Yunzhou said: "Yes, princess, let's recover some strength first and then go look for it."

Bai Tongyu, who was always silent, also spoke: "He won't die."

Shen You'er curled up her slender legs, hugged her knees with her hands, tears fell from her beautiful eyes, and she said miserably: "I also believe he won't die. He can't die. I don't want him to die."

The voice was trembling and the lips were pursed.

Suddenly, Xuan Che suddenly heard a low and dry "bah" sound from behind him. Suddenly, the space was filled with suffocating dullness, as if nocturnal animals lurking in the darkness were waiting. The feeling of hair.

Xuan Che suddenly changed his expression and shouted angrily: "Who?"

A faint voice came out: "Me!"

Along with the sound waves floating over, there was also a slight laughter.

Yang Yunzhou said in a deep voice: "It seems to be Ling Yun!"

Shen You'er stood up suddenly, staring at the twists and turns of the mysterious place with eyes still stained with tears, and said: "Ling Yun? Is that you?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't me?"

With that said, Ling Yun's figure appeared in everyone's sight, with a smile on his lips.

"You're really alive!"

Shen You'er was so happy that she burst into laughter and ran towards him, planning to pounce on him.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Ling Yun hurriedly gestured.

Shen You'er was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Ling Yun's clear eyes glanced upward and signaled: "My daughter is sleeping. Keep your voice down so as not to wake her up."

Only then did Shen You'er realize that there was a little gourd baby sitting on Ling Yun's neck. She was holding Ling Yun's head while sleeping, as if she was afraid that Ling Yun would not let her go. Her two little hands were also very strong when sleeping, leaving traces on Ling Yun's cheeks. Three slight red marks.

Shen Youer said: "It's quite cute."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand, wanting to touch the gourd's bulging cheeks.

But there was a big difference in height between her and Ling Yun, and the gourd was sitting on Ling Yun's neck, trying to touch it but couldn't.

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