Ling Yun and Tian Wuhen reacted almost at the same time. They locked their eyes on the girl in red as if facing a sharp blade.

The green-eyed snake seemed to become a little dim when the girl in red appeared, but it still stared at Ling Yun and the others.

"Who are you?"

Ling Yun's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his voice was as cold as the wind. He obviously didn't want to have another enemy.

Tian Wuhen also became nervous, and the rune power in his hand jumped constantly, as if ready to be launched at any time.

The girl in red did not answer, but looked at them playfully, with contempt in her eyes clearly visible.

She raised her red lips slightly and chuckled: "It's really unexpected. I didn't expect that the leader of the Demon Shadow Sect and the black-robed scum of the Tianyin Sect both died in your hands."

"It's okay if the two scums died, but... you are really capable."

Her sarcasm was like a cold wind, which made people feel cold. However, this made Ling Yun and Tian Wuhen more vigilant.

Xueying's figure trembled slightly, obviously shocked by the momentum of the girl in red.

The little fox gradually changed back to the form of an ice-type mutant beast, and the temperature around it immediately dropped.

Ling Yun frowned and asked in a deep voice: "Are you from Tianyin Sect? Or another strong man from Demon Shadow Sect?"

The red-clothed girl seemed to be amused by his question and gently patted her jade flute: "Hehe, Tianyin Sect and Demon Shadow Sect are not worth mentioning in my eyes."

"But you can kill those two people, which is also a bit of skill."

Tian Wuhen was angry. He didn't like the tone of this woman anymore: "What do you want?"

The red-clothed girl shook her head with a look of disdain: "I just passed by and saw you fighting here. I was curious."

"But since you are so disrespectful, I don't mind teaching you a lesson."

After that, she blew the jade flute in her hand leisurely. The notes were like nightmares, and every note seemed to shake people's hearts and confuse people's five senses.

Ling Yun and Tian Wuhen felt dizzy and seemed to sink into darkness.

Tian Wuhen struggled to spit out a few words from his mouth: "Huanyuan Avenue!"

Suddenly, a vast force surged out of his body. It was a kind of cosmic force, which enveloped him and Lingyun and blocked the chaotic notes.

Lingyun took the opportunity to take a breath and stared at the girl in red fiercely: "Who are you?"

The girl in red smiled: "Since you want to know so much, then I will tell you."

"My name is Hongxia, remember this name, maybe you will have a chance to see me again."

Lingyun and Tian Wuhen both clearly felt the threat of the girl in red Hongxia.

But at this moment, her nonchalant attitude aroused their vigilance even more.

Hongxia slightly turned sideways, her long skirt fluttering, she seemed to be ready to leave.

"I'll give you a gift."

Hongxia's mouth curled up a strange smile, and the smile was full of teasing.

Tian Wuhen said nervously: "We don't need your gift."

But as soon as the voice fell, Hongxia put the jade flute to her mouth again and played it gently.

The musical note was like a stream, melodious and continuous, but as time went on, a rustling sound began to sound around Ling Yun and his group.

It was not obvious at first, but after a while, the sound was like a flood that had been opened, surging.

Ling Yun's eyes suddenly focused, and he saw snakes slithering out from the grass, under the trees, and even in the cracks of the rocks.

Large groups of snakes slid out, some big and some small, some several feet long, and some only a few inches.

But each one was that unique green, and the green eyes were particularly eye-catching in the dark night.

Tian Wuhen was furious: "Hongxia! What do you mean by this!"

Hongxia smiled even more proudly: "This is just my little gift, I hope you like it."

Ling Yun said coldly: "Do you think such a trick can trap us?"

Xueying was no longer the small and exquisite fox form at this time. It turned back into the true body of the ice-type mutant beast, emitting a biting cold from its body.

The parts of the surrounding snakes that came into contact with the cold air were immediately frozen and turned into ice sculptures.

Hongxia didn't seem surprised to see this scene. She just smiled lightly and turned to leave.

Lingyun roared: "Do you think you can leave like this?"

But before she finished speaking, Hongxia's figure had disappeared into the darkness like the wind, leaving only that cold echo: "Wait until you can survive before looking for me."

Lingyun, Tian Wuhen and Xueying were united as one. Facing the magnificent snake group, they did not dare to be careless at all.

The power of the runes in Tian Wuhen's palm surged, turning into sharp light blades, leaving a piece of cut marks in the air.

Every time he waved, dozens of snakes were cut in half.

Lingyun operated the power of Hunyuan, forming a powerful aura around his body.

Whenever the snakes tried to approach, they were bounced back by the aura and were instantly shaken to a bloody mess.

And Xueying was the most outstanding. Wherever it passed, pieces of ice came overwhelmingly.

Countless snakes were directly frozen into ice sculptures under the ice, and then shattered into countless fragments.

The three of them were facing the surging snakes, and the situation became extremely critical.

In addition to the coldness in the air, there was also a strong smell of blood, which made people feel palpitations.

Ling Yun gritted his teeth and turned into a whirlwind.

His palms released sharp and unmatched mixed winds, which were like blades, cutting the snakes rushing towards him into pieces.

Every time he swung, snake blood splashed and bones and flesh broke.

"Damn Hongxia, when I find you, I will definitely make you pay!"

Ling Yun shouted angrily, his eyes filled with angry flames.

Tian Wuhen fought in his own unique way, and there seemed to be a powerful power of law hidden in his body.

He quickly formed seals with his hands, and powerful runes condensed in the air, and then turned into sharp arrows, penetrating the advancing snakes.

The sound of death of snakes and broken bodies covered the ground. Tian Wuhen said coldly: "If you want to hurt us, you don't even look at how much you weigh."

But Xue Ying's fighting style is the most shocking. Its huge body rolled among the snakes.

Each impact would freeze large swaths of snakes, and then with a flick of its tail, these frozen snakes would be shattered into pieces.

Whenever a snake approaches, it will emit a cold roar that freezes the air around it.

But the number of snakes is astonishing and seems to be endless.

Although the three of them were powerful, they also felt tremendous pressure when facing so many snakes.

From time to time, snakes jumped out and tried to bite them, but were repulsed at critical moments every time.

"Ling Yun, we have to find a way out of this area. There are too many snakes here!" Tian Wuhen shouted.

Ling Yun frowned, feeling the endless crisis, "Xue Ying, use your freezing technique to open a way for us!"

The snow shadow rose up in response, exhaling cold air from its mouth, and immediately formed an ice tunnel, freezing all the snakes in front of it.

Ling Yun and Tian Wuhen followed closely behind, rushing out of the place surrounded by snakes very quickly.

When the three of them stood in a safe place again, they looked back at the battlefield.

The area had turned into a sea of ​​blood, filled with snake corpses that had been chopped off, frozen, or shot through.

Tian Wuhen gasped and said: "This Hongxia is really too much, and he actually used this method to deal with us."

Ling Yun's eyes flashed with murderous intent, "We can't let her go like this, I want her to pay the price."

Snow Shadow howled coldly, seeming to express his anger and determination.

At this time, a black hall, like a huge magic swallow, stood majestically in the endless darkness.

Every stone seems to have absorbed the blackness of the starry sky, exuding a mysterious and cold atmosphere.

Here, it seems to be the end of time and space, silence and death.

Hongxia walked into the hall step by step. Her red dress looked particularly bright in the darkness, like a blooming blood lotus.

However, even though she was usually calm and composed, she did not dare to be careless in this hall.

With every step she took, she could feel countless eyes staring at her in the deep darkness around her, as if she was surrounded by countless sharp knives.

Those are the guardians in the hall, they are cold and ruthless servants of the devil.

Walking to the center of the hall, Hongxia stopped.

In front, there is a tall throne that seems to be made of pure black bones.

It is engraved with various magical runes, and each rune seems to have the power to swallow everything.

Sitting on the throne is a man covered in black robes.

In the dark hall, the only light was plundered by the huge throne, making the surroundings even more eerie and terrifying.

Hongxia's red dress is like a burning flame, in sharp contrast to the darkness.

The demon's eyes slowly emerged from the black mist above his head.

His voice seemed to come from the ancient abyss, full of temptation and authority: "Hongxia, have you seen those people?"

Hongxia shrugged, as if she didn't take it to heart: "I've seen them before. But they are just like that, nothing special."

The demon smiled softly, although his face was not shown.

But that cold laughter is enough to make anyone tremble: "Ha, you little girl is still so confident."

"You know, those two useless Shadow Sect leaders and the man in black robes died in their hands."

Hongxia pouted: "Those two are just trash and deserve to die."

The Demon God nodded with satisfaction: "That's right. Waste is waste after all, whether it's those two or those kids who are getting in the way."

"Since you think so highly of yourself, who can deal with them?"

Hongxia put her hand on her chin and seemed to be deep in thought: "Since they can defeat the leader of the Shadow Sect and the man in black robe, it means they are not simple either."

"If you want to find someone, you have to be someone strong and cunning enough."

The demon's interest was piqued, and he asked curiously: "Oh? Do you have any recommendations?"

Hongxia smiled slightly, a hint of cunning flashed in her eyes: "If we talk about cunning, isn't there a 'Cunning King' in our palace?"

"That guy is the best at calculating, why not let him go?"

The Demon God was silent for a moment, then spoke: "Are you talking about Yin Yue?"

Hongxia nodded: "It's him. Although he looks thin, that guy's strength is unfathomable."

"And what he's best at is operating in the dark."

The Demon God took a deep breath and seemed to be thinking: "Since you recommended it so much, let's leave it to him."

"However, you have to go along. I want you to see how capable Yin Yue is."

Hongxia chuckled: "That's really a good show. But don't worry, I will naturally watch him carefully so that he doesn't dare to do anything clever."

Then Hongxia immediately went to look for Yin Yue.

The corridors in the palace are deep and silent, and the red clouds leave even footsteps on the ancient stone slabs, like a series of drumbeats that are getting farther and farther away.

She had a clear goal, and she walked quickly through the ancient stone gates one after another, heading straight to the deepest red sandalwood room.

Two guards stood outside the door, and when they saw Hongxia, they immediately bowed: "Miss Hongxia."

Hongxia said unhappily: "Get out of here."

The two guards stepped aside without hesitation, and Hongxia pushed the door open and entered.

In the red sandalwood room, the candlelight flickered, and a man was sitting in front of a sandalwood table, carving a piece of jade with a delicate knife.

That was Yin Yue, with slender eyes and slender fingers, giving people a fox-like cunning feeling.

Hearing the door open, Yin Yue looked up with a hint of displeasure in his eyes: "It's so late, Hongxia, do you have something to talk to me about?"

Hongxia sat directly opposite him, expressionless: "The Lord Demon God has ordered you to deal with those guys who killed the leader of the Demon Shadow Sect and the black-robed man."

Yin Yue's eyes flashed with a hint of displeasure: "Let me deal with a few young boys? It's really a waste of talent."

Hongxia stared at him coldly: "Who knows if your strength is really weaker than theirs."

Yin Yue put down the knife in his hand and smiled slowly: "Hongxia, you sound like you are the Lord Demon God."

The fire in Hongxia's eyes seemed to be more vigorous: "Yin Yue, I warn you, don't challenge my patience."

" I am just conveying the order of Lord Demon. If you don't want to, I can tell Lord Demon to change someone. "

Yin Yue waved his hand and said indifferently: "Okay, okay, okay, I'll go, I'll go."

"Such a small matter, is it necessary to get so angry?"

Hongxia stared at him closely: "I just don't want to see you fail again."

Yin Yue smiled faintly: "Don't worry, I will let those guys know what a real Hunyuan strongman is."

Hongxia stood up with a warning in her eyes: "It's better to do so."

Yin Yue reached out to pick up the knife again and continued his jade carving: "I know what to do, you go."

Hongxia's palm paused lightly on the door handle.

She did not turn her head and whispered: "Yin Yue, you must tell me before you act. Lord Demon ordered me to go with you, I want to know your movements."

Yin Yue smiled slightly, and the edge of the jade on her finger slid over, leaving a shallow mark.

His voice was as calm as water: "Don't worry, Hongxia. I won't forget. I have my plan, you just need to follow my steps."

Hongxia's eyes were filled with complex emotions. She nodded, her fiery red clothes rose like flowing clouds, and she turned and left.

Yin Yue was immersed in the jade again. Every carving was accurate and every arc was just right.

But under that calmness, the calculations in his mind were moving as fast as lightning.

He knew that the three people were extraordinary, especially Lingyun, who had a friend like Tian Wuhen and the little fox Xueying who could only transform.

Their combination was definitely not easy to deal with.

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