Awakening the Eternal Heaven-Swallowing Art

Chapter 536 Gambling with life!

Tuoba Yan's eyes turned cold: "Since you want to die, I will help you."

Then, he took out a spirit stone card: "There are 10 billion spirit stones here, and I don't need you to take out 10 billion spirit stones. If you lose, I will extract the Eight Desolate Dragon Flame in your body. People like you don't deserve this kind of wonder."

He handed the spirit stone card to Zhao Kai and turned away.

After Tuoba Yan, many other warriors seemed to regard Ling Yun as fat meat.

They knew that Ling Yun was a master of alchemy and must have a solid foundation.

This is also the case.

A Dan Sheng from Dan Tower took a fancy to Ling Yun's "String Fire Art".

This Dan Sheng, who was from the same school as Zhao Haichen, naturally would not miss the opportunity to add insult to injury to Ling Yun.

He directly offered 10 billion spirit stones to bet on Ling Yun's "String Fire Art", which shows how much he values ​​"String Fire Art".

There are also people from Taixu Sect who took a fancy to Ling Yun's Beiming Sword Technique and also bet with 10 billion spirit stones.

The people of Ziyang Sect, on the other hand, were interested in Lingyun's Xuanwu Seal and bet 5 billion.

In this way, people from all major forces came to bet with Lingyun one after another, and the total amount of spiritual stones reached 30 billion.

Adding the previous bets from Fang Dong and Tuoba Yan, it was 45 billion.

Zhao Kai suddenly lit up.

Not only him, but also Xiao Ning and Princess Pingyang, who seemed to think they understood Lingyun's plan.

I'm afraid Lingyun never thought about winning the first place on the Immortal List.

Lingyun just used this as a means to attract the strong men from other forces to compete with him.

In the current situation, if Lingyun can win all the geniuses from other forces, he can get 45 billion spiritual stones.

Even if Lingyun loses the 20 billion spiritual stones he used to be the banker, he can still make a lot of money.

Of course, in people's eyes, this is still very difficult.

Because all those who come to compete with Lingyun are truly top-notch strong men.

Fang Dong is not considered a strong man among them.

The others were masters similar to Tuoba Yan, ranking between 20th and 9th on the Immortal List.

In the crowd, there were masters who wanted to step out and join this "feast".

At this moment, people all found that Ling Yun was really a treasure trove, with so many secret skills.

No wonder this man, who was only sixteen years old and only a martial arts master, could kill the Snow Monk.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the sky: "The Demon Platform is about to open. All warriors who want to climb the Demon Platform, please take the Demon Order and wait under the Demon Platform."

Several giant eagles landed.

A group of masters from the Immortal City appeared at the front of the crowd.

In the square, all the warriors had to give up the fight with Ling Yun and gathered under the Demon Platform.

"To be honest, I know you killed the Snow Monk, but I also know that you used external forces, so I am curious whether you can keep the Snow Monk's ranking on the Immortal List."

Tuoba Yan's cold voice sounded beside Ling Yun.

Ling Yun frowned, but did not respond.

This Tuoba Yan is too boring.

"Why don't we add a little more bet?"

Tuoba Yan seemed to think that it was not exciting enough for Ling Yun, "If you lose later, you will crawl under my crotch?"

Ling Yun's eyes were slightly cold.

"Why don't you speak? Are you really afraid?"

Tuoba Yan sneered.

When he said this, he deliberately raised his voice, clearly wanting everyone around to laugh at Ling Yun.

Princess Pingyang, who was not far away, frowned slightly, thinking that Tuoba Yan's behavior seemed a bit too cheap.

In her imagination, if Tuoba Yan wanted to be her teacher, he should be a strong man with grace and style.

However, now Tuoba Yan's words are just like a villain.

As if sensing her thoughts, Nanny Fang said, "Your Highness, the real world of warriors is crueler than you think. It is not elegant and gentle, but bloody and bloodthirsty, with violent storms.

It is obvious that Tuoba Yan has lived in the Demon Secret Realm for more than ten years and has long understood the truth. He only cares about the purpose, not the means, and does not care about any manners.

People like this are often truly terrifying and can truly survive for a long time in this cruel martial arts world."

Princess Pingyang was silent for a moment and said, "Then why does he target Ling Yun like this when he doesn't know Ling Yun?"

"He obviously regards Ling Yun as an enemy for some reasons we don't know."

Nanny Fang said, "So, he is dealing with Ling Yun at all costs. Facing his coercion, if Ling Yun retreats, his martial arts heart will definitely be hit, and he will no longer have the courage to fight him in the future.

On the contrary, if Ling Yun does not retreat, he will also fall into his trap, and he will find a legitimate reason to deal with him."

In fact, she knew why Tuoba Yan targeted Ling Yun like this.

She and Rong Fei had long seen that Tuoba Yan was interested in Princess Pingyang.

They were happy to see this happen.

After all, Tuoba Yan was the best choice in terms of both strength and background.

Princess Pingyang stopped talking.

She knew that in the martial arts world, if you wanted to survive, you had to be a little bit cunning.

But Tuoba Yan was so powerful, and his cultivation was several levels higher than Ling Yun. Why couldn't he deal with Ling Yun openly and use these means?

In her eyes, if Tuoba Yan was more direct and challenged Ling Yun, she would still be able to accept it.

Tuoba Yan's roundabout behavior seemed too dark.

On the other side, Ling Yun's eyes were completely cold.

He really didn't want to get entangled with Tuoba Yan before, because it was boring.

However, he didn't want to get entangled with the other party, but the other party was endless.

No one could have imagined what would happen next, Ling Yun got angry.

"You are so arrogant, I don't have time to play this kind of childish game with you. If you want to play with me, then we don't need to play these childish tricks, just bet our lives, how about it?"

Ling Yun stared at Tuoba Yan and said.

Tuoba Yan was stunned.

He had made many predictions about Ling Yun's reaction, and there was a plan for each reaction.

In his opinion, Ling Yun either admitted his weakness or bet with him.

However, he really didn't expect that Ling Yun would not only bet with him, but also bet so fiercely, and directly bet his life with him!

"You want to bet your life with me?"

He looked at Ling Yun in disbelief, and almost doubted whether Ling Yun had made a slip of the tongue.

"That's right, in our competition, don't do those fancy things, be direct, whoever loses, his life belongs to the other person."

Ling Yun stared at Tuoba Yan, "Now it's my turn to ask you, do you dare? Do you dare?"


As soon as the words fell, the surroundings were boiling.

Too crazy.

This Ling Yun is really too crazy.

He actually wants to gamble his life with Tuoba Yan?

Is he really not afraid of death?

It is true that people recognize Ling Yun's extraordinaryness and know that he is a demon, otherwise he would not be able to kill the Snow Monk.

But Tuoba Yan, that is the ninth master of the Immortal List.

Compared with Tuoba Yan, the Snow Monk is just a junior.

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