Awakening the Eternal Heaven-Swallowing Art

Chapter 610 Touching in the Dark

The Lord's Mansion of Black Crow City.

A group of masters from the Shangguan Family and Black Crow City frantically chased Ling Yun.

They all hated Ling Yun so much that they wanted to catch Ling Yun immediately and send him to Shangguan's house to avoid being affected by Shangguan's family's anger.

But Ling Yun possesses the Emperor Jiang Shenfa, and his speed is only slightly faster than the peak martial emperor.

These people simply cannot catch up with Ling Yun.

Half an hour later, Ling Yun fled back to Futu Camp.

Of course he didn't think that the Futu Camp could protect him.

I went back to Futu Camp just because I had something to do.

He came to the star gate and used his spiritual power to change the formation structure of the star gate.

A few minutes later, the coordinates of the star gate leading to the ancient continent were hidden by Ling Yun.

In this way, unless Ling Yun restores the formation structure of this star gate, it will be impossible for others to enter the ancient continent through this.

Ling Yun was on guard against the Shangguan family to prevent them from venting their anger on the Ancient Continent and taking revenge on the people of the Ancient Continent.

And half an hour before Ling Yun came back, the news that he had killed Shangguan Jin had already spread throughout thousands of miles.

It was naturally impossible for everyone in the Futu Camp not to know about this.

"Ling Yun, you are so impulsive."

A voice came from behind Ling Yun, it was Yu Le.

His face was filled with an expression of hatred.

Obviously he had repeatedly told Ling Yun not to be impulsive and to be patient.

In the end, Ling Yun still couldn't hold it back.


Ye Mubai next to him also sighed helplessly.

He also didn't expect that Ling Yun would be so bold that he would even dare to kill Shangguan Jin.

As the commander of the Futu Camp, he has some authority in the Futu Camp, but outside of the Futu Camp, he is really nothing.

In front of the Shangguan family, he was even more insignificant.

Behind Ye Mubai and Yu Le, there were many other people from the Futu Camp.

Ling Yun saw Luo Feng at a glance.


At this moment, Luo Feng's limbs have been connected and he can walk on his own, which makes Ling Yun quite happy.

Luo Feng's face was full of worry.

"Battal Commander, do you want to take me down and hand me over to Shangguan's family for credit?"

Ling Yun turned to look at Ye Mubai.

"shut up."

Ye Mubai's face showed anger, "Ling Yun, as a battalion commander, I am irresponsible. I was called an old turtle. I didn't protect you when you were targeted by Wang Jinglong.

But I, Ye Mubai, am still a human being, and I have not yet shamelessly traded my disciples in my camp for glory and wealth. "

Before, Ye Mubai's attitude towards Ling Yun was unfamiliar at first, but later he was fawning.

This was the first time that he got angry in front of Ling Yun.

But seeing Ye Mubai like this, Ling Yun smiled instead.

It wasn't until this moment that he let go of his grudge against Ye Mubai.

Ye Mubai did have many shortcomings.

But Ye Mubai's past behavior can be said to be more of a survival rule.

The Buddha Camp involves the number of new students in the Buddha Holy Land, so even though it is only a small training camp, the internal situation is complicated.

Ye Mubai, the battalion commander, could only choose to protect himself when facing this situation.

This is actually not a big mistake.

Just this was not enough to make Ling Yun let go of his grudge against Ye Mubai.

More importantly, Ye Mubai's behavior this time made Ling Yun see that Ye Mubai at least had a bottom line as a human being.

This is more important than anything else to Ling Yun.

"Batalion Commander, I apologize to you for what I said before."

Ling Yun said sincerely.

Ye Mubai was slightly stunned.

He felt Ling Yun's sincerity.

Although Ling Yun's attitude towards him was considered polite before, he always kept a distance.

Unexpectedly, Ling Yun would sincerely apologize to him today.

Before Ye Mubai could react, Ling Yun said: "Battal Commander, and Senior Brother Yu, don't worry, each of you will do the work.

This disaster was caused by me. I will not harm the Futu Camp, let alone you.

I came back just to close the star gate passage to the lower world where I am. Now that the matter is done, I will leave immediately. "

If it were before, they would definitely be shocked to learn that Ling Yun could transform the Star Gate.

But now they don't have much reaction to this.

The main reason is that now they all know that Ling Yun's formation skills must be extremely terrifying, and he may have reached the heavenly level.

Otherwise, there was no way Ling Yun could leave the Futu Camp without telling them.

You know, the Pagoda Camp is covered by the Tianpin Formation.

Ling Yun can come in and out freely without making a sound, which shows that Ling Yun can definitely break the Tianpin Formation.

And the more this happens, the more they pay attention to Ling Yun and the more they want to protect Ling Yun.

If Ling Yun comes from a big force, even though he is also a monster, he is still within the scope of their understanding.

It just so happened that Ling Yun came from the lower realm.

It can be seen that Ling Yun was able to reach this point because he was completely self-taught.

They would never allow the Shangguan family to destroy such a talented person.

"Leave? Won't you implicate us?"

Immediately Yu Le said angrily: "Ling Yun, what are you talking about? Do you regard me as the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and has no morals?

I was angry before because I thought you were too impulsive, but now that things have happened, regrets and accusations are useless. What we have to do is to find ways to resolve the disaster together. "

Ling Yun felt warm in his heart.

There is indeed a lot of darkness in this world.

There are powerful people who regard human life as trivial, and there are evil spirits who do whatever they want, but there are also people like Ye Mubai who have a bottom line, and partners like Yu Le and Luo Qianqian who value love and justice.

It is precisely because of this that Ling Yun attaches great importance to friendship and wants to work hard to strengthen himself to protect the people around him.

"Forget it, it's meaningless to say these things."

Yu Le said: "Futu Camp is no longer safe. Let's set off immediately and head to Futu Holy Land."

"Go to Futu Holy Land?"

Ling Yun was a little surprised.


Yu Le said: "Now, only by going to Futu Holy Land can you save your life. Otherwise, you will definitely face the pursuit of Shangguan family outside."

"Can Futu Holy Land withstand the pressure of Shangguan family?"

Ling Yun was a little surprised.

"Lingyun, don't underestimate any holy land."

Yu Le said: "If the Cloud Region is compared to a country, then the holy lands of the islands below are the princes, and the Shangguan family is similar to the prime minister's family of the country.

The prime minister has great power, but it is not so easy to make a prince submit."

Hearing Yu Le's words, Luo Feng in the crowd said excitedly: "Doesn't that mean that as long as Lingyun enters the Futu Holy Land, there is no need to worry about the Shangguan family?"

"That's an exaggeration."

Yu Le said: "In the Futu Holy Land, There are also many forces of the Shangguan family, but at least the forces inside are complicated and the Shangguan family can't do whatever they want.

Ling Yun still has dangers when he arrives at the Buddha Holy Land, but it is much better than in other places. At least in the Buddha Holy Land, even if the Shangguan family acts, they must follow the rules.

No more gossip, Ling Yun, you go pack up immediately, I will also prepare, we will meet at the door in five minutes. "

Ye Mubai also said seriously: "If there are pursuers from the Shangguan family and other forces, I will help you delay as much as possible. "

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