Awakening the Eternal Heaven-Swallowing Art

Chapter 617 Nine Heavens Luoshen

The aura exuded by this white tiger sturgeon is that of a 900,000-year-old monster, equivalent to the pinnacle Martial Emperor of mankind.

But in this water, white tiger sturgeons have home field advantage.

Here, even if a strong Heavenly Soul man comes in, he cannot defeat it.

Ling Yun felt a sense of awe in his heart and was on high alert for this vicious fish.


However, Luo Qianqian smiled at the white tiger sturgeon.

Then something even more incredible happened. The white tiger sturgeon swam happily to Luo Qianqian like a pet and rubbed Luo Qianqian affectionately with its head.

"Xiao Bai, I'm going to the secret room first. There's a big villain behind me. Help me block him."

Luo Qianqian said gently.

The white tiger sturgeon nodded, Ling Yun was dumbfounded.

Then, Luo Qianqian took Ling Yun to swim deeper into the cold pool.

Almost at the same time, another figure jumped into the cold pool, and it was undoubtedly Shangguan Jian.

As soon as Shangguan Jian jumped into the cold pool, he encountered a white tiger sturgeon.

Seeing Shangguan Jian, the white tiger sturgeon that had heard Luo Qianqian's words suddenly jumped towards Shangguan Jian with great power.

In this water, it is indeed the overlord.

Even Shangguan Jian, a master of heavenly souls, was no match for the white tiger sturgeon in the water. After fighting for more than ten rounds, he had to escape from the cold pool.

Deep in the cold pool, Luo Qianqian and Ling Yun felt relieved when they noticed the movement behind them.

After heaving a sigh of relief, Ling Yun had a lot of doubts in his heart.

Sensing his emotions, Luo Qianqian explained: "Xiaobai was raised by my mother. I have my mother's blood and aura, so he is very kind to me."

Ling Yun was secretly shocked. This white tiger sturgeon was actually raised by Luo Qianqian's mother?

At this moment, the two came to a barrier.

There is actually a barrier hidden at the bottom of this cold pond.

Moreover, the aura emanating from this barrier is impressively of the heavenly level.

This made Ling Yun further realize the difference here.

Afterwards, Luo Qianqian used his spiritual power and led Ling Yun into the barrier easily.

Behind the barrier is a huge secret room.

As soon as Ling Yun entered the secret room, he sensed a unique aura.

He quickly looked toward the center of the secret room and saw a small pool with colorful lotus flowers growing in it.

Others may not recognize this refining, but Ling Yun knows it at a glance.

"Soul-nurturing Lotus?"

Soul-nourishing lotus is used to nourish the soul of life.

Similarly, only when the soul of life is seriously injured, the soul-nourishing lotus will be used.

I didn’t expect that there would be a soul nourishing lotus in this secret room.

"Do you also know about soul-nourishing lotus?"

Luo Qianqian was a little surprised, but didn't pay too much attention and explained: "This secret room was built by my parents to plant soul lotuses here."

At this point, she changed the subject: "Junior brother, if I guess correctly, you also have twin souls, right?"

When she came to rescue Ling Yun before, she had vaguely sensed the aura of the two souls, and Shangguan Jian's attitude towards Ling Yun was obviously abnormal, which made her make this guess.

Ling Yun didn't explain.

He is not a dual-life soul, but possesses the "Eternal Sky-Swallowing Technique", which can continuously swallow demon souls.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't trust Luo Qianqian.

But the "Eternal Swallowing Heaven Jue", even if it is placed in the divine realm, it is the top skill. In this martial plane, it is completely beyond the understanding of warriors, and there is no need to talk about it.

Since Luo Qianqian and others mistakenly thought that he was a twin soul, he didn't need to explain.

What he cared about was the word "ye" in Luo Qianqian's words.

Seeing Ling Yun's surprised look, Luo Qianqian smiled.

Then, she closed her eyes slightly, and the two souls floated out of her body.

Ling Yun was really surprised.

He had already guessed that Luo Qianqian must have a secret, but he did not expect that Luo Qianqian was actually the one who truly possessed the twin souls.

Not only that……

Ling Yun's eyes were fixed on Luo Qianqian's other life soul.

Luo Qianqian's two souls, one is the wind-winged butterfly he has seen, and the other is Luo Qianqian himself.

"Lo God!"

Ling Yun looked moved and uttered two words.

Luo Qianqian's other life soul is actually the Jiutian Luo Shen.

None of the people Ling Yun knew, whether they were warriors from the Ancient Continent or Daluo Upper Realm, knew that ninth grade was not the limit of life soul grade.

Above the ninth level, there is actually a tenth level.

And above the tenth grade, there are super grades.

Super-grade life souls are extremely rare even in the divine realm. They are called "original life souls". It is said that they were formed from the fragments of the origin of chaos after the creation of the world.

Jiutian Luo Shen is the super-grade original life soul.

Xuannv, Lingyun's direct disciple in his previous life, possesses a super-grade original life soul called "Nine Heaven Xuannv".

Jiutian Xuannv is very similar to Jiutian Luoshen. They are both in their own form and look like another self.

The difference between the two is that Jiutian Xuannv is the killer, and Jiutian Luo Shen is the protector.

Therefore, Xuan Nu is inherently murderous.

It's just that Xuannv is his direct disciple, so he has always been tolerant of this.

But he didn't expect that in the end, even he himself would die in the hands of Xuannv.

"Luo Shen?"

Hearing Ling Yun's words, Luo Qianqian was thinking about it at first, and then his eyes became brighter and brighter, "I never know what my second life soul is called, but the name Luo Shen is very good. From now on, my second life soul will be called Luo Qianqian." , it’s called ‘Luo Shen’.”

At this moment, Ling Yun already understood why there was a soul-nurturing lotus here.

Because in his previous life, before Xuannv grew up, he also used soul-nurturing lotus to protect Xuannv.

Sure enough, I heard Luo Qianqian say: "Lingyun, you must be very curious, why is there a soul-nourishing lotus here?

My second soul, Luoshen, was too powerful, and it caused great pressure on my soul the moment I was born.

At first, I could still bear it, but as it became stronger and stronger, my soul gradually could not support it, and I could only use the soul-nourishing lotus to protect my soul.

My parents knew this, and when I was a child, they secretly planted the soul-nourishing lotus here to prepare for the future.

Three years ago, when I was seventeen years old, my soul could not bear the soul of Luoshen, so my parents sent me to Futu Camp.

Because Futu Camp is very close to this secret room, I can come here to take the soul-nourishing lotus at any time. As for inviting Xu Tianshi, it is just a side effect, a cover for my real purpose."

Lingyun's expression was extremely complicated.

When he saw Jiutian Luoshen, it was hard for him not to think of Xuannv.

He really didn't expect that he met Jiutian Xuannv in his previous life, and met Jiutian Luoshen again in this life.

This is really fate, is there really a will in the dark?

Then in this life, if he trains Luo Qianqian like in his previous life, and eventually makes Luo Qianqian a powerful existence like Xuannv, will Luo Qianqian turn against him like Xuannv?

This thought flashed through Lingyun's mind.

No, it won't.

He believes that what happened in his previous life will never be repeated.

The reason why he was calculated by Xuannv in his previous life was that he trusted himself too much.

But in this life, he no longer has that self-righteous and self-centered mentality.

When he looks at people, he is no longer self-centered, but will really look at what the other person does.

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