Xia Heng's thoughts changed.

Not only because Ling Yun saved him, but also because Ling Yun gave him the Little Nirvana Pill.

He who took the Little Nirvana Pill was even more precious about the Little Nirvana Pill.

This is definitely not just a virtual spirit-level elixir, but also a top-notch among the virtual spirit elixirs.

He, a ninth-level life soul warrior, took this elixir. Although the process was painful, he was able to become a heavenly being in the end. This was really amazing.

It would not be an exaggeration to describe such an elixir as priceless.

As a result, Ling Yun gave him the elixir without any hesitation.

Ling Yun had already done this, so if he was still wary of Ling Yun, that would be an inhumane thing.

It can be said that from now on, even if Ling Yun can't stand him, he will admit it.

Ling Yun took the box.

He and Xia Heng could be said to have lived and died together.

With their current relationship, there is no need to be hypocritical and polite.

Ling Yun was indeed very interested in the box in Xia Heng's hand.

Ling Yun's behavior made Xia Heng even more convinced, feeling that he had seen the right person.

Those hypocritical people are the ones worth guarding against.

People like Ling Yun who are so polite and polite are actually more trustworthy and trustworthy.

This box is sealed with a large array of false items.

But this is obviously not a problem for Ling Yun.

A quarter of an hour later, Ling Yun cracked the formation and opened the ancient bronze box.

To Ling Yun and Xia Heng's surprise, inside the ancient bronze box was a square seal and a map.

"What kind of map is this?"

Ling Yun looked at Xia Heng.

Xia Heng also shook his head blankly: "In the past, my ancestors of the Xia family got this box accidentally, saying that it contained great opportunities. However, due to the powerful formation ban, the Xia family has never opened it, so no one has ever opened it. Know what's inside.

It's all thanks to you that I am the first person in the Xia family to see the contents of this box since ancient times. "

Ling Yun took out the map and found that the end point of the map pointed to an island.

"Do you know what this island is?"

Ling Yun said.

He discovered that the surrounding islands all had names, but this island was nameless.

Xia Heng shook his head again, and then said: "Let's get another map and compare it."

The two of them took out a general cloud map.

As a result, the two people were shocked to find that this island did not exist on the unified cloud domain map drawn by Yunxiao City.

"This this……"

Xia Heng became excited.

Ling Yun's face was equally moved.

Both realized how profound the map's meaning was and how valuable it was.

"Ling Yun."

Xia Heng looked at Ling Yun suddenly, "Could it be that this is a brand new island that has not been discovered before?"


Ling Yun's expression was solemn.

He finally understood why this map was sealed with a box engraved with a false formation.

The area of ​​this island is at least twice that of Pagoda Island.

There are less than thirty islands of this size in the Cloud Domain.

Other islands of similar size are controlled by the top holy land forces.

Now, it is very possible that they have a brand new, undiscovered large island in their hands.

This is no longer priceless, but worth hundreds of cities.

Pagoda Island covers an area of ​​250,000 square kilometers and has a total of fifty cities.

The area of ​​this island is twice that of Buddha Island, about 500,000 square kilometers, so at least a hundred cities can be built.

"We must get this island."

Xia Heng said excitedly.

Ling Yun was more decisive than Xia Heng.

The emergence of this island solved a big problem that he had been unable to solve for a long time.

He has always wanted to bring people from the White Deer Sect to the Daluo Upper Realm.

But although the White Deer Sect is not a big sect, there are now thousands of disciples plus miscellaneous staff.

These people appeared in the Daluo Upper Realm all at once, and they were too conspicuous.

They come to Daluo Upper Realm in batches one by one, and their strength is too scattered, which is not conducive to development.

The people of the White Deer Sect were very strong in the Ancient Continent, but in the Upper Realm of Daluo, they were no more than ants.

It is difficult for individual ants to survive if placed outside.

Ling Yun's previous idea was to wait a few more years until he was strong enough to protect the White Deer Sect in the Daluo Upper Realm, and then bring the White Deer Sect's people here.

The disadvantage is that people from the White Deer Sect may not be able to keep up with him in the future.

Now, the emergence of this island has perfectly solved all these problems.

"We set off immediately to find the island."

Ling Yun said.

Judging from the map, this island is very close to Pagoda Island, about more than a thousand miles away.

For this distance, if a celestial being flew with all his strength, it would only take one day.

It just so happened that Xia Heng was already a heavenly being now.

As for Luo Qianqian and Xu Tianshi, Ling Yun did not plan to take them with them.

This Renxin Pavilion needs people to guard it, and it also needs someone to confuse the people on Shangguan Yi's side.

Otherwise, if they all leave, people on Shangguan Yi's side will definitely become suspicious.

Immediately, Ling Yun only said that he wanted to retreat, and then secretly left Renxin Pavilion with Xia Heng.

Buddha City is also covered by the Tianpin Formation, and ordinary people can only enter and exit through the city gate.

There must be people from Shangguan Yi watching at the city gate.

Fortunately, Lingyun's formation skills are astonishing.

Just like when he left the Futu Camp, Ling Yun secretly opened a hole and got out with Xia Heng.

After leaving the Buddha City and arriving at a deserted wilderness, the two of them let Xia Heng fly with Ling Yun.

The speed of flight is indeed not comparable to that of riding a horse.

One day later.

The two came to the place indicated by the map.

What surprised them was that there was nothing in front of them, only sea water, not to mention islands, not even a coral reef could be found.

"Is the map a lie?"

Xia Heng found it hard to accept.

Seeing this scene, he was as excited as he was before, and now he was as disappointed.

"Not necessarily."

Ling Yun said.

Here, his incomplete soul sensed a faint fluctuation of the formation.

This formation fluctuation was extremely profound, and it was probably some kind of shielding formation.

Then, Ling Yun's mind moved slightly, and he took out the bronze square seal that was with the map in the bronze ancient box.

The next moment, an incredible scene appeared.

The bronze square seal came, suddenly projecting golden light into the void in front.

Then, in Xia Heng's shocked eyes, the space twisted and fluctuated, the fog was heavy, and a huge island slowly appeared.

"Here...here...there is actually an island."

Xia Heng was shocked and speechless.

Even Ling Yun was moved at this moment.

At this moment, they all understood why Yunxiao City could not find the island even though there was one here.

It turned out that the island had been in an "invisible" state, covered by a mysterious formation.

"What kind of formation is this that can cover such a large island?"

Xia Heng found it a little incomprehensible.

"A true spirit formation, the sky-covering mustard seed formation."

Ling Yun said slowly.

"True spirit?"

Xia Heng looked puzzled.

"Above the heavenly grade is the virtual grade, and above the virtual grade is the real grade."

Ling Yun said.

Xia Heng's body shook violently.

He still didn't know what the real grade was.

But the phrase "above the virtual grade" was enough to shock him.

Even the virtual grade, to him, was a legendary thing.

As for the real grade, it was beyond his understanding.

"Let's go in."

Immediately, Ling Yun and Xia Heng entered this nameless island.

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