Awakening the Eternal Heaven-Swallowing Art

Chapter 855: White Bone Portal

"Lu Shanhai, you shouldn't provoke me."

Ling Yun's eyes flashed coldly.

In fact, if Lu Shanhai hadn't wanted to deal with him and proposed a Dead Sea treaty, he probably wouldn't have come to the Dead Sea.

After all, he had just broken through not long ago and still needed to consolidate his cultivation.

It was Lu Shanhai who angered him that made him come to the Dead Sea and enter this secret realm of immortality.

There is no doubt that Lu Shanhai's actions are causing trouble for himself.

Lu Shanhai seizes the opportunity, and if Ling Yun is not there, he will definitely get huge benefits.

But now that Ling Yun is here, all this will definitely change.

This secret realm of immortality is extremely profound and profound to other warriors.

But in Ling Yun's eyes, it really didn't count.

In fact, many places in this secret realm can be said to be transparent to him.

Ling Yun's formation skills are too high.

Even the shrouding formation in the Immortal Secret Realm is at the Void-breaking level.

However, this is still a very superficial formation for Ling Yun.

One hundred and seventy ghost ships are extremely fast.

They keep sinking.

Half a quarter of an hour later, they sank more than 3,000 meters to the bottom of the sea.

At this moment, all the ghost ships stopped.

Everyone in the ghost ship looked forward and saw a terrifying sight.

A hundred meters away, there were densely packed bones.

Countless bones formed a huge bone portal.

The terrifying black mist keeps pouring out from the Bones Portal, making people feel like they are at the gate of hell.

For a moment, even though everyone in the ghost ship was a master, they could not help but look fearful at this moment, and no one dared to act rashly.

From within this bone portal, they really felt great terror.

It's just that this secret realm obviously won't give them a chance to choose.

Soon the space in the ghost ship was distorted, and then everyone was moved outside the ghost ship.

In the deep sea three thousand meters below, even if the people present have extraordinary cultivation, they still have to withstand huge pressure.

"Cloud Territory natives, do you think you can ignore my warning by boarding the ghost ship?"

Dugu Feng looked at Ling Yun and sneered.

Unfortunately, Ling Yun still didn't look at her.

While others were still hesitating, Ling Yun had already stepped towards the Bone Portal.

"Is this kid desperate?"

"Any secret realm of this level is extremely dangerous. If he enters rashly, he will only die."

Everyone around them couldn't help but shake their heads when they saw this.

In their opinion, Ling Yun must have been forced to flee into the Bone Gate because he was afraid of Dugu Feng, hoping to escape Dugu Feng's threat.

People just want to say that Ling Yun is too naive.

Entering the Bone Portal rashly without any exploration is definitely more dangerous than facing Dugu Feng.

"In order to escape me, are you willing to take risks?"

Dugu Feng frowned slightly, then sneered: "You're really out of your mind. Breaking into the Bone Portal rashly like this will only hasten your death."

Ling Yun ignored the people outside.

If he knew what Dugu Feng was thinking, he would definitely say that the latter really thought too much.

He entered the White Bone Portal simply because he was absolutely sure of passing through the White Bone Portal.

Inside the White Bones Portal, there is indeed a murderous intent at every step, and there are restrictions and mechanisms everywhere.

But Ling Yun was completely aware of the Bone Sect.

Passing through the Bones Portal is a long Bones Passage.

Ninety-nine percent of the area in this passage is a trap.

But Ling Yun had already seen through everything.

Therefore, every step he takes is in a safe zone.

In the eyes of everyone outside the White Bone Portal, Ling Yun walked extremely relaxedly and comfortably, as if he was strolling in a leisurely courtyard.

"Is there no danger at all in this Bones Gate?"

They couldn't help but think.

After working on it for a long time, they turned out to be too careful, thinking that there must be many dangers in the Bone Sect.

As a result, this kid Ling Yun took advantage of him.

"Come on, let's go in too."

Immediately, some people were confused by Ling Yun's ease and couldn't help but rush into the Bones Portal.

Ling Yun didn't pay attention to these people.

If others want to die, that is their business, and he has no interest in taking care of it.


Soon, screams came from the Bones Portal.

I saw the person rushing at the front. The moment he stepped into the bone portal, several white bones stabbed deeply from the side without any warning.

This person's cultivation level is also extraordinary, he is at the peak of Qiuxu.

But at this moment, he was caught off guard and was directly pierced by these white bones.

Not only him, but also the dozen or so warriors behind him who couldn't stop their steps and rushed into the White Bone Portal also suffered misfortune.

Being penetrated deeply by white bones is nothing.

After they were pierced, the white bones behind them turned into a big mouth of bones, swallowing their bodies directly in, as if they were prey.


"Retreat quickly."

When other warriors saw this, their scalps were numb with fear.

But the Bone Portal is too scary.

In the end, of the twenty-three warriors who rushed into the Bone Gate, only six escaped and seventeen died.

Before entering the Immortal Secret Realm, seventeen people died just at the door.

The Immortal Secret Realm is indeed a Poxu-level ancient secret realm, and it is truly extremely dangerous.

Among the crowd, Xiao He was secretly frightened, but also quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

He actually had the urge to break into the Bone Portal before.

Because he was also one of the first people to enter the ghost ship, very close to the Bone Portal.

However, thinking of his experience walking with Ling Yun on the road before, he subconsciously stopped.

Many times, the place where Ling Yun walked seemed to be safe, but if other people walked there, they would encounter fighting.

At first, Xiao He thought Ling Yun was a son of luck, but later he found out that Ling Yun was powerful.

Because of this, Xiao He was more cautious.

Now it seems that this caution saved his life.

Although he has a life-saving trump card, even if he enters the white bone portal, he may not die, but this life-saving trump card will definitely be consumed, which is worthless.

"What's going on?"

"Why is this white bone portal so dangerous?"

"Yes, if this white bone portal is so dangerous, why was Ling Yun fine when he entered it before."

Everyone outside was terrified.

"Perhaps it was because he was the first to enter the white bone portal, so there was no danger, and when he stepped into the white bone portal, he activated the killing array behind him, and the people who entered behind him suffered."

Dugu Feng said with a gloomy face.

Of course, she didn't believe that Ling Yun had safely entered the bone portal by his own ability.

Therefore, this was the only possibility she could think of.

"So that's it."

"This Ling Yun is really hateful."

"Why did I hesitate before? If I was the first to enter the bone portal, there would definitely be no danger and I would have a great advantage."

For a moment, the crowd was in an uproar again, some people cursed, and some regretted.

"Now let's be cautious and work together to explore the bone portal. Only if we work together can we enter safely."

Dugu Feng continued.

The other warriors had no objection.

Immediately, more than 150 virtual realm masters joined together to explore the bone portal.

They did have a lot of means and trump cards. In the end, although dozens of people died, most of them broke through the bone portal.

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