"If I like some elixir, how can I get it?"

Ling Yun asked.

If this is the kind of secret realm that has just been discovered, then the competition for the treasures will undoubtedly involve fighting each other to get the treasures based on their own abilities.

But this secret realm has been completely controlled by the thirteen major forces, and it is obviously impossible to fight for it through fighting.

Not to mention other forces, the Xie family alone has high-level masters of Taixu. Together with other forces, it is impossible for Ling Yun to fight against them.

"All the elixirs here can be purchased directly with spiritual crystals."

Xie Lingshan said: "If you have a favorite elixir, I still have some savings here and can buy it for you. If you don't have enough, you can ask the Xie family to come forward."

Hearing this, Ling Yun was not surprised.

There are too many forces that control this secret realm, and no force can monopolize the treasures here, so public bidding is undoubtedly the best option.

But Ling Yun just shook his head: "Although the elixirs here are not small, in terms of quality, they are only mediocre."

He was telling the truth, but others around him felt that this young man's tone was too crazy.

Xie Lingshan was very calm.

She knew that Ling Yun was telling the truth.

After all, although she didn't know how high Ling Yun's alchemy skills were, he was definitely much higher than her.

It can be seen that Ling Yun is very likely to be able to refine Taixu level elixir by himself.

Therefore, it is normal for Ling Yun to look down on these Taixu level elixirs.

"I wonder what level of alchemy master this Mr. Ling is, but he can't even get the Taixu Spiritual Pill into your eyes?"

At this time, a mocking and angry voice sounded.

Then a tall old man appeared.

"Elder Shao."

Xie Lingshan was slightly startled and quickly saluted the old man.

At the same time, she did not forget to introduce to Ling Yun: "Sir, this is Shao Guan, the sixth elder of Tiandan Holy Land. I am a top-grade spiritual master."

A top-grade spiritual master is a Taixu-level spiritual master.

This Shaoguan is really a big shot.

"It turns out to be Elder Shao."

Ling Yun showed no awe at all, and said calmly: "Alchemists, we must seek truth from facts. If the quality of these elixirs is not good, it is not good. Does this have to do with what grade of alchemist I am?"


Shaoguan was very angry.

If it weren't for Xie Lingshan's face, he would have wanted to expel Ling Yun immediately.

"Elder Shao."

Naturally, Xie Lingshan couldn't just sit back and watch Shaoguan despise Ling Yun, so she quickly explained: "Mr. Ling, he is an alchemy master, and his alchemy skills are much higher than mine."


Hearing this, everyone around was shocked.

This young man in black is not only an alchemy master, but also has a higher level of alchemy than Xie Lingshan?

Even Shaoguan's eyes became cautious.

You know, Xie Lingshan's alchemy attainments are infinitely close to those of an intermediate spiritual master.

So, if this young man in black surpasses Xie Lingshan, he will be at least an intermediate-level spiritual master.

If this is the case, then the young man in black is not too arrogant, at most he is a bit pretentious.

"It turns out that this young master is a spiritual master, but Shao is blind."

Shaoguan's tone softened a lot.

Since Ling Yun is a spiritual master, he is not considered a junior and is qualified to talk to him on an equal footing.

The other party's previous arrogant attitude was barely understandable.

After all, at such a young age, the other party has more than just alchemy attainments. If it were him, he would be easily frivolous.

Despite this, he still felt a little unhappy.

After discovering this ancient alchemy palace, he regarded it as a holy land of alchemy, and his heart was filled with a sense of sacredness.

As a result, Ling Yun was talking nonsense.

"No, we can't let this kid get too arrogant."

Shaoguan's thoughts changed slightly.

Soon, he had an idea and changed the topic: "Since the young master is a spiritual master, the elixirs here are indeed nothing interesting. Why don't you follow me to the elixir room deeper?"


Ling Yun raised his eyebrows and was somewhat interested, "In this case, it would be better to obey orders than to be respectful."

Xie Lingshan's face was also full of expectation.

Shao Guan is a high-level spiritual master. Could it be that the elixir that Shao Guan admires so highly is a Poxu-level elixir?

"Then follow me."

Shao Guan was as calm as the wind on the surface, but he was secretly proud in his heart, "Arrogant boy, I want to see if you can continue to pretend like this when you see the elixirs in the core elixir room."

You know, it was after he saw the elixirs in the core elixir room that he was completely impressed by this ancient elixir palace.

The group of four people immediately walked deeper.

Soon, they came to a more secret alchemy room.

This alchemy room is different from the palace hall outside. There are very few elixirs in it.

The most eye-catching thing is the round platform in the center of the alchemy room.

The round platform was shrouded in a Poxu-level formation, with a pill floating inside.

This elixir is blood-colored and is about the size of a little finger. It exudes a blood-colored glow, giving people a dream-like feeling.

"The Void-Breaking Spiritual Pill."

Xie Lingshan looked excited.

As she expected, the elixir that Shao Guan admired so much was indeed the Poxu-level elixir.


Shao Guan stroked his beard and said, "This elixir is called 'Blood Spirit Pill'. It can improve the quality of a person's blood. It is the Void-Breaking Level Spirit Pill."

The Void-Breaking Level Spirit Pill is a true treasure-level spirit pill.

This level of elixir is completely beyond the level of other elixirs.

The functions of other elixirs are limited to healing wounds and diseases and increasing spiritual power, while the Void-Breaking Level Spiritual Pills will have heaven-defying functions.

For example, this "Blood Spirit Pill" can improve or even enhance the quality of a person's bloodline.

While speaking, Shao Guan couldn't help but look at Ling Yun proudly.

At this moment, he seemed to have seen Ling Yun's face full of horror.

After all, this "Blood Spirit Pill" is not only a Void-breaking Spirit Pill, but also has the top function among Void-breaking Spirit Pills.

This is also the reason why he brought Ling Yun here.

He wanted Ling Yun to realize how narrow-minded he was.

However, when his eyes fell on Ling Yun's face, he was stunned for a moment.

Ling Yun's face did not have the horror and enthusiasm he imagined, but only the usual indifference.

Shao Guan became more and more unhappy: "Mr. Ling, what do you think of this Blood Spirit Pill?"

"Not much."

Ling Yun shook his head, clearly looking down on this Blood Spirit Pill.

Shao Guan was so angry: "Mr. Ling, don't you even take Void-breaking Spirit Pill seriously?"

"Void-breaking Spirit Pill, Ling naturally values ​​it."

Ling Yun said: "But forget about this Blood Spirit Pill."

"You are just trying to attract attention."

Another voice came.

At this moment, other big shots have entered the pill room.

The one who spoke was a middle-aged man.

Behind him followed a young man, Ouyang Kong.

If you look closely, you will find that Ouyang Kong and the middle-aged man look very similar, as if the latter is a majestic and mature version of Ouyang Kong.

"Senior Ouyang."

Xie Lingshan immediately bowed and secretly sent a message to Ling Yun: "My lord, this person is Ouyang Ming, Ouyang Kong's father, the patriarch of the Ouyang family, a high-level Taixu strongman, and also a mid-level spiritual master."

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