Barorick Ledfield!

A terrifying monster.

It is called the Red Earl, the Red of the Lonely High, the Lonely High Ryder, and so on.

With just one person, he is on par with Roger, Whitebeard, Golden Lion and others.

He hated to form alliances with others and made loneliness his credo.

As for how exactly he was imprisoned in Advance City? No one knows this! But one thing is certain.

This man! Definitely terrifying enough and powerful enough.


Absolutely there is no doubt about it.

"Bat Island!"


Eren said interestingly; "So, this is your home?"


Baloric said lightly; "You seem to know a lot of things that others don't."

Eren said interestingly: "On this sea, isn't it normal for some things to be known?" As long as it happens, then it will naturally be known. "


Baloric clenched the bat umbrella in his hand and said interestingly: "If that's the case, then let me try to see what your strength is, if it's too weak!" On this sea, you know too much but you can't live. "


"I want to try it too..."

Eren said interestingly: "How strong is your strength?" "



The gate of the castle shattered instantly, and Baloric held a bat umbrella, like a long sword, straight forward, Eren opened one hand, directly blocking his attack, but the gate of the hundred castle behind him did not withstand it.



A smile appeared at the corner of the two mouths.

Cracking sound!

The collision of fists and umbrellas, covered with black armed color domineering, the attack of the two is extremely ferocious.


Under the final blow, the two fell backwards at the same time.

"Hahaha ~~~"

Eren stood outside the castle, slightly hunched over and slowly stood upright, laughing excitedly; "It's really enjoyable! Such a battle, Lao Tzu still has not felt it! Barorick, you really are a qualified opponent. "

Cracking sound!

Eren moved his muscles slightly, and the whole person's whole body was like popping beans, making a burst of explosive sounds, and said fiercely: "Next!" It's time to get started! "

And Baloric held a bat umbrella, standing very elegantly inside the castle, and also admired: "It is worthy of being a monster with a bounty of 100 million, sure enough!" The strength is terrifying! "

"Next, it's the real beginning."

"Of course."


The two also stepped on the ground and went straight to each other, but the difference was that one ground collapsed instantly, while the other appeared ethereal.

"Dragon Blast!"

Eren opened his mouth and a monstrous shockwave burst out.


With his hands burning with scorching flames, he was already heading straight for Balorik.


"Burn the fruit..."

"That's not right!"

With the umbrella as a sword, Baloric directly dropped an amazing slash, and in this way directly unfolded the roaring shock wave, and the scattered shock wave directly shattered the surrounding ground.

The next moment.

The bat umbrella in his hand was wrapped around the pitch-black domineering, and directly came to a hard-hitting battle with Allen's fists wrapped around the flames.

The battle between the two quickly retreated outside, Balorick did not want his castle to be demolished, and Eren was not a person who took pleasure in doing such things, it was pointless! Only by defeating his opponent, the excitement and satisfaction will make Eren more satisfied.

"Electric eye burst!"

"Dragon Blast!"

At the same time that Eren went straight to Baloric, three terrifying thunderbolts and flame shockwaves had already broken out.

"Sure enough!"

In the face of such an attack, Baloric did not resist hard, but dodged it in an extremely fast instant, and three shock waves almost instantly penetrated the entire island.

In fact!

The ability of the pig charm is similar to the laser eye and the superhuman heat ray, and the ability of the dragon charm, to put it simply, is similar to the dragon's breath, but the power is more terrifying.


Allen wiped the corners of his mouth, looked at Baloric interestingly, and said with admiration; "Seriously, the person who understated the attack of Lao Tzu, you are the first."

Balorick also said seriously: "Your attack is not a burning fruit at all, the intelligence of the navy is wrong, you do use the ability to use flames, but!" The ability of flame is only part of you. "


"How did you notice it?"

Alan felt very interesting.

Balorick said directly: "Elementalization!" If you are a true natural Devil Fruit ability, the focus is different, the moment you face the attack, almost the instinctive reaction is elemental, and you are different, your first reaction is to defend with armed color domineering. "


"Lao Tzu is indeed not a natural Devil Fruit ability."


The corners of Allen's mouth hooked, and he said confidently: "This is also a matter of indifference, Baloric, let Lao Tzu come and see, how is your strength!" "

A hideous smile emerged, Eren was extremely excited, such an opponent was the most interesting!


Baloric did not have any words, but looked at Allen quietly, and the next moment, Allen's figure had stepped on the ground and came straight to him, the speed was as fast as an afterimage.


"So fast!"

Barorick almost instinctively reflected over, just! In an instant, I felt the terrifying power contained in that punch.


"Brute Bull Rush!"

With a roar, this tacky move appeared, and Allen's entire right arm even got a terrifying boost, to this extent, people instantly felt what a terrifying punch this was.

Because the air around him was distorted, but Baloric showed a strong physique and armed domineering, and actually carried this punch of Allen.

A battle for two!

It's just the beginning!

PS: New book uploaded! Five more everyday! Fifth more! Ask brothers for a wave of collecting!!

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