Yu Mingxue stared blankly at the fist in front of her.

The next second she felt a gust of wind coming!

Although it was not powerful, it blew Yu Mingxue's hair even more messy!

The tip of the fist gently scraped the tip of Yu Mingxue's nose, and what appeared in front of her was Lu Ping's smiling face.

Lu Ping half-crouched in front of Yu Mingxue's head, smiling at the person lying in front of him.

"Xuexue, you lose!"

Hearing Lu Ping say this, Yu Mingxue shook her head and retorted:

"No, you touched me before, your hands should have been frozen and unable to move!"

"Well, are you talking about this?"

Lu Ping stretched out his arm for her to see.

It can be seen that Lu Ping's arm has indeed been frozen white and purple!

Some of them have even condensed ice crystals!

It has to be said that Yu Mingxue's ice is indeed overbearing!

Lu Ping just fought back slightly, and his hands have become like this.

But Lu Ping smiled again:

"It seems that Xuexue has forgotten my ability again!"

"Come on, Xiaoqi, come out and say hello to your sister!"


Xiaoqi appeared in front of him, and as soon as he came out, he began to heal the frostbite on Lu Ping's arms.

In just a few seconds, his frostbite completely subsided!

"What do you think, do you admit defeat?" Lu Ping's face was full of arrogance after victory.

Yu Mingxue did not feel lost at all.

Just look at the coldness on her body disappearing quickly, and the temperature gradually returned to normal.

Lu Ping stretched out a hand, and Yu Mingxue did not resist, and stood up with the force.

"Next time, I won't lose!" Although she lost, Yu Mingxue still made harsh words.

"Okay, then next time, I will use my hot body to melt your coldness!"

"I will definitely make you feel incomparable warmth!" Lu Ping was not serious at all.

[Resentment value from Yu Mingxue +189! 】

Suddenly, there was a round of applause from the back of the crowd.

The students made way, and a burly man in military uniform appeared.

He was the instructor who trained the students!

His last name was Wu, maybe because his face was too dark, or maybe because he was too strict.

The students privately called him Wu Heimian!

When the students saw it was him, they all became nervous and stood straight!

They were afraid that he would find fault with them!

Instructor Wu walked in front of Lu Ping and the other person, and only then did Lu Ping see that there were scattered bloodstains on their clothes!

The military uniform was a little torn, and there was a faint smell of blood.

Wu Kui didn't care about these, but instead looked at the two of them with some appreciation!

"I watched your competition just now, it was very good!"

"This... Yu Mingxue, your moves were neat and tidy, without any drag!"

"It's just that you lack experience, and you exposed a flaw, and this kid found an opportunity!"

"But it doesn't matter, experience is gained through practice, and you are already very good now!"

Yu Mingxue nodded in response as if she understood.

"Let's talk about you." Wu Kui looked at Lu Ping again.

But he didn't say anything for a long time, and finally just praised:

"I have nothing to comment on, you are very good at responding to battles!"

"If you were left outside, I would definitely think you are an experienced warrior!"

"Also, your realm... is not low!"

Wu Kui was sent here to be an instructor for students, so his realm must be good.

He also sensed Lu Ping's aura and was quite shocked!

But he didn't say it clearly.

Lu Ping also laughed and dealt with it.

"Everyone, assemble!"

At the command, everyone in the gymnasium started to move.

In just a dozen seconds, eight columns stood in front of Wu Kui!

"I'm very happy. I saw a wonderful battle when I just arrived!"

Wu Kui glanced at everyone and said.

"I came late today because a riot broke out in a nearby spiritual gate and I was temporarily sent to support!"

"And these are the evidence!" He pointed to the blood stains on his body.

"There will be casualties in battles, which is inevitable!"

"And what I teach you is the knowledge that can save your life on the battlefield!"

"Everyone must listen carefully, understand!"

"Okay!" Everyone responded!

"Then next, Lu Ping, you step out!"

Lu Ping almost fell!

"Oh my god, too ostentatious, he was stared at!"

Although he was muttering, his legs were not slow, and he came to Wu Kui in a few steps!

"Of course, training blindly is just a show."

"Only real fighting can quickly improve your combat awareness!"

"Next, is there anyone who wants to practice with him?"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd suddenly became crowed.The birds were silent.

Everyone looked left and right, not daring to speak.

What a joke, I just saw the strength that Lu Ping showed, even Yu Mingxue was defeated, do I have to go up and make a fool of myself!

Wu Kui glanced at the group of people who looked at each other in bewilderment, feeling a little disappointed.

Failure is not terrible, but if you don’t even have the courage to try, how can you talk about progress!

Besides, this is just training, and if you fail now, it’s just a shame.

But if you make a mistake on the battlefield, the loss...

You can’t afford that kind of price at all!

Suddenly, a loud voice responded:

"I’ll do it!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw Zhou Tong with a determined face!

"Step out!"


Looking at Zhou Tong coming out, Wu Kui finally had some approval on his face.

But his face was too dark and it was all covered!

"Boy, your realm is too high, you can't use supernatural powers, do you hear me!"

Wu Kui whispered beside Lu Ping.

"Oh, oh!" Lu Ping responded casually.

"Okay, start when you're ready!"

Wu Kui stepped aside and gave an order.

Lu Ping looked very arrogant:

"Hey, I heard you're very brave!"

"Just kidding, I'm super brave!"

Zhou Tong replied without thinking.

"Huh? What's going on? Why did I respond unconsciously?"

"Oh? Then let me see where your bravery is?" After saying that, Lu Ping rushed over in an instant.

Next, it was a one-sided crushing!




"You're brave, show it!" Lu Ping's hands and mouth were constantly moving!

【Resentment value from Zhou Tong +536! 】

【Anger value from Zhou Tong +323! 】


"No more courage, no more courage! Teacher, save me!"

Wu Kui couldn't bear to watch it anymore, and hurried forward to stop it!

"Stop, stop, stop..."

"You kid, can't you let him go?"

"?" These words could actually come out of Wu Heimian's mouth.

Wu Kui also saw that Lu Ping, who was strong and experienced in fighting, was a crushing existence among this group of people.

Compared with him, the other students were like lambs that had not been weaned.

And Lu Ping was the big bad wolf, the big devil!

Looking at Zhou Tong, who was already swollen like a pig's head, Wu Kui couldn't bear to watch.

"Why did you only hit him on the head with your fists!"

Lu Ping's eyes wandered, and he muttered:

"Because I can't reach him with my feet..."

"Next time, let me practice yoga and hit him directly with the soles of my shoes..."


[Resentment from Zhou Tong +1000! ]

[Resentment from Wu Kui +469! ]

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