"Could it be the dean who did it?" Yu Mingxue came behind Lu Ping, frowning.

"Did they deal with these spirit beasts while delivering the things?" Lu Ping asked himself.

"It seems reasonable, but it doesn't make sense..." Then Lu Ping shook his head and rejected this answer.

"Let's not talk about the fact that the old woman originally wanted us to practice with these spirit beasts."

"Even if there is something, let her intervene, but she must tell us."

Yu Mingxue nodded slightly, what Lu Ping said made sense.

Then, Lu Ping dug open the giant elephant's skull, and inside, there was a round spirit core!

"Look, the spirit core has not been taken out."

"Even if the old woman has a big family, she will not give up this thing."

Lu Ping turned the spirit core and thought carefully in his heart.

Faintly, he had some clues.

This scene did not look like what humans did, but more like hunting between spirit beasts!

But being able to kill a golden elephant of high level in an instant...

This move is platinum level, isn't it?

"Could it be that mantis?" For no reason, Lu Ping thought of the black mantis he saw at the beginning!

If he hadn't dodged quickly, he would have been killed!

Moreover, that mantis was placed at the back, obviously the final boss!

"Xuexue, don't stay too far away from me!" Lu Ping looked very serious!

If it was really that mantis, the situation of the two of them would not be good!

After several hesitations, Lu Ping did not choose to take a step back to report the situation to the dean, but wanted to go to the front first!

See what the situation is!

Lu Ping took action and flashed to the remains of the next level of the angry lion!

Similarly, the angry lion's spirit crystal was not taken away!

Lu Ping handed it to Yu Mingxue next to him and asked her to take it.

As he walked along, Lu Ping could find spiritual crystals from any body that had been left behind!

Finally, he came to the last square!

From a distance, Lu Ping already had the answer in his mind!

Because, in the last dense forest, Lu Ping saw several dilapidated spiritual beast bodies!

There were obvious bite marks on each body!

The tooth marks were intricate, unlike the upper and lower bite marks of ordinary spiritual beasts, but rather like being bitten by a sickle!

On the side, there were a few round spiritual crystals scattered on the ground!

At this point, the result was obvious, it was the mantis that did it!

"Did it escape?"

Lu Ping carefully observed the area within a radius of 3,000 meters, and found no trace of any spiritual beast!

It can even be said that there was no living creature except the two of them!

"Let's go back and tell the dean! Let her come to pick us up!"

Lu Ping did not panic and did not flee from here directly!

Now they are in the heart of Lingmen. It is obviously difficult to return to the academy by themselves!

It is better to let the dean come to pick them up!

Moreover, this cannot be said that they fled in the face of danger. It is because the dean did not take good measures. It has nothing to do with them!

Lu Ping did not hesitate and flashed back directly, and Yu Mingxue followed closely behind!

Flashing and following, Lu Ping did not flash the maximum distance, but flashed within a range of one thousand meters!

In this way, the detector can also take care of Yu Mingxue's surroundings to prevent her from being attacked alone!

With the crisis approaching, Lu Ping acted very cautiously!

On the way, Lu Ping also found that the fluffy pig that he had bypassed before was also completely gutted!

There was a cut in the middle of the fat belly!

Blood, intestines and so on, dyed the entire square blood red!

Lu Ping could smell the bloody smell even if he was a hundred feet away!

In order to take care of Yu Mingxue, Lu Ping deliberately made a detour to prevent her from feeling uncomfortable!

Fortunately, there was no danger along the way, and the mantis did not appear around the two!

However, everything at the end made Lu Ping's heart sink!

The cabin that was still good when he left in the morning has now been torn to pieces!

"Fuck!" Lu Ping couldn't help but cursed!

But now that things have come to this, there is no other way, he must fight hard and rely on himself!

The two looked at each other and immediately decided to flash away from here, and they couldn't stay any longer!

Looking at the green valley in front of him, Lu Ping flashed out immediately!

Lu Ping flashed in front, and Yu Mingxue followed closely behind!

The cooling time of the flash just left time for Yu Mingxue to follow!

No milliseconds were wasted!

Just when the two reached the hillside, Lu Ping trembled violently, and then threw the snowflakes in his hand!

Yu Mingxue, who followed, was still a little confused, why was she in the air!

Then I saw a black slash attacking Lu Ping!

At the moment when he was about to be cut, the flash cooldown ended, and Lu Ping flashed directly to Yu Mingxue and hugged her!

But he hadn't come yetBefore he could catch his breath, a black figure rushed towards him at high speed in the detector!

The arm like the sickle of death had been raised!


The figure was too fast, and Lu Ping couldn't react at all!

Although he could escape by flashing, Yu Mingxue would be left behind!

He would definitely not abandon his teammates and escape alone!

Not to mention that this person was his crazy wife!

Lu Ping threw Yu Mingxue far away, and he flashed to avoid it!

At this time, Yu Mingxue also saw the black figure and made preparations!

Countless snowflakes scattered!

Lu Ping did not choose to stand with Yu Mingxue, as that would be too passive!

The black figure failed to hit and crashed hard on the top of the mountain!

As a strong wind blew, the smoke and dust dissipated in an instant!

The figure was revealed!

The black and shiny carapace, the overall slender body, and the six long legs like thin needles under the body!

Especially the pair of death-like blade arms, which make people feel cold!

If it was on TV, Lu Ping would definitely praise: "So damn handsome!"

But in the face-to-face confrontation, Lu Ping swallowed a mouthful of saliva unconsciously!

Look at the mantis and wriggle its sharp mouthparts from time to time.

And the flat head swings back and forth between the two people, as if looking at the two in front of it!

Lu Ping did not make any move. If the enemy does not move, I will not move. I will act according to the situation!

At this time, the mantis moved its clamp-like mouthparts, and a stream of scarlet air was spit out by it!


Lu Ping did not understand the language of the spirit beast, but he could feel that he was being laughed at!

"Fuck, I can still be laughed at by a beast!" Lu Ping immediately couldn't sit still!

But, he turned and thought of the strength shown by the mantis!

Well...let it go for now!

After the mantis chuckled, it rubbed its two sickles together, making a hissing sound!


The mantis scratched the ground, and finally drew a line of life and death in front of the two people!

What does it mean? Not letting them pass?

Lu Ping had a feeling that the mantis seemed to be doing it on purpose!

Just like the superiors treat clowns!

Only, the clowns now are Lu Ping and Yu Mingxue!

The black mantis was playing with the life and death of the two people at will!

This feeling made Lu Ping quite unhappy!

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