Awakening With An Expert Identification Skill

Chapter 204: Sword Intent 9th Layer, Spiritual Power Soars

At five o'clock in the afternoon, only Lin Fan was left by Su Dai's side, and the other three followed Han Ruxin to study.

The three of them are already dizzy, and they have learned too much at once, and they can't digest it at all. Now they need to practice on their own.

Because of Lin Fan's existence, their progress was greatly advanced.

And Su Dai was still madly sending a lot of knowledge to Lin Fan, and she felt like she wanted to complete the teaching all at once.

And Lin Fan has been studying in an orderly manner, and slowly began to see more from the beginning.

At the same time, he also realized some things. The researcher originally existed to study innate skills, but now many martial skills are born out of innate skills, and then gradually become successful methods.

In particular, some moves of the melee system, such as horizontal slash, cross slash, storm slash, etc., were born out of innate skills and slowly transformed into ordinary skills.

And the great trick of "Thunderbolt Slaying God" was actually born out of innate skills at the beginning!



This opened Lin Fan's eyes.

In the evening, Fang Yan brought dinner, which Fang Yan made by herself, and ordered fresh vegetables to be delivered to the door. I have to say that Fang Yan's cooking skills are still very good.

Su Dai even said, "You will be responsible for dinner in the future."

This makes Fang Yan happy.

To know Su Dai's words, she can stay and continue to study.

Studying here is completely different from other places. She can discuss with Gu Ying and Yan Yan, and she can study faster, not to mention Su Dai's teaching. Even if they are just on the sidelines, teaching and vision are not the same. grade.

After all, Su Dai is a senior researcher, while Han Ruxin is only an intermediate researcher, and in this learning environment, the pressure is completely different, which makes her efforts are also completely different.

It was not until ten o'clock in the night that Lin Fan left Jiuxuan Mountain in a dizzy state. He also felt that his energy was not enough. After all, he concentrated on studying all afternoon, and Su Dai hardly let him rest. .

The three of Gu Ying were also exhausted. They had already started at five o'clock.

It's completely out of reach.

Although tiring, such a life is enriching.

When he was leaving, Lin Fan still remembered to ask Su Yiliu's place of residence, and even got to Su Yiliu's phone number.

When Lin Fan returned to the apartment, Guo Zhen had been waiting for a long time, and he came immediately. This time, he brought three hundred drops of second-grade blood essence.

And only 60 drops were delivered the day before yesterday!

This made Lin Fan call him a good guy!

Lin Fan took out the blood essence he had extracted today, threw it to Guo Zhen, and said, "You swallow it and see!"

Today, Su Dai not only taught Lin Fan how to extract first-grade blood essence, but also second-grade blood essence and third-grade blood essence. After all, Lin Fan is now third-grade and five-star. In Su Dai's opinion, a large amount of third-grade blood essence needs to be used.

Buy some rough third-grade blood essence yourself, and make well-made third-grade blood essence, which is very economical.

In the end, Su Dai also charged Lin Fan how much money. The wasted and produced blood essence was half the market price, and the produced blood essence was thrown to Lin Fan himself.

Guo Zhen looked at the blood essence in his hand, glanced at it, and said, "It seems to be better than the exchange from the school."

Immediately throw it straight into the mouth!

Lin Fan asked Guo Zhen to swallow it. Naturally, he wanted to see what the effect would be. Guo Zhen had been swallowing blood essence to cultivate, so the feeling was obvious.

If the effect is good, when the time comes to practice, you will become proficient in the operation, and at the same time, you will be able to make a batch of such blood essence for Guo Zhen and the others, which can quickly improve their strength.

And soon, five minutes later, Guo Zhen opened his eyes and said with a shocked expression: "Brother Fan, how did you get this blood essence? It is more docile than the fine blood essence provided by the academy! Although it is only a first-rank realm blood essence, but The absorption even catches up with the second-grade blood essence, with this kind of blood essence, I can definitely open a node again in two days!"

Lin Fan smiled and didn't speak, and threw him a drop of second-grade blood again.

Guo Zhen's eyes flickered, this time he didn't even bother to say anything, and threw it directly into the mouth.

Six minutes!

Guo Zhen's face suddenly became serious, and at the same time, a majestic force appeared from inside his body and dissipated towards the surroundings. It was the faint wind pressure emitted by some unconscious star power from the body.

At the same time, it also means that Guo Zhen has completed a node in a short period of time, and his strength has broken through to the second-rank Samsung.

But it didn't end. Four minutes later, Guo Zhen opened his eyes, his eyes full of excitement and exclaimed: "Brother Fan, this blood essence is awesome! It has something to do with the drop of first-grade blood essence just now. The same feeling, but this is the second-grade blood essence, and this drop of second-grade blood essence directly made me just open a node, and it is stable! The absorption is so smooth, it is much stronger than the second-grade blood essence exchanged by the university. There are more, and there is more shit on the market. In comparison, walking has become a flying iron!

Ward day! Incredible! If there is this kind of blood essence, I can definitely triple the speed of opening nodes, or even more. "

But after speaking, Guo Zhen had a lonely look on his face again, "Hey~ I'm too greedy, this kind of blood must be hard to come by."

Hearing Guo Zhen's words, Lin Fan almost laughed.

"Hehe, it's okay, this kind of blood essence is still very easy to get." Lin Fan said with a smile.

Hearing this, Guo Zhen immediately raised his head, his two small eyes widened, and immediately grabbed Lin Fan's hands, "Brother Fan, you are my brother! If you have this channel, I will buy it with a drop. 40,000 yuan! If there is a large supply of goods, a stable channel can be provided, and I can supply it through my channel, even if it is 50,000 yuan.”

"There is definitely not a large number, and there is no stable supply."

Lin Fan shook his head and said, "I really don't have time, so I can provide you with some training."

Guo Zhen suddenly looked disappointed.

This is definitely a good deal!

And something that can definitely make those geniuses and monsters go crazy.

If this thing can be supplied in large quantities, he can immediately involve most of the people in the academy into his channels.


Think about it too, how can this kind of high-quality blood essence be supplied in large quantities?

If there is blood of this quality, the progress of freshmen in the entire academy can be greatly improved!

Suddenly, Guo Zhen's eyes widened and he turned to look at Lin Fan with a shocked expression. What did you just say... What did you say? ? ? ? You don't have time... time? ? ? "


Guo Zhen seemed to have thought of something, he took a deep breath, and the whole person was trembling when he spoke, "Could it be that this is you..."

Guo Zhen pointed to his mouth and then to Lin Fan, meaning that the blood essence he just swallowed was made by Lin Fan?

Lin Fan nodded.

Guo Zhen is completely stupid!

He never thought that this kind of blood essence was actually made by Lin Fan, which really surprised him.

It made him feel a little too incredible!

This quality of blood essence is much better than the fine blood essence provided by Jiutian Academy, the first human school. The absorption efficiency is completely different, and even this sense of conflict is weak, so you can take more every day.

Think about it, the absorption efficiency of this kind is high, the node opening is fast, and you can take more.

This kind of cultivation speed can completely pull other people down a lot!

This is also the reason why Guo Zhen just said that this kind of essence and blood is not easy to come by, because in the concept, this kind of essence and blood cannot come easily.

And now Lin Fan said that this blood essence was made by him! ! !

He could never have imagined.

It is impossible for him to think about breaking his head.

Lin Fan said with a smile: "Tomorrow, I will provide you with a batch of such second-grade blood essence, um, then you will share with Miaotong and Tiancheng, they don't seem to have second-grade yet, you tell them to hurry up, by the way, Fan Jianyuan also has points."

"Okay, Brother Fan, I see."

When he left, Guo Zhen was very excited, and sure enough, he hugged Brother Fan's thigh so well.

He naturally also knew who Lin Fan learned this technique from, and naturally he learned it from the sixth-grade master Su Dai. Sure enough, the things exposed between the fingers of the strong make ordinary awakened people daunted, not the level they can touch.

And technology is only in the hands of a few.

Although this is only the basic foundation for Su Dai to teach Lin Fan, it contains the crystallization of Su Dai's decades of experience, and it is difficult for ordinary people to get started, and Su Dai will not specifically teach other researchers.

Those that flow to the public are the most suitable products for production, automation and generalization.

This is also no way, after all, some things are not suitable for popularization.

Guo Zhen left, and Lin Fan touched the second-grade blood essence sent by Guo Zhen.

"A large amount of energy was detected, is it converted into star power points?" The system voice sounded immediately.


Suddenly, three hundred drops of blood essence disappeared.

Host: Lin Fan

Age: 18

Strength: 76

Speed: 76

Mental Power: 548

Strength: Rank 3 and Five-Star Skills: Basic Sword Intent 6th Layer (Wind Thunder Sword Intent 6th Layer) Basic Sword Intent 4th Layer (Wind and Thunder Sword Intent 4th Layer) Anger Intent (one of the Seven Emotions of Innate Will)

Talent skills: Pregnancy Gaze 4 can control the pain of pregnancy to childbirth within 21 seconds to 30 seconds, and can be changed in the middle, the damage value is 10~85] Passive sword skills: 100% can only be used by bare-handed hand-to-hand 4 Only the sword can activate this passive sword skill. When using it, you can let four people kneel in front of you and catch your sword with both hands. You can also superimpose the time on one person, 100% success.] Release the contract palm 4 hits the opponent's body, but one In an instant, the contract between the other party's body and bones is terminated, completely detached]

Star Power Point: 130439

For the first time, Lin Fan's Star Power Point exceeded 100,000!

Although he was tired, Lin Fan chose to choose the Kaiqiao acupoint. He had already rested for the night yesterday, and today he has to wake up.

Only one knot line was opened in the past three days, that is, the nine acupoints in the stomach meridian of Foot Yangming in the Twelve Serious Meridians. This is much less efficient and the progress is too slow.

If other people knew about Lin Fan's thoughts, they would probably have the heart to beat him to death.

The Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming is a meridian with quite a lot of nodes, and one has 45 orifice points, and the nine orifice points opened in the high-quality exercise "Thunderbolt Slaying the God" are all in the upper body itself.

The opening acupoints at this time consumes a lot of star power points, and the nine orifice acupoints opened last time on the left side consumed a total of 20,000 star power points.

On the right side, it now needs double the Star Power Points, that is, 40,000!

This made Lin Fan feel a lot of pressure.

The more acupoints opened, the greater the burden of wealth brought to him, not to mention, he still wants to open the twelve serious.

Thinking of this, Lin Fan felt his scalp tingle.

How much does this cost?

What's more, not only the opening acupoints on his body requires star power points, but the three talent skills are the big ones. The current star power points are only enough to upgrade one of the talent skills, as well as the basic sword intent and the basic sword intent.

In other words, you can save a little!

Looking at his data page, Lin Fan didn't immediately open his acupuncture points, but chose...

Mind control, click the + sign!






The Seventh Level of Basic Sword Intent (Seventh Level of Wind and Thunder Sword Intent) That’s right, Lin Fan chose to improve his Sword Intent!

Adding sword intent also increases mental power, and Lin Fan found that his attack methods are indeed insufficient. Sword intent is now his strongest active attack method. Of course, the three innate skills are very strong, but all Its disadvantages are that pregnancy gaze needs to be counted down, 100% cannot be slashed by hand-to-hand slashing, and forgetful palms must be slapped on the enemy.

The most important thing now is to increase the level of mental power by 40 points. The higher the mental power, the faster the opening of the acupoints, the more star power points are saved, and the combat power can be increased.

So, save as much as you can.

Lin Fan is a math genius!

Moreover, Lin Fan also wanted to see if the Basic Sword Intent had risen to the tenth level, could it still be raised above?


Take advantage of the sufficient star power points now, and work hard.






Basic Sabre Intent Bae (Wind Thunder Sabre Intent Bae) Fuck!

Seeing the consumption, Lin Fan wanted to scold his mother

Just raised two levels, it consumed 48,995 star power points, nearly 49,000, which is about to evolve into a big family.








The basic sword intent ninth level (wind and thunder knives intent ninth level) was another 36,000 star power points, and Lin Fan only felt that his heart was aching.

At this time, there is only 45444 left in the star power point.

If it does not rise, it will be gone if it rises again!


With the basic sword meaning reaching the ninth level, the mental power directly increased by 120. At this time, Lin Fan's mental power had exceeded 600, reaching as high as 668.

Although it took nearly 85,000 Star Power Points, his strength has improved a lot, and his spiritual power has also improved a lot.

In this case, the overall strength is even better!

There were a lot of insights about the sword intent in his mind. Lin Fan just ignored it and started to run the exercises. Soon his star power was full, and he was in his peak state, and he began to turn into an acupuncture point.

Nine orifice points of the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming: Qi Hu, Nizhong, Intolerant, Liangmen, Taiyi, Tianshu, Daju, Return, Qi Chong.

The first orifice point, Qihu point, is located on the chest, at the lower border of the midpoint of the clavicle, at the origin of the pectoralis major, and the subclavian muscle above the deep layer; there are branches of the thoracic acromial artery and vein, and the subclavian vein is located above the outer side; It is the supraclavicular nerve, where the branches of the anterior thoracic nerve are distributed, 4 cun from the anterior midline.

The long river of star power rolled in the meridians and gathered around the Qihu point.

Click +1!

Instantly, the upper limit of star power exceeded 11500!

At the beginning of the breakthrough, all the star powers were like charging soldiers, under the mobilization of Lin Fan's mental power, they attacked in an orderly manner.

Sure enough, as his spiritual power improved again, his control over star power became easier, and his 'seeing' became clearer.

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