Awakening With An Expert Identification Skill

Chapter 245 Dividing the spoils

"Brother Huo? Brother Huo?? Brother Huo???" Lin Fan heard that there was no movement on the phone, and his head was full of question marks.

What the hell, the signal in the mountains is not good?

"Cough, cough, that's not bad."

Feng Huo finally reacted, he forcibly suppressed the confusion in his heart, and asked, "By the way, how many times did you sit firmly the first time?"

"This! I failed once, mainly because I was inexperienced in sitting up for the first time, and I was accidentally washed away." Lin Fan said with some regret.

The torrent of the waterfall rushed on the back, and the star power was washed away, and it was careless!

Otherwise, he will be seated in one sitting!

"Goodbye!" Feng Huo said directly and hung up on the spot.

Damn! He was put on by him again!

Sure enough, just as he expected, how could Lin Fan, a guy who can't judge according to common sense, be judged by Yan Jian's three guys?

But even if he recognized Lin Fan's perversion in advance, he still underestimated it in the end.


Didn't the three guys from Yan Jian say it was difficult?

Listen to the busy tone from the phone.

Lin Fan: "???"

what the hell?

Brother Huo, are you polite?

Without talking about martial arts, he suddenly hung up the phone.

Lin Fan had no choice but to put away the phone silently. He was still in a good mood. He was in a good mood. When he raised his head, he saw Wan Jun staring at him with a dumbfounded expression.

"What's wrong?" Lin Fan asked suspiciously.

Wan Jun asked stupidly, "You just failed once?"

"Well, it's pretty simple."

Lin Fan also noticed something was wrong and couldn't help but ask, "Is there something wrong with me?"

Wan Jun wanted to say that there was a problem, but finally shook his head.

Because Lin Fan is too fast!

Quickly make him a little suspicious of life!

How can there be such a fast man?

Water skin exercises are all below Grade 4,

For those who started cultivating, the effect of cultivating above rank 4 was not satisfactory, and the sooner the Shuipi was practiced, the better, but Lin Fan succeeded in cultivating in about 18 hours in less than a day and a night, which was outrageous.

Although I didn't want to compete with Lin Fan, I couldn't help thinking about it, so I felt more and more sad in my heart, this is an insurmountable mountain!

Lin Fan also naturally thought of the reason why Feng Huo and Wan Jun were surprised. It should be because he cultivated too fast!

But Lin Fan doesn't think that he has much talent in this area. His mental power is over 900. Because of the system, the star power is constantly replenished. As long as he has the patience, he can do it. Where does he need talent?

So Lin Fan is not proud!

In other words, Lin Fan glanced at his personal page, and after a look, the corner of his mouth twitched, and his heart ached.

Although it has been estimated that a lot of consumption this time, it still feels that the consumption is too much, and the consumption of star power points is close to 50,000!

good guy!

That's what money was thrown at.

So, what is there to be proud of?

Fortunately, this is over once, and then take it slow, otherwise there will be another big consumer

the other side.

Dongxing Academy, the third largest university of human beings, is located on a huge mountain with an incomparable range, and there is a huge city. This is Dongxing Academy.

The Office of the Deputy Governor of Dongxing University.

Feng Huo, Yan Jian, and Yu Zhilan were invited here to drink tea and chat.

But at this time, everyone was looking at Feng Huo curiously, because Feng Huo was talking to Lin Fan just now, and Lin Fan was now a super evildoer famous in the four universities.

Feng Huo hung up the phone and looked at Yan Jian who was beside him without speaking, with a calm and pretentious look on his face.

Yan Jian naturally heard it, and his face was shocked!

Just failed once!

Yan Yan's face twitched fiercely.

Thinking about the scene where he, Bai Xingchang and Li Xiuqi kept arguing with Xue Qing yesterday, his face couldn't help but panic.

So they still underestimated Lin Fan.

What shocked him the most was not this, but Lin Fan's success in cultivating water skin.

Thinking about the seriousness I told Lin Fan yesterday, Shuipi cannot successfully cultivate in a short period of time. You need at least five times to cultivate successfully. This is what I told Lin Fan.

Or strictly prevent being slapped in the face to a few!

And now it's being slapped directly in the face.

Fortunately, Xue Qing was not here, Feng Huo just looked at him calmly. If it was Xue Qing, he would probably have ridiculed him to death.

But this is not what he can expect at all!

How could he know that Lin Fan was so talented in cultivating external skills, that was outrageous!

A human evildoer, forget it in one aspect, why is Lin Fan such a evildoer in every way?

This unscientific!

Yu Zhilan followed the team and got on the plane today, but she didn't expect to see Lin Fan. She originally wanted to sit next to Lin Fan. See if this little guy can escape?

After inquiring with Yan Wei, I found out that Lin Fan was still practicing in the secret realm of the Zhongsheng Academy, and all of his plans came to nothing.

The plan really can't keep up with the changes!

Yu Zhilan naturally heard the words of Feng Huo.

Water skin?

This is an external practice method, unique to Zhongsheng Academy, but the difficulty of cultivation is not simple. How could Lin Fan succeed in cultivation after only entering the waterfall secret realm once?

What a great guy!

This little man is really amazing, he's amazing in every way!

Yu Zhilan put her chin on her slender hand. She was very bored here, and she didn't bother to listen to what she was talking about. It was boring. It is a magic stroke that helps Wan Jun to break the bottleneck of his sword intent. He can't figure it out, he can't understand it, but his unexpected personality is full of charm. This little man is really a charming guy.

Yu Zhilan lost her mind!

But the room was eerily quiet, and no one spoke.

Tu Sha, the vice-president of Dongxing Academy, also had a strange look in his eyes. Naturally, he heard it. Their school also has methods of practicing external power. Naturally, he also knows a little bit about it. He also knows about Shuipi, because the Zhongsheng Academy is a natural secret, but It is very outrageous to be successful in one day of cultivation.

Jiutian Academy has a monster student this year. He has heard of it for a long time. He is still a freshman who has just entered the school. He directly leads the exchange team of Jiutian Academy in the name of the captain. Just know it's not outrageous at all.

And Tu Sha specially collected it. He also sent someone to the match between Jiutian Academy and Zhongsheng Academy yesterday.

Lin Fan's performance yesterday was really dazzling, even unbelievable!

When I saw Tu Sha of the data, I was only shocked!

This is still the information on paper. When the video is broadcast, Tu Sha can foresee that there will be huge waves in the human world.

In Lin Fan's body, Tu Sha saw the most important thing, that is, the prototype of the leader, the leader of the younger generation of mankind in the future.

Tu Sha didn't think like this before. No matter how good Lin Fan was, he was only a student, and he was only 18 years old. But yesterday's information really shocked him. He saw Lin Fan's wisdom between the lines. , ability, and strong charisma! These are the advantages of being a leader!

Lin Fan has already entered the eyes of many powerhouses, especially among the four universities, the fifth- and sixth-rank powerhouses, except for those who are in seclusion, who don't care about world affairs, or who have been fighting on the front lines, you can ask others. Who doesn't know a little bit of intelligence about Lin Fan?

And Tu Sha can imagine that after this college exchange competition, Lin Fan will enter the eyes of the strongest. This is inevitable. Gold will always shine, especially Lin Fan is not an ordinary gold. Jade gold.

However, the three of them didn't speak at this time, not because of Lin Fan, but because of Yu Zhilan.

The eyes of the three were all focused on Yu Zhilan's face!


Because at this time Yu Zhilan's face was full of spring.

In a daze, the corners of his mouth unconsciously evoked a smile, and for a while, he was charming and enchanting.

No, the three unmarried older men were all stunned, but the three of them were very calm, and they woke up after shaking their minds, but their expressions were especially weird. The three looked at each other and both did not speak.

But this expression is known to all three, and the older they are, the more knowledgeable they are. This is obviously the expression of a woman Sichun.

The three immediately established a private voice chat group.

Tu Sha: "What's the situation? Dean Yu has a man?"

Feng Huo: "I don't know!"

Yan Yan: "I don't know either."

When replying to this, Feng Huo and Yan Wei looked at each other.

Feng Huo's heart was a little complicated, but Yan Jian's heart was even more complicated.

No way, sealing the fire is just heartache! Also, it's schadenfreude.

As for Yan Jian, he felt that Zhongsheng Academy might really lose a fifth-grade therapist.

The two were very wise and didn't say what they said in their hearts, nor did they involve Lin Fan. In the circle of the strong, there are many single dogs, not all of them who have never been married, but the strong lived for a long time, and some wives Having passed away, many people do not want to experience the sadness of watching their lover die a second time, so there is no continuation.

In addition, in the powerhouse circle, the proportion of women itself is not much, and many powerhouses want to find someone with higher strength, so that they don't have to go through the unforgettable pain, and Yu Zhilan is such a charming and beautiful woman. , is also a fifth-grade therapist, and I don't know how many people are staring at him.

If everyone knew now that the Tieshu had finally bloomed, countless people would be jealous, and maybe there would be people looking for trouble with Lin Fan.

no way!

There are always people who get carried away by love.

Yu Zhilan is not interested in men, at least everyone thinks that they have a chance, but Yu Zhilan is starting to think about spring, and the object is not her, so she has no chance anymore?

Tu Sha glanced at Feng Huo and Yan Jian, and always felt that the two of them were not telling the truth.

Wan Jun and Lin Fan quickly found Xue Qing and the three who were still drinking.

Seeing Lin Fan's Xue Qing, her eyes lit up and she immediately said, "Finally out of the customs?"

"President Xue, it's been a long wait!" Lin Fan responded politely.

"Come here, sit down! Have a couple of drinks with us." Xue Qing pulled Lin Fan over and sat down, and poured a glass of wine for Lin Fan.

Lin Fan took it with a helpless expression and took a sip.

Suddenly, Lin Fan's eyes lit up!

This wine, sweet and mellow, sizzle ~ good wine!

This is better than the wine that I have drunk in the past two days. In terms of taste, it is definitely above the top grade!

Then, Lin Fan drank!

"Good wine!" Lin Fan sighed.

At the same time, he only felt a burst of energy radiating into his body, which made Lin Fan stunned. He actually felt the power of Xingyuan!

Good guy, it has the same effect as Xingyuan tea.

What the hell! This wine is awesome!

Definitely not cheap.

With this effect, I know that it is definitely not something that a poor man like him can afford.

He still had two orifices left, and Lin Fan didn't plan to continue opening it. If he accidentally opened it, it would not be worthwhile to enter the fourth rank.

Lin Fan directly guided the power of Xingyuan towards the other openings.

At the entrance meeting, he used the power of Xingyuan to widen the meridians of the whole body, and at the same time, he enlarged some of the orifices that had been opened at that time. The enlarged acupoints were large and round.

Compared with the acupoints opened by the star power later, even the orifice acupoints opened by the star power in the Xingyuan tea, the openings are narrow and small, completely two grades.

So, no, Lin Fan directly used the star power in this wine to strengthen those acupoints that had already been opened.

After all, there are only more than 20 orifice acupoints like this, and most of them are not big. With this little bit of star power, Lin Fan doesn't know if he can strengthen the orifice acupoints into that big and round shape, try it!

With Lin Fan's control, this thread of star power landed on a hole that had already been opened, and was slowly absorbed. It was only then that Lin Fan realized that the hole was not enlarged because he wanted to be enlarged. At that time, he was completely Passively stretched, and that is a large amount of star power.

And now there is only a trace, Lin Fan tossed for a long time, and finally absorbed this trace of star power, but it was far worse than before.

This made Lin Fan feel very helpless!

It seems that when the time comes to use Xingyuan Lake, he will try to guide the power of Xingyuan to his body and gather it into one, so that his orifices can be strengthened again.

In other words, is his mental strength enough? Can you control such a strong star power?

Hard to guess!

Lin Fan must be able to control a few strands of star power, but if there is too much, Lin Fan is really not sure.

It seems that taking the time to raise the basic sword intent, push the mental power to the highest level that can be mastered so far, well, it is best to break the thousand, one thousand should be considered a mental power level, maybe there will be a qualitative change.

Seeing Lin Fan open his eyes, Xue Qing asked suspiciously, "You didn't open the node?"

"If it doesn't open, I'm afraid of going up to the fourth rank, so I just strengthened the nodes that have been opened." Lin Fan explained.

"Oh! Yes, forget this, you can't advance to the fourth rank yet." Xue Qing slapped his head, and is still in the college exchange competition. Once you advance, you will not be able to play in the exchange competition, and you will not be able to participate in the subsequent victory.

Li Xiuqi couldn't help but ask, "Lin Fan, can you already guide the power of Xingyuan?"

"One wisp is fine, it's just a matter of wrapping the star power to guide the homeopathic situation. If you have more, it will be difficult." Lin Fan said, in fact, his mental power can completely control the power of star power, easily.

However, some things can’t be said too much, and when it’s time to hide, you still need to hide.

Lin Fan really wanted to keep a low profile!

It's a pity that the people around him are big bosses, and they can't hide it.

Bai Xingchang and Li Xiuqi looked at each other, and sure enough, just as they guessed, no wonder Lin Fan could open three acupuncture points with a cup of Xingyuan tea, and even now he can open two at this level, so he can already guide him.

Which third-rank awakener can guide the power of Xingyuan?

Guide the ass!

The strength level is one level worse, even if it is a wisp, it can't be guided, and it is because of Lin Fan's high mental power that he can succeed.

Even Bai Xingchang and Li Xiuqi doubted that Lin Fan could already see inwardly, which was a skill that Gao Xing had initially understood in the fourth-rank realm.

"By the way, Lin Fan, how's your water skin training going?" Xue Qing asked casually. In fact, his heart was already in his throat.

And Xue Qing's question made Bai Xingchang nervous, looking at Lin Fan eagerly.

Li Xiuqi directly poured another glass of wine to Lin Fan. This was his treasured wine, and it belonged to the diluted lower-tasting wine in the batch that got the white monkey wine at that time, but even so, it was already very rare.

It contains the power of Xingyuan, but it does not have the effect of washing the body like Xingyuan tea, but this also makes the drunkards coveted.

Wan Jun, who was standing beside him, saw this scene, and his heart was full of envy.

Obviously everyone is a student, and each is the captain of the exchange team of the two universities. Lin Fan is still a freshman, but the gap between the two is huge.

Xue Qing pulled Lin Fan to sit down, Bai Xingchang and Li Xiuqi felt it was a matter of course in their hearts, and even now Li Xiuqi was pouring wine for Lin Fan himself.

If this scene is revealed, not only the students, but also the instructors will be stunned.

Xue Qing, Bai Xingchang, and Li Xiuqi, all three of them are the deans of the academy, and they are the true sixth-grade masters!

In other words, the three of them, to a certain extent, fully recognized Lin Fan's qualifications and had equal rights to communicate with them.

This is something that some fifth-grade powerhouses do not necessarily have.

Do you think these three are friendly?

If Wan Jun dared to sit down, it is estimated that the next moment, he will be thrown out.

Or by his own master Li Xiuqi!

As long as you sit down, where do you have the qualifications, it's good to stand by the side, the opportunity to get close to the sixth-rank powerhouse is something you can't ask for, and how many people want it.

So, from the moment he entered the door, Lin Fan was pulled to sit down, and he was ignored.

In the same way, this also highlights the gap between him and Lin Fan.

However, after the first time, the second time, and the third time, Wan Jun slowly got used to this gap.

Since the end of yesterday, Lin Fan took the initiative to help him awaken the sword intent. His heart only had admiration and gratitude for Lin Fan, which made him recognize Lin Fan's excellence from the bottom of his heart, and Wan Jun couldn't help but admire his strong personality, which made him a lot. Sometimes I can't help but think, if I could be classmates with him, how good would it be to be friends?

When you are with better people, you will be under pressure, and you will also become better yourself.

Although sometimes there is a mentality of dissatisfaction, it is just a comparison in my heart to see how much difference there is.

"It's a good practice." Lin Fan responded.

Wan Jun complained in his heart, no matter what is good, he has successfully cultivated.

Xue Qing obviously didn't know, and continued to ask: "Then do you think that you can successfully cultivate after entering the secret realm a few times? Twice?"

After speaking, Xue Qing's eyes were full of anticipation.

However, Bai Xingchang and Li Xiuqi's eyes were full of tension.

I have to be nervous. If I lose, my bottle of top-grade white monkey wine will be gone, and Bai Xingchang will also bleed profusely.

That's right, Xue Qing was drinking with the two of them and couldn't help betting again. He pulled the two of them to bet. Because there was no Yan Jian, the two of them didn't agree at first, and they agreed after drinking.

It's really that Xue Qing is poisonous!

Xue Qing was also very nervous. If he loses this time, the winner Yan Jian will vomit out, and he will vomit out when he originally used it as a bet.

"There's no need to go." Lin Fan didn't know what the three of them were betting on, so he just said.

The three were dumbfounded!

Xue Qing was full of question marks. This time, he couldn't help it and asked directly, "Lin Fan, how many stubs have you reached? The third, or the fourth?"

Bai Xingchang and Li Xiuqi bet that Lin Fan can cultivate to the third or below at most!

And Xue Qing is betting that Lin Fan cultivates to the third or more!

According to Bai Xingchang and Li Xiuqi's thoughts, it would be good to finish the first scepter for the first time, but Lin Fan stayed for 18 hours, which should be very awesome, so they thought that Lin Fan had finished the second one! The third is not necessarily!

But for the sake of insurance, they raised Lin Fan one level higher, and the third one was also theirs.

Anyway, from the bottom of their hearts, they didn't think that Lin Fan could cultivate to more than three stubs!

That's too much!

As for why they didn't bet on yesterday's condition, it was because Bai Xingchang and Li Xiuqi felt that it was not safe, and after being told by Feng Huo, if they bet on that game again, they always felt unsafe and unsafe, so they reset a bet, like this They are at ease and at ease.


Lin Fan looked at the three of them, and finally felt that something was wrong. He couldn't help but look at Xue Qing, and bet again?

Gambling often is not good!

It's easy to accidentally go bankrupt.

Xue Qing gestured with a finger, and Lin Fan's eyes suddenly lit up.

This is the meaning of one percent!

Can the Sixth Grade Grandmaster Bet be something simple?

It's 10%, that's a lot!

Along with getting along with Xue Qing, I gradually understood some gestures.

"Hey hey hey~ No gestures, no sound transmission, Lao Xue, this is the rule we set." Li Xiuqi immediately quit, he thought Xue Qing was playing a secret signal with Lin Fan.

damn thing!

Get out!

Can he endure this?

It was only then that Lin Fan understood why Xue Qing didn't transmit a voice to himself. It turned out that he had set rules to prevent cheating.

I don't understand it, but you are cheating!

"It's not a password." Xue Qing said speechlessly.

"That's not a code, what do you mean by that action just now?" Bai Xingchang also asked.

This Nima is an old man, play an egg!

Xue Qing must be made clear.

Can Xue Qing speak? He is sharing the spoils with Lin Fan.

He promised to give Lin Fan some benefits if he won.

"That Dean Bai, Master Shi, and Lin Fan have already cultivated into water skin." Wan Jun, who was beside him, looked anxious and said suddenly.

The air was silent for a moment!

The quarrel of the three disappeared immediately, as if even the movement had stopped, as if time had stopped at this moment.

"Hahaha, come on, Lin Fan, let's toast!"

Suddenly, a burst of laughter erupted from Xue Qing's mouth. He wrapped his right hand directly over Lin Fan's shoulder, held the wine glass and touched Lin Fan, and then drank it, looking extremely relaxed.

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