Awakening With An Expert Identification Skill

Chapter 304: Singing After Victory

Latest website: Knowing that Lin Fan was awake, Leng Zhengqing hurried over to take a look, and then just saw this scene, his blood surged, thinking about his injury, the therapist helped him treat him and left, resting for a while, When I woke up, there was no one around who cared.

And Lin Fan woke up here, two beauties were serving one on the left and one on the right. Originally, he felt quite normal without a comparison, but the comparison made his eyes red for a split second.

In the end, he chose not to speak, turned his head and left.

Jealousy made his acid water flow back from his stomach, and it was about to rush to his forehead!

The single dog is hurt!

He was going to find a place to heal the injury. This kind of injury could not be cured in a short period of time. It needed to be licked slowly and healed over time.

So exciting!

Suddenly, I don't know if the acid water rushed to the forehead, Leng Zhengqing suddenly thought of one thing, Lin Fan can kill the sixth-rank alien race, and today's battlefield shocked everyone.

The rank 6 alien that he killed at the beginning may not have been expected by the other party, but Lin Fan also killed three rank 6s later, some of whom were assisted by others, some by himself, but he did kill them.

Many people have also speculated where is Lin Fan's strength?

It should be a sixth grade!

Then Lin Fan's mental strength has not reached the sixth rank?

If he reached Rank 6, who attacked him in the music company in the Outer Territory of Wunan Academy that day? Could it be... Lin Fan?

At this moment, Leng Zhengqing's thoughts were quite smooth, but he quickly denied this guess, even if Lin Fan reached the sixth-rank mental power, but with Lin Fan's character, it is impossible to do such a thing... .Bar!

Well, he still trusts Lin Fan's character very much.

But even so, the sour water in the stomach was tumbling, I really couldn't stand it, how could Lin Fan be so popular, so jealous!

Looking at Leng Zhengqing's faster speed than before, Feng Huo almost laughed, and it seemed that he was indeed stimulated.

For him, even though he was jealous, it was normal. After all, he knew a lot more than others. What is this, Lin Fan is a sea king, and there is another Nine Heaven Academy, no, not even one.

Thinking of Lin Fan's usual times,

There are beautiful female students around, um, and Han Ruxin, who brought him into the palace, even cut off his arm for him.

Jealousy is useless!

It's better to keep a normal heart like him and watch all this with a smile, three women in one play, if these women meet, it will be wonderful.

"Come on, eat meat!"

Feng Huo stepped forward and took the roasted meat, and distributed it to many sixth-grade to powerhouses, eating them one by one, and said to the students: "What are you looking at? You also eat."

The students also reacted, yes, they can't just watch Lin Fan eat.

After all, they baked it, and they were starving.

I was fed a mouthful of dog food just now, and I was completely full. For a while, I forgot that I was still hungry and was eaten by Lin Fan. That's okay, so they're not at a loss!

Suddenly, a group of people turned their grief and anger into food!

Looking at Lin Fan's side, they felt that their appetite had soared today.


At the same time, in the city lord's mansion in Dajing City not far away, the superpowers were also barbecuing and drinking while chatting.

Jing Yichun said with a smile, "Old Qin, that kid is awake."

Qin Guang nodded, "It's quite spirited."

Gui Pingchuan swept his mental strength, and his face was a little ugly: "This kid is so shameless!"

He originally wanted to recruit Lin Fan, but now, looking at the situation, it seemed that it was not what he thought.

Yu Zhilan's name is very famous in the human race. The beauty of the other party is notoriously beautiful, especially that temperament is unique, and it is as deadly to a man as a poppy.

This is a little dangerous!

The key is that this kid Lin Fan accepted all the orders and did not refuse.

Bai Ping said with a smile: "I feel pretty good, that's someone's ability, your little girl posted it by herself, what does it have to do with other people's Lin Fan?"

Gui Pingchuan glared at Bai Ping, then found a reason, "This is immoral!"

When Bai Ping saw that Gui Pingchuan was unhappy, he was very happy, "As long as they are happy!"

Zhou Shuantian suddenly said: "Old ghost, don't think about that, Lin Fan can't possibly join your family."

When they heard this, the others were also happy.

Li Tiangong looked contemptuous: "Old ghost, you can really think about it, you are thinking of shit!"

Bai Ping laughed even more: "Hahaha~~ Xiao Guizi, so you thought so, wouldn't you suddenly look happy on the battlefield before, that's what you thought? Then you really think too much, just Can that girl in your family live in Lin Fan? She's still in the family, stop joking!"

Jing Yichun was also speechless: "Old ghost, you can really think about it."

Qin Guang also shook his head and said with a smile: "Old ghost, you really think too much about this."

All of a sudden, Zhou Shuantian clarified what he was thinking, and everyone said that, even Qin Guang said it, and Gui Pingchuan couldn't hold his face for a while, and said angrily: "How do you know it's okay? In case. ..what if this kid is a lover."

After saying this sentence, Gui Pingchuan's tone was much weaker. That's right, he didn't believe what he said.

Also kind!

Just a scumbag!

Still that kind of upright scum!

"Hahaha~~~ Xiao Guizi, you don't believe what you said." Bai Ping laughed even more brazenly.

Others are also smiling, which is really impossible.

Because Lin Fan showed the potential of a leader, they would not allow Lin Fan to join the Gui family, the leader must be innocent, not to mention that Lin Fan was already dissatisfied with the upstart, how could he join the family?

What's more, Lin Fan's wisdom and personality were impossible to join.

There is no doubt about this!

That's why Gui Pingchuan dares to think so, who else would think so?

No one was named. It would be fine if there was a guy like Bai Ping. Gui Pingchuan's face was almost overwhelmed.

"Fuck you! Bai Ping, you son of a bitch, call me Laozi again. Believe it or not, I will kill you now." Gui Pingchuan caught Bai Ping and cursed.

Bai Ping's skin jumped, and suddenly he felt something was wrong. He glanced at the others, but they all smiled but didn't speak. After drinking a sip of tea, he coughed twice, and his words immediately became docile, "If you don't scream, you can't scream. , calm down, calm down!"

He felt that he would fight again, this guy Gui Pingchuan really wants to do it, and he will never give this guy a chance.

Gui Pingchuan: "..."


This dog is changing so fast.

But if you think your attitude has changed, you won't be hit.


Gui Pingchuan sneered, his figure disappeared, and he directly pulled Bai Ping's collar into the space mezzanine.

"Fuck! Gui Pingchuan, I don't call anymore." Bai Ping called out in a rage.

"You screamed in your heart." Gui Pingchuan said.

"Fuck your mother, Gui Pingchuan! I fought with you."

"Ri, don't slap your face!"

"Your uncle, eldest brother, don't slap your face!"

From the toughness at the beginning to the begging for mercy at the back, the four of them laughed.

In the end, Bai Ping came back from the space mezzanine with a blue nose and a swollen face. It can be said that the person closest to him could not recognize that face.

Gui Pingchuan had a refreshing look on his face, as if he had just vented once. That feeling made the whole person feel comfortable. Sure enough, every time he was upset, as long as he beat Bai Ping once, he felt comfortable, and he felt good again. The feeling of hatred back then.

"Gui Pingchuan, you wait for Laozi, and sooner or later Laozi will kill you!" Bai Ping said viciously.


Gui Pingchuan looked disdainful, he didn't believe that this guy could surpass him, he would practice harder, and said, "That's good, I'll beat you two more times when I'm free, the next day. It's better to hit the sun and do it again now."

With that said, Gui Pingchuan got up and rolled up his sleeves.


Bai Ping immediately smiled apologetically, "Don't, I'm joking, you have a lot of adults, and you treat me like a fart."

Gui Pingchuan is just pretending, but I feel good about it! Although he knew that this guy was scolding him in his heart, but it was fine on the surface, but he didn't dare to say it.

Several people shook their heads and laughed when they saw this scene. It would be good for these two to make a fuss, otherwise it would be boring. Anyway, they are used to it. For the strongest, the wound on Bai Ping's face can be repaired immediately, but he will Bear it, anyway, here are my own people, it doesn't matter if you look at it, how many times have you watched it.

It is impossible for them to fight for life and death.


Qin Guang raised his wine glass and said loudly, "May our people be prosperous and prosperous, and may our people be like dragons! Do it!"


The top powerhouses raised their glasses and collided, everyone was smiling, and Bai Ping's terrible face slowly recovered, and the atmosphere became extremely harmonious.

Today's victory, they are also very happy!

At the same time, they are looking forward to the future of the human race, and they have more confidence and hope than before.

The cold night, the bright moonlight, has a burning heart.

At the same time, outside the city, there were bursts of loud and magnificent singing.

"The wolf smoke rises, the mountains and rivers look north, the dragon flag rolls, the horse neighs, the sword is like frost, the heart is like the vast waters of the Yellow River, in twenty years, who can resist, the hatred is mad, the long sword is directed, how many brothers and sisters are loyal to the soul Bury the bones in other villages, why not repay the country with a hundred deaths..."

Hearing this at this time, several supreme powerhouses still feel a little excited and a little embarrassed.

Just like when I first heard Lin Fan's own BGM song, the shock was self-evident.

And after a victory in a war, when I hear it again, it is another kind of sigh. For a time, I feel more emotional than when I first heard it. The calmness after the joy after the victory, I always think of the previous times, those difficult times.

For a while, the six of them moved a little, frequently looking outside.

Qin Guang looked at the appearance of the five people and said with a smile, "Would you like to take a look?"


Jing Yichun stood up first, and when the others saw this, they no longer hesitated and stood up one after another.

The six of them got up, rolled up a roll, and wrapped the barbecue and drinks. The six of them opened up a new space mezzanine. The barbecue grill and table were still placed in front of a few people, and they were still eating meat and drinking wine.

It was just a different place, while eating and drinking, watching the soldiers holding a bonfire party outside Dajing City, as well as Lin Fan, and the red land, it seemed a bit desolate, and it was even more lonely in the dark. And as the night wind blew, there was still a trace of blood.

Today, the festive human warriors brought a burst of popularity to this red land.

at this time.

on a makeshift stage.

Lin Fan was singing loudly, not with his natural skills, but with his voice, while a group of soldiers were accompanying Lin Fan.

The musical instruments in the hands of the soldiers are also very simple, and even some wrong notes, but it does not affect everyone's enthusiasm and fiery heart.

Just now, seeing Yu Zhilan and Gui Shilan getting worse and worse, Lin Fan also had a headache, but fortunately someone came to rescue, it was this group of lovely warriors.

On the front line, there are not many ways to entertain at ordinary times. Singing is the most important form of collective entertainment. Today, the songs played by Lin Fan's talent on the battlefield have long been targeted. Lin Fan never woke up before, after all, he was also injured. , so everyone is embarrassed to disturb.

Now that Lin Fan is awake, many people have brought their own musical instruments, and they have made their own. They came directly. Some people have a good memory and have written down the lyrics and melody.

Of course, when they came, they actually wanted Lin Fan to sing along!

After all, Lin Fan sang beautifully!

Everyone knew that those songs were sung by Lin Fan.

Lin Fanzheng had a headache, and he was speechless, Yu Zhilan and Gui Shilan were getting more and more wrong, and the atmosphere was getting more and more wrong.

Xue Qing and the others, and Xia Jian and the others really watched the show and were very happy.

Right now, someone is getting out of the siege.

Lin Fan ran away immediately!

No, a temporary stage was set up soon, and I just ate and drank enough, and it was just right to sing.

Lin Fan stepped onto the stage and began to sing earnestly. After all, it was his first time participating in a war today, and he still felt a lot of emotion.

Now expressing it with singing is also in line with the heart.

Lin Fan sings it live, and it is different from the talent broadcast. The most important thing is that one is fighting. Now after a war, the mood and mood are different, and the emotion full of singing is naturally also Some differences.

And with Lin Fan's singing.

Everyone began to surround the stage, and they all sang along with them: "I can't bear to sigh, even more speechless, blood and tears are in my eyes, horseshoes go south, people look north, people look north, the grass is green, the dust is flying, I I am willing to defend the land and restore the frontier, and the dignified China will let the Quartet..."

The voice is loud and clear, with a simple but shocking melody, with a mournful and majestic atmosphere, and a magnificent and magnificent momentum, telling a special national emotion of human beings. It can be said that this is the voice of human beings in this era.

Yu Zhilan and Gui Shilan watched Lin Fan run away. For a while, they were also a little disappointed. The two women looked at each other, a little unnatural. They didn't know why, but they were not happy when the other was close to Lin Fan.

But afterwards, I regretted it, especially Yu Zhilan, how did she become like that?

It was the same with Gui Shilan. She was originally a cold personality, and before she knew it, she became not like herself. Especially when it came to Lin Fan, she always inadvertently focused her attention on Lin Fan.

The two rookies in love naturally don't quite understand that this is just a woman's possessiveness.

Xue Qing and Xia Jian looked disappointed. Lin Fan ran away as soon as the show started. This guy was lucky.

But soon a group of people joined in the singing, and this time singing along was bigger and different than the one at the music company.

Especially the students like Xia Jian and Zhu Ba, they had not experienced the baptism of war at that time!

After a baptism, they have transformed once from the inside out.

At this time, listening to Lin Fan's song and singing along, it was a completely different mood.

Feel more!

Go deep into the heart!

At the same time, for a while, they further realized the mood of Xue Qing and the sixth-rank masters singing along, the complex, the special emotion.

And the students of the three universities who were not in the music company before, this time and the other soldiers were truly shocked!

Especially when they knew that these songs were composed by Lin Fan himself.

worship! firm! Full of enthusiasm!

Their admiration for Lin Fan can no longer be expressed in words.

In the past few days of the university exchange competition, this 18-year-old young man, with his powerful talent and amazing personality, has made everyone admire from the heart.

And now, with another talent, writing and singing, he has conquered them once again.

Pair of clear eyes, experienced a baptism of war, more mature than before.

They understood some stories and emotions in Lin Fan's lyrics and singing.

So I admire it even more! worship!

Lin Fan is like a lighthouse to them. When night comes, there is only darkness on the sea. These new era ships are often confused. .

But Lin Fan's lighthouse illuminated their path and guided them.

Maybe they couldn't predict it, but in ten days, Lin Fan transformed in their hearts with a special attitude, from the first recognition, a new genius, an opponent, a student with strong talent, a special personality charm, a companion. , spiritual leaders, life mentors, and struggle directions have accumulated over and over again and become an indispensable part of their spirit.

Their cognition, understanding of the world, and confusion about the future are changing. The ignorance and confusion they once had about the future are becoming firm. The fog that used to be colorless has become a colorful world. There is a figure standing in that world, and they only need to follow to know that there is a road ahead.

Although this young figure is younger than them all, his maturity, his emotions, his life, and his singing voice have made everyone agree with him again and again, slowly approaching, and finally willing to surrender.

Lin Fan's existence is like a belief, rooted in the hearts of over a hundred people.

They believe that this is just the beginning, and there will be more people like them. They are willing and willing to follow behind this figure to meet the future, develop this world, and contribute to the human race, even if they sacrifice their lives.

A pair of eyes that were extremely firm, but full of youthful energy, sang along with Lin Fan loudly.

And the more you experience, the more you will feel the stories and emotions contained in a song when you listen to it repeatedly, and the more you will be able to experience the taste of life.

That's the beauty of singing!

This is also the true influence of Lin Fan's singing!

The more wars I have experienced, the more I feel, just like the soldiers who sang along.

More and more fighters moved the bonfire and surrounded the humble stage layer by layer. Everyone shouted loudly, drank wine and ate meat.

The loud singing resounded through the sky, coupled with the beauty of the night sky, and the fiery hearts of a group of soldiers who had just agreed to a war, vented their emotions to their heart's content, had a drunken mood, and also returned. There are tributes to the dead comrades.

Some people were singing and wailing, drinking heavily, and calling some familiar names.

"Bleeding wounds don't shed tears, flag poles don't kneel, clenched fists don't let go, pawns crossing the river don't retreat..."

"Wu move mountains and rivers, three rivers and the moon, sincerely zealous to protect the home and country, heroic steel my true character, majestic and lofty aspirations of heaven and earth..."

"Rainbow of wind and rain, sonorous roses, no matter how much sadness and pain you have, go back to yourself. The rainbow of wind and rain is sonorous and roses, and you will never retreat, your thoughts will fly with your dreams..."

Lin Fan kept singing, one song after another.

Outside Dajing City, the atmosphere is getting warmer and warmer. At this moment, tonight's bonfire party has just begun.

Some newly awakened veterans walked out of Oi City and couldn't wait to join the crowd.

Many others who were asleep were also joining in.

Slowly, from the other eight cities, many people came to this bonfire party.

"One more song! One more song! One more song!"

Whenever Lin Fan finished singing, someone would shout.

On the battlefield, Lin Fan was playing a song, but the range of transmission was not all. After all, there were distance restrictions and there were voices, not to mention that it was a battle, and not many people actually listened to a song, and it was more about that This emotion is ignited, kill the enemy!

But now, everyone can listen to the songs to their heart's content, listen to the lyrics, listen to the emotions and stories contained in the songs, and these stories are the stories of their past and the stories of their former comrades in arms.

There are stories, there are wines, and there are people around, so that night, outside the city of Dajing was extremely lively.

In the singing, there are stories, insights, spirits, and hope, as well as a narrative of the meaning of life's existence.

Thinking, the more you listen, the more shocking!

During the war, many people did not hear it and could not listen carefully, but now listening carefully, the shock felt from the heart is incomparably strong.

For example, six supreme powers!

They just felt a lot at first, because they felt that Lin Fan's lyrics and singing contained a lot of things.

But with the release of the following songs, "Man Jianghong", "Faith", "Sunshine Always After Wind and Rain", "Your Answer", "Existence", "My Future is Not a Dream", "Graduation Song", "Snail", "Be Your Own King". .....

Listening to the lyrics, some songs do not say it directly, but they reveal the kind of vigorous vitality and the kind of unyielding spirit.

Just like the song "Snail", it only tells about snails that ordinary humans can crush to death at will, but the spirit of its narrative is shocking, not just to encourage the public not to be defeated by reality, even if they are like snails, they should work hard Go up and have your own piece of sky.

In this space mezzanine, the six human race superpowers have strong shocking colors in their eyes!

At this moment, they realized why Lin Fan created that kind of power on the battlefield and could bring everyone together. It was a burst of collective emotions, and it was a manifestation of collective will. No wonder they all rose up. Shine bright, because they are also humans.

Jing Yichun suddenly said, "I seem to have heard that these songs were written by little friend Lin Fan. In other words, these songs were written when Lin Fan came here."

Li Tiangong: "Yes."

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