Awakening With An Expert Identification Skill

Chapter 368: Ren Du’s two meridians are connected, and the blood coffin comes to the door

In fact, Lin Fan didn't realize that Jiang Cong was in the immortal state because Jiang Cong sealed his golden body. If he was too strong and entered the restricted area, he would be suppressed and targeted. That's why Jiang Cong sealed his golden body. As a result, he was hacked to death by a nine-door realm.

But in fact, Lin Fan has just opened the Pulse Realm!

If Jiang Cong knew that he was hacked to death by a cultivator of the Pulse Opening Realm, or that he was a cultivator who had just advanced to the Pulse Opening Realm, I don’t know what he would think.

Anyway, Jiang Cong was the first Immortal Realm cultivator to be killed by the Pulse Opening Realm since ancient times, and he was not injured.

Even in ancient times, there was no such outrageous thing!

Lin Fan always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it. The golden elixir in his body quickly filtered out the immortal power and the masterless spiritual power. The unexpectedly condensed golden elixir in his body became more and more rounded, exuding a soft golden light. This time it seems to be shining brighter again.

The last two acupoints on the Ren meridian opened with a bang, the Ren meridian was directly connected, and the vitality surged slightly again. Without hesitation, he continued to open the acupoints on the Du meridian, Changqiang, Yaoshu, and Yaoyangguan.


A large amount of filthy air was expelled from Lin Fan's body. His whole body felt light again, and his vitality kept rising.

The acupuncture points on the Rendu and Du Meridians are all important acupuncture points in the human body. As they are constantly opened, Lin Fan's life is constantly leaping. In the same way, the body is also made purer. This has nothing to do with the increase in strength and speed. But it has something to do with lifespan, and time has something to do with the potential of this body.

When the two meridians of Ren and Du are fully opened, the potential of the physical body will be even more terrifying, and the upper limit will be even higher.

No, when he opened the acupoints of Ren and Du's two meridians, Lin Fan keenly felt that his water skin was also changing to some extent, and the same was true for his Illusion-breaking Eyes.

The pupil of illusion was too weak before and could no longer keep up with him, but if it evolved again, it might bring unexpected surprises.

This time, the immortal power only allowed Lin Fan to open five acupoints!

So too little!

"Is it because there is too little left in the body?" Lin Fan was a little confused.

He naturally knew that whether it was the immortal power extracted from the treasure gathering pavilion or the Xuanguang Yanclaw bird, it was actually left in the other party's body. As for where the other party usually hid, Lin Fan didn't know. Only when Lin Fan Only when you reach that state can you know where the immortal power is stored.

Moreover, energy is a little different from the inner space. It can be revealed if it is broken. Generally, only the owner can open that place.

Or you are powerful and can forcefully open the other party's storage location.

The physical body has many secrets. Even if you completely destroy the physical body, some things cannot be revealed.

Therefore, Lin Fan could only extract the remaining immortal power in his body. As for the immortal power in other places, Lin Fan could not find it. After all, Lin Fan was not strong enough now.

It doesn’t matter if it’s less!

There are so many magical beasts in the supernatural realm!

Gather less and become more!

Those magical beasts in the supernatural realm were breathing red mist. The red mist of the blood coffin might be a tonic for these monsters, and each of them was very addicted to the practice. I noticed it when I attacked the Xuanguang Flame Claw Bird.

Lin Fan raised his head and glanced at the sky. Just as he was practicing, he heard a huge noise above his head. Another Immortal Realm expert self-destructed and was swallowed by the blood coffin.

Those powerful people in the Immortal Realm are all blowing up their trump cards. The whole sky is often as bright as daytime, and the sky is often shaking. It can be said that there are many crises, but it is as brilliant and beautiful as fireworks.

And Lin Fan wanted to ruffle his feathers quickly in this situation!

Fortunately, those Immortal Realm experts were very slow when they retreated. When they came, they gathered together one by one. Now they are like ordinary people trapped in the quagmire. It is very difficult to escape, not to mention the drag of the blood coffin.

As the blood coffin devoured more immortal realm experts, the light became brighter and more powerful. At this time, the entire sky was blood red, and there was not a single star visible on the sky, which was full of ominousness and blood.

This also gave Lin Fan more time.

But there isn’t much time!

Because it is very likely that the battle in the sky will end, and the blood coffin will return, it is best for him to leave here.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Fan disappeared from the spot. He wanted to kill some weak magical beasts first. He should be considered to be at the second level of the Pulse Opening Realm now, maybe not yet.

After all, there are 29 acupoints on the Du Vein, and he only opened 3! In addition to the first-level Shenting acupoints, there are only 4 in total!

Lin Fan concealed his aura and quickly approached the magical beasts. He opened his illusion-breaking pupils and the range he could see was not far. When he got close to a certain distance, he used a strong surrender technique. If it failed, he would use another one.

Persimmons are still soft to pinch!

After all, it's faster to kill this way.

Although the magical beasts selected in the end may be relatively weak, the harvest can also be maximized.

When he went to select magical beasts, Lin Fan quickly upgraded his pregnancy gaze and passive sword skills to version 8.0. Each upgrade required 10,000 star points, which is one million star points.

Before advancing to the Pulse Opening Realm, the final opening of the acupoints cost more than 10,000 star points.

Pregnancy Gaze 8.0 (0/10000000) (+) [PS: It can be controlled from one second to thirty seconds to let the other party experience the pain of pregnancy to childbirth. It can be changed midway, and the damage value is 10~125]

The upgraded pregnancy gaze, version 8.0 can let the other party experience the process of pregnancy in one second, and the time can be condensed to 1 second.

It's just that the 8.0 version of the talent skill consumes too much energy, and Lin Fan can only use it twice now with all the energy in his body.

But it’s also an important enemy skill!

Passive sword skill: 100% caught with bare hands 8.0 (0/10000000) (+) [PS: This passive sword skill can only be activated by using a sword. When using it, eight people can kneel in front of you and catch your sword with both hands. You can also Superimpose time on one person, and it will be 100% successful]

The number of targets that the passive sword skill can target has been increased to eight!

Lin Fan soon detected a green dragon horse, and when the monster looked confused and almost didn't wake up, he killed it directly.

As long as Lin Fan's innate skills can be used, don't be too relaxed in coordinating them. Killing this magical beast is very fast!

Lin Fan quickly peeled off the skin and extracted the bones. Since all the innate skills could be used, he immediately used the Contract Breaking Palm. The dismemberment was quite fast. He got everything he wanted in almost an instant.

Lin Fan did not absorb the immortal power, but stored it in his body first, and used more points to break through together.

Purple Phoenix Otter!

The tabby pineapple wasp!

The spirit fox crystal bursts into tears!

Pineapple Jiao!

Whirlwind Sky-eating Cicada!

Jade flame phantom saltpeter tiger!

Flame Dragon Jiao!

One after another, Lin Fan was killing like crazy. The demonic beast's inner elixir, demonic beast's essence and blood, the masterless spiritual power, and the most important, the indestructible power, were all piled up crazily.

These are all wealth, and they are also good medicine for Lin Fan's improvement.

The immortal power accumulated in the golden elixir in the body. When it reached its limit, the golden elixir could no longer bear it. It had changed from the size of a soybean to the size of a marble. It was stretched alive, but Lin Fan had told him not to vomit. come out.

Finally unable to bear it any longer, Lin Fan spat out the immortal power and pure spiritual power crazily. Only then did Lin Fan stop and began to absorb it crazily. The acupoints opened one by one. He did not care about the serious consumption of the immortal power, but instead accelerated as much as possible. He still has to go harvest, after all, there will never be such a good opportunity again.

Gu Mingmen acupoint!

Xuanshu point!

The point in the spine!

Central point!

Muscle acupoint!

To the Yang point!

Lingtai point!

After all the energy was consumed, Lin Fan didn't care about the waste at all. Many acupoints were opened at the same time, and a lot of the immortal power consumed was wasted, but it didn't matter.

It’s all consumed!

Continue to kill magical beasts!

There are more than ten magical beasts in the magical realm!

As time passed, the battle situation in the sky was already one-sided massacre and devouring of blood coffins, and the blood clouds in the sky were as thick as red ink.

The rain of blood between heaven and earth was swaying, and the light rain before had turned into a heavy rain washing the world.

The world is filled with the pungent smell of blood.

The red mist in the Lost Forbidden Zone is getting thicker and thicker! The rich ones are starting to become sticky!

Yintang point!

Suliao point!

Shuigou Cave!

Duituan point!

Gum junction point!

Both Ren and Du meridians are fully accessible!

Lin Fan had no distracting thoughts in his mind. The power of the star energy in his whole body was like a blue wave. It was calm. The moment it opened, the two veins in front of him and on his back were connected. The life aura in his body vibrated. The life aura soared crazily into the sky. It burst out of the ground and swept Lin Fan away. The red mist above all the dug caves was washed away, forming a belt of life.

The next moment, Lin Fan broke out from under the ground and appeared on the ground.

The third level of the pulse-opening realm!

The next step is to successfully combine the two meridians of Ren and Du, but this requires more immortal power.

The power of immortality is so useful, so much better than the power of the stars.

Lin Fan was about to hunt some magical beasts again, but at this moment, the pressure between heaven and earth suddenly increased, and space and time seemed to freeze.

Lin Fan suddenly raised his head to look at the sky, only to see that the blood coffin's light surged, and in an instant, five immortal realm experts were pulled in. Whether they self-destructed or attacked wildly, they were directly devoured. Only five figures escaped from the sky of this forbidden area, and they also paid the price in blood. Some even self-destructed part of their body in the end, and the leader was Jin Lun.

Five people were so scared that they peed!

Blood spurts out crazily from the mouth, the aura on the body drops wildly, and the vitality is also dropping crazily. Some of them have fallen directly to the immortal state and are still falling, and some have stabilized in the immortal state, but their aura is still sluggish, and there is still a deep feeling in their expressions. fear.

The Rainbow Avenue completely collapsed, with no trace left. Five illusory figures appeared in the sky from the shattered avenues. The long river of the avenue shook wildly, trying to pull the five phantoms back to their origins, but the blood coffin directly Swallowed it again in one gulp.

The blood coffin hangs on the edge of the Lost Forbidden Zone, only one step away from the outside world and only one step away from the long river. No matter the long river is turbulent, it remains as stable as Mount Tai, forming a confrontation.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan turned around and ran away.

There is no such thing as continuing to hunt beasts.

Stay far away from here first.

But the next second, Lin Fan's figure stopped abruptly, his pupils shrank to the extreme, his scalp was numb, and the hairs all over his body stood upside down. His whole body felt like he had fallen into thousands of years of ice, his hands and feet were as cold as dead wood.

Because in front of Lin Fan, there was a rectangular blood coffin three meters long and one meter wide floating in front of him. It was covered with various patterns and was emitting a faint blood light, blocking his way and motionless.


At this moment, Lin Fan was numb all over!

what's the situation?

The fat little blue chicken on the shoulder was now curled up with his head and shrunk into a ball, motionless, as if dead, without any movement at all.

Just a moment ago, he was in the sky, on the edge of the Lost Forbidden Zone, adjacent to the great avenue, but now he was in front of Lin Fan.

The space was spanned all of a sudden, but Lin Fan didn't feel any spatial fluctuations.

Lin Fan didn't dare to breathe at this moment. This blood coffin swallowed up countless immortal realm experts. Just look at the Rainbow Avenue before. There were more than 20 people, but only five escaped in the end.

And now the blood coffin was floating in front of him, which scared Lin Fan to death!

At this moment, Lin Fan's heartbeat stopped. He took control and turned around with his feet extremely stiff. Lin Fan was ready to leave quietly without making a sound.

However, when Lin Fan used great perseverance to turn around without making a sound, he found that the blood coffin had silently arrived in front of him again, and suddenly, the blood glow emitted.

Lin Fan was about to run, but how could he run past the blood coffin? The blood light swallowed Lin Fan directly, and then disappeared into this land together, silently, as if it had never existed.

As the blood coffin disappeared, the red mist covering the Lost Forbidden Zone quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just ten seconds, it had dissipated without a trace.

The monsters in the lost restricted area regained consciousness and began to move, while the cultivators who were imprisoned far away from this area also regained their mobility.


On the ground, the soil was turned around, and a figure rushed out from the ground. With a dazed look, he turned his head and looked around.

"Where is the young master?" Tang Lie had a trace of doubt in his expression.

He saw Lin Fan helping him bury him under the ground. He didn't know anything about it after that. He searched everywhere but couldn't find the figure. However, Tang Lie soon dived underground again because there were many figures in this area. He didn't dare to do it before. The cultivators who were approaching, the brave cultivators, came over again.

At the same time, Lost outside the restricted area.

An Xin, Li Qinglong, and Xin Hong looked at the five people who had escaped with extremely complicated expressions. They saw with their own eyes a strong man in the immortal realm who was at the same level as them being swallowed by the blood coffin. They were desperate and struggling before death. , terror, unwillingness and other emotions are all played out in front of you.

That scene was played out in front of us. The immortal realm expert was so weak that all means could not do anything to the blood coffin. Even the final self-destruction could only stop the blood coffin from stopping for a moment. The contagion of that kind of emotion made the three people watching feel like they were falling into the abyss. , all over the body is cold.

Because if the three of them had followed suit before, they would have been in this situation and ended up like this, and the figures struggling before being swallowed up might have been them.

Immortal realm cultivators are respected in the outside world as strong men, good talkers, noble status, and powerful. They are respected and paid attention to wherever they go. But today, they are so embarrassed, unbearable, and even weak.

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