Awakening With An Expert Identification Skill

Chapter 39 Ways to make money and reach a cooperation agreement

In the vagueness, there was a trend of 9 people taking Lin Fan as the leader. The key point was that no one thought there was a problem with this. Another person, even Han Miaotong, couldn't fully convince the public, but Lin Fan had no problem at all.

This is the treatment of excellent people, and what others can't get by trying hard, they can get it at their fingertips.

It was also because of this wave of communication that they became a little closer to Lin Fan. As for not daring to contact before, it was still a bit of a psychological shadow. As for the contact, they slowly let go. No, the victims are all there, and they are the last in their hearts. A shadow of the shadow dissipated.

In the final synthesis, everyone has something to gain. After all, everyone has their own cognition, and only parents will pour everything into their children without any reservations. This is family love.

When they parted, everyone also warned Lin Fan not to rely too much on his special physique and take too much blood essence from other races. Naturally, Lin Fan smiled and thanked him. These classmates were not bad at all, they were all young people, and there was no generation gap. At this moment, there is no selfishness hidden.

And made an appointment, and then made another appointment after a while, and also set up a communication group, and the owner of the group was naturally Lin Fan.

Lin Fan thought that he received a lot of goods today, 50,000 scholarships, and a lot of information that he didn't know before. Then on the way back, he found that Guo Zhen was still following him, and asked in surprise, "Why are you following me? ?"

Guo Zhen has not spoken in the previous exchanges, there is no way, he can't speak, he was originally a scumbag compared to the other 9 people, he seems out of place, but the initial star power value of awakening is very high, accidentally entered the top ten, as for What kind of experience was taught by his parents, Guo Zhen was confused, his father didn't teach any experience!

In the past two days, his parents have been in love with each other. It's like returning to the sweet first love period at the age of 18. Except that his father gave him some cultivation resources, he didn't have time to care about him.

Guo Zhen is also desperately absorbing the information that everyone is saying, and at the same time: "I'm not a father!"

His dad is so unreliable!

Or someone else's father!

There is another point, the information he knows is different from others, that is, Lin Fan's first-rank five-star!

Han Miaotong, Fang Yan and the others thought that Lin Fan was a rank one three-star and consumed 21 drops of alien blood essence, but in fact, Lin Fan was a first-rank five-star, that is to say, he consumed 21 drops of blood essence to reach a first-rank five-star. match.

Because in the process of chatting with everyone, the news that has been obtained, open two nodes, it will probably consume more than 20 drops of alien blood essence, but it will take time.

"Oh, Brother Fan, I have something else to tell you." Guo Zhen reacted from his trance. He had just absorbed a lot of news, and he was digesting it.

Lin Fan was a little puzzled, what else is going on?

Before Lin Fan could speak, Guo Zhen said mysteriously, "Brother Fan, I have thought of a good way to make money. Let's do it together!"


Lin Fan, who originally wanted to go home early and think of some good ways to make money, suddenly became more energetic, and his whole person became different. He grabbed Guo Zhen's arm and dragged it to the side. Guo Zhen couldn't resist at all.

Well, Guo Zhen couldn't resist.

After all, Lin Fan's strength had reached 15 at this time, and he had reached the limit of strength that humans have never cultivated.

Guo Zhen's strength is not small, but he just opened an orifice, and he can't match it at all.

A corner of the street.

Lin Fan said with fiery eyes, "Come on."

Guo Zhen couldn't help but hug his chest involuntarily. Lin Fan's eyes were so frightening that he felt a little uncomfortable.


When Lin Fan saw this scene, his face twitched heavily, and he scolded angrily, "Hurry up and talk about the money-making plan."

He is so short of money now!

And he knew that Guo Zhen, this little fat man, looked silly and didn't like to study very much.

But many times there are a lot of small ideas, all of which are ideas that can make money. From childhood to adulthood, he still doesn't know. Many times it was Guo Zhen who proposed it, and then Lin Fan perfected the plan, and then fooled Guo Zhen to implement it. .

No way. Although Lin Fan is a traveler and smart, he is really not good at making money, especially some crooked ones. Of course he doesn't break the law. He is not as good as Guo Zhen. Guo Zhen is very talented in business. Yes, in the midst of immersion.


Guo Zhen laughed, and then began to talk about the money-making plan.

After hearing this, Lin Fan was stunned!

Can you do this?

Lin Fan: "Can this work?"

Guo Zhen: "It's definitely possible, this plan is still my dad's idea, I think he is not the only one who has tried this kind of pain... Well, it's the greatness of mother's love, and I want his friends to try it too, He's very well-connected."

Lin Fan: "Then it's no problem, let's stick to the previous split mode."

Guo Zhen: "...Brother Fan, 19 points used to be too few. This time I have my dad's connections. I have to give my dad some points, at least 55 points."

Lin Fan: "Yes, what you said makes sense, eighty-two!"

Guo Zhen: "At least four or six points! My dad has done a lot!"

Lin Fan: "Fuck off! Seven or three points, I don't know yet, they all went into your pocket. Your father doesn't care about this amount of money. He mainly doesn't want to have only his own social death, he wants to bring his friends together, and I am talented It takes a lot of skill.”

Guo Zhen: "Deal!"

After some intense profit sharing, an agreement was finally reached.

When he was young, Guo Zhen would come up with some bad ideas, mainly because when he was young, Lin Fan grew fast and could not get enough to eat. The two of them worked together to earn a little money to feed his stomach. Lin Fan could still cover Guo Zhen from being bullied, and Guo Zhen was not short of money to pay back. If I could make some money, I would naturally reach a happy deal with Lin Fan every time.

Lin Fan suddenly said, "Actually, I feel that our school is also a great resource."

The first time he used his talent, he set his sights on this market, because there were so many people! When everyone hits his talent once, he can upgrade the talent to the next level.


Hearing this, Guo Zhen pondered, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "By the way, we can ask Tian Cheng for help, Tian Cheng has experienced the devil's eye...Bah, it's the power of mother's love, we can Talk to him and say it out of his mouth. After actually experiencing it, he found that he practiced faster, opened nodes faster, and his willpower was stronger. This is the advantage. The Fengcheng that Tian Cheng knows is rich There are many people and children, and it will definitely get the most effective publicity."

That's right, their business plan was to sell Lin Fan's innate skills.

The commercial value is reflected from Guo Zhen's father. In fact, this is also Guo Wentao's own thinking. I have to say that any money-making plan can appear in his mind. Of course, Guo Wentao's purpose is naturally not only to let He died socially alone.

There is no way to do this. Although he blocked the news, everyone still knows about the senior members of the Wind City or the rich circle. This circle is the circle that Guo Wentao mixes with.

Therefore, the most effective way is to let everyone be like this, and he will not be embarrassed at all, because everyone is the same.

Then, everyone will never mention it again and reach a friendly consensus.

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