Awakening With An Expert Identification Skill

Chapter 46: Lin Fan's Speech

The principal and teachers were a little surprised. It didn't seem to be the original plan. Lin Fan had a specially prepared manuscript. Every year, he encouraged his juniors and juniors. How did it become a storytelling? This is a bit unexpected. their expectations.

Everyone was also puzzled, but they were also curious about what stories Lin Fan would tell. Especially in this situation, they all chose to listen quietly.

"A child who grew up in an orphanage asked his teacher: 'Teacher, what is the meaning of life for a child like me?' The teacher smiled without answering, took out a stone and told the child: 'Go to the vegetable market' , and try to sell it, this stone is big and beautiful.' At the same time the teacher said: 'Don't sell it, just try to sell it. Watch it, ask more people, then just tell me at the vegetable market How much can it sell for.'

The kid went, and in the vegetable market, many people looked at the stone and thought: it can be a good ornament, our children can play with it, or we can use it as a weight for weighing vegetables. So they made an offer, but it was only a few small coins. The child came back and said to the teacher, 'It can only sell for a few coins at most. ’

The teacher said, 'Now you go to the gold market and ask the people there. But still don't sell it, come back and tell me their bid. ' When he came back from the gold market, the kid was very happy and said, 'These people are amazing. They are happy to offer 1,000 yuan, teacher, shall we sell it? ’

The teacher continued: 'Now you go to the jeweler, but still don't sell it. ' The child obeyed and went to the jeweler. As a result, he couldn't believe it. They were willing to pay 50,000 yuan. The children obeyed the teacher's instructions and still didn't want to sell. They continued to raise the price - they paid 100,000 yuan. The kid said: 'I'm not going to sell it. ' They said: "We will pay 200,000, 300,000, or as much as you want, as long as you sell it!" The child still said: "I can't sell it, I just ask the price." The child was a little scared: 'These people crazy! ' At first, the child felt that the price of vegetables in the market was enough. He vaguely understood something, but he didn't understand anything, so he came back to his teacher and asked: 'Why? ’. "

After Lin Fan said this, he stopped and looked at the youthful students below.

At this point, everyone was already attracted by the little story Lin Fan told. At first they were puzzled, and then they were even more puzzled, just like that child, who was originally just an ordinary stone! Why is it so crazy in the end?

The headmaster of Fengcheng No. 1 Middle School blinked and looked at Lin Fan, a little shocked. As an educator, he vaguely understood what Lin Fan was going to say next, so he was even more shocked.

This year's senior high school graduate representative really shocked him!

This is just an 18 year old kid!

The parents of the students also have some vague guesses. They have experienced more than their children, and naturally they know a lot, but they don't understand too much.

Lin Fan smiled and said the end of this little story: "The teacher replied: 'Son, the value of life is like this stone, it has different values ​​in different places. An ordinary stone, Because of your treasure, its value has been continuously increased, from a piece of ornament to gold, more valuable than jewelry. And you, aren't you this stone?'"

this moment.

Those who were originally confused, and some who were puzzled, raised their heads!

Many people widened their eyes and stared blankly at Lin Fan, who had a gentle smile on the stage. His heart seemed to be hit hard by something, and the words echoed in their minds: "You, isn't that the stone?"

Many parents also suddenly realized that it was this, there was an inexplicable shock, and an inexplicable moving.

Lin Fan looked at the senior high school students on the right, the fog in his confused eyes was dissipating, and he regained the courage to move forward as an 18-year-old, and his longing and longing for the future.

This is also Lin Fan's purpose!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

There was thunderous applause.

It was getting louder and louder, and the high school graduates were particularly enthusiastic, especially the ones on the right. Every year, people like them are supporting roles, and they are not seen and no one wants to be them.

But today, someone is telling them to value yourselves, and you have value too.

Han Bing was a little shocked in the crowd. Looking at Lin Fan on the podium, he seemed to exude a kind of light, shining on everyone. He was also applauding. Sincerely, there was an indescribable shock in his heart. "This kid is a natural speaker and leader."

Duan Chuan, who was in the group of teachers, also applauded with a sigh of relief. He was proud, proud, and sighed at the same time. He was obviously born at the end of the world, an orphan, but always inadvertently shines on others, like a beam of light. , the light that will not go out!

In the same way, the awakened group of senior high school graduates also stared blankly at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan at this moment was even more shocking for them.

In the past, Lin Fan was just handsome, good grades, and popular with girls, but at this moment, they really felt a kind of charm, Lin Fan's own personality charm.

It's impossible to say this, but you are convinced of this person, willing to believe in this person, and even follow in this person's footsteps, and only do your part for his goals and efforts.

It may be just a seed now, but it is deeply rooted in their hearts, waiting for the day to sprout.

Han Miaotong, Tian Cheng, Fang Yan... The best graduates of this class, they all looked at Lin Fan with admiration. Such people are the ones they should regard as their opponents. No, they can become The opponents of such people, at this moment in their hearts, feel very honored.

"Everyone has value. We must first learn to cherish ourselves. No matter whether we are awakened or not, everyone is a part of humanity and can contribute to humanity. The awakened people on the front line resist alien races, while the rear needs everyone to work together, ordinary people. It is the biggest and most stable cornerstone of our human beings, don't think that you are just a decoration now, the entire human race needs our joint efforts to create a beautiful home." After Lin Fan finished his speech, he walked off the stage with a smile and a bow.

The applause from the audience lasted for a long time, and everyone just felt that they were still unfulfilled, and felt that they had not heard enough for a while.

"Senior Lin Fan's speech is really good!"

"It's too warm! I just realized that Senior Lin Fan was talking about everyone."

"My God! Senior Lin Fan is so handsome and warm."

The little girls only felt their hearts melt, and when they looked at Lin Fan's figure, water was almost dripping out.

At the same time among the parents.

Someone suddenly said: "I seem to have seen a child sell a beautiful stone in the vegetable market more than ten years ago!"

Another person also said in surprise: "Oh, yes, I remember seeing it in the gold market."

"I saw it in the jewelry market too!"

"By the way, this graduate representative seems to be an orphan."

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