Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 369 Am I an Old Man?

The end of the War of the Quicksand ushered in a period of peaceful development for Azeroth.

The development of deserts such as Silithus and Uldum is a long-term project. Malfurion entrusted the task of sitting in the Cenarion Fortress to Renza Greathoof who had just returned from the dream, and he returned to Emerald Guard in the dream.

The government work in peacetime is not too busy, and Andrea, at the request of her daughter, went to the New Nathras Academy in Moonlight City to watch her teaching process in her spare time.

The new Nazaras Academy was built near the sea, and the calm sea of ​​the Forbidden Sea was beautiful. Under the energy of the Well of Eternity, the entire Nazaras Academy shone with particles of arcane energy, which looked very dreamy.

Although the new Nasaras Academy is not entirely aimed at cultivating fighters, in order to prevent students from becoming nerds who can only read books, there are still some subjects related to magic combat in the academy. College salute.

When Andrea arrived at the college, a mock quiz was taking place on the playground in front of the very magical teaching building.

Under the guidance of Aurora, the young apprentices competed in pairs, and the dazzling lights and shadows of various spells swayed freely in this playground where the defensive barrier was raised.

Since today was a visit in micro-clothes, Andrea deliberately chose a very popular cotton robe, and the top of Garnier's staff was also wrapped in white cloth, which looked like an ordinary staff.

Before leaving, reminded by Leticia, Andrea worked hard to restrain the majesty and aura developed by being in a high position for a long time. At this time, he looked like an ordinary traveling spellcaster.

From Andrea's point of view, the battles of the apprentices are very childish. These spellcasters who have learned various power systems are still very immature, and the spell exchanges between them follow a certain routine, lacking flexible application and adaptability.

The appearance of Andrea watching the battle with his hands behind his back and shaking his head was noticed by many apprentices, and the other party's clearly contemptuous expression made them very unhappy.

The standards for recruiting students at Narsalas College are very strict. These students who can be admitted are not all proud, but at least they have full confidence in their own strength and potential.

"Hey! Old man over there, what do you mean by shaking your head all the time? Do you look down on us?"

Finally, a stunned green can't help showing its head.

A young female student with long blue hair tied into a refreshing ponytail stood up with her hips crossed, pointed at Andrea with her left hand and questioned displeasedly, "If you think our battle is not exciting enough, come and try it yourself!"

Andrea was stunned for a while, he pointed at himself in disbelief, "Old man? You mean me?"

"If it's not you, who else?"

This pure and beautiful girl full of youthful vigor raised her head proudly, "Don't say you are still young. Although you can't tell from your appearance, your old-fashioned temperament clearly shows that you are an old man who is thousands of years old."


Andrea really didn't notice this.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is indeed the case. Although nearly ten thousand years have not changed his appearance, the passage of time has inevitably changed his mentality.

'Am I old? '

Looking at the sea level where the blue sea meets the blue sky with empty eyes, Andrea felt a little melancholy.

"Old man, I'm talking to you, what is wrong?"

The blue-haired girl lost her attention when she saw Andrea suddenly, puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction, and waved her hand in front of his eyes.

A little commotion caught the attention of Aurora who was instructing two students. Seeing the most famous thorn in the class standing in front of her father and jumping angrily, Aurora froze for a moment, and then a wicked look appeared on her face. smile.

If Andrea saw her expression, she would definitely complain bitterly that her daughter had failed to learn from Seres. This black-bellied smile was almost exactly the same as Seres.

But at this moment, Andrea's attention was attracted by the persevering little girl in front of him. He spread his hand helplessly and said, "I'm just a shadow priest passing by out of interest, why should I know as much as me? You still have lessons, right?"

"Shadow Priest?"

The girl became excited when she heard Andrea's self-introduction, "It's just right! I also study shadow magic, and I plan to join the Church of the Shadow of the Dark Moon after graduation. Uncle, can you give me some advice?"


It was rare for the students next to him to see a so-called passing priest who could enter the academy at will. You must know that the access control of Nazaras Academy is very strict.

Anyone with a more flexible mind would guess that Andrea's status is not low, at least she is also an acquaintance of a high-level person in the school.

This girl who claims to be an apprentice of the Shadow Department has offended many people because of her straightforward temper. Although everyone knows that she has no malicious intentions, they are happy to see her accept some blows in front of the old seniors.

That's right, old man.

Andrea was regarded as a high-level rare elite monster passing by. Under the booing of the students, he looked up at Aurora helplessly.


Aurora pretended not to see, turned her head to the side and started whistling, making it clear that she also wanted to watch a good show.


Following the gaze from a distance, Andrea saw Seres sitting sideways by the window sill of the principal's office on the fifth floor of the administration building with her long legs crossed.

The familiar smile let Andrea know what she was thinking. In the end, he could only smile bitterly and say to the girl in front of him, "Okay, but as far as I can tell, Nazaras Academy is not based on fighting..."

"Ha! Why are you talking so much, let's start!"

The young girl pointed her staff at Andrea enthusiastically, "My name is Niyana Starscar, what's your name, old man?"

Andrea smiled and shook her head, "It's just a chance encounter. Why do you know the name? Let's get started."

"Cut~ Old people who don't know how to set off the atmosphere."

Seeing the old man's still calm and composed demeanor, Niyana was a little upset.

"Then let's start, I'll come first, the mind explodes!"

The invisible spiritual impact hit Andrea, and he didn't even take off his staff, and flicked away Niyana's attack with a light wave of his hand.

"Oh? You're pretty good at it."

Niyana's face became even more excited, "Then I won't keep my hands anymore! Shadow Word · Pain, Mind Flay."

These shadow spells were restored and improved by Andrea under the guidance of Sarataza, and he knew all the shadow spells like the back of his hand.

Shadow's spiritual spells mainly attack people's souls. Although the appearance is not as dazzling and colorful as arcane spells and fel energy, the degree of danger is actually not low at all.

But that was when the spirit and willpower of the two sides were similar, and now Andrea was facing Niyana... it was purely a guiding battle.

Without retaliation, Andrea defuses all her attacks in a leisurely manner, just like checking the child's study progress.

The onlookers gradually realized that something was wrong. Niyana was a potential stock that was praised by General Leticia, a good friend of Teacher Aurora. Although there was a little problem with her personality, her personal strength was indeed one of the best in the academy.

Niyana no longer had the initial excitement at this time, her face was full of solemnity, and sweat began to ooze from her forehead, obviously already squeezing her mental power to the greatest extent.

Aurora looked at her father indifferently, pretending to be indifferent, "I'm still doing things so straight, it's a good thing my mother and little mother Celeste can see you." '


Hearing Aurora's cough reminder, Andrea, who was distracted about what to eat tonight, noticed Niyana's expression.

Although the stubborn Niyana has not given up trying, she has already begun to show discouragement in her eyes. Too much blow may have an impact on the child's future growth.

‘Hey~ So these children who are in their adolescence and have a strong desire to express and self-esteem are really...’

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