Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 445 Troublesome Medivh

Although the current Medivh has not been completely seized by Sargeras to control his body, many of his ideas have undoubtedly been influenced by the Fallen Titan.

To this day, Medivh still believes that his move to recruit orcs is for the good of Azeroth.

He believed that powerful foreign enemies could alert the kings and nobles in the Eastern Continent who only knew how to fight for power all day long.

It has to be said that Sargeras' subtle induction is very suitable for the actual situation of Azeroth.

Lacking the stimulation of foreign enemies, the human kingdoms in the Eastern Continent are so boring that they can only play with themselves, especially the Stormwind Kingdom, which lives alone in the southern part of the continent.

The problem of nobles in the Kingdom of Stormwind is more serious than that of the Seven Human Kingdoms in the north. The aftermath of Thoradin's descendants passing on the throne has continued to this day, and most nobles are still very dissatisfied with the throne that the Wrynn royal family "stolen" from them.

Although the Stormwind Kingdom also has some great nobles who are loyal to the royal family, their position appears to be extremely weak under the general trend of Taotao.

The previous king, Baratheon, conquered all over the world, defeated the gnolls and the Gurubashi trolls who invaded the Elwynn Forest, and established a new territory, the Forest of Dawn, for Stormwind City, and consolidated the kingdom's control over the fertile wilderness in the west. and the reign of the Redridge Mountains.

However, the great nobles of Stormwind City knew that most of the credit for the war against the trolls should be attributed to the then young prince Ryan and his two little friends.

It was Ryan who personally led Sir Lothar and Guardian Medivh to defeat the attack of the Gurubashi troll when the old king died in battle.

However, the victory of the war provoked by the secret actions of Ryan, Lothar and Medivh did not make them happy.

The three believed that their reckless cross-border raid attracted the Gurubashi army to suppress the border, causing the old king to die on the battlefield.

After the war, Ryan inherited the throne, and Anduin Lothar was also promoted to the highest military leader of the Stormwind Kingdom because of his achievements in the war.

But Medivh left quietly at this time. He felt his uncontrollable power in this battle, and felt deeply worried about it.

She came to Karazhan following the call of her mother Aegwynn, and since then settled in the guardian's mage tower, and was gradually eroded by Sargeras' psychological loopholes.

In Andrea's view, Medivh's state of mind at this time is similar to that of a self-righteous dutiful son in the future.

"Many of my tragedies have been done to save Azeroth from greater enemies."

With this extreme point of view, they firmly believe that the bloody storm they set off is justified.


Andrea frowned and rubbed the bridge of his nose under Velen's bewildered gaze. Medivh's unexpected return might have greatly advanced his original schedule.

Seeing Andrea's anxious expression, Velen asked suspiciously, "Andrea, that Mr. Medivh, did he lie to us about his status as a guardian?"

"That's not true."

Andrea shook his head with a wry smile, "Medivh is indeed the guardian of the Tirisfal Council, and his job is to protect the safety of Azeroth."

"However... the situation is more complicated. To put it simply, this guardian has been subtly influenced by Sargeras many years ago, and now I am afraid that it is impossible to turn back."


Velen was startled. Back then, the fallen titan disguised himself as he had not fallen and showed them his incomparable power. Velen still has deep fear and deep worry about him.

"...It seems that Azeroth is not as peaceful as I thought."

Andrea smiled and spread his hands and said, "Isn't this a matter of course? As the only world where the Burning Legion has been defeated, do you think they will give up their penetration of Azeroth so easily?"


With the arrival of the Night Republic warships, a formal team of diplomats began to make contact with the draenei.

Neither Velen nor Andrea participated in these official pleasantries and wrangling. The leaders of the two sides sat down in the Storm Fortress and exchanged a lot of information openly and honestly.

The war between the Draenei and the orcs in Draenor has not subsided until today. They have a very good understanding of the orcs who drank the blood of the demons. This information is exactly what Andrea needs.

At the same time, Andrea also told Velen all about the intentions of the Tirisfal Council and Medivh, as well as how he destroyed the Karazhan portal.

I never expected that the Azeroth tour guide I thought was actually guided by the fallen titan, and Velen, who led the wolf into the house, was somewhat embarrassed while being afraid.

Regarding Velen's proposal to jointly kill Medivh and block Sargeras' proposal to collude with the orcs from within Azeroth, Andrea had to give up temporarily after some consideration.

Although it is only a part of the soul, Sargeras is now attached to the guardian Medivh after all.

As one of the most powerful mortals in Azeroth, Medivh's identity is relatively sensitive. Once he is moved, he will offend the Kingdom of Stormwind, Aegwynn, the Council of Tirisfal, and even all human kingdoms except Herod .

Medivh was the strongest among humans. No matter what mistakes he made, the night elves, as outsiders on the other side of the sea, would instinctively resist him if they attacked him.

Even if the night elves were like this, the Draenei, the aliens who had just arrived in Azeroth, couldn't bear this responsibility even more.

Velen's current consideration is to gain the approval of all races in Azeroth first, and win a piece of inhabitable territory for the Draenei. Naturally, it is impossible to offend the overlord of the Eastern Continent—human beings.

But Andrea didn't intend to let Medivh open the Dark Portal from Azeroth's side so easily.

After some discussion and negotiation with Velen, Andrea welcomed the arrival of the Draenei on behalf of the Night Republic. The large island where the Storm Fortress is stationed will temporarily serve as the land where the Draenei live.

The ecology of this island is very primitive, and it is a completely uninhabited land. There are only a group of barbaric Pygmies living on the island. With the strength of the Draenei, it is not a big problem to expel and compress their living space.

Regardless of reminiscing with Hatalu, Yrel and others, after leaving the Lost Islands, Andrea contacted the Kingdom of Herod in the northern part of the Eastern Continent after a long absence.

Brunhilde was quite surprised when he received the contact from Andrea. Since the founding of Herod, the two countries have maintained a relatively close trade relationship, but Andrea, who is involved in many affairs, has not had any direct contact for a long time. Have been in touch with her.

While reading the letter in his hand, Brunhilde, who was still graceful and beautiful, gradually frowned.

In the letter, Andrea described in detail the whole story of Aegwynn and Medivh being possessed by Sargeras's soul, and asked Brunhilde to officially question the legitimacy of the guardian Medivh's behavior as a human.

"Andrea, you really have a problem..."

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