Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 448: The Gate of Darkness Opens

south of the black swamp

Under the guidance of the red-eyed Medivh, Gul'dan, an orc warlock far away in Draenor, began to simultaneously absorb the vitality of Draenei prisoners to open the majestic Dark Portal.

Gul'dan used evil energy to extract life energy from tens of thousands of draenei. This huge amount of evil energy finally flowed into a huge stone gate, and a dark green vortex began to appear in the center of the originally empty gate.

At the same time, Medivh's side also clearly saw the formation of the portal, and a green light curtain was finally stabilized with the efforts of powerful spellcasters from the two worlds.


Medivh completed the work that Gul'dan needed to absorb a large number of Draenei souls alone, and he laughed wildly with scarlet eyes.

"Come on, Gul'dan! Let your orcs step into this fragile world, and the Burning Legion will burn everything!"

"Xi Law Law!"


The horse neighing suddenly from the swamp made Medivh frowned slightly, "Tsk! It came really fast, but it was still too late after all."


After launching the teleportation technique, Medivh disappeared from the black swamp before Gul'dan entered Azeroth. When the scout light cavalry from the Kingdom of Stormwind came to the scene, they happened to see a group of strong green-skinned creatures exuding brutality. Get out from behind the light curtain.


The lame and crooked orc at the head was wearing a dirty hood. He looked at these human scouts with surprised faces and let out a sinister laugh.

"Fragile creatures, this wretched world belongs to the Horde."


Immediately behind Gul'dan was a tall orc wearing black metal armor. His muscular right hand held a heavy two-handed warhammer, and his mighty fighting power was almost visible to the naked eye.

Although Black Hand, the first great chief of the tribe, was not very intelligent, the tragic situation in his home world still aroused his suspicion.

If it wasn't for Gul'dan's promise to find a new home for the orcs, Blackhand would have followed Orgrim's advice, and would have blown Gul'dan's head off with a single blow if he was suspected of destroying Draenor's ecology.

"Gul'dan, don't talk so much useless nonsense, I want to see your actual actions for the Horde."

"Of course, of course."

Gul'dan's high-spirited eyes flashed a trace of anger, but he knew that he did not have the ability to command an army, and he had to rely on the leadership ability of the black hand to complete the mission assigned to him by Kil'jaeden and get the reward he promised from the demon lord - success. god.

Great Chief Blackhand was born in the Blackrock Clan. Unlike other orc clans who use primitive weapons, the Blackrock Clan has built a large foundry in their hometown, and their weapons and equipment are more expensive than other clans. Very good.

Following Blackhand into Azeroth was an expressionless Blackrock orc. He carried a metal one-handed short hammer in his hand, and was wearing the same fine black-gold plate armor. He glanced at the black swamp with anxiety in his eyes. and worry.

'Sufficient natural resources, indeed a new world suitable for living, but...'

He looked at Gul'dan, who was flattering Blackhand, with gloomy eyes, "If Gul'dan's warlocks are not prevented from using fel energy, this world will follow in Draenor's footsteps sooner or later." '

The black hand waved back impatiently at Gul'dan who was still flattering, "Go away, Warlock! The next step is our job."

Pointing the ferocious human-faced warhammer in his hand at the human scout who was about to ride his horse to turn around, the black hand shouted passionately, "Soldiers of the tribe! Use the blood of these aliens to sacrifice the flag and take down this new world, for the tribe!"

"For the Horde!"


"What did you say?!"

A few hours later, King Lane in Stormwind Fortress stood up in surprise and anger, his majestic eyes fixed on the middle-aged female thief half kneeling under the steps.

"Total destruction? Did I hear wrong? Or is your information wrong?"

Pasonia said in a flat tone, "The intelligence that MI7 dared to submit will never be wrong. Our cavalry scouts are indeed all wiped out, and we have not even been able to send any relevant information about the people who killed them."

Ryan took a breath, sat back on the throne and said with a sullen face, "Continue to arrange scouts to investigate, and find out what happened in the black swamp as soon as possible!"


After Pasonia withdrew, Ryan looked at his friend beside him with a somewhat disturbed expression, "Anduin, clean up our troops, I have a bad feeling."

"That rumor... I'm afraid it's not just a simple rumor."


"This... this is..."

In Karazhan, Medivh's secret library, the apprentice Khadgar entered this unexpectedly unprotected room without any hindrance. The pattern and explanation of the Dark Portal hanging on the wall made his pupils dilate suddenly.

"How can it be?!"

Khadgar murmured in disbelief, "The Guardian is going to open a portal to bring creatures from other worlds into Azeroth?"

Knowing that his actions would be discovered at any time, even though Khadgar was in a difficult mood at the moment, he still managed to suppress the uneasiness in his heart, and copied all the patterns and words hanging in the secret library as quickly as possible.

When he left the library pretending to be calm, Medivh just teleported back to Karazhan.

Khadgar collected himself and respectfully gave Medivh the apprenticeship etiquette.

"Mentor, welcome back."


At this moment, Medivh's eyes had returned to normal, he glanced at Khadgar lightly, and brushed past him without any emotion.

Khadgar felt the coldness and indifference in Medivh's eyes, and his muscles tensed. He had an ominous premonition that he might be attacked at any time.

Fortunately, Medivh ignored Khadgar, told Moros not to be disturbed, and the guardian locked himself in the room again.


Khadgar heaved a sigh of relief with cold sweat on his head, "The mentor's character and behavior are becoming more and more abnormal..."


Although I didn't experience it personally, the opening of the Dark Portal was truly conveyed to Andrea through Azeroth's unexplained wailing.

Under Elune's appeasement, the intense signal from Azeroth finally faded away, and Andrea settled her mood and followed Pa'ku to the Garden of Loa in Zandalar.

Usually, many members of this residence specially provided for the Loa would go out to play, but at this time, all the Zandalar Loa headed by Rezan gathered here, and the nearby Zandalari priests He also waited for the speeches of the loa gods with serious expressions.

"Andrea, you came just in time."

Rezan no longer had the friendly attitude he used to have when meeting Andrea, he said seriously, "I feel the violent shock from the Eastern Continent, do you have any idea about it?"

"There is a little speculation, but I can't be 100% sure."

Andrea's face was still a little pale. He first nodded to the loas present. This impolite gesture caused dissatisfaction among some low-level loas.

"A mere mortal..."

"Shut up!"

Rezan glared at the antelope Loa sternly, "Short-sighted guy, can't you see that the 'mortal' you mentioned has been promoted to demigod?"

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