Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 457 Attacking Orcs

The battle situation in Uldum was quickly reversed with the reinforcements of the night elves, and they failed to take advantage of the weakest defense in the Hall of Origin. The combined forces of Hylagar and Naga had actually lost the chance of victory.

The cunning and cunning N'Zoth quickly saw the situation clearly, and he didn't want to waste his precious troops in a meaningless defeat. He ordered the Naga to flee into the deep sea while the night elves had a temporary truce during the day.

The naga, who can move freely in the deep sea, is unlikely to be pursued, and Shandris can only watch the naga slip away.


Shandris was a little displeased at not doing enough work. "In the future, the Magic Technology Department must develop the latest equipment that allows soldiers to fight flexibly in the sea."

N'Zoth hides in the depths of the ocean, and if you want to kill him, you have to dive into the depths of the ocean and fight fiercely with Naga, the servant of the Demon of Thousand Beards.

At this stage, the combat power of the night elves under the water is obviously not enough, and research in this area will have to be put on the agenda sooner or later.

Without the reinforcements of the naga, Hylagar was alone, and their forces were struggling to die under the attack of the tol'vir, titan-forged and night elves.

Hablon asked Nagfar to pretend to take away the most elite group of Hailagar fighters in advance, and he couldn't care about the others, so he could only let them fend for themselves.

Coincidentally, with the reluctant cooperation of the Drakkari troll, Navaz, who was once again on the defense of Northrend, once again repelled the invading dragon-raiding vrykul in Gjalerbron, the original vrykul. attack.

Since the night elves pushed the battle line to the north of Skorn Fortress, Gjalerbron, which was blown up by night elf scouts with magical bombs, has been rebuilt and has become a bridgehead for Shandarari's army to put pressure on the Howling Fjord.

Loken wanted to take advantage of the night elves' multi-front war to let the dragon-plundering vrykul regain the territory lost in the Howling Fjord. The vrykul who lacked a unified leader fought bravely, but they were overwhelmed by Navaz tactically. Explosive hammer.

In his anger, Loken finally decided to wake up the ancient king Ymiron of the Dragon Raider Vrykul, and he would lead the Vrykul to fight.

As the most powerful and powerful king of the Dragon Ravager Vrykul, Ymiron sealed himself into the King's Seat at the top of Utgarde Castle as early as the curse of flesh and blood began to spread.

He tried to avoid the spread of the curse of flesh and blood by sleeping, but it turned out that this method was useless.

Ymiron, who woke up from his deep sleep, was very dissatisfied with his fragile mortal body, and all his subjects degenerated from powerful iron vrykul to flesh and blood creatures.

Ymiron began to have doubts about their master Loken, but he didn't break out on the spot, and continued to follow Loken's orders to lead the battle.

With Ymiron's personal command, the overall combat effectiveness of the dragon-splitting vrykul has been greatly improved, and the two sides are now seeing each other back and forth in the plains in the northern part of the Howling Fjord.

The night elves, who are short of troops due to multi-line battles, are temporarily at a disadvantage. It is unreliable to expect the wholehearted cooperation of the Drakkari trolls.

The battle in the Broken Isles has been quite smooth so far. Although the steel army sent by Loken has strong combat effectiveness, they cannot gain an overwhelming advantage due to the two-sided attack and the tenacious resistance of the local flesh and blood vrykul.

The great magister Elisande personally led the army to the front line. Even without the help of the Eye of Aman'Thul, her strength is outstanding among mortals.

Troops from multiple factions are now confronting each other near the treasure house of Aggramar. The longer the delay, the more unfavorable it will be for the steel army that lacks support for cross-sea operations.

Loken's surprise attack tactics can only be used once, and it is no longer possible for the dragon-plundering tribe to use ships to transport the steel army to the Storm Fjord. The Third Navy Fleet of the Night Republic blocked the waterway from Northrend to the Storm Fjord.

However, Stormfjord is Hella's home court, and the high-level coalition forces, including Garrod, Elisande, and Ulan Gaoling, dare not relax their vigilance. No one knows when this moody god of death will personally join the team. fighting.


Obviously, the turmoil sweeping the world will not be quelled in a short time. Even if the war is going well in Uldum, it will take some time to completely annihilate the expeditionary Hylagar.

When wars are raging everywhere, the human kingdom in the northern part of the Eastern Continent still has a posture of sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Except for the Kingdom of Silud and Kul Tiras who continued to pay attention to the southern part of the mainland, the other kings were not interested in the war in the Kingdom of Stormwind.

From the perspective of commercial trade, Kul Tiras did not want the trading partner of the Stormwind Kingdom to be destroyed by a group of alien invaders of unknown origin.

As a sea kingdom, Kul Tiras is very good at sea battles, but land battles... are not so satisfactory.

The orcs don't have any navy, so it's not Kul Tiras' turn to play for now.

Although Brynhildr was willing to send reinforcements to the Kingdom of Stormwind, the pressure from Lordaeron, the strongest kingdom in the north, prevented her from acting rashly.

Under the deliberate interference of the ancient gods and the internal conflicts among human nations, the Kingdom of Stormwind can only rely on its own army to fight the orcs.

In the first year of the orc invasion, the contact between the two sides was restrained for the time being.

The Kingdom of Stormwind was very afraid of these powerful enemies that suddenly appeared in the black swamp. While asking Lothar to set up a defense line on the Deadwind Path to buy time, he asked for help from the countries of the Northland as usual.

The reply to the request for help made King Ryan's expression very ugly, and Karazhan's complete loss of contact made him feel even more worried.

After completely occupying the Black Swamp, the orcs began to try to march towards the Deadwind Pass while waiting for reinforcements from the other side of the Dark Portal to arrive one after another.

At this time, the Kingdom of Stormwind was still an aristocratic and feudal country, and the army in the hands of the king was only a part of it. To launch a full-scale war, it would inevitably require the support of the leading army in the hands of the nobles.

However, Lothar's process of recruiting troops from nobles from all over the country was very difficult. Before they saw the brutality of the orcs, most of the nobles were unwilling to hand over their troops. They were worried that the king would take the opportunity to seize the military power and attack them.

Lothar, who was severely understrength, failed to defend the Deadwind Pass. With the sufficient backup troops of the tribe, Lothar could only lead the army to fight and retreat, crossing the river in the north of Dawn Forest and retreating to Elwynn Forest, the core of Stormwind Kingdom. .

A large piece of fertile territory in the Dawn Forest was lost, and the burning, killing and looting of the orcs caused a bloody storm in the nobles' fiefs. Only then did the careless nobles come to their senses and hurried to Stormwind City to ask for reinforcements.

However, it was too late. The orcs, who had basically figured out the combat power of the Stormwind Kingdom, were fearless and quickly spread across the southern part of the continent like locusts.

They occupied a large area of ​​the Dawn Forest, bypassing the heavily guarded Elwynn Forest, and successively marched towards the Fertile Fields in the west and Stranglethorn Vale in the south through the Dawn Forest.

At the end of the second year of the Dark Portal, when the orcs were at war with the Gurubashi trolls and the Storm Kingdom, Prism finally sent the latest news from Karazhan.

Medivh was killed by the joint raid of Garona, Khadgar and Lothar, and the last guardian of the Tirisfal Council fell. Before he died, he finally got rid of the influence of Sargeras and restored the blocked memory.

Just at this time, the night elves have basically completed their suppression of various places, and Andrea, who has no soldiers to use, can finally free up his hands.

Thanks to the book friend "Liu Shuo 2015" for the reward.

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