Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 499 Murder in the Night

Andrea spread his hands and said, "It is up to the alliance to decide how to arrange the pursuit force. I can make a promise on behalf of the Dark Night Republic that I will defeat Orgrim's defense from the rear within three days at the latest. Please do it well in advance." Prepare."

"Three days..."

Terenas' eyes flickered, he didn't know why Andrea was so confident that he could defeat the tribe's defense within three days.

However, if it is true what the night elves said, then as long as arrangements are made in advance, the consumption of the alliance's troops should be greatly reduced.


When Andrea arrived at the King City of Lordaeron, Priscim did not enter the city with him, but quietly disappeared outside the city and arrived at the United Elf camp near the northern coastline.

After conveying Andrea's instructions to Shandris, Priscim disappeared in a low-key manner as usual.

Shandris turned to look at the generals in the main tent, "Have you heard that? We are going to take down the Horde within three days, please show your energy."

Reinera scratched her head in distress, "It's not that we didn't do our best. The tribe has seized a favorable defensive terrain, and we don't have enough air force to seize the position. It's really not easy to break through their defense."

A gleam flashed in Shandris' eyes, "You don't have to worry about this issue. Since Andrea sent Prism over in person, his meaning is already obvious."

Leticia, who knew Andrea very well, was taken aback, and then she suddenly said, "So, let the elite thieves disrupt the enemy's rear position, shall we take the opportunity to launch a surprise attack?"

Shandris nodded and said, "That's almost the case. Prism is well versed in the way of infiltration. With her taking over the command of the bandit team, there will be mistakes in the panic-stricken tribe. At that time, it is the best time for us to launch a general attack." .”


Just as Shandris expected, with the arrival of Stormgard's cavalry, the tribe's belief in uniting to defeat Lordaeron was shaken violently.

Some high-level military generals headed by Orgrim and Varok Saurfang advocated a decisive retreat, but some passionate orc warriors believed that the capital of Lordaeron should be captured in one go.

The differences of opinion at the top have gradually affected the ordinary soldiers below. Recently, there has been some unrest in the tribe's barracks. The negative pressure brought about by anxiety and worry has led to more and more private fights among the red-eyed orcs.

In the end, it was Orgrim who made the final decision, "Stop arguing! Tomorrow we will launch a final general attack. If Lordaeron cannot be broken, we don't have to go back to this barracks and retreat directly to Silverpine Forest."

Although many orc chiefs left cursing and leaving, the great chief's majesty was still there. Although they were reluctant, they finally chose to obey Orgrim's orders.

As for the forest troll, Zul'jin was completely speechless. He felt that he could get the worst hand every time.

‘If I knew this earlier, I might as well not have joined the tribe. '

Regret has long been useless, and Zul'jin, who lost his homeland, has no choice but to continue to follow the tribe.

The Vilebranch clan didn't want to play with the doomed Horde anymore, they made up their minds to abandon the Horde and sneak back to the Hinterlands on the way to retreat. Badtooth and Deadwood also planned similar ideas.


In the master account with only a few people left, Orgrim sighed deeply.

Varok Saurfang patted him on the shoulder understandingly, "Great Chief, please cheer up, the war is not over yet, as long as we can return to the south smoothly, we can still hope to make a comeback in a few years."

Orgrim shook his head with a wry smile, "Can it really go so smoothly? I have a bad premonition in my heart. Since entering Quel'Thalas, the development of the situation has completely gotten out of control and completely deviated from our original plan."

Saurfang is no worse than Orgrim in military command, but he is only an excellent military leader after all, and there is still a certain gap compared with Orgrim in the overall situation.

Unable to understand Orgrim's anxiety, Saurfang couldn't persuade him too much, and walked out of the tent with his brother Brox.

Brox is a typical orc warrior, and he is very good at charging into battle, but military command is not his forte. He asked Varok a little unwillingly, "Is there really no hope of winning?"


Varok took a deep breath, "Continue dragging on in the Tirisfal Forest, sooner or later we will be surrounded by various forces, and we must break out before the encirclement net is formed."

Brooks nodded heavily, "I don't understand the military aspect, but I will definitely try my best to open the way for the tribe."

Varok looked at the beautiful night sky of Azeroth with some confusion, "Where should the future of the orcs be?" '


In the middle of the night that day, on the highland sentry tower on the east bank of Cheshui Lake, an orc scout standing guard suddenly saw a bright light flashing in the woods not far away.

Just as he raised his vigilance and looked around, a hand suddenly stretched out from the shadow behind him to cover the mouth of the orc scout, blocking the screams he had not yet uttered in his throat, and violently stirred the dagger pierced into the heart, completely cutting off the orc scout. The vitality of scouts.

The bloody smell wafting from the sentry tower made the noses of several orc warriors sitting around the fire twitch, and they vigilantly picked up the axes beside them and stood up.

"The smell of blood?"

"You smell it too?"

"Well, from the guard tower...uh!"

All the orc warriors focused their attention on the sentry tower, not noticing the murderous intent that suddenly extended from the shadow behind them.

After the orcs with broken necks were brought down, a group of hooded figures emerged from the shadows. The red hooded leader waved his hands and gestured, and everyone silently began to clean up the orc corpses at the scene.


A few minutes later, the voodoo defense circle that the troll had placed around the sentry tower got out of the disturbed state and issued a shrill alarm, but at this time there were no longer any defenders in the entire sentry tower.


A bright flare rose above the hilly outpost, and Shandris, who was waiting for the news on the north bank of Cheshui Lake, lit up.

"The time has come, the whole army strikes!"

Shandris walked in strides in the barracks that had already been prepared to send troops, and the voice of orders amplified by the power of moonlight spread throughout the barracks.

"Luna's Radiance prepares for bombardment! Target, Horde Hill Outpost!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The continuous sound of cannons awakened Orgrim who was sleeping.

Due to the anxiety in his heart and the pressure of bearing the future of the entire tribe, Orgrim fell asleep late and lightly, and he woke up earlier than all the senior generals.

Orgrim, who was sleeping in his clothes, rushed out of his tent, and the bursts of fire on the east bank of the clear water lake made his heart sink.

Holding back a guard who was beating the gong and rushing past, Orgrim asked in a deep voice, "What happened? Why did the Hill Watchtower catch fire?"

"Great Chief! It's an attack from the night elves!"

The panicked guard reported anxiously, "Starting from the hilly outpost, all the outposts on the east bank of Cheshui Lake were attacked violently at the same time, and the rear cannot be defended!"


Orgrim, who had already had a bad premonition, was not at a loss like the others. After letting go of the guards, he calmly turned his head and said to the guards beside him, "Notify everyone that the situation is over, and there is no need to stick to the camp. We will stay overnight." Back to Silverpine Forest."

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