Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 799 The Shocked Bird

Today's war frontline, the Antoran wasteland, is the base camp of the Burning Legion. The fleet led by Jarod is struggling to advance the front line, and countless legion defenders are firmly guarding the route to the Burning Throne.

As the Legion's lair and the hometown of the Eredars, a large number of high-tech Eredar weapons modified by fel energy are installed in various Legion camps in the Antoran wasteland.

Considering the gravity of the planet, the battleship-class starship headed by the flagship Enterprise of the Expeditionary Force cannot enter Argus to fight. This part of the main fleet, led by Tyrande, will continue to stay outside Argus to block the reinforcement battleships of other planets.

Garrod led the smaller destroyers and cruisers into the atmosphere, and engaged in a fierce firefight with the hedgehog-armed defense network of the Antoran wasteland.

The god-level defensive barrier that Sargeras arranged outside the Burning Throne cut off the possibility of Andrea and Azshara's single-handed assault.

While slowly advancing the front line, the coalition forces need more intelligence, and it is best to find loopholes in the legion's defense network.

As the former commander of the Burning Legion and enemies regarded as thorns in the eyes of the Legion, Kil'jaeden and the Legion of Light are undoubtedly the two forces that know the Burning Legion best.

When the front line cannot open the battle situation, the mobile forces led by Andrea and Azshara are particularly important.

The two sisters Yrel and Samara have experienced many experiences and have matured a lot since Andrea first met them.

However, in the relatively idealized society of Delaney, the two still have some girlish innocence. Without touching the overall situation, Andrea doesn't mind satisfying their fantasies, but it is obviously not appropriate now. opportunity.

Watching Andrea lead Aurora away, Akama patted Yrel on the shoulder and comforted him heartily, "Don't worry, Chancellor Moon Shadow is just discussing the facts, and doesn't have any opinions on your kindness."

Yrel rubbed her cheeks with both hands, nodded firmly and said, "I know, after all, we are not little girls anymore, and I will complete the task according to the order."

Samara opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she just sighed faintly, "I will also appease the priest team."

Just like the information detected by the scouts, there are still a large number of unconscious ghosts remaining near the secret school, and they will instinctively attack outsiders who enter their territory.

Andrea, who rushed to the front, purified these ghosts without hesitation, and the shrill screams resounded through the square in front of the academy.

Under Andrea's personal investigation, the general structure of the Mystery Palace was still intact, and there was nothing in it.

There are no demons, no void creatures, and no ghosts that should gather here.

"Is it really necessary to go through that funny exam process to activate Archimonde's trial and get the Enlightenment Mark?"

Reclaiming the Mark of Enlightenment and the Crown of Knowledge was just incidental, and Andrea hesitated for a moment before temporarily skipping this idea, and continued to wander over the Arcane Academy with Aurora in the form of a griffin.

"Aurora, did you notice anything unusual?"

Aurora made a spell-casting gesture on her hand, using the exploration spell to carefully scan the nearby abnormal energy movements.

"Strange, except for the energy fluctuations when the draenei fought the ghosts, there was nothing abnormal."

Akama's garrison army was breaking through the barriers of a large number of ghosts, and the priests led by Samara used holy light spells to forcibly purify these irrational ghosts with tense faces.

The sound of the battle between the draenei and the ghosts did not lead to the tail of the Legion of Light, no matter how Aurora explored, she couldn't get any results.

"I'm overly cautious...huh?"

In the northeast corner of the Mystery Academy, Andrea suddenly saw a small floating island floating alone.

"Aurora, check over there."

Compared with Mac'Aree, which is still covered with golden yellow weeds, this floating island looks much more miserable. Since most of the land is directly exposed to the universe, there is no grass on the ground, and the wreckage of severely damaged Eredar buildings can be seen everywhere. .

As Andrea flapped her wings and left the range of the main island of Mac'Aree, Aurora clearly felt that the air nearby was getting thinner.

Andrea flapped her wings and cast a shield for her daughter.

"Quickly move, the environment here is not suitable for mortals to stay for a long time, the energy radiation in the universe will have unknown effects on your body."

Aurora nodded solemnly, and concentrated on spreading her exploration spells.


With her eyes closed, Aurora suddenly turned her head to look at the center of this small floating island, "There are some traces of illusion spells, Dad, I'll leave it to you."


Andrea's changed Griffon's golden pupils flickered, and under the sudden impact of wide-area energy, this desolate small floating island began to slowly disintegrate amid violent shocks.


A thick and long beam of light suddenly shot out from the empty floating island within sight, aiming directly at Andrea and Aurora in mid-air.

The wings spread out and flapped vigorously, and Andrea avoided the direct hit range of this beam attack in a hurry.

With the launch of the holy light energy cannon, a shining medium-sized spaceship suddenly appeared above the floating island.

When the spaceship started to prepare to evacuate, the golden crystal at the front of the hull gave off a dazzling light again, and another energy bombarded Andrea.

"Is it over..."

If it wasn't for Aurora on his back, Andrea would have been able to forcefully land on the spaceship against the attack.

This spaceship that suddenly launched an attack like a frightened bird should be the only surviving flagship of the Holy Light Legion, Zenidar.

Andrea didn't expect them to be so sensitive. They actually used their main cannon to hit a small griffin in the same way that they hit mosquitoes with cannons.

In the golden beam of light all over the sky, the Griffin dodged nimbly, and gradually approached the lower part of the spaceship with more dexterous maneuverability.

Aurora patted her father's back excitedly, commanding indiscriminately, "Left! No, right!"

Andrea rolled her eyes during the flight, "You girl is still so bold..."


Aurora proudly raised her chest without shame, "Who made me have a pair of extraordinary parents? This can be regarded as inheriting your excellent genes."

Andrea had already analyzed the general structure of the spaceship through divine thoughts, and when she came to a small exhaust channel covered with a large number of golden crystals on the Zenidar, Andrea quickly transformed back into a human form.

"Hold on!"

Taking Aurora into the exhaust hole in the way of a princess hug, continued to walk through the daughter's excited screams, and finally broke through the blockage of an exhaust filter and stood firmly inside the spaceship.

The surrounding draenei technicians were shocked from ear to ear, they did not expect the enemy to invade the spaceship in this way.

"Don't get excited."

Seeing that these technicians were about to raise the wrench and pliers in their hands to attack, Andrea's eyes flashed, and he immediately controlled their bodies.

"We have no malicious intentions, nor are we from the Burning Legion and the Void side."

"Please send a representative to inform Zela that the leader of the Azeroth coalition forces, Andrea Moon Shadow, has important matters to discuss with the Legion of Light."

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