Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 812: The Thing From Heaven

Although it is not clear the root cause of Hasabel's decisive confession, Andrea speculates from her words that it should be related to Hasabel's previous unauthorized actions in the life shelter.

The loss of Kil'jaeden made most of the senior officers of the legion eager to take over his vacated command position, and Hasabel was just one of them.

Although it was not intended, Hasabel's single action eventually led to Eonar's escape. For Sargeras, who wanted to corrupt all the titans, this huge mistake was unforgivable.

"The life-saving shelter was more than three months ago, and Hasabel is still alive and kicking in his defense zone, which means..."

On the way from the teleportation hall to the Eye of the Legion, Andrea thought thoughtfully, "Sargeras has never been able to spare time to pay attention to the affairs of the Burning Legion?" '

A definite answer can be obtained through questioning Hasabel. Aggramar has indeed succumbed to Sargeras' will, and should now sit in the Hall of World Souls.

The Hall of the Soul of the World is not only the palace of Sargeras, but also the sleeping place of the star soul of Argus, the most important area of ​​the Burning Throne.

‘Agramar has been corrupted, and the Burning Legion has another fallen titan as a reinforcement. It stands to reason that Sargeras should be able to slow down the progress of corrupting the souls of other titans. '

"I still don't feel at ease, I plan to bring all the Titans under my command in one go, or..."

Just as Andrea was speculating on Sargeras's mode of action, there was a sudden roar in the sky of Antorus.

The vigilance in his heart rose sharply, and he didn't care about continuing to think about it in his head. Andrea planned to use the shadow shuttle to leave on a conditioned reflex.

But before that, Azshara, who had been on high alert, first launched a range teleportation, taking the group hundreds of meters away.


A huge impact sound came from the central area of ​​Antorus, and a huge cloud of dust rose up in the direction that Andrea and the others were heading. It seemed that some kind of supermassive weapon was powerfully bombarding the ground.

"No." Andrea squinted his eyes and looked at the impact center covered with a lot of smoke. "That's not a weapon, but..."


A gust of wind was generated between the swings of a huge sword burning with flames, blowing away all the dust near the point of impact.

A giant who was similar in size to the guardian stood proudly holding a long sword. His skin was like obsidian permeated with magma, and there were dark red cracks in the black skin all over his body.

The iconic winged helmet covering most of the face and the highly recognizable broken sword are enough to identify the giant to everyone present.

Eonar whispered with a heavy expression, "Agramar..."

Yes, the giant with blazing eyes is none other than Aggramar the Avenger, Titan of the Pantheon.

But at this time, Aggramar couldn't see the slightest peaceful temperament when he was a titan. What he brought to people was a sense of tyrannical threat like a wild beast.

Andrea looked at the stern Avenger solemnly, and whispered to Azshara beside him, "Send the others to the next destination, and we will stay and deal with Aggramar."

Azshara nodded silently, and the power of space was fully activated. The three members of the assault team other than the true god disappeared in a burst of light, and appeared in the eye of the legion on the west side of Antorus in the next second. in front of the door.


Sensing the changes in the environment around him, Turayang shook the Great Royal Sword tightly, and immediately planned to rush back to the battlefield to join the battle.


Velen pinned the archbishop's shoulders quickly, "We still have tasks to complete, let's move on, that's not a battle that beings under the gods can participate in."

Before the Antoran Command Council was paralyzed, the legion demons in Antorus were resurrected continuously, and went to the battlefield again under their command.

When Kil'jaeden rebelled and Sargeras was temporarily out of business, the Antoran Commander's Council located in the Eye of Legion was the command center that temporarily commanded all demons.

"Huh~ I see."

Turayang is also an excellent commander, and he quickly calmed down under Velen's reminder.

Under the guidance of Kil'jaeden, this demigod team tore through the defense of Antorus' elite guards all the way, and plunged into the Eye of Legion.

Before entering the gate, Shandris turned her head and took a deep look at the battlefield of the gods that had already started.

‘Andrea, I believe you can win, and… Azshara, Andrea will entrust you for the time being. '


Without the cover of the shadow curtain launched by Andrea, the assault team could only fight all the way up.

But compared to the pressure faced by the three of Andrea, it is already a very easy battle to deal with mere miscellaneous soldiers.


The giant sword in Aggramar's hand slammed heavily on the ground in the central area of ​​Antorus.

The upper half of the broken sword burns with an unquenchable crimson flame, and the blood-red gemstones in the jaws provide the powerful artifact with great power.

The ground of Antorus was cleaved by Aggramar's blow, and the shattered land fell into the molten pool of fel below.

In just a few months, Eonar, who had only her soul left and was extremely weak, was far from recovering to her best state.

However, compared to her weakness in the Sanctuary of Life before, at this time she can at least display a certain combat effectiveness on the battlefield.

The emerald green life force shield enveloped the three of them, and the sparks that fell from Aggramar's artifact sword were blocked from the shield.

Regardless of the inconspicuousness of these sparks, even a small amount of sparks falling on the ground can form a monstrous flame tornado.

"Intruder, die!"

Aggramar swung his mighty sword wide and wide, each blow causing irreversible damage to the surrounding environment.


Seeing the powerful attack of the Avengers coming again, Andrea no longer had any reservations, and clapped one hand on the ground that was corroded and cracked by the evil energy, and the power of chaos was injected into it.

The silver-gray wall of unknown material rose from the ground, and the giant sword was thwarted for the first time when it slashed on the wall. When the two sides collided, they made a dull sound.


Aggramar, who was not prepared, exerted too much force, and was pushed back two steps by the recoil force.

Eonar took the opportunity to summon thick and vigorous vines from the lifeless ground, temporarily binding Aggramar's legs.

Azshara also changed gestures in an attempt to reverse the space beside Aggramar and banish the fallen titan to an unknown different space.


Aggramar yelled violently, and the flames on the long sword burned the vines infused with Eonar's life force, and an amazing aura erupted from his body, breaking away from Azshara's space distortion spell.

"Be careful!"

Eonar stared at the terrifyingly powerful sword and said, "That's one of the cosmic artifact parts, Taeshalak, absolutely can't take the sword's attack head-on."

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