Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 89 The Heroic Moment

The battle between the guardian dragons should have been evenly matched, but the dragon kings except Neltharion were all divided by the dragon soul.

Although Malygos's operation was as fierce as a tiger, and he beat Neltharion a little confused, but when the equally half-mad Black Dragon King came back to his senses, the absolute power gap reversed the situation in the air instantly.

Malygos, whose neck was bitten by Neltharion, roared in pain. With insufficient strength, he managed to break free from the control of the fallen Black Dragon King with a burst of madness.

The thick hind legs kicked away Neltharion who was entangled with him, and the blue arcane dragon's breath spewed out from the mouth of the blue dragon king.

Not to be outdone, Neltharion returned the Shadow Flame, and the two repelling energies formed a tendency to face each other in mid-air, but it was obvious at a glance that Neltharion still had the upper hand.

Seeing that Malygos was about to lose, Andrea thought about it, and raised the dragon soul to aim at the Black Dragon King in the air.

But suddenly the sound of continuous dragon chants from the air interrupted his movements again, and the red, yellow, and green three-color guardian dragons arrived just at this time.

In a state of madness, Malygos didn't know what cooperation meant, and he didn't heed Alexstrasza's persuasion to open the barrier.

In desperation, Nozdormu could only breathe out the breath of time, corroding the barrier with the rapid passage of time.

The aftermath of the battle between the five dragon kings stirred up waves on the surface of the Well of Eternity. Seeing that the entangled guardian dragon could not tell the winner for the time being, Andrea shook her head to bring her attention back.

Perhaps feeling that the situation on this side of Azeroth was abnormal, violent ripples suddenly appeared in the portal on the Well of Eternity that had expanded to a height of more than 30 meters, and overwhelming evil energy poured in from the other side of the portal.

"not good!"

Malfurion's expression changed suddenly, "There is someone on the other side trying to squeeze in, I'm afraid it's..."

Andrea nodded solemnly, "Fallen Titan Sargeras."

Holding the dragon soul in his hand above his head, Andrea injected his own energy into the small golden disc, activating this artifact that gathered part of the guardian power of the four dragon kings.

Illidan was actively attacking from the outside to suppress the counterattack of the Burning Legion and the Highborne, but the sudden movement from the city of Zin-Azshari attracted his attention.

The well-ordered buildings of the capital of the Night Empire were being destroyed wantonly. A huge four-legged ground-walking demon led a small number of elite subordinates and charged straight from the outside of the city towards the Well of Eternity.

Without exception, the houses along the way were destroyed by this abyss lord with powerful evil energy surging all over his body. An ugly scar ran through the beautiful capital of the Dark Night Empire, and the screams of the casualties resounded through the night sky.


A beam of evil energy emitted from the abyss lord's double-ended spear tip, and Andrea and the others had no choice but to temporarily avoid the peak, using their magical powers to avoid the impact of this wave of evil energy.

The golden eagle that took off with the soul of the dragon in its mouth stared at the seemingly fat and bulky abyss lord.

"Mannoroth? The Burning Legion actually asked him to return to the Well of Eternity when the front line of defense was in jeopardy, did they put all their eggs in one basket?"

As the number one general under Archimonde, although Mannoroth's brain is not very easy to use, he has destroyed countless worlds for the Burning Legion with his strong personal strength, and he has also won the famous title of "Destroyer".

"Ants! Hand over the dragon's soul and accept the purification of the Burning Legion! Lord Sargeras is bound to come!"

Inspired by Mannoroth's battle cry, hundreds of elite demon monsters screamed and charged in the direction of the assault team.

This group of demons are Archimonde's guards. They are mainly Eredars. The occupations are very reasonable, and the army formation is also very harmonious. It is difficult to deal with it from the momentum.

"Tsk! Just at this time."

Transforming back into human form after landing, Andrea anxiously raised the dragon soul in her hand.

He planned to use his time to gather strength to bombard the Well of Eternity before the group of elite demons arrived, closing the portal completely.

But Mannoroth, who was on the mission, obviously wouldn't give him this chance. Seeing Andrea start accumulating energy to activate the Dragon Soul, another blast of fel energy hit him.

Easingly dodging Mannoroth's attack, Tyrande looked at the Tears of Elune on his chest with a hesitant expression. It kept lingering in her mind.

Mannoroth's attack seems to be powerful, but it is much slower than Archimonde's finger of death, and it is a purely straight line attack, so it is not difficult to avoid it.

But under the interference of the abyss lord who continued to charge with a bulky body, Andrea couldn't spare enough time to complete the dragon soul's power accumulation.

Malfurion clenched his fists with a resolute expression, "We must buy enough time for the person who holds the dragon soul. Let me temporarily contain Mannoroth."


After Illidan reaped the enemy group, he teleported to Malfurion's side with a flash technique, and stood side by side with him.

"Stop talking big, brother, even Cenarius dare not say that he can defeat Mannoroth head-on, do you have the ability?"

"If you can't do it, you can do it!"

Malfurion, who has always been known for his gentle temperament, showed his tough side at the critical moment. He looked seriously at Illidan beside him.

"Illidan, I don't know what you did before, whether you betrayed your people."

"But if you still have the slightest sense of responsibility for this world, then come and help me, and you must hold Mannoroth in check!"

Illidan turned his head and looked at Tyrande, who was in a tangle with his head down, with gentle eyes, and then he snorted and said with disdain, "Don't be a hero alone over there, at least I'm standing with you now, no more nonsense Say, let's go!"

Receiving Illidan's blunt answer, Malfurion flashed a gratified smile on his face, and then he opened his hands to the sky. The archdruid, who advocates keeping a low profile, finally released his power at the last critical moment. potential.

The huge force of nature stretched along Malfurion's arms and blended into the space between the sky and the earth, and the sky stirred by Malfurion gradually stirred up wind and clouds.

The strong wind swept in as a foreplay, and the rolling clouds flashed thunder and lightning as they collided with each other.

"Mannoroth the Destroyer! Feel the power of nature!"

Countless thunderbolts descended from the sky, and the flickering lights illuminated the entire night sky. Even the five dragon kings who were entangled endlessly were startled by this sudden vision of heaven and earth.

Mannoroth waved the double-ended spear in his hand, and with the help of the evil energy covered on the weapon, he blocked most of the thunder that attacked him, but the sporadic lightning that missed still shocked the huge abyss lord. .

Malfurion couldn't move while casting spells, making him the best target for Eredar wizards.

Seeing that the fel spell issued by the eredar wizard was about to hit Malfurion, Illidan, who had been waiting by the side, stood up.

The double blades of Azzinoth were fully powered, and under Illidan's agile attacking action, the fel light blade even cut the spell directly. The first wave of attacks was perfectly blocked by the demon hunter.


The corner of Illidan's mouth twitched into a wicked smile, and the shiny green magic lines on his body almost came out, and he also turned on the desperate mode.

"Sorry, this way doesn't work."

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