Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1001 97. Thanks For The Gift From The Second Brother On The List! - Added Updates For The Br

Chapter 1001 97. Thanks for the gift from the second brother on the list! -Add more for the brothers who don't bury the sword [310]

In the desolate temple area of ​​Zul'Farrak, the shrine to Muezharah the Nightfather has been destroyed.

But the female dreadlord who emerged from the shrine's embers claimed that she had brought orders from Denathrius the Great, one of the Eternals of the Shadowlands, the Lord of Pain.

Although the female dreadlord wore the blood-red armor of Venthyr and was dressed in the orthodox Nathrezim style, Laike didn't trust her very much.

The reason is also very simple.

The pirates have been trying to get in touch with Emperor Denathrius ever since they encountered the first Dreadlord Cassanatil, and even entrusted the Dreadlord Mal'Ganis to deliver a letter for him in Dalaran.

But there has been no response from the emperor.

Presumably because the Great Emperor, who is the Eternal, disdains to establish contact with the little pirates of the material world.

After all, Emperor Denathrius is one of the pillars of the Shadow Realm. Not only does he support the kingdom system of the Shadow Realm, he is the cornerstone of the power of the world of the dead, and he is also the founder of the vampire court Revendreth.

His heirs and servants call themselves "Venthyr", which probably means conspirators, blood wings and supervisors, and punishers, which is not a good word anyway.

That place is in Bo Laike's memory, and it can be summed up in two words.

They are "gorgeous" and "arrogant", respectively.

The vampire-like Venthyr likes to enjoy luxurious clothes and luxury, and each of them has the most iconic arrogance and rudeness among the creatures in the shadow world.

Immersed in their own kingdom, they point out a harsh way of redemption for those souls who have committed serious sins due to pride or evil, and maintain their own strength by harvesting heart energy.

Just by listening to the description, you can tell that the guys from this place are not so likable characters. As the creator and destroyer of Revendreth, the Great Emperor himself had the same pride as his status.

The pirates had already despaired of establishing contact with Emperor Denathrius.

But he didn't expect a turning point here.

Oops, Master of the Shadow Realm, I can be considered to be on the line with you, it really took a lot of effort.

"Hey, Men Faith, do you know this arrogant lady in front of me?"

Hearing that the female dreadlord asked Bu Laike to kiss the ring seal in her hand, the stinky pirate didn't step forward immediately, but asked his own silent demon.

Meng Faith replied very unhappily:


Her name is Narrajas. She is unknown in the Fear Council but has a high position. She is an ambitious guy and a favorite of the Emperor. She is in charge of all his eyeliners in the Shadow Realm for the Emperor.

It is said that Narragas and Tichondrius are closely related, they maintain a secret relationship with each other, don't let that female know that I am in your body.

I don't want to be laughed at by her. "


After confirming the identity of the magnificently dressed Dread Demon King lady, Bu Laike took a few steps forward and bowed down respectfully, took the sharp and ferocious claws of the lady in front of him, and kissed on a gorgeous seal on her finger. kissed.

As for Bwonsamdi.

The cunning old thing withdrew all his divine power the moment the Witch of Fear appeared, and fell on the sand in the corner of the underground ruins, disguised as an old mask by himself.

Obviously, now that he was very down and out, he didn't want to get on the line with the notoriously difficult Revendres and the arrogant Emperor Denathrius at this moment.

So he chooses to eat melons!

Watch Bo Laike deal with visitors from the Shadowlands, and observe the legendary "Dark Wisdom" by the way, maybe you can learn something yourself? Right?

Doesn't this make a lot of money.

And taking advantage of this not-so-standard "hand kiss", the pirate took a closer look at the appearance of the female Dreadlord in front of him.

She was much slender and smaller than the male Nathrezim, the devil horns on her forehead were more curved and curved, and her skin was pale white like the male.

Except for the two big balls on the chest, the other details are not much different from the male, but in general, the female Dread Demon King has a more "charming" feeling.

And in Laike's memories of female dreadlords, they don't seem to be distinguished from each other by the color of their wings.

"It's because there are too few of them."

The pirate's doubts were quickly answered, and Men Faith whispered:

"In our group, the number of females is only one tenth of that of males. They don't need to use different colored wings to distinguish each other. Each of them has its own unique symbol on the cheek or body."

"Aren't you males miserable?"

Bu Laike complained:

"Nine out of ten old Nathrezim brothers are going to be single? Well, I can't imagine how lively it would be during a 'courtship festival' in your world.

Tell me, my demon, how many times have you won? And maintained improper relationships with several female fear demon kings?

Considering our close symbiotic relationship now, you should be honest, I don't want to see a dread witch holding a demon baby one day out of nowhere and come to me to take over. "

"Hehe, ridiculous mortal wisdom."

Men Faith responded with a sneer:

"Do you think we are in pairs? No, we believe in a more efficient open relationship, and besides, we are Stoneborn, poor pirates.

We don't reproduce through nasty bodily fluid exchanges and disgusting mating rituals, we are a noble race, not like you beasts of lust. "

"Well, that's it."

Bu Laike nodded, and didn't seem to care about Meng Faith's ridicule. In the next second, he raised his head and said to the female dreadlord in front of him with a smile on his face:

"I have a close relationship with you Nathrezim, ma'am, to tell you the truth, I'm 'borrowing' one of your compatriots in my body right now.

Third Lord Men Faith Toth, do you know it? It has a pair of beautiful blue wings. "

"Of course I know. That weak and incompetent guy is missing. I thought it was sent to perform some mission."

The female dread demon king named Narrajas blinked her pale eyes. She showed a hypocritical surprised expression, covered her mouth and said with a sneer:

"Hehe, the news must be spreading throughout the Dread Council soon, that Positive fellow of Men Faith has been eager to do great things.

Now, it is going to be truly 'famous'.

Thanks for the acknowledgment, Bu Laike Shaw.

This bad news can make me happy all day. "

The Dread Witch said something in the Nathrezim language, and Bu Laike nodded, and asked back in the same complicated Nathrezim language:

"Then, I'm curious, how did the great emperor know about me, an unknown pawn?"

"The emperor knew about you a long time ago."

Narrajas didn't hide anything, she answered very frankly:

"When Cassanatil met you, the Emperor noticed it.

He has the whereabouts of every dreadlord, and every nathrezim, no matter where they are, is the sharpest sword of night in the hands of the emperor.

In Dalaran, the letter you sent Mal'Ganis to send back to Revendreth did reach the Emperor. The Eternal knew your intentions, but he was not sure at that time whether you were what he was looking for and could be entrusted to you. heavy duty person.

So the emperor chose to continue to observe.

Patience is supposed to be one of the Emperor's greatest virtues, and you have never let him down. "

The female dread demon king looked at the pirate in front of her with admiring eyes. As a cunning demon who was accustomed to using tricks, she was naturally close to a guy like Bu Laike who was good at conspiracy.

She said to the pirate:

"After learning that you have expelled the World Destroyer, repelled the Polluter, severely punished the Corruptor, and entered the Titan Guardian, the Great Emperor finally made up his mind.

He has seen your great potential for evil.

He has seen your superb performance of jumping back and forth between light and darkness, and he has also felt your restless heart.

He knows you are no partner of light, and he knows you are no accomplice of darkness.

You are one of those rare guys who always walks your own path without being influenced by others. Your extreme ego, this bad habit makes your future full of infinite possibilities.

The Emperor praises you in his court.

After careful consideration, the Emperor sent me to contact you.

He wants to give you a difficult job, and based on your performance, you will also be generously rewarded by Revendreth. For this reason, the emperor has even shown his sincerity in advance. "

Having said that, the Dread Witch glanced at the smelly pirate, and said in a low voice:

"Aren't you wondering why the crazy Hela and her troublesome Nine Warriors were not in Hell on the day you broke into Hell, on the day you conducted the wilderness trial?

Why on the day you ushered in the promotion of power, on the day you broke away from the identity of an ant and turned into a butterfly, is there only your target Gaomu in the whole hell?

I guess, you must have wondered about this question, but in the end you can only attribute it to your good luck. However, in this world, in all worlds, there is no such thing as luck at all! "

The Dread Witch laughed a few times, stretched out her hand with the ornate gauntlet, and tapped Laike's forehead lightly.

she says:

"It was the emperor who helped you!"

"Under circumstances that you do not know and cannot predict, the Great Emperor held a meeting in the Devouring Abyss in the early morning of that day, and Hela was temporarily summoned to Zovall's tower.

It wasn't until you were about to complete your own trials that the Emperor gave her a chance to return to Hell. "

"Well, that's the way it is."

Bu Laike patted his forehead, showing an expression of sudden realization. He coughed a few times, and sincerely said to the female dreadlord in front of him:

"Then, when you go back, Ma'am, remember to thank the emperor for me, and say thank you for saving my dog's life."

"It doesn't have to be."

Seeing the sincerity on Bu Laike's face, but the light in her eyes didn't change, Narrajas knew that the bad guy didn't have a grateful heart at all. She snorted a few times, waved her paws, and said:

"The Emperor didn't make a special trip to save you. He did have something to discuss with Zovall that day, but he just helped out by the way. The Emperor does not expect your thanks, nor does he ask you for anything in return.

He knows your bad nature well, he knows everything about you, and he praises every scheme you have succeeded or is planning.

He even declared in front of the nobles of Venthyr that he is your number one fan, and he is looking forward to a pleasant cooperation with you.

Are you ready?

Bu Laike Shaw.

I am about to convey the will of Emperor Denathrius. "

"Of course, I'm all ears."

Bo Laike took a step back and made a very serious expression.

But the vigilant Bwonsamdi, who was hiding in the sand and eating melons to watch the show, saw through his mask that the stinky pirate's fingers behind him had become a handprint about to cast a spell.

In just a split second, he can unleash a very powerful spell.

Obviously, the pirates had no interest in the so-called "mission" of Emperor Denathrius, and this was not the result he wanted to get in touch with Revendres.

But the unknown Emperor Denathus was really a wonderful person.

His messenger did not proudly say the content of the cooperation, but first took out an exquisite and luxurious small box, and handed it to Bu Laike with both hands.

Narrajas, the witch of horrors, handed the box to Bu Laike and said:

"This is a gift from the emperor when we first contacted you, Bu Laike Xiao, whether you agree to cooperate or not, you can keep this gift.

The emperor said that he learned about your desire from Malganis, and because he admired your style of conduct, the generous emperor is willing to fulfill your small wish. "

"Wow, there is a gift! The emperor is really particular about his work, how can you be so embarrassing?"

Under Bwonsamdi's unsurprising gaze, the stinky pirate scattered the spell-casting handprints behind his back.

He took the gorgeous box with both hands, said politely, but opened the box in front of the emissary, and took out a small piece of bloody spar from it.

"this is?"

Bu Laike stared at the blood spar in his hand, and glanced at the Dread Witch on the opposite side.

The latter explains:

"The emperor heard that you were very interested in his saber Remonia, so he praised you for being a good person.

The knowledge of activating sharp blades is not a big secret in Revendreth, and many Venthyr nobles with status will have their own soul sabers.

But only Lady Remonia, who was always by the Emperor's side, was different. She was not only the Emperor's weapon, but also the Emperor's soul mate and the most terrifying executioner in his hands.

The Emperor is willing to share with you his knowledge of making Reminia, and at the same time wishes you to find your own Reminia. "


Bu Laike chuckled lightly, clenched the blood spar in his hand, and sighed sincerely:

"People who know my name in this world think that I am a greedy and stinky pirate, and a few people who know me also think that I am full of longing for certain things.

But they can't understand the real me.

On the contrary, another eternal being who is separated from me by countless stars sees through my deepest desire. The real me is a person who pursues knowledge, wisdom and truth.

Although it is presumptuous to say this, Emperor Denathrius is my confidant.

What a gift.

I have felt the great sincerity of the great emperor, and I have foreseen a bright future for my cooperation with the great emperor Denathrius.

So, tell me, Your Majesty the Messenger, what does His Majesty need from me who is loyal? "

After hearing Bu Laike's question, the emperor's envoy, Narrajas, did not speak immediately. Instead, she looked at Bu Laike in front of her, and after a few seconds of silence, said:

"You claim to be a prophet."

"Ah, I see!"

Bu Laike rubbed his chin, snapped his fingers and said;

"Does the emperor want to take this opportunity to examine the quality of my prophet? But the emperor is probably going to be disappointed. Eternals like him should know the rules of fate and its constraints on prophets.

I have changed the world so much that it has weakened my grip on the future, and I can no longer anticipate major events that will affect the course of the world.

But if the emperor insists on playing this guessing game with me, then I will tell you my answer. "

The corners of the stinky pirate's mouth turned up slightly.

In this darkness, he breathed a sigh of relief, saying that he had lost control of the future, but with a tone of insight, he said to the female fearful demon king who was waiting for the answer:

"I guess, Frostmourne?"

(end of this chapter)

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